So will the WWE have a Attitude Era in another 12 years?

CM Steel

A REAL American
We are currently living the WWE wrestling era in what we call "PG Era". But really it's the WWF 1980's era all over again. With fun & amazing charactors like...

John Cena-Hulk Hogan

The Miz-Rowdy Roddy Piper

Randy Orton-Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Kofi Kingston-The JunkYard Dog

Rey Mysterio-The Ultimate Warrior

I can go on and on!

All that happened around the years of 1985-86. Now 12-13 years later, we entered the Attitude Era. With superstars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, DX, with the rise of Mick Foley. Now another 12 years down the line history is repeating it's self with the same kind of formula with the wrestlers targeted towards the young children.

It's only natural that WWE chairman Vince McMahon is enjoying being a grandfather. And he doesn't want to put out programming that will corrupt his grandchildren. So that being the WWE-PG. So do we all have to wait 12-13 more years for another Attitude Era to come around, were today's WWE talent will be looked upon as legends almost?

John Cena-Hollywood Hogan?

The Miz-Chris Jericho?

Randy Orton-Stone Cold?

And what current WWE superstars will still be around?
No No No No and................ No!

You just compared Ultimate Warrior to Rey Mysterio? come on? did you honestly believe that when you typed it? because they are nothing alike!

The "attitude Era" cannot and will not be repeated!

I do agree that there will be another "Era" soon enough but it wont be a repeat of the Attitude Era because WWE has no WCW and there will never be anything close to that war so WWE doesn't need to step up there game (even though i believe they are doing so now)
I dount it will ever happen, the Attitude era was born only for the sole purpose of competing with WCW who was bigger at that time. There will never be another need for another Attitude era. in 12 years those 8 year olds will just replace us on a board like this.

and How on earth is Rey Mysterio anywhere compared to the Ultimate Warrior
No one plans for an Attitude Era. It didn't happen by accident, but Vince went according to demand. People wanted an edgier product, so that's what they were given.

Can that happen again? Sure. I wouldn't be stupid enough to call it Attitude Era 2.0, or anything like that, but this audience is going to grow up. Eventually, like my generation, tastes will change. Does this mean someone is going to curse, and chug beer? I don't know, and neither does anyone else. However, if business falls, they'll go where the money leads.
Warrior and Rey are not on the same page, each have there own highlights, Rey helping bring luchadore to the US when he was brought in the WCW/ECW, warrior was the replacement to hogan. I would love to see the attitude era or something close to it but not going to happen as long as Hogan is in TNA and they still do what they do. TNA could become the potential WCW if they start getting more serious they are the other option to the PG era but with all the old guys its replayed storylines with the same people, nwo/Band as one example. I am liking that McMahon has apparntly taken "wrestler" away as one of the S list words not to say in promos and if CM Punk does sign back (this is a storyline which could result in him leaving) then he could be the new austin, hence the wearing the SCSA shirt when he dropped the bomb on raw 2 weeks ago. The Whats this past monday shows he trying to be austin. Not going to lie John Cena's match against Otunga and Henning was pretty good used the leg drop move for the first time I seen it on TV (only seen it done via WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010). Can't wait for MITB
You can't repeat an era. That is exactly why it is called an era. It means something happened in the past and that is where it stays. It happened already and people need to just let it go. It was great while it lasted because the competition was there and there was demand for it. There won't be another attitude era, Monday night war, territory days, etc. There will only be future eras and new types of wrestling programming. After this modern era has run its course, which will most likely simply be whenever Cena & Orton get old, a new era will come in and it will be something different than the ones before it. That's just how the world works. It happened in baseball with what is now referred to as the steroid era, it happened in Hollywood during the golden age, and so on and so on. Every form of entertainment goes through changes and the Attitude era was just one of those time periods.

I don't mean to come off angry or anything but every other thread on the forums has to do with the Attitude era or some topic related to the past. Let it be, wait for something else.
While I do disagree with some of your points (Rey Mysterio = Ultimate Warrior - are you high??), I do share your theory that the business is cyclical.

This means that at some point most fans are little kiddies. Then, at some point, those kiddies have gotten older, probably even somewhat disillusioned with the product. That's when the WWE responds by making an edgier product in order to keep these teens interested. This works for a few more years, but then the vast majority of those fans outgrow even this edgier product and stop watching altogether. What remains is the sad hard core of fans who will keep on watching wrestling possibly for the rest of their lives. People like you and me. But those pathetic losers aren't nearly sufficient to keep the ratings decent, so the business resets back to a new kiddie era and the cycle begins anew.

What was different in the attitude era was that the WWE was being heavily pressured by the competition. This led to the WWE pulling all the stops, taking big risks and getting raunchier than ever. In today's monopolized wrestling world this won't happen again. Who knows, maybe in 40 years TNA will have grown into a huge organization that can put the clamps on the WWE again (or maybe in 5 years TNA will keel over and die...). But before then "Attitude" won't happen again. An edgier product, yes, in 5-10 years definitely. But not as hardcore as "Attitude" was.
Hogan appealed to everyone not just kids. Cena only appeals to kids and females. while the Hogan era was PG it was alore more diverse and Hogan was not a pissy i respect everyone character.

Rowdy Piper, Randy savage, Ted Dibiase were all assholes that could win as heels they weren't cheap pop heels like the Miz for instance. That's not to say the heels aren't doing what they can given the environment but the Cena era is way more watered down then the Hogan era was IMO with the exception of Hogan era had alot more comedic characters and alot less talking.

now to the question at hand, no i don't think WWE will ever have attitude era again, it will have and does already have a mix of some adult material and kid friendly stuff and as theys tated in the Stockholder meetings, they will never go back to the level in the attitude era beauce is was just too far beyond reality and they had nowhere to go but down, however they have now set themselves up to move forward again and have a bit more edge. Hopefully that means a bit more leaway in relation to language and allow people to be more of themselves instead of cookie cutter stars that are all lame.

if ya think TNA is pressuring and will force WWE to break out again, i don't think it will ever get to that extreme again TNA is crossing the fine line between attitude and mainstream, which is good for us old fogies, but where's it getting them in terms of sponsorship/advertising/network deals? answer No Where....
Least that's my take.
i dont think there will be another attitude era, but there will be a new era after this pg one. And i believe the catalyst of it could be Cena turning heel. That could also be why Vince has held off on turning Cena heel, so when it does happen it will be something really big.
As much as I love th A.E.......things change and not always for the greater good. Case in point... I am a Chicago native. During the attitude era the, the number one radio station in Chi-Town was Q101. Tomorrow my station is being reformatted into an all talk station. Life changes. The A.E. Was born of what was popular in society. Grunge music and hardcore rap...and raunchy comedy movies. The era we live in now is not the same era it was fifteen years ago. Another A.E. Will not happen until society moves into another era of tell it like it is. It may be another year or another ten.....itll happen when the pace of society dictates. The WWE is like any other media is based upon the age old principle of supply and demand. Whatever the masses want they will hell with the so called ten percenters. The idea of ten percenters is based upon the undecided. Everytime U.S.A. Today publishes an opinion poll there are about ten percent who are UNDECIDED. Ten Lets work on getting at
I personally don't think we'll see anything quite as drastic as the AE ever again as I think too much has been learnt since about the damage some of the shit they were pulling was actually doing. Blading and ridiculously high spots may never return to the WWE but we probably will get an edgier product again, hell even as we speak the WWE seems to be turning to wards the edgy side of things again but I don't think we will have an exact replica of the AE.
*bangs head on desk*


Look...I know that a lot of you guys who post here are younger, and so you were in your early teens when the "Attitude Era" was going on, so you have this idea that what made that time great was the swearing and all of the "Edginess" - but it WASN'T. Trust me. What made that time period great was that there was strong competition between two national companies, forcing both companies to put out their best possible product on a nightly basis, and more importantly - the WWE had an AMAZING roster of talent to promote on their TV shows.

PG isn't the problem right now - a lack of credible talent at the top of the card IS. The overwhelming majority of the guys who SHOULD be headlining cards (and strengthening the top of the upper mid-card) have retired early due to injury, left for "other projects", are in semi or permanent retirement, or DEAD. That means that we're currently in a period where the WWE is forced to try and push either mediocre or very green talent up to the top of the card very quickly. That's the problem right now, not the rating.

Steve Austin didn't need to swear and flip the bird to be a great wrestler - he was a GREAT WRESTLER. Rock didn't need to say "ass" in his promos to get over - he's quite possibly one of the best two or three talkers in the history of the business. The PG rating is simply good for the business right now - revenues are driven almost entirely by TV ad revenue, and Vince has figured out that pissing his network and sponsors off by "pushing the envelope" is a good way to lose money.

If 3 years from now, guys like Del Rio, Punk, Miz, Morrison, Barrett, Bryan, etc., have all established themselves as top starts who can drive a compelling feud, put in solid ring work and talk in support of their character, the WWE will be every bit as popular as it was at any point in its history, and they won't need to swear, blade, get thrown off of the top of cages, or have an 80-year-old woman give birth to a rubber hand on live TV to do it.
It's easy enough to say that those little kids will grow up but it's not like all the kiddie WWE fans are going to grow up and then no more children will be born lol, children will be introduced to WWE every single day and there's nothing you can do about it unless WWE decides to add an age restriction so parents know not to let their children watch but that never works, kids will always watch this stuff TV-14 or PG, it doesn't matter.
I dount it will ever happen, the Attitude era was born only for the sole purpose of competing with WCW who was bigger at that time. There will never be another need for another Attitude era. in 12 years those 8 year olds will just replace us on a board like this.

and How on earth is Rey Mysterio anywhere compared to the Ultimate Warrior
Alright I had enough of this with the Rey Mysterio-Ultimate Warrior comparion.

Both Rey Mysterio & the Ultimate Warrior both wear mask (The Warriors was painted on), they both strongly appeal to the kids, and they are both second to the faces of the company from those era's (John Cena & Hulk Hogan).

Now do you get the comparion??
I'm not going to say 'this is a terrible thread' but I certainly am thinking it. The original Attitude Era wasn't even planned, it was a response to losing the ratings war with WCW. How is Rey Mysterio anything like Ultimate Warrior!? And why would Miz, Orton, and Cena all be the biggest names in the WWE 12 years down the line when Cena and Orton have already been huge names since 2005. I can only hope WWE doesn't keep them on top for twelve years because it would only take 5 or 6 for it to get stale and boring (and current television is already boring)

Vince and the WWE will not switch from the PG era until a company threatens their existence again, but professional wrestling as a whole hasn't been popular enough for that to happen. I don't think it ever will happen again, IMO the WWE started an indefinite monopoly on U.S. pro wrestling in March 2001.
Alright I had enough of this with the Rey Mysterio-Ultimate Warrior comparion.

Both Rey Mysterio & the Ultimate Warrior both wear mask (The Warriors was painted on), they both strongly appeal to the kids, and they are both second to the faces of the company from those era's (John Cena & Hulk Hogan).

Now do you get the comparion??

That has to be the biggest load of idiocy I've seen in a while. First of all, Rey is not second. He's not even 10th. Going by that, Orton is more Warrior than Rey.

Costume is irrelevant, but going by that R-Truth with his heroin bands or John Morrison with his tassled pants are as close or closer than Rey.

And appealing to the kids is a staple of EVERY FRIGGIN FACE IN THE COMPANY.

The important aspect, though, the character, puts Rey and Warrior on completely different ends of the spectrum.

So yes, I get your "comparion", but it doesn't make it any less "idioic"

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