So what if zombie apocalypse really happened?


Dark Match Winner
So I was once again sitting in my room thinking about things. How many zombie apocalypse movies have I seen and how many viruses I battled in games for far too many years to count.

Everything from Resident Evil to Dead Rising. Beat them all(and seen far too many) and lived to tell the tale of how cliche the whole idea has become. And still to this day the whole idea is more popular than ever. Just like Vampires and Lycans.

Right now you play one of those games or watch those movies and you already know the plot and how everything will end. It is boring to even think about it and yet we still pour money into zombie industry year after year after year....

But what if it actually happened in real life where you and I live. Would we really be able to survive? Since lets face it. We would not be main characters in this story and wouldn't be able to escape.

Most of us would be eaten by those things before we could blink. So what logical real life choices would we have to make in order to survive? Would it even be possible? What would the military do really do?

Would they nuke the infested areas and hope for the best? Would they be able to seal off the virus before humanity gets extinct?

Would the anarchy create new rules in the society?

Let's discuss this interesting topic without hero cliches. What would you really do?
I've discussed this at length over at The Walking Dead forum (the Telltale game, not the shit tv show) so I'll just repeat what I said there.

But what if it actually happened in real life where you and I live. Would we really be able to survive?
Most of us would be eaten by those things before we could blink. So what logical real life choices would we have to make in order to survive? Would it even be possible? What would the military do really do?
Would they nuke the infested areas and hope for the best? Would they be able to seal off the virus before humanity gets extinct?
Would the anarchy create new rules in the society?

Most people would be dead in a month. The lack of food and available water would get them if the dead didn't. What's left would be very Walking Dead, small groups of people looking for resources but ultimately I don't think those groups can be maintained. When resources run low, the last thing you want around is other people competing for those resources.
As for the military, what happens when you take the above group and add guns and increased danger? They'd fall like dominos once the fighting broke out.
Quarantine doesn't work because people die regardless, you could never isolate the infected. That's not to say ******** politicians wouldn't try to burn entire cities or nuke them, people are stupid, but it'd be pointless.

Ultimately the situation is entirely out of control. Even if you suggest that after 6 months the dead are rotten and dead again, there will be always be more death. Without a cure for reanimation (and I wouldn't bet on it once society is fucked), death is inevitable and therefore so is infection. It's simply a game of surviving for as long as you can.

Personally my plan would be to grab all the food in the house, along with everything else I need, take it up in the attic and then destroy the staircase with an axe so nothing could climb it. After a month when everyone is dead, I'd live like a parasite, stalking groups until they inevitably collapse (or causing them to collapse by stealing food) and them swoop in on whatever supplies I can grab. Rinse and repeat until inevitable death.

I think a good question to ask is this

Do people actually want the zombie apocalypse and why?

I get the feeling a lot of people would actually welcome it, which is why they keep asking. People realise the world is fucked, it's over populated, overly complicated, run by a minority with endless corruption and they want everything to be reset. Thoughts?
I would get laid more often, as my worth as the perfect human shield would finally be acknowledged.
Boats are the way to go I reckon. In the book of World War Z, the Japanese and Koreans just butchered an incredibly high number of whales, fish and dolphins to sustain the survivors on board. As these were massive military carriers, the problems that Loveless mentioned could arise there too.

Living somewhere coastal in a place like Britain would be handy as you can get a wee boat (probably best to find one with sails rather than just motor power because of need for fuel) and keep a safe enough distance from the mainland but pull into little places to look for food. Hunkering down for a few weeks first would be good as it stands to reason that people going outside will shortly become zombies.

So yeh, I say boat it up.
Living somewhere coastal in a place like Britain would be handy as you can get a wee boat (probably best to find one with sails rather than just motor power because of need for fuel) and keep a safe enough distance from the mainland but pull into little places to look for food. Hunkering down for a few weeks first would be good as it stands to reason that people going outside will shortly become zombies.

So yeh, I say boat it up.

In theory boats are ideal but look closer and there are obvious problems. The main problem with boats is that what keeps you safe also keeps you away from supplies. You'll have no drinkable water and you'll be living on raw fish, that's a recipe for illness. In that situation, if you have other people on the boat that's gonna cause real trouble if just one of them gets ill and you've no meds.
I like the boat idea though, providing you're on your own, anchoring just off shore, luring the zombies into the water and clearing the land to gather supplies, it's probably better than just barricading yourself in somewhere. There is a problem though and it's below.

The zombie conundrum really comes down to this. The moment you put up walls to keep something out, you trap yourself in and with limited resources that force you outside again. That is true in every conceivable situation, bar one.
You could pull the Romero card and go live in a supermarket/mall, you'd have enough resources to live for a very long time, but then you're just setting yourself up as a target for other survivors and that's really the kicker in all this. Even if you manage to beat the zombies, the humans will get you to get what you have.

Being in a group
(leads to)
Lack of security
(leads to)
Security by isolation
(leads to)
Limited resources
(leads to)
Finding Resources (assuming you can find some that are secure)
(leads to)
Human jealousy
(leads to)
Yep, lack of fresh water is going to be a massive secondary killer for sure. I mean even if you were to go for the natural supply from streams and rivers, it's unlikely you would travel far upstream to check the water wasn't contaminated in some fashion.

Bottled water is an obvious target and likely would have been an obvious target for the millions of people in the big cities who have probably been scratched or bitten.
People still wouldn't care about Alberto Del Rio.

LOL yes we know he's that dull...but zombie apocalypse still sounds far more interesting when him talking in the ring doesn't it?

LOL you just made my day. I couldn't stop laughing at a good way. Brother science always seem to find a way to disarm all imaginable bad things that will never happen. :worship:

I've discussed this at length over at The Walking Dead forum (the Telltale game, not the shit tv show) so I'll just repeat what I said there.

Most people would be dead in a month. The lack of food and available water would get them if the dead didn't. What's left would be very Walking Dead, small groups of people looking for resources but ultimately I don't think those groups can be maintained. When resources run low, the last thing you want around is other people competing for those resources.
As for the military, what happens when you take the above group and add guns and increased danger? They'd fall like dominos once the fighting broke out.
Quarantine doesn't work because people die regardless, you could never isolate the infected. That's not to say ******** politicians wouldn't try to burn entire cities or nuke them, people are stupid, but it'd be pointless.

Ultimately the situation is entirely out of control. Even if you suggest that after 6 months the dead are rotten and dead again, there will be always be more death. Without a cure for reanimation (and I wouldn't bet on it once society is fucked), death is inevitable and therefore so is infection. It's simply a game of surviving for as long as you can.

Personally my plan would be to grab all the food in the house, along with everything else I need, take it up in the attic and then destroy the staircase with an axe so nothing could climb it. After a month when everyone is dead, I'd live like a parasite, stalking groups until they inevitably collapse (or causing them to collapse by stealing food) and them swoop in on whatever supplies I can grab. Rinse and repeat until inevitable death.

I think a good question to ask is this

Do people actually want the zombie apocalypse and why?

I get the feeling a lot of people would actually welcome it, which is why they keep asking. People realize the world is fucked, it's over populated, overly complicated, run by a minority with endless corruption and they want everything to be reset. Thoughts?

I was about to make an interesting response but that guy who posted that cracked article simply pulled the rug out of the imaginary apocalypse.

Seems I don't even need to try. Well thought out post you here here though. I appreciate it.

Now as far as me wanting a zombie apocalypse(if by some stretch of nightmarish imagination it would occur) answer is obviously no. This is only a pop culture apocalypse if scenario that I wanted to hear feedback on without being part of some zombie game forum and see how far it would get me.

No need to think about this one too much since as you said we actually have real problems out there that won't be dealt with anytime soon. Like nukes for example. It seems I should go on ahead and make an article about nuclear fallout(3, New Vegas) since that seems like a real future danger instead of imaginative.

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