So what is next for Christian


Dark Match Winner
As a face he seemed to be getting a good push and winning. The series with Orton seemed stale because he simply was buried the entire time. Never could win clean.. I lost count honestly how many times Orton beat Christian. At least Christian has the skill to look good while losing. I kept waiting maybe for him to get a clean win to actually look like competition or an actual threat to Orton.. Didn't happen.

Now he is a joke(his character).. Sheamus laughs at him like he is a weakling. Boots him upside the head, and tonight threw him in the ring to be destroyed by Mark Henry while he was running away because he realized he can't beat him. At this point why not have Hornswoggle go over Christian clean next Friday while he tries to run for his life from the mighty Hornwoggle. Sheamus can once again boot him in the head while laughing, and effortlessly because Christian is so weak.

At least WWE saw fit to give the belt to a fat fuck that can barely move and go over clean on Orton instead of someone who has actual talent other than being fat and strong. Look on the bright side at least Christian won the title in fluke fashion over Del Rio, and won it a 2nd time in a fluke over Orton due to rules. Because we all know Christian is a pussy not capable of winning clean in the WWE main event picture. Afterall he's the guy that went to TNA and isn't friends with HHH.
Really? Christian has looked pretty damn solid if you ask me. The fact that he won the world title is more than we could ever imagine. The IWC has been calling for him to win the title and now he has done it twice and you're gonna bitch? I for one find Christian's whining/complaining character to be entertaining. Christian plays that roll so well and it is really working for him. Christian has always helped other guys look better and that is what he did with Henry on SD. Christian even had some moments that made him look good against a guy they've been booking to be absolutely dominant.

Obviously the next thing for Christian is a feud with Sheamus. Both guys aren't doing anything and after Orton and Henry they are the next biggest stars. I'd expect a match for the two at Hell in a Cell in which Christian gets a sneaky win and then things come to an end at Vengeance that sees Sheamus go over and he moves on to Mark Henry at Survivor Series and Christian is likely in a Survivor Series tag team match with a team full of guys that feel there is a conspiracy in the WWE (Truth, Miz, etc.).
As a face he seemed to be getting a good push and winning. The series with Orton seemed stale because he simply was buried the entire time. Never could win clean..
Buried? No. For roughly five or six months, Christian was the star of Smackdown. Randy Orton elevated Christian into a level where he is now considered a main eventer on Smackdown. Before, if you saw Christian in a title match on a pay-per-view, most people would have laughed or marked...whatever.
I lost count honestly how many times Orton beat Christian. At least Christian has the skill to look good while losing. I kept waiting maybe for him to get a clean win to actually look like competition or an actual threat to Orton. Didn't happen.
What's most important here? You kept watching. Randy Orton and Christian put on material that could be considered feud of the year.
Now he is a joke(his character).. Sheamus laughs at him like he is a weakling. Boots him upside the head, and tonight threw him in the ring to be destroyed by Mark Henry while he was running away because he realized he can't beat him.
He's a heel. It's natural for the bitchy heel to do so.
At this point why not have Hornswoggle go over Christian clean next Friday while he tries to run for his life from the mighty Hornwoggle. Sheamus can once again boot him in the head while laughing, and effortlessly because Christian is so weak.
Christian’s character is made to look weak. He second World Championship reign was meant to make him look cowardly hence the reason he won it unfairly.
At least WWE saw fit to give the belt to a fat fuck that can barely move and go over clean on Orton instead of someone who has actual talent other than being fat and strong.
Henry's looked extremely dominant in the last few months. There is not anyone better to hold the World title at this moment.
Look on the bright side at least Christian won the title in fluke fashion over Del Rio, and won it a 2nd time in a fluke over Orton due to rules. Because we all know Christian is a pussy not capable of winning clean in the WWE main event picture. Afterall he's the guy that went to TNA and isn't friends with HHH.
This right here.

This should be what Christian's character should be. Get rid of the shitty Flip the Switch t-shirts and give him a shirt that says ONE MORE SHOT. I for one have no problem with bitchy Christian; I think it's hilarious. Christian can continue to bitch and complain after losing a few number one contenders’ matches. Make him into a heel underdog of sorts. Feed him to Sheamus and Justin Gabriel and continue giving him fluke wins until he can get his hands on the World Title holder.
It's a split issue. On one hand, you have Christian being made to look like the weakest heel in the history of the WWE. While I do enjoy Christian's weasel heel, I don't think he should be buried to the point of never being able to obtain a pinfall victory over Randy Orton. It's lazy of the WWE to do that. Couldn't Christian have just as easily done some random creative cheating and then PINNED Orton to win the title[the second time]?

Heels are well known for being manipulative and creative when it comes to scoring a pinfall or submission by whatever means are neccessary. In this area only, Christian's heel turn hasn't been as impactful as it should have been. They need to totally watch Christian's TNA heel run to see how and properly do it. He won by pinfall, but, still maintained his weaselish ways to creatively skate by with it. All while making his face opponent look like a million bucks.

And yes, Christian does need to get rid of that ugly "flip the switch" t-shirt. It looks like a kindergardener took a crayon, drew that, and wrote that catchphrase with it.:lmao:
Im gonna go with the OP here. Christian does not look solid honestly. The last clean win he had was over Sin Cara way back when. Christians got the look, the mic work and the in ring talent to look good over anyone. He just became another guy for Randy Orton to bury. Even when he was champ every week he was running from orton.

Christian is miles more talented than Orton. Christian can be funny, he can be heroic, he can basically portray any type of character.

Randy Orton is a guy iv always liked better as a heel. He was the type of heel that made Kofi Kingston look like a strong face.

Although I know where the WWE's coming from i sincerely think if given the chance Christian could carry the brand.

I just hope they dont bury Mark Henry at HIAC.
Oh, he wasn't made to look THAT weak. He had a hard-fought win over DBD, which doesn't mean much now, haha, but the match was really impressive I remember, which is something. Also, he gave Sin Cara his first loss in WWE. Sin Cara was pretty untouchable back then for a while. So yeah, I don't think he looks weak, he's just crafty and cowardly. There's a difference.

Also, as others have mentioned, he's in such a better spot than he used to be. I remember after he lost the IC tournament to Kofi when he first got drafted, people were talking about how the reason he lost was that he was going to go on to the WHC. Instead, he started tagging with MVP and losing to Vance Archer and Kurt Hawkins... and you're saying he's weaker now..?
Christian's feud with Orton was pretty solid if you ask me. Christian is a heel, so ofcourse he'll pull off the heel antics. However, I think that him winning the belt via DQ was pretty sly. I don't think Christian looked weak at all, he just played the coward,whining-heel character very well.
Oh for fuck's sake, really? Christian was buried? He got 2 World Title reigns and had a spot at the top of the card for like, 4-5 months. He just had-without question- the most successful run of his entire career where he was deemed over enough to go over Randy fucking Orton. Son of a bitch, man, why don't you go tell Christian he's been buried? I'm sure he'd even laugh in your fucking face.

Sure his wins aren't clean, he's a heel. What is it that you guys aren't understanding about the most basic principle in all of wrestling? Unless they're a monster heel like Henry, or they're facing someone they're booked to be stronger than(like Christian is over Sin Cara,) they win by cheating. That's what makes them heels. If they won every match fair and square, what reason would everyone have to hate them?

I'll admit, when Christian dropped the title fucking 2 days after Extreme Rules, I was pissed. Hell, I was probably angrier at wrestling than I have ever been before. But in hindsight, I can see how wrong I was since now, Christian is in a better spot than he's ever been in before. He went from beating a nobody like Alberto Del Rio to main eventing PPV's with the second biggest star in the company. He has nothing to complain about and neither does anyone else.

As for what's next, I suppose the Sheamus feud is in order. I'm betting that Henry goes over Orton again, possibly with help from Rhodes to start their feud, meanwhile Sheamus will probably go over Christian to move into a feud with Henry. That kind of leaves Christian without anything major to do for a little while, but there are plenty of other flailing faces that could use a little rub from Christian. Someone like Daniel Bryan, or maybe Justin Gabriel could benefit huge from it.
I've been wanting to bring this up for a while too. I'll easily admit Christian has gotten way more TV time in the past 6 months or so than anyone would've imagined, but as many have stated, when was the last time he won 1v1 by pinfall? Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan are the only two I can think of in the past 3 months or more.

When they were building up Christian (right after the Draft, when he was a face) he pulled off clean wins over Sheamus and Mark Henry. Now he can't even sniff a win.

Not only that but even his finisher(s) aren't doing the job. Opponents are routinely kicking out after 2 from the Spear and it seems like he nailed the Killswitch every match against Orton only to have Orton kick out. Granted if we look at who he's been matched up with, Orton, Sheamus, Henry, and even Cena for a couple shows there. It's pretty clear that the other guys are going through their superman phases right now, but still Christian has to get some wins to be taken seriously.

I'm sure he'll go on to lose this feud with Sheamus and then maybe he'll be used as a stepping stone for Daniel Bryan or Sin Cara afterwards, but they should let him win at least a match a month against some mid carders like Zeke, Khali or Gabriel.
The guy is running around trying to con his way into getting what he wants. When he doesn't get what he wants, it isn't being 'weak.' It is called 'getting his due.' JFC, has anyone ever taken a fucking literature class around here?

Personally, I am hoping that they really tone his exposure down. He just hasn't been interesting in segments as a whiny douchebag. It doesn't feel natural and his voice patterns annoy the ever living shit out of me. If anything, he is a turn off. Some characters can handle multiple segments a show. Christian isn't one of them.

But the obvious answer is getting Brogue Kick'd back to Canadia or wherever the hell he is form. I don't see it so much as giving Sheamus a 'rub' but rather just keeping Sheamus warm for his eventual title win.. Which is going to be awesome tbh.
Oh for fuck's sake, really? Christian was buried? He got 2 World Title reigns and had a spot at the top of the card for like, 4-5 months. He just had-without question- the most successful run of his entire career where he was deemed over enough to go over Randy fucking Orton. Son of a bitch, man, why don't you go tell Christian he's been buried? I'm sure he'd even laugh in your fucking face.

You're missing the point here. Christian is considered being "buried" because he hasn't won a definitive one on one match against Orton or any other top faces since his heel turn. While I do agree somewhat that his spot has improved, it hasn't all been for the better.

Sure his wins aren't clean, he's a heel. What is it that you guys aren't understanding about the most basic principle in all of wrestling? Unless they're a monster heel like Henry, or they're facing someone they're booked to be stronger than(like Christian is over Sin Cara,) they win by cheating. That's what makes them heels. If they won every match fair and square, what reason would everyone have to hate them?

Again, you're missing the point. Yes, heels cheat. That is a basic principle. However, all of the more memorable big name heels in history at least got the occasional fluke pinfall from time to time. It adds credibility to their turns and emphasizes that they can indeed beat you from time to time, given the right circumstances. Honestly, can you actually tell me that Christian has had a handful of matches and you SERIOUSLY believe he could NOT gain one pinfall? Not even by creative cheating? I'm not even advocating that Christian get a clean pinfall over Orton. He could've at least gotten a quick victory via outside distraction or even a long match with Orton that ended out of nowhere when Orton made a little mistake. You can justify it all you want to, but, Christian should've gotten at least one pinfall over Orton to lend credibility to his heel turn. That never happened, thus alot of fans are disappointed. Myself included.

I'll admit, when Christian dropped the title fucking 2 days after Extreme Rules, I was pissed. Hell, I was probably angrier at wrestling than I have ever been before. But in hindsight, I can see how wrong I was since now, Christian is in a better spot than he's ever been in before. He went from beating a nobody like Alberto Del Rio to main eventing PPV's with the second biggest star in the company. He has nothing to complain about and neither does anyone else.

Having a top spot is great. Especially if you get the occasional pinfall to cement belonging there. And while I was at first optimistic about the Christian/Orton feud, I feel WWE dropped the ball big time. They should've drawn out that first match over a couple of months and slowed built Christian's frustration. Alas, that's WWE achilles heel; impatientience. They cannot sustain a long-term feud anymore and that lead to making bad choices in this feud where Orton and Christian traded title reigns back and forth. They also succeeded in making Christian look extremely weak by making it seem damn near impossible for Orton to be pinned. Which isn't neccessarily a bad reflection on Orton, but, moreso on the WWE UNcreative team. To say no one should be complaining is pseudo-idiotic and quite ludicrous. It's a hotly contested issue with there being more complexities and credibility belonging to both sides of the debate. Yes, Christian is in a great top spot. No, he doesn't look like he deserves to remain there. Which is why his days with the title look that much more weak for lousy execution of his booking.

As for what's next, I suppose the Sheamus feud is in order. I'm betting that Henry goes over Orton again, possibly with help from Rhodes to start their feud, meanwhile Sheamus will probably go over Christian to move into a feud with Henry. That kind of leaves Christian without anything major to do for a little while, but there are plenty of other flailing faces that could use a little rub from Christian. Someone like Daniel Bryan, or maybe Justin Gabriel could benefit huge from it.

Therein, lies the biggest problem. Christian's sustainibility in the main events has been compromised due to his weak outcome in the Orton feud. He wouldn't be a "flailing face" if it has been booked the correct way. If WWE had invested more time into this feud and made the competition between the two more even, both guys would've won no matter who ultimately lost. Sadly, Christian will probably be lost in the shuffle for awhile or he will get a rematch for the World Title against Henry and will be among his first squash matches. Meanwhile, Orton will remain a main event force no matter what happens. And there lies the difference between them, which is probably why most fans complain Christian was "buried" in that feud. I can't say that I don't agree with that.
You're missing the point here. Christian is considered being "buried" because he hasn't won a definitive one on one match against Orton or any other top faces since his heel turn.

He won the title off of Orton. He didn't cheat, he lured Orton into getting Disqualified. Sure it was with underhanded tactics, but that's the only way he should ever be booked to go over Orton.

While I do agree somewhat that his spot has improved, it hasn't all been for the better.

... I'm pretty sure the words "improved" and "better" are synonymous with one another.

Again, you're missing the point. Yes, heels cheat. That is a basic principle. However, all of the more memorable big name heels in history at least got the occasional fluke pinfall from time to time. It adds credibility to their turns and emphasizes that they can indeed beat you from time to time, given the right circumstances. Honestly, can you actually tell me that Christian has had a handful of matches and you SERIOUSLY believe he could NOT gain one pinfall? Not even by creative cheating? I'm not even advocating that Christian get a clean pinfall over Orton. He could've at least gotten a quick victory via outside distraction or even a long match with Orton that ended out of nowhere when Orton made a little mistake. You can justify it all you want to, but, Christian should've gotten at least one pinfall over Orton to lend credibility to his heel turn. That never happened, thus alot of fans are disappointed. Myself included.

2 things here. He did beat Orton once, though by DQ. He also got a clean, yet flukey, pin over him in a 6 man elimination tag match on Raw a few months ago. They did create credibility for Christian, you guys are just choosing not to recognize it. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he WIN the fuckin' title from Orton?

Having a top spot is great. Especially if you get the occasional pinfall to cement belonging there. And while I was at first optimistic about the Christian/Orton feud, I feel WWE dropped the ball big time. They should've drawn out that first match over a couple of months and slowed built Christian's frustration. Alas, that's WWE achilles heel; impatientience. They cannot sustain a long-term feud anymore and that lead to making bad choices in this feud where Orton and Christian traded title reigns back and forth. They also succeeded in making Christian look extremely weak by making it seem damn near impossible for Orton to be pinned. Which isn't neccessarily a bad reflection on Orton, but, moreso on the WWE UNcreative team. To say no one should be complaining is pseudo-idiotic and quite ludicrous. It's a hotly contested issue with there being more complexities and credibility belonging to both sides of the debate. Yes, Christian is in a great top spot. No, he doesn't look like he deserves to remain there. Which is why his days with the title look that much more weak for lousy execution of his booking.

The feud lasted nearly 4 months and it intensified each week. The booking was spot on. Christian is now in a position where he can be seamlessly placed into a main event feud at any given time.

Also, Christian still maintained credibility throughout the feud. He was the first person to defeat Sin Cara and did so cleanly, he also beat Big Zeke clean if I recall correctly. He has firmly been established as being better than those kind of guys, just not Orton. And he shouldn't.

Therein, lies the biggest problem. Christian's sustainibility in the main events has been compromised due to his weak outcome in the Orton feud. He wouldn't be a "flailing face" if it has been booked the correct way. If WWE had invested more time into this feud and made the competition between the two more even, both guys would've won no matter who ultimately lost. Sadly, Christian will probably be lost in the shuffle for awhile or he will get a rematch for the World Title against Henry and will be among his first squash matches. Meanwhile, Orton will remain a main event force no matter what happens. And there lies the difference between them, which is probably why most fans complain Christian was "buried" in that feud. I can't say that I don't agree with that.

First of all, when I said "flailing face" I was referring to DB and Gabriel. Christian isn't a flailing face, he's a heel with credibility. I was saying that he can be put into feuds with these guys who need a rub from a credible performer to hopefully get to the next level.

Second, where is this idea that Christian deserves to remain in the main event picture coming from? Think back over the past few years and tell me, what heel has been in the main event picture for an extended amount of time? The only possible answer is Edge. Edge pulled it off because he was a heel with power, thanks to Vickie Guerrero. Without a power source, heels eventually have to concede to the face in a blowoff match (which he did at Summerslam in amazing fashion) and go back down the card a bit. Heels aren't meant to stay in the main event for a long time, they're meant to be interchangeable foes for the top faces. What Christian has done is prove that he belongs in that group.

Let's look at it like this. Orton has emphatically won his feud with Christian so in reality, he has no business trying to take the title from him should he win the title back. But, what if Henry retains at HIAC and Sheamus ends up being the guy who takes it from him? After Henry gets his standard rematch, couldn't Christian go right back into a feud with Sheamus over the title? Why yes, he certainly can.

Now compare that to a guy like Swagger. He got a title run and it blew dick. After he lost the title he hasn't been put back into a main event program since. Wouldn't you say that Christian is in a better position than that?

Nobody stays in the main event permanently. Hell, even last year Cena went the majority of the year away from the title and Orton spent a couple of months feuding with Punk away from the title earlier this year. The key is retaining your credibility so you can be reinserted into the title picture at any time. Cena does it, Orton does it, Miz does it, Kane does it, Sheamus does it, and now you can add Christian to that list. I guarantee that when Sheamus undoubtedly wins the title at some point soon, Christian will be one of his first opponents and if the feud is well received, he'll get another reign or 2 out of it.
He won the title off of Orton. He didn't cheat, he lured Orton into getting Disqualified. Sure it was with underhanded tactics, but that's the only way he should ever be booked to go over Orton.

Again, the main problem is glazed over. Orton won numerous times with pinfalls, which is a face's role. I can accept that to a certain degree. However, Christian didn't get one single one-on-one pinfall over Orton. That, to me, is ridiculously unbelieveable. No matter how much you want to emphasize it or dismiss it as simply being a heel. The Undertaker was once a great heel and he didn't have to win the title via DQ, did he? And don't even try the size issue. That's irrelevant here. The same company also made smaller guys like Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels heels as well. Did they constantly lose their feuds and resort to cheap victories? No. Did they go without pinfalls in those same feuds? No. There is no justification for taking the easy way out and WWE is guilty of that consistently. Christian is a shining example of that.

... I'm pretty sure the words "improved" and "better" are synonymous with one another.

In this case, not so much. He did move up to the main events. "Better" would entail staying there. Which won't happen as long as Christian looks like he can NEVER win a pinfall victory over top-tier stars. Simple Wrestling 101.

2 things here. He did beat Orton once, though by DQ. He also got a clean, yet flukey, pin over him in a 6 man elimination tag match on Raw a few months ago. They did create credibility for Christian, you guys are just choosing not to recognize it. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he WIN the fuckin' title from Orton?

2 things back; He did beat Orton. Winning the title via DQ cheapens the win. And yes, Christian won a 6 man pinning Orton. That's a far cry from winning a ONE ON ONE matchup. Maybe you are in some kind of denial about Christian's situation, I dunno. Seems like you see what you want to here and refuse any view but your own. Which is your right. Just as it's mine to call you out on it. Sadly, some people have to resort to dropping an F-bomb to get their points across and not using valid logic.

The feud lasted nearly 4 months and it intensified each week. The booking was spot on. Christian is now in a position where he can be seamlessly placed into a main event feud at any given time.

Yeah it intensified. If by "intensified" you mean Orton dominating with hardly any noteworthy Christian accomplishments. And yes, he can be "seamlessly placed into a main event feud at any given time". Only to LOSE. Lousy booking tends to do that......

Also, Christian still maintained credibility throughout the feud. He was the first person to defeat Sin Cara and did so cleanly, he also beat Big Zeke clean if I recall correctly. He has firmly been established as being better than those kind of guys, just not Orton. And he shouldn't.

How the hell did Christian maintain any kind of credibility in the Orton feud? If by credible you mean never definitively won against Orton, then you are correct. If you mean Christian looked good, you are incorrect. And :lmao::lol: Big Zeke? You're gonna use that as your valid excuse for Christian looking strong? The best of the overrated? That's laughable at best considering Christian needs to actually win over big names to stay on top. Beating the master of the body slam will not earn him hall of fame status anytime soon.

First of all, when I said "flailing face" I was referring to DB and Gabriel. Christian isn't a flailing face, he's a heel with credibility. I was saying that he can be put into feuds with these guys who need a rub from a credible performer to hopefully get to the next level.

Deny, deny, deny. He's not credible if he can't win. It's that simple, really. I do agree he could give younger guys a rub, but, that's only AFTER he's beaten someone noteworthy. Sin Cara, Bryan, and Big Zeke don't qualify. Beating a Cena or Orton does that. Beating a CM Punk does that. All of which hasn't happened thus far.

Second, where is this idea that Christian deserves to remain in the main event picture coming from? Think back over the past few years and tell me, what heel has been in the main event picture for an extended amount of time? The only possible answer is Edge. Edge pulled it off because he was a heel with power, thanks to Vickie Guerrero. Without a power source, heels eventually have to concede to the face in a blowoff match (which he did at Summerslam in amazing fashion) and go back down the card a bit. Heels aren't meant to stay in the main event for a long time, they're meant to be interchangeable foes for the top faces. What Christian has done is prove that he belongs in that group.

Ah, finally he admits it!! What has Christian done to prove he belongs? He's wrestled his ass off for nearly two decades and improved his mic work and character. So, that's where the idea that Christian deserves to remain in the main events comes from. "Heels aren't meant to stay in the main event for a long time". REALLY? Someone sure as hell didn't tell guys like Taker, Rock, Austin, Jericho, and HHH that. The difference lies in how they were booked. And guess what? Each guy on that listed managed to get ONE ON ONE pinfalls against their opponent in every feud at least once[usually alot more than that]. More denying and excusing once again, classic.

Let's look at it like this. Orton has emphatically won his feud with Christian so in reality, he has no business trying to take the title from him should he win the title back. But, what if Henry retains at HIAC and Sheamus ends up being the guy who takes it from him? After Henry gets his standard rematch, couldn't Christian go right back into a feud with Sheamus over the title? Why yes, he certainly can.

Yes, he can. And probably lose because he's booked as a fluke occurance.

Now compare that to a guy like Swagger. He got a title run and it blew dick. After he lost the title he hasn't been put back into a main event program since. Wouldn't you say that Christian is in a better position than that?

As far as being in the main event a little longer, yes, Christian is in a better position that Swagger was. However, Swagger obtained essential pinfalls over opponents as the World Champ. An area where Christian has been sorely lacking.

Nobody stays in the main event permanently. Hell, even last year Cena went the majority of the year away from the title and Orton spent a couple of months feuding with Punk away from the title earlier this year. The key is retaining your credibility so you can be reinserted into the title picture at any time. Cena does it, Orton does it, Miz does it, Kane does it, Sheamus does it, and now you can add Christian to that list. I guarantee that when Sheamus undoubtedly wins the title at some point soon, Christian will be one of his first opponents and if the feud is well received, he'll get another reign or 2 out of it.

I never said Christian should be main eventing ALWAYS. That was your assumption and you are putting words in my mouth. I never said it. What I did say was that Christian should've been booked alot stronger as a heel than he was. Especially against Orton. What would it have hurt Orton to lose via pinfall? Nothing. Because in the end, Orton usually wins the feud overall. Losing to Christian was a must for Orton to put over Christian as the great heel that he is. It didn't happen, which is why some people will argue[myself included] that Christian was basically "buried". When you compare his heel run with other contemporaries of this era, it pales in comparison. Why you might ask? He never won a definitive big match. He only dominated some mid-carders who weren't in his league at the time he beat them. That does very little to prove how great he is and shows how uncreative WWE decides to book heels.

The bottom line seems to be that you don't think Christian deserves to main event. And you also have some issue with his lack of size. Again, it seems like excuses to me and not very good ones at that.
Again, the main problem is glazed over. Orton won numerous times with pinfalls, which is a face's role. I can accept that to a certain degree. However, Christian didn't get one single one-on-one pinfall over Orton. That, to me, is ridiculously unbelieveable. No matter how much you want to emphasize it or dismiss it as simply being a heel.

What is this obsession with pinfall victories? A win is a fucking win. Period.

The Undertaker was once a great heel and he didn't have to win the title via DQ, did he? And don't even try the size issue. That's irrelevant here.

It absolutely is not irrelevant. Taker was a monster heel, like Kane, Show when he plays that role, Sheamus was, or like Henry is now. They don't have to result to under handed tactics because they're big bullys who can dominate you. Christian doesn't have those resources, he has to be crafty. He's in the whiny bitch heel category with guys like Miz, Jericho, and Ric Flair.

The same company also made smaller guys like Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels heels as well. Did they constantly lose their feuds and resort to cheap victories? No.

Uh, what? Yes they most certainly did. Sure, they beat the guys they were supposed to beat. But they ALWAYS cheated to win against the top faces. Always.

Did they go without pinfalls in those same feuds? No. There is no justification for taking the easy way out and WWE is guilty of that consistently. Christian is a shining example of that.


In this case, not so much. He did move up to the main events. "Better" would entail staying there. Which won't happen as long as Christian looks like he can NEVER win a pinfall victory over top-tier stars. Simple Wrestling 101.

HE HAS BEATEN RANDY ORTON. Whether it was by pinfall or not, he still won the fucking match!

2 things back; He did beat Orton. Winning the title via DQ cheapens the win.

God damnit. Heels cheat to win. It's supposed to be cheap.

And yes, Christian won a 6 man pinning Orton. That's a far cry from winning a ONE ON ONE matchup.

Why? Does his pin not count because it's not a one on one match. Good God this is tedious.

Maybe you are in some kind of denial about Christian's situation, I dunno. Seems like you see what you want to here and refuse any view but your own. Which is your right. Just as it's mine to call you out on it.

I don't see how I'm in denial. You've admitted several times that he's in a better spot on the card than he ever was before, you just seem to have an issue with the booking even though it's the classic method of booking that's been going on since for-fucking-ever.

Sadly, some people have to resort to dropping an F-bomb to get their points across and not using valid logic.

I like to swear. Get the fuck over it.

Yeah it intensified. If by "intensified" you mean Orton dominating with hardly any noteworthy Christian accomplishments. And yes, he can be "seamlessly placed into a main event feud at any given time". Only to LOSE. Lousy booking tends to do that......

Christian managed to keep the feud going even though he lost several times. He kept goading Orton into giving him another shot even though he didn't deserve it. Classic heel booking.

How the hell did Christian maintain any kind of credibility in the Orton feud? If by credible you mean never definitively won against Orton, then you are correct. If you mean Christian looked good, you are incorrect. And :lmao::lol: Big Zeke? You're gonna use that as your valid excuse for Christian looking strong? The best of the overrated? That's laughable at best considering Christian needs to actually win over big names to stay on top. Beating the master of the body slam will not earn him hall of fame status anytime soon.

Zeke was the Intercontinental Champion and Christian went over him clean. What other big name could he have went over?

Deny, deny, deny. He's not credible if he can't win. It's that simple, really. I do agree he could give younger guys a rub, but, that's only AFTER he's beaten someone noteworthy. Sin Cara, Bryan, and Big Zeke don't qualify. Beating a Cena or Orton does that. Beating a CM Punk does that. All of which hasn't happened thus far.

He's a 2 time World Champion, one of which he won from Orton. Fucking Christ.

Ah, finally he admits it!! What has Christian done to prove he belongs? He's wrestled his ass off for nearly two decades and improved his mic work and character. So, that's where the idea that Christian deserves to remain in the main events comes from. "Heels aren't meant to stay in the main event for a long time". REALLY? Someone sure as hell didn't tell guys like Taker, Rock, Austin, Jericho, and HHH that. The difference lies in how they were booked. And guess what? Each guy on that listed managed to get ONE ON ONE pinfalls against their opponent in every feud at least once[usually alot more than that]. More denying and excusing once again, classic.


Read the fucking post in it's entirety you fucking goof.

First of all, I said what has he done to show he deserves to STAY in the main event? That answer is fucking nothing. I don't care how long you've been wrestling, it's not a charity, it's a business.

Second of all, Christian was in the main program on Smackdown for 4-5 months. When has any of the guys you mentioned had that long of a stay as a heel WITHOUT a power source? You understanding yet? Probably not.

Yes, he can. And probably lose because he's booked as a fluke occurance.

Jesus Christ dude. Jesus fucking Christ.

As far as being in the main event a little longer, yes, Christian is in a better position that Swagger was. However, Swagger obtained essential pinfalls over opponents as the World Champ. An area where Christian has been sorely lacking.

Swagger got cheap wins as well as a bunch of losses a champ.

I never said Christian should be main eventing ALWAYS. That was your assumption and you are putting words in my mouth.

Then what's the fucking problem? If you don't think he should be main eventing all the time, why does it matter that he's not in the mix right now? I've already shown you why he'll certainly be back, what's the problem?

I never said it. What I did say was that Christian should've been booked alot stronger as a heel than he was. Especially against Orton. What would it have hurt Orton to lose via pinfall? Nothing. Because in the end, Orton usually wins the feud overall. Losing to Christian was a must for Orton to put over Christian as the great heel that he is. It didn't happen, which is why some people will argue[myself included] that Christian was basically "buried". When you compare his heel run with other contemporaries of this era, it pales in comparison. Why you might ask? He never won a definitive big match. He only dominated some mid-carders who weren't in his league at the time he beat them. That does very little to prove how great he is and shows how uncreative WWE decides to book heels.

Let's look around, shall we? Orton: Never won a world title as a heel clean. Edge: Same. Triple H: Same. Miz: Same. Hell, even RIC FUCKING FLAIR cheated to win his matches against top guys. This isn't some shitty new method of putting over heels, this is the exact formula that has been in wrestling since the 60's.

The bottom line seems to be that you don't think Christian deserves to main event.

Oh that is an absolute crock of shit. Christian is one of my favorites, I've already said that, and his program with Orton squashed any doubts I've ever had about him being a main eventer. I'm just not so blind a mark that I think he needs to stay there and not go back down the card for a while. I fully welcome his return once it's warranted.

And you also have some issue with his lack of size. Again, it seems like excuses to me and not very good ones at that.

His size is irrelevant to me. And no excuses, logic. The same logic that has been used in almost every successful main event program for the past 25-30 years.
As a face he seemed to be getting a good push and winning. The series with Orton seemed stale because he simply was buried the entire time. Never could win clean.. I lost count honestly how many times Orton beat Christian. At least Christian has the skill to look good while losing. I kept waiting maybe for him to get a clean win to actually look like competition or an actual threat to Orton.. Didn't happen.

Now he is a joke(his character).. Sheamus laughs at him like he is a weakling. Boots him upside the head, and tonight threw him in the ring to be destroyed by Mark Henry while he was running away because he realized he can't beat him. At this point why not have Hornswoggle go over Christian clean next Friday while he tries to run for his life from the mighty Hornwoggle. Sheamus can once again boot him in the head while laughing, and effortlessly because Christian is so weak.

At least WWE saw fit to give the belt to a fat fuck that can barely move and go over clean on Orton instead of someone who has actual talent other than being fat and strong. Look on the bright side at least Christian won the title in fluke fashion over Del Rio, and won it a 2nd time in a fluke over Orton due to rules. Because we all know Christian is a pussy not capable of winning clean in the WWE main event picture. Afterall he's the guy that went to TNA and isn't friends with HHH.

This post is all kinds of wrong. The only point I agree with is Christian looking awesome in defeat.

Seriously, what are you smoking? Christian is on the roll of his life. He is probably playing the best heel in WWE, at the moment. I mean come on, it's hard as hell not to like him. Like Edge said he's a whiny bitch and a sneaky bastard, really. However, seeing him and Punk in the main event scene this summer has been the most refreshing thing to happen to the WWE in a long time. He's gotten probably the greatest matches in Orton's career out of him and even after losing his (let's face it) overdue title reign he's still a main player in the SD scene. I never though he'd still be main-eventing Smackdown after he lost the title back to Orton, but it looks like the WWE really does have faith in him. They look as if they might even insert him into this conspiracy angle they're working, aswell. Which, in my opinion, would be great.

A feud with Sheamus, however, is first on the agenda which is fine by me. Sheamus is red-hot right now, getting massive pops and Christian facing Sheamus is barely a step-down for the title scene. I expect a match at HIAC, of course with Christian getting the upper hand in a typical heel fashion (pulling the tights, distracting the ref, etc...) and winning with the feud culminating at Vengeance or whichever PPV is after HIAC. Then, a feud over the briefcase of Daniel Bryan would be my preference. It really would solidify D-Bry as a main player. Obviously, D-Bry goes over and keeps his briefcase. But, in a turn of events Christian wins the Elimination Chamber becoming 3-time champ and faces Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 28. That would be my build for Wrestlemania, anyway.
I have to agree with the OP here. Christian came out of his fued with Orton looking like shit and a complete joke of a contender. And it's conceivable that due to his character being booked so lousy, he'll probably never win the title again. The announcers put over the fact on a weekly basis that Christian couldn't win one on one with Orton. And the one time he did defeat Orton was taking a lazy ass kick to the nuts. Really? Winning the prestigious WHC based on a damn shot to the nuts? That IMO diminished the credibility of Christian's legitimacy of being able to remain in the ME's. What possible positive came out of this fued for Christian? Cause it sure as hell wasn't positive for him to whine and complain for one more match every time he lost a WHC match.

Looks to me that most here are confusing him being an effective heel with his character looking like a bitch. Just b/c you're heel does not excuse him losing all but one match in their fued(which he won by taking a damn nut shot, so freaking lame). All that does is ensure you won't be a ME'er for very long.

Bottom line here for me is that WWE could've booked this fued alot better as far as Christian is concerned. Yes, the matches were great, but if only one guy looks good afterwards, then it was a one sided, pointless fued. Instead of making Christian a legit top star, it makes him appear that he doesn't belong anywhere near a ME. Which is completely assinine and counterproductive to making new stars. And that seems to be the case these days with WWE pushing a guy and depushing him. It really has nothing at all to do with Christian being heel IMO as it does with WWE's complete lack of faith in his drawing ability and believability as a top champion.
Wow a lot of the posts on here are too long to read after a while. I have noticed everyone states an opposite reason upon each other’s opinions which is cool. My thing is I don't care if Christian is getting "buried" or what not as all I care about is him putting on good matches and being on my TV screen. He is a heel which means he should do heel tactics and that’s what he is doing. He is doing okay in my eyes as the WWE is finally realizing they need to build more than one star at a time. So they have to build Sheamus and others while using the best wrestlers to do this with. So they are using Christian which I am fine with. I could care less how many matches he lost or how many he wins clean. All I care is if he is entertaining me and performing at the best level he can.

I just want to see Christian linger around the Main Event scene while helping building the younger talent. It would be nice to see him in the title picture again as long as it isn't against Orton. Other than that my only fear is that the WWE doesn't walk the same road with Christian as TNA did before he left. Hopefully I am wrong as it doesn't seem to play off that way.
Christian can just be Christian. He'll still garner my attention, I used to watch ECW on Syfy weekly just to see Christian and that show made me want to kill myself on a weekly, one-hour basis. Christian has a large fanbase, don't believe me, ask everyone who were chanting for him to become the World Heavyweight Champion.

I personally see Christian becoming a World Champion again in the future. He makes for a perfect transitional Champion position on the Smackdown roster. As to who he can feud with, my first thought is allow him to feud with people in an attempt to get him over some more as a heel yet push a young face as a face. A Justin Gabriel or something. Christian always puts on steller performances and anyone who he faces benefits from them.

Christian even becoming WWE Intercontinental Champion again wouldn't bother me all that much. It'd be like when Jericho and Mysterio slipped down the rankings to hold the belt and for three months solid one of the most interesting things in both the entire WWE and on Smackdown was the feud for the Intercontinental Championship. Place it on somebody who can bring it back up and let him feud with whoever for it.

But it makes no difference to me. Christian is one of the most consistent people in the ring within the WWE, he's now a former World Heavyweight Champion, has probably got feud of the year nailed, has some candidates for Match of the Year both with Orton. Doesn't matter what WWE do with Christian right now, overall, 2011 has been one of the years for Christian.
What is this obsession with pinfall victories? A win is a fucking win. Period.

Pinfalls equal a definitive win. Whereas a DQ or countout tends to make one look weak. Self explanatory enough, isn't it?

It absolutely is not irrelevant. Taker was a monster heel, like Kane, Show when he plays that role, Sheamus was, or like Henry is now. They don't have to result to under handed tactics because they're big bullys who can dominate you. Christian doesn't have those resources, he has to be crafty. He's in the whiny bitch heel category with guys like Miz, Jericho, and Ric Flair.

Actually, size is pretty irrelevant when it comes to actual skill, merit, and/or talent. Talent is not limited to those who are big men. And I'm not advocating that Christian be pushed as a monster or badass heel. What I am advocating is that Christian can cheat and win via pinfall. It doesn't have to be a clean pinfall, which you seem to again misunderstand me on. Heels cheat and I love that. I do agree Christian needs to remain heelish and crafty. The difference with Christian and "Miz, Jericho, and Ric Flair" is that while each guy was a "whiny bitch heel" as like Christian, those guys actually scored much needed pinfalls. And no, not clean ones. Ya know, there is a such thing as creative, crafty, heelish, dirty pinfalls. You can manage to do all of that and remain a strong heel while making the face look like a million bucks. Just look at Christian's heel run in TNA. He made his opponents look amazing in great matches while still getting crafty wins and seemingly skating by with PINFALLS.

Uh, what? Yes they most certainly did. Sure, they beat the guys they were supposed to beat. But they ALWAYS cheated to win against the top faces. Always.


Once again, what we have is basic failure to grasp concepts. Yes, heels do cheat to win. But, they also managed crafty victories and even *GASP* PINFALLS. While you may not view that as an important part of winning, it is essential to making the heel a credible threat to the face. Christian doesn't have to win via pinfall every match. But, having him win with every other method but pinning is very cheap and effortless. Which was my base point that you either misunderstood or outright ignored. :banghead:

HE HAS BEATEN RANDY ORTON. Whether it was by pinfall or not, he still won the fucking match!

A win is a win. Is that what you're saying? Because that's the damnest logic I've ever seen in correlation to wrestling. Would other top heels in history have thrived in their primes if they'd been booked the way Christian has been? No. Because while heels do cheat to win, they don't need to always look like they are trying to surmount impossible odds. A pinfall means alot more to winning as does submission. DQs and countouts are usually done by heels too, but, not in every match they compete in. Which is my main complaint as it relates to Christian.

God damnit. Heels cheat to win. It's supposed to be cheap.

Starting to repeat the same things are we? No matter how many times you say it, heels don't always have to narrowly skate with fluke victories or in Christian's case, ZERO ONE ON ONE pinfalls against Orton. Seems to be a simple enough concept, yet, you repeat the same denial and don't get it.

Why? Does his pin not count because it's not a one on one match. Good God this is tedious.

One point we agree on. Although at this point I'm simply stating my view and not endorsing it as the only side of the debate. Unlike you, I'm not arrogant enough to believe my view is the only relevant or right one. I know people will view it how they want and I'm not trying to change it. If it's too tedious, why bother? I'm looking to intelligently discuss and not name call, which is what is setting us apart on this topic.

I don't see how I'm in denial. You've admitted several times that he's in a better spot on the card than he ever was before, you just seem to have an issue with the booking even though it's the classic method of booking that's been going on since for-fucking-ever.

You're right, this is getting tedious :wtf:

Funny, if this is the classic heel method of booking that's "been going on since for-fucking ever", why is Christian the only one in recent memory who was won a World Title via DQ? For that matter, why is Christian one of the very few who haven't garnered many pinfalls since his turn?

I like to swear. Get the fuck over it.

That much is obvious. Although there's not much point in it besides doing it for the sake of doing it. Especially when you use it to try and emphasize something definitively that isn't fact. It's opinion. As what I'm posting is mine.

Christian managed to keep the feud going even though he lost several times. He kept goading Orton into giving him another shot even though he didn't deserve it. Classic heel booking.

Does anything register with you? I'm not disputing that heels cheat. That's the method of getting heat and every wrestling fan knows it. You know, it is possible to be a strong heel character, get pinfalls definitively, and still resort to cheating all at the same time, right? Christian doesn't have to pin his opponent every single time, but, you've gotta win undisputably to have any kind of credibility. He can cheat to achieve that by distraction, interference, or whatever other means are neccessary to win. That's the classic heel booking. Only Christian has gotten the feud where he got no pins against Orton. Kinda one sided, don't ya think?

Zeke was the Intercontinental Champion and Christian went over him clean. What other big name could he have went over?

When you think big stars and the best of WWE, you don't think Ezekiel Jackson. He was a paper champion who isn't even in Christian's league and most fans recognize that. I wrongly assumed you'd know that and I guess you didn't. What other big name could he have went over? Let's see? Orton, Sheamus, or any other main event calibur talent. Big Zeke is pretty much a joke who was only IC Champ because WWE is short on talent.

He's a 2 time World Champion, one of which he won from Orton. Fucking Christ.

Nice. Good to see you've clearly mastered the art of debate :suspic:

Read the fucking post in it's entirety you fucking goof.

Name calling again? Nice to see you don't fall into that as a deflection from your awesome debate skills ;)

First of all, I said what has he done to show he deserves to STAY in the main event? That answer is fucking nothing. I don't care how long you've been wrestling, it's not a charity, it's a business.

Wow, wrestling is a business? Alert the presses!!!! One could argue just as well that Christian has worked equally as hard as anyone else on top to warrant remaining in the main event. Obviously, you can't see past whatever dislikes you have against Christian to notice. While you've admitted that you do like Christian, you seem to contradict that with claiming his doesn't deserve to be there. Or has done "fucking nothing" to stay there. This pretty much sums up your argument; ironically taking shots at me while contradicting yourself throughout. Is this a hidden talent of yours? Wait, it's not so hidden! :disappointed:

Second of all, Christian was in the main program on Smackdown for 4-5 months. When has any of the guys you mentioned had that long of a stay as a heel WITHOUT a power source? You understanding yet? Probably not.

Yes, Christian was in the main program on SD for 4-5 months. And in that duration of time, Christian failed to get ONE pinfall[cheating or not :shrug:] while Orton won all of his matches definitively and conclusively via pinfall. Again, Christian's pins didn't have to be clean. He could've cheated his ass off throughout and then took advantage of that situation to score the pin. Another well-known heel tactic too, yes?

Jesus Christ dude. Jesus fucking Christ.

I'm not an overly religious guy, but, you've blasphemed enough in this topic to get your own special spot in hell. Nice. Another skill? :confused:

Swagger got cheap wins as well as a bunch of losses a champ.

Not disputing that, Einstein. What I am saying is that Swagger cheated to win and got pins. So simple, yet, so complex for others.

Then what's the fucking problem? If you don't think he should be main eventing all the time, why does it matter that he's not in the mix right now? I've already shown you why he'll certainly be back, what's the problem?

You like adding words where they clearly weren't there, don't ya? Let me clarify my position so as to eliminate that possibility in the future: It's not that Christian isn't in the main events. That's not the issue. What is the issue is that Christian was quite possibly the weakest heel in Smackdown history and maybe even WWE history. WWE has never seen Christian as a major star and his booking shows that to be true. That's the problem.

Let's look around, shall we? Orton: Never won a world title as a heel clean. Edge: Same. Triple H: Same. Miz: Same. Hell, even RIC FUCKING FLAIR cheated to win his matches against top guys. This isn't some shitty new method of putting over heels, this is the exact formula that has been in wrestling since the 60's.

I feel I'm repeating myself because you lack the ability to understand my position. Let me clarify it once more for those who want to distort my points or somehow read more into them than what I actually replied with. Will all caps make it sink in? HEELS CHEAT. I'm not disagreeing with that at all. I'm not even saying Christian should've pinned Orton cleanly. Far from it. There are all kinds of neat heelish tricks to obtain a pinfall and WWE could've used any one of them to accomplish a much better end. Instead, they took the lamest way and easiest out.

Oh that is an absolute crock of shit. Christian is one of my favorites, I've already said that, and his program with Orton squashed any doubts I've ever had about him being a main eventer. I'm just not so blind a mark that I think he needs to stay there and not go back down the card for a while. I fully welcome his return once it's warranted.

Funny, it seems like you are calling anyone who disagrees with you a mark! Careful, that might catch on with everyone who wishes to disagree without looking at all views of the situation. I'm not marking for Christian. I simply believe his title reigns were less impressive than they should've been for a storyline of that magnitude. They built the turn nicely and then shit all over it by making Christian's wins all seem like freaky flukes. Not the best way to convince the audience that this heel is worthy of being in the same ring with the face[in this case, the Super Viper. And yes, I like his work too. Does that make me a "mark" if you don't like him?]. Every WWE superstar at some point leaves the main events to allow others the opportunity to be there. Christian can still remain relevant if that's what WWE decides to do. However, my point was that in his 4-5 months on top WWE screwed the pooch on his turn by making him look weak at every turn along the way in what should've been an awesome back-and-forth feud.

His size is irrelevant to me. And no excuses, logic. The same logic that has been used in almost every successful main event program for the past 25-30 years.

Once again, you contradict yourself. You claim that other top heels like Taker, Big Show, and Kane could score pinfalls as heels while Christian should not. The only excuse for that is size, which is irrelevant. You flop on that more than a politician at election time. Either Christian can resort to heel tricks to get a pin like the big guy heels or he can't because of size. If you're foolish enough to believe the latter, you don't know wrestling. Because there are alot of small men who all were wildly successful at creatively cheating to win a pinfall or submission. And those same men had relatively balanced amounts of wins & losses with their face opponents. Is that coincidental? Doubtful.
What's next for Christian? A feud with Sheamus :lmao:

But seriously, I believe he will be World Champ again...maybe a WWE champ when they move him to Raw, who knows...I think he'll be a bit stuck in the upper mid, but he has shown everyone he can hang in the main event and give great matches!

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