Some help?

Minor League Brian

Master of the Legendary Triple Post
Stupid Firefox, freakin' out. Posted this in the wrong section first.

I'm re-upping my cell phone plan soon (I'm on Verizon) so I'm looking for a new phone to get. Since the iPhone doesn't seem to be coming to Verizon now, I have kinda settled on getting a DROID. I thought they seemed similar enough, but I'm not sure which to get.

First and foremost was the DROID by Motorola, this seems to be the one leading the way.


The second is the DROID ERIS by HTC. I'm not as big of a fan of this one, but its MUCH cheaper and seemingly has all the same features as the one by Motorola.


The 3rd I do believe comes out on the 29th, and its the upgraded version to the ERIS I'm assuming and it's called the DROID INCREDIBLE. I like the look of this one, but I'm still a bigger fan of the flat out DROID by Motorola. But I'm not sure feature wise which is the best. Same price as the one by Motorola as well.

DROID Incredible

So anyone have first hand info or personal taste?
The Droid Icredible is going to be awesome, the phone will have tons of good features way better than the Motorala droid.
I like it...but I don't know what will make it so much better then the one by Motorola. Not to mention, I love the hard-keyboard on the Moto. What's so incredible about the...Incredible?
Ok, lol well the Incredible is much like the Motorola Droid, but with out a key board. I over exaggerated a bit in the first post. The only reason why the incredible came out is because T-mobile came out with the HTC HD2. The incredible is also a bit bigger than the motorola Droid and it also has a "magic" analog stick. Sprint will also have an HTC phone call Legend, same shit just different name.
So are the Apps gonna basically run the same? I like the look of the Incredible but I hate the touch screen keyboard, their a pain in the ass and more prone to breaking. I was going to take a chance on the iPhone cause I love my iPod Touch.

I'm really leaning towards the original DROID, but I'm having issues finding any comparisons/info besides Verizon's own website.

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