So What Went Wrong With WWE's Youth Movement?

Was it a phase Vince went through? Yes, Vince was testing the water with younger talent due to the fact he was going to appeal to a younger crowd. I guess he thought they would care more if the superstars involved in the show developed during their era and werent still riding the success that they years ago. But everyone knows wrestling just works better with variety. When you have young and old guys working together you get that rub off factor where the younger ones can learn from the older. It also creates a realistic background. It just didnt make any logical sense to eliminate all the veterans and leave a bunch of green superstars, albeit they're great athletes, to take center stage on a program thats been dominated for years by the older tier of the roster. Thats creates too much exposure at once. No one should be holding major gold months into their career. You need a gradual build up, which many of the new guys lacked.

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