Some of the Lesser Obvious Things About Mania 27

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1. Nothing surprising happened
No one debuted. No one returned that hadn't previously been announced. No heel or face turn.

2. Christian
First of all having the World Heavyweight championship as the curtain jerker is a litlle odd. I think that almost everyone felt that Edge was gonna drop the belt and the obvious way was for Christian to turn heel and interfere. Did WWE not do this as a big FU to the IWC?

3. Sheamus vs Bryan
This was a travesty! In my opinion this very easily would have been the best match of the night. Are you trying to tell me that they couldn't have found fifteen minutes to squeeze this match in? They couldn't have cut the Cole-Lawler debacle in half? Or the annual dusting off of Mae Young? I think we all would have been better off never having had to listen to Hornswoggle attempt to rap. Why does he still have a job? How about cutting fifteen minutes of the entrances from the Taker-HHH match or fifteen minutes of watching them attempt to leave. I know this was supposed to show how brutal the match was but it just made them look old and feeble.

4. Where is Kong?
Awesome Kong has been with the company for its two biggest events and yet to debut. The women's division is a joke right now. I couldn't even tell you who the champion is. Natalya, Beth Phoenix, and Gail Kim are the only ones with any sort of wrestling ability. She doesn't even have to debut as a diva. I think it would have been great for her to have come out and destroy Team Snooki and debut as Dolph and Vicki's bodyguard. A female bodyguard worked great for HBK and HHH once upon a time ago.

5. Cole and Lawler on commentary
I realize that this is there job, but if i am buying them as serious in ring competitors i think they should have been backstage in the locker room the entire time. Sure Cole tried to create a little bit of heat during the first few matches, but them out there is the same as if they would have shown HHH in line buying hot dogs before his match.

6. Only two title defenses
With Bryan-Sheamus being left off the card only the heavyweight titles were up for grabs. If this is truly "The Grandest Stage of Them All" then shouldn't the creme de la creme be on display with the highest of stakes at risk?

7. No Money in the Bank
Sure it has its own PPV now but this has become Wrestlemania tradition just like Taker's streak. Not having this match was a definite letdown. I would have like to have seen maybe an eight man ladder match for the IC Title in its place. Rather than those god awful tag matches have Big Show, Kane, Kofi, Santino, Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, and Big Zeke go at it.

8. Dolph and Morrison
This may be my biggest complaint. Two of the brightest up and coming stars of the company who very well could be headlining Wrestlemanias in the years to come and they are thrown in to a match with some thing that looks like it lives under a bridge but is somehow considered a celebrity. I was hoping for at least a good five minutes between the two and what do we get? One move. They were never even the legal men in the match. That was a joke that pretty much summed up a night full of jokes.

Any thoughts?
I have a thought: everything you mentioned is extremely, EXTREMELY obvious. Thread closed.
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