So This Whole Campaigning Thing

Your next mod

  • Mohandas Ghandi

  • Britney Spears

  • Adolf Hitler

  • Benito Mussolini

  • Ashlee Simpson

  • Ann Frank

  • Slyfox's kitten

  • Denny Crane

Results are only viewable after voting.
Let's go over the nominations

Gandhi: Too Gentle

Spears: Too Loose

Hitler: Too dictatorial. Plus one balled. Does not give a good impression of wrestling fans.

Mussolini: Too dictatorial

Ashlee Simpson: Singer, Actress and a Mother. Has too much of a life

Anne Frank: Too young for such a HUGE responsibility. Also prone to writing diaries. May not be able to keep secrets.

Slyfox's Kitten: Too loyal to Sly.

Denny Crane: Arrogant and demented. Also a womanizer so he'll probably grow bored of the job.

So yeah, no one is a deserving candidate.
Other: Pierce Brosnan.

Wtf kind of Coco poll is this without Pierce Brosnan?
This was edited by someone who isn't familiar with such calling cards of mine. I made a poll with actual candidates and was winning by a large margin.
The concept of Sly owning a kitten is too absurd for me to handle in conjunction with the particular amount of THC in my system right now.
It wouldn't surprise me that Sly owns a cat. Fits with the James Bond style villain mould I have for him, though I expected him to be more of the Goldfinger type.
Over Gandhi? Guess that paedophile thing finally caught up with him. At last: Justice.

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