Some stupid cunt needs attention.

Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish you *****'d take the fish out of the barrel before you shoot them, you know?

Edit: Actually, you've not managed to so much as graze this guy. I should really read threads before commenting.

TELL CM PUNK IN YOUR SIG TO LEAVE THAT FUCKING KOALA ALONE! No one touches our native animals. And I dont like the look in his eyes!
Do you mods do anything around here? Or just pick on the poor Aussie blokes that post in these forums?
Not really. I've thought of stepping down several times, but then someone spams the Graphics section and gives me a purpose in life.
I want to be made a mod immediately.
hyourinmaru shinaka putaki, I'm not going to tell you again. I've just been pm'd by D-man and my application for modsmanship has gone through. One more word out of you and your profile will be deleted off our records with an IP ban to go with it.
hyourinmaru shinaka putaki, I'm not going to tell you again. I've just been pm'd by D-man and my application for modsmanship has gone through. One more word out of you and your profile will be deleted off our records with an IP ban to go with it.
That may be one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Also D-Man can't make people MODs only the ADMINs can
Oh you've broken my heart by calling me a cunt.

You're not from London! Otherwise you'd have taken it as a term of endearment.

You wouldn't have really, though. Obviously. That's just something we tell the Americans so they don't try and chase after us on their mobility scooters after we call them *****.
You're not from London! Otherwise you'd have taken it as a term of endearment.

You wouldn't have really, though. Obviously. That's just something we tell the Americans so they don't try and chase after us on their mobility scooters after we call them *****.

But I am from London! I'm totally broken, I don't know what to do now.
Good for you. The answer is still no.

C'mon mate, I have all the credentials.

- I'm the top dog in these forums with my one sided arguments and professional posting talents.
- I type some terrific English with my spelling and grammar.
- I'm a cunt.
- I hate Slyfox (tell you don't and I'll come for you. We all hate him).
C'mon mate, I have all the credentials.

- I'm the top dog in these forums with my one sided arguments and professional posting talents.
- I type some terrific English with my spelling and grammar.
- I'm a cunt.
- I hate Slyfox (tell you don't and I'll come for you. We all hate him).

130 Posts counts as professional? Even I have that, put me up for Mod.

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