So.... what happens with the briefcase?


Cena fan since Word-Life
With the news coming out that Daniel Bryan will NOT be competing at Money In The Bank, it appears as if WWE will be going with plan B. Plan B of course being, that the ladder match at MITB, will be for the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

But what does that mean for the briefcase?

The whole point of the MITB PPV is the MITB Ladder match, but if the focal point of the night is going to be a ladder match for the title, does that mean there won't be a briefcase to go after? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the PPV?

Here is a crazy thought that probably won't happen but would be pretty unique and I'd say pretty good for a PPV.

WWE will have qualifying matches for the Ladder match for the World Title on Raw/SmackDown over the next few weeks. Probably have 6 or 7 guys in the match.

But they should have 3 qualifying matches for a spot in the MITB BRIEFCASE match also for the PPV. These 3 matches on Raw/SmackDown would obviously be with guys who haven't qualified for the Title Ladder match.

Then, on the PPV. Have the Ladder match for the WWE World Title up first on the card! The show will start off real strong! Then, everyone will know who the WWE Champ is pretty soon and now there would be meaning in having a MITB Briefcase.

If they have 7 wrestlers in the Title Ladder match that would be perfect, because one would win, leaving 6 left over. Those 6 would have 3 singles matches AT the PPV to make the final 3 spots in the MITB briefcase match.

The card should still have a Tag Team Title match, possibly a IC or US title match and a Divas or Enhancement Match (one of those crappy new guys they are trying to push). I know it would be hard on those 6 guys in the Title Ladder match to then have to be in another match but those matches only have to go maybe 5-8 minutes each. The commentators can help by reminding everyone how beat up they are all ready and I'd expect there to be a few quick roll-up victories, a submission and maybe one from a strong finisher.

That's what I would do.

But if that's not what the WWE is going to do then I'll be interested to see what they decide.
How about at MITB, they have 7 ladder matches, with the winner of each ladder match getting a shot at the actual MITB match.

How about at the Royal Rumble, instead of having a 30 man over the top rope elimination match, they play a game of heads up 7-up....Whoever wins, gets a championship at Wrestlemainia.

All sarcasm of course. I can't stand it when they get away from the whole point of a themed PPV. It's MITB for christ's sake!! There has to be a MITB match!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with having the MITB match and a ladder match. WWE logic drives me nuts sometimes.
Words cannot describe how disappointed I am that the Ladder match at Money In the Bank is for the World Heavyweight Championship. If they do not add a second ladder match for the briefcase, then WWE have completely ruined the entire point of the Money In the Bank show. Is it that difficult to just put someone like Randy Orton or Kane in a world title match with a random face who would be getting pushed for the match in Bryan's place? Then the Ladder match could be for the briefcase, like it's supposed to.

Will the multi man Ladder match be good? Probably. That's not the point though. You can't have Money In the Bank without a Money In the Bank match. They might as well have moved TLC to this month or changed the name of this show to "WWE Ladder". There is still time for WWE to turn this around and provide us with a good show. The way things look now, Money In the Bank 2014 is sure to be the worst edition in the brand's history. I really hope WWE end up proving that prediction wrong. Not having a Money In the Bank briefcase at all this year would be a colossal mistake and one of the most idiotic decisions that the federation has made in a very long time.
How has no one mentioned this yet... The winners of the qualifying matches go through to the WWEWHC Ladder Match, and the the losers go through to the MITB Ladder Match. All the guys in the Qualifiers are good enough to be in either (well apart from Alberto Del Rio, but that's personal preference).
How has no one mentioned this yet... The winners of the qualifying matches go through to the WWEWHC Ladder Match, and the the losers go through to the MITB Ladder Match. All the guys in the Qualifiers are good enough to be in either (well apart from Alberto Del Rio, but that's personal preference).
From a storyline logic perspective - Why should losers be rewarded with an opportunity for the briefcase?
I thought Money In The Bank referred to the fact that the person can cash in at any time and become champion, with a champion being somebody that is paid handsomely. Not having a match for the briefcase doesn't change that. Unless I'm wrong. But I refuse to admit that is the case.
The losers of the MITB WWE Title match should've been entered into the regular MiTB, that way Wade Barrett could win and hoist 3 titles in the air at the end of the night. We've not seen that in a while so it would've been a breath of fresh air, also he's over as hell right now.
I think they should still have qualifying matches for the second MITB. They will probably feature some of them in the upcoming Main Event shows. Most likely some of the losers from the previous qualifying match will be in it (Ziggler for example).
Then, on the PPV. Have the Ladder match for the WWE World Title up first on the card! The show will start off real strong! Then, everyone will know who the WWE Champ is pretty soon and now there would be meaning in having a MITB Briefcase.

I like this idea, but I'd rather have a ladder match for the briefcase be first, and have the match for the straps be later. If you have the match for the straps first, that gives the champ time to rest up and takes away the mystique of the possibility of the champ being cashed in on that night.

I think if you have the briefcase match first and the title match later in the night, it could be a perfect time to be cashed in on due to the sheer physicality of the ladder match

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