So... What?

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Dark Match Winner
FozzLee Bear said:
Dear BradTheGreat,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Spamming

wrestling posts = LD and spam zone.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

So, I'm to understand that there is to be no mention of wrestling at all in the Bar Room and that if you do mention wrestling, wrestlers or anything of the sort, you will get Infracted. Not warned, not have your thread moved to the Spam Zone that no one cares about or reads, not sent a PM, but infracted.

A Spamming Infraction for posting in the BarRoom.

so.....what? :blink:

EDIT: whatever, I'm going to bed. Let's see how this shit pans out.
I agree it's a bit of a strange rule.

But meh, it's their website, they can do what they want.
I don't care either way, but I really can't be bothered with this stupid complaint. For a start, there's a complaint thread, use it. Second of all, a thread was posted by a Global Moderator a few days ago explaining this and saying that was your warning. There, done.
the procedures of complaints are;

1) complaint thread

2) PM

It was very clearly pointed out that this was the case as your warning. Do I really need to explain it further?
Everybody chill.

Brad, to answer your issue, there is a reason why The Bar Room is in the Non-Wrestling section, and why we have a Spam Zone in the wrestling section. And yes, KB did make a Bar Room Thread - and stickied it - with the very clear title "EVERYONE READ THIS" the other day.

Nobody's enforcing this to be a jerk. The Bar Room gets a lot of threads, and if we start having wrestling threads errantly started here, it clutters it even more, and more threads get missed.

It's really not a big deal, nor should it be.
I don't think the plan is to keep all wrestling talk out of the Bar Room (inevitably, Bar Room threads go in every direction anyways), but if you are going to make a thread ABOUT wrestling, then keep it in the appropriate place. For example, if you made a thread about the movie "Shawshank Redemption" in the "WWE" forum, wouldn't you think you would be infracted for that? Probably so. Apply the same logic here.

I would just say to try and start threads in their appropriate place. If a Bar Room thread gradually digresses to wrestling, then I don't think that we'll shut down the forums, just try to keep intended wrestling talk in the appropriate place.

Hope that helps.
Very true indeed. If it goes into that which it likely will, that's not a penalty. The initial subject is all that matters.
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