So, When exactly is John Morrison...

The Encore

WZCW's Resident Rockstar
In the last month or two of RAW, we have seen John Morrison have victorys over Chris Jericho. As well have a very impressive showing against Sheamus in a Pay Per View Quality match. After that he was placed in the Submissions count anywhere match up at Hell in a Cell. Now what is next for Morrison? What would be the proper way to build him up into the main event scene/ what would be the best way to get his credibility up even further to cement him as a future High Carder?

In my opinion, I would like to think that they would turn him either Heel or Tweener. Give him a couple "Scripted" interview sessions so that we know he can do a bit of talking, weather he is a Heel,Tweener or Face. If they wanted him to be modeled after John Morrison, I could see him being a very good Tweener. He would be the reckless superstar with a sense of style. With all the stunts he has been doing, that would fit him perfectly. A feud with Daniel Bryan could be great. Or they could move him over to Smackdown and have him feud with Del Rio or even CM Punk once again.

Anybody have any idea's on what we could do with him?
(Scripted Interviews would help him a lot as it would make him look better on the microphone)
Morrison has been long overdue for a title run now. I agree with your point that he needs more time on the mic because as far as I'm concerned he is an amazing in-ring competitor and you have to be special for a guy like Jim Ross to label you as "a young Shawn Michaels" Morrison has everything that is needed to reach the top of the mountain and over this past month he has been dominating. Now since he lost the Battle Royal on RAW, the best thing would be to have him pick up the winning pinfall in the RAW vs Smackdown match at Bragging Rights. Then have him win a number 1 contender match to face either Orton or Barrett at Survivor Series. At Survivor Series have Morrison win but Miz cashing in to start a rivalry between the two that will eventually lead to Morrison winning the title. This could be a good idea I think.
Gansher thats a perfect and very logical scenario, we've seen morrison do well in elimination style matches and a miz morrison feud for the wwe title would be perfect, i wouldn't even care if he didn't win it, it would help both of them tremendously

btw, in that battle royal, was that a botch on jomo's part or was that intentional, because it looked like it wasn't supposed to happen
you have to be special for a guy like Jim Ross to label you as "a young Shawn Michaels"

There's a problem with that though. I'm thoroughly convinced it was a way for the announcer to hype John Morrison rather than anything. John is NOWHERE near the level of Shawn Michaels, both in the ring as well as on the microphone. The only thing he really contests Shawn in is looks, because they both have / had a good build.

John Morrison really should be sticking to what he's doing. He's popular but I've always said, and I will continue to say it - He doesn't deserve to be in the main event. He's awful on the microphone, and he's mediocre in the ring after a while of watching the same shit, which he seems to have consistency problems with. Especially his running knee and his finisher, who both either look stiff, or are awfully hit.

John is a decent mid-carder for life. Just like Christian and Matt Hardy. But there's really nothing wrong with that, considering Christian and Matt have great mid-card careers. John could achieve that as well. He's already fairly decorated. He doesn't need to be world champion. Sure as hell don't want to see that either.
There's a problem with that though. I'm thoroughly convinced it was a way for the announcer to hype John Morrison rather than anything. John is NOWHERE near the level of Shawn Michaels, both in the ring as well as on the microphone. The only thing he really contests Shawn in is looks, because they both have / had a good build.

John Morrison really should be sticking to what he's doing. He's popular but I've always said, and I will continue to say it - He doesn't deserve to be in the main event. He's awful on the microphone, and he's mediocre in the ring after a while of watching the same shit, which he seems to have consistency problems with. Especially his running knee and his finisher, who both either look stiff, or are awfully hit.

John is a decent mid-carder for life. Just like Christian and Matt Hardy. But there's really nothing wrong with that, considering Christian and Matt have great mid-card careers. John could achieve that as well. He's already fairly decorated. He doesn't need to be world champion. Sure as hell don't want to see that either.

I totally agree with you Morrison is nowhere near the leval of Shawn Michaels and he will never be. However I don't know how but I have a feeling he will win at least a World title during his carrer. And his Starship Pain is actually a credible finisher. I think he just needs a sumbission finisher like the Texas Cloverleaf he showed last Sunday at Hell in a Cell
you can't say Jomo isn't at the level of Shawn Michaels in the ring I believe Jomo is as good as anyone else out there in the ring. Mic wise Jomo sucks.
I agree with Ferbie on this one. He is a mid-carder for life, but I will take it step further and say that needs to drop the whole Jim Morrison act altogether and find a decent gimmick if he want to elevate himself. The big oversized dead animal coat and hippie music has to go as well as the slow motion entrance... it all seems a little cheesy to me, especially since he did carry over most of his M&M look and persona into his current gimmick. In other words, he needs to find something more relevant and find something the audience can grab onto and run with, something pertaining to maybe his parkour skills or something. Get better on the mic and he will find himself up there within no time.
I agree with Ferbie on this one. He is a mid-carder for life, but I will take it step further and say that needs to drop the whole Jim Morrison act altogether and find a decent gimmick if he want to elevate himself.
Actually on the past couple of weeks they have been emphasising Morrison's parkour training (Does Morrison off screen do parkour in real life or it scripted?) so it could be the start of a change in gimmicks.
Actually on the past couple of weeks they have been emphasising Morrison's parkour training (Does Morrison off screen do parkour in real life or it scripted?) so it could be the start of a change in gimmicks.

Morrison does parkour in real life. Months ago before it was part of his gimmick, his DVD showed both his training outside the arena, and how before every event he performs the training in the empty arena.

I remember reading years ago about it too, but didn't think anything of it until the DVD came out...
If you guys remember B4 shawn was "HBK the show-stopper" he was on half of the rockers (midnight rockers 4 u old schoolers) and he was aweful on the mic, in the beginning Jannetty was the one on the mic more often. After He threw Jannetty though the glass in the infamous Nov 1992 Barbershop promo with Brutus Beefcake, him and Jannetty when back n forth. Shawn was terrible, he tlked how he gave ric flair the wrestling match of his life, and how the chicks loved him, ect. And even after, when shawn would do promos in the beginning of his HBK regime he would drubble about how the "chicks loved him" and "how he's the man", Shawn only started to get better on the mic until after he, 123 kid and the British Bulldog were jumped in 95 after shawn pushed a female in the face at a nigh club in upstate NY. Then the Feud with Bret elavated his promos because it was alot of person resentment between those two at the height of the "new generetion" era, and the beginning of the "attitute" era, Bret is the main reason Shawn is who is today, I mean shawn on of the greatest of all time but bret eleveated him. Morrison is pretty stiff from reports but he's high octaned and he really pushes the limits with his body, Just like with shawn Jomo needs that elevation. That means Randy, John C, or Triple H needs to feud or partner with him so he can better improve. But hey a Morrison/Miz feud for the world title would great but the Miz Show alot of guys up on the mic, he's not an elevative-type. But if you look at Shawn's, Bret, even triple H's career, it took each of the 6 plus years before their 1st title reign. But b4 then each had Tag Team and Intercontinetal reigns, just like John, Vince sees John as "our-generations version of Shawn Micheals with more athletic ability. I think john should be more like Rick Rude's character, remember when he would do those pelvic swirls and had a segment called the Ravishing kiss where he would pick a random lady from the crowd and tounge kiss her? I think that could suit jomo very well.
morrison is not at the level michaels is/was.....yet. morrison is still young. he has a bright future ahead of him. to be honest i cant stand shawn michaels. i never really liked watching him. he was over dramatic in the ring and to me that just looks stupid. like i said morrison has alot ahead of him and in my opinion i think he could eventually be better the michales. i do agree that jomo needs to work on his mic skills but i think the problem is wwe needs to turn him heel. john was a million times better on the mic when he was a heel. also i think morrison should go back to using moonlight drive as his finisher. i think starship pain look sloppy at times and he doesnt always hit it but yet still gets the win. morrison has the look and the in ring ability and if given the oportunity to turn heel again, his mic skills good improve and be better.
Morrison needs a new persona I mean it was good while it lasted but the young generation that WWE are trying to atract don`t know who Jim Morrison is. I also think his promos were alot beter when he was a heel so a heel turn might be good for him also.
There's only 3 things missing from Morrison being in the main event.

1. He should take it upon himself to enroll in some acting classes. It never hurts to have some training and it would help him on his mic skills.

2. He needs some focus to be put on him. Look at how much better he looks right now than he did a few months ago, just because they had him actually win some important stuff? He has one match with Jericho and beats him, has a quick promo afterward, and that night, SO many people were claiming he was on the track to a world title. Just after one match and one promo!

3. He needs them to want him to be a main eventer. People always say "it's the fans that dictate who becomes a champion" but no, that isn't necessarily true. The powers-that-be in the WWE sometimes push someone despite whether or not the fans have accepted them yet. Look at Kozlov. For nearly a year, he was pushed as a monster but was getting terrible reactions from the crowd, he sucked balls as a wrestler, and yet he almost won the world title. Sheamus gets zero reaction from the crowd and wins the WWE title from Cena. Only now is he really actually starting to look like he'd be even remotely ready for that spot when it comes to crowd response, yet he's a 2-time champ. Likewise, someone can be cheered to the heavens from the crowd but not receive the slightest bit of a push. Case in point, Christian isn't a world champ, neither was Matt Hardy (thank God lol), and up until recently Kane was still getting a good reaction from the crowd but spending years jobbing.

If the WWE doesn't want Morrison to be in the main event, he simply won't be. If they do, then they just have to put the slightest bit of effort into it. It doesn't take much for people to view someone as receiving a massive push. Evan Bourne has 3 matches with Chris Jericho and everyone was willing to accept that he could be the next US champ rather than jobbing out on Superstars. The only thing they really need to do to boost Morrison into a legitimate top guy in the company is book him as if he's one of the top guys in the company. The fans will follow, and if they don't, then they simply retract it and he goes back to the upper midcard. It's not that hard.
I agree with the guy that said he needs to drop the gimmick.

Its true, his John Morrison gimmick doesnt work at all, i think that he should drop it and come back as Johnny Nitro, with a more badass attitude.

That would help him a lot.
I like Morrison, I really do, and while I don't think he's a midcarder for life, he hasn't really earned it yet in my eyes. I mean the man impresses me almost everytime I see him perform. He had the charisma, and speaking ability to be awesome in the "dirt sheet."

I remember 06 was a good year for him. I thought his ladder match with Jeffro Hardy was pretty exciting. And that years Armegeddon, I MTFO at that 4 way ladder match. He's consistently excellent in the ring. Look at the Sheamus match, and the recent triple threat submissions match, that he was just thrown into.

But theres something about JoMo that sucks. I dunno how to describe it. Everytime he's in a feud, some thing about him that just makes the other person seem so much better. He was Jeff's first feud in Jeff's return, and he made Jeff look golden. His feud with Punk (his best feud IMO{I still think this could main event a mania in like 3 years or so}) let him be the ECW "world" champion, Punk overshadowed him on the mic, and a suspension took alot of the wind out of his momentum (as well as ECW, imo).

I like him as a face. He's entertaining. The Gimmick is solid, it's a gimmick that could run for a decade, it works as both a heel, and a face. None of that is the issue.

JoMo's biggest thing going for him is the same problem, that Shelton had. He was too good to be a legit threat. Look at the main event, The only one I think could put on a match that let JoMo be at his best would be either CM Punk or Swagger.

One think I don't wanna see is JoMo thrown over exclusively to SD, at least not quite yet. I wanna see him as one of the guys who tries to help Cena escape the clutches of the Nexus. Possibly the leader. I think JoMo vs Gabriel, would be spectacular. Have em wrestle to a dq, when Nexus interferes, hell, even make a point to have Barret command Cena to do the 5 moves of doom on him, as Gabriel goes to the top rope, have the Gm announce, The next week, have Orton and Morrison vs Cena and Gabriel.The match should have Barret at the announce table. Cena doesn't want to fight. JoMo doesn't want to fight Cena. The ending should have Morrison be legal man, Orton RKO's Cena and Gabriel. JoMo hits the starship pain. Barret breaks up the pin attempt and gets the DQ. When the inevitable happens, and Nexus comes out to do the group beat down on Orton. Have JoMo pull Orton out of the ring. As some of the members come out to obviously get JoMo have him use his "parkour" training to run along a guard rail and kick Slater in the head. As Otunga makes a move to chase him have JoMo "parkour" off the announce table and Pele kick him. At this point have the announcers point out that within the last 30 seconds JoMo has taken out half of the Nexus. As Tarver goes for the Kill Shot, Orton Rko's the shit out him, just have it be devestating. Orton has that look in his face, he teases RKOing JoMo,but they both end up looking at Barret and Cena who are both in the ring, in awe of the situation. Orton and JoMo both charge the ring. Barret takes off commanding Cena to leave too. End show with JoMo and Orton in the ring. As we build to Survivor Series, have Barrett come out, and challenge Orton to a 5 on 5 Survivor Series match. Orton comes out and accepts. In fact he has one member already lined up, out comes JoMo. As the night proceeds, various superstars want in against Nexus.At the lead in show to SS start it with the Nexus in the ring talking about dominance, Barret makes Cena sit out, stating that they were dominant before them. Gm interrupt announcing, tonight all members of the SS match will be in action in SS previews,and for the preview matches everyone's banned from ringside. Otunga complains that they don't who the other team is. Gm interrupts again, you'll be finding out soon enough starting now with Orton Vs Otunga. Orton wins. Slater's up next. His opponent is ... Darren Young. (Who cares who wins?) Barrett's next. His opponent... The return of Big Zeke. (Barrett Wins). Tarver's up and waiting...out comes a newly acquired Kofi Kingston. (Kofi's gonna get the win here). and for the Main event have JoMo vs Gabriel, Falls Count Anywhere. They fight in ring, maybe a spot where they both go for a spring board kick at the same time. Have em brawl into the crowd, up the ramp. JoMo hits a Moonlight drive on the ramp. Than everyone comes out brawling to end the show. At SS have like Big Zeke lose first. Eleminated. Darren takes out slater. Tarver eliminates Young and gets put in the Texas Cloverleaf by Morrison. He taps. It's an even 3 on 3 now with Orton,JoMo, and Kofi Vs Barrett, Gabriel, and Otunga. Kofi gets the tag, hits a Trouble in Paradise on Otunga, who goes down, but as he's getting ready to "Boom Boom" (If you know what I mean) Barett nails the wasteland. Otunga recovers and hits his spinebuster for the pin. JoMo springboards in and drops Otunga. He dashes over and kicks Barret and Gabriel off the apron. He hits the Moonlight drive for the pin. Barret hits the wasteland, but as JoMo's getting pinned he makes the tag to the very lanky Orton. Orton Vs Barret. they brawl/grapple Barret ends up on his back, Orton's doing his "Viper Push-ups". Barrett rolls to Gabriel, who gets tagged in. Orton RKO's him for his efforts, as he goes for the pin, Barret comes in for the save. Barret get's RKO'd. As Orton lines up for the punt on Barrett, JoMo makes a blind tag. And hits the Starship Pain for the Pin. Barrett bails, Orton RKO's JoMo out of frustation. Cena runs in for the save he get's RKO'd. McGuillity runs in he get's RKO'd. Harris comes in from another direction and nails orton from behind with a pipe laying him out. Barret hit's the wasteland for the pin. JoMo gets picked off the ground by Barrett as he gets on the shoulders for the wasteland JoMo counters into (and I know this is completely off base) a flying armbar. Barret gets to the ropes hits the wasteland and wins. Over.

The next night. Nexus is in the ring. Barrett officially inducts Harris and McGuillicutty. Next order of business, He demands a title shot. GM pops up and gives it to him for the TLC. He also says that Cena's contract with Nexus is in jeopardy because, John Cena (as according to his WWE contract) needed to officially be in a match at the PPV. Barrett says he will wrestle Cena again if he needs to. The Gm says don't worry about it, he's got alot to prepare for as he has a title match at TLC. However the rest of the Nexus deserves a reward for winning. He sets up a Nexus tourney for a PPV match for Cena's contract. It's set week 1 Otunga Vs Slater. Week 2 Gabriel vs Tarver. The winner of each faces off at the end for the spot. JoMo fights with Harris. And Kofi with McGuillicutty. As The tournament progresses, He assist Gabriel to the win. On the "going home" RAW for TLC. Nexus bitch about who is Gabriel fighting for the contract. Cena(still an unwilling part of Nexus) suggest JoMo. The Gm agrees, so does JoMo. Big brawl. At the end of the show Barrett, being confident in him self and not his team, makes Cena sign a clause that cannot get a title shot for a year, no matter the outcome of the matches.

Barret wins the Title, with some outside interference (who got banned from ringside.) Barret cuts a promo on a downed Orton, with his last bit of energy Orton RKO's Barrett. I'm Awsome Hits. He get's the title, than an RKO.

JoMo Vs Gabriel is set to go down for Cena's freedom from nexus. But before the bell rings the gm chimes in, Oh by the way this is a ladder match. Ladders get brought to ringside. Lawlers going old man crazy, Strikers giving all kinds of facts, and Cena's at the booth as well. After just some great spots, and and entertaining match, have Gabriel at the top about to get the contract, with a ladder leaning against it. Have JoMo "Shelton" a drop kick to knock him down. He plants the ladder over Gabriel as He retrieves the contract.

From that point I think everything is set up for a really exciting 2011 where JoMo, could conceiveably beat Miz for the title. He has reason to feud with Barrett and Orton. Cena owes him. It's just an example, but he would have earned it. That's the only way to make a good face. and hopefully set up for a face JoMo vs a heel Punk.
Anybody who says Morrison isn't one of the greatest in ring competitors today is crazy! There isn't one boring move in his arsenal, anybody who can land the Tsunami Impact is an unbelievable athlete. Because the Tsunami Impact takes not just fantastic acrobatic skill, but also alot of strength. And in my opinion, it should be Morrison's finisher. Whoever it was that said Morrison's kick and elimination was incidental, I think is right. Because it didn't look very clean.
John Morrison has been on fire of late. He has been all kinds of entertaining in my mind and it seems like he is putting effort into getting higher up on the card. The whole parkour thing is unique and lets a see a side of JoMo not many have seen. He looks like a ninja out there and it is the reason I'm now referring to him as NinJoMo. Either way Morrison seems to be on the rise. He was impressive at HIAC, eliminated Miz (who everyone sees as the biggest star on the rise), and lasted into the final four last night in the battle royal. This is the most impressive Morrison has been since Elimination Chamber when he had a stellar EC match for SD. There are some things he can improve on, like NoFate said and if he works hard, who knows maybe he finds himself near the top of the card.
I have got to disagree with most of you on this. Sure John Morrison is horrible on the mic but his in-ring skills are excellent. What exactly kept The Miz alive when he came to RAW? That's right his mic skills because he was horrible in-ring at first. John Morrison still has many many years to go until he needs to quit wrestling and alot more time to approve. His mic skills are bad, but anyone remember the old expression, "Practice makes perfect"? It's not entirely impossible to improve on the mic. Look at how bad the Miz was in 2006.
I think that JoMo needs to fued with sheamus and danielson. and eventually turn heel then leave sheamus and go with danielson for the tittle. JoMo has really nailed it these past months. JoMo wont be a main eventer before the Miz but after Miz wins the WWE tittle i can go for a jomo/ miz fued for the WWE tittle and that will put JoMo over as a main eventer.

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