So, stop me if I'm wrong here

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
WWE signs Alberto Del Rio back, wanting to make a Mexican star.

Alberto Del Rio has been awesome in AAA and Lucha Underground, one of the few bright spots to what has been a pretty bad year for AAA.

WWE signs him at a premium, emphasizing that they really want to have him back, and exemplify him as a Latino superstar for a burgeoning market of fans from Latin America.

And your plan is to have him work with the most xenophobic character on the roster, in a ripoff of a shitty TNA angle, and prey on the xenophobia of wrestling fans by having the man, a hero to Latinos, a heel?

Does this company really not understand how they fail at presenting hispanic superstars?
WWE signs Alberto Del Rio back, wanting to make a Mexican star.

I think 'have' is a better choice of words than 'make'.

Alberto Del Rio has been awesome in AAA and Lucha Underground, one of the few bright spots to what has been a pretty bad year for AAA.

I'm not familiar with his non-WWE work but I'll take your word for it.

WWE signs him at a premium,

None of us really know but for arguments sake I will accept this.

[/quote] emphasizing that they really want to have him back, [/quote]


and exemplify him as a Latino superstar for a burgeoning market of fans from Latin America.

I'm not willing to agree that this how they sold him on returning but he is an established star who has name recognition and therefore draws Latin eyes.

And your plan is to have him work with the most xenophobic character on the roster, in a ripoff of a shitty TNA angle, and prey on the xenophobia of wrestling fans by having the man, a hero to Latinos, a heel?

Wait, how is Del Rio involved with Claire Lynch?

I don't think anything is clear right now. Swagger himself said that Colter was up to something. Is Del Rio going to end up the victim? Is Del Rio's name just there to build up another Latino star? Will someone eventually stand up to him representing the idea that Mexican's love their "Independence"?

Does this company really not understand how they fail at presenting hispanic superstars?

I don't know. It sounds like they did well in the past with Guerrero and Rey. Sin Cara was supposed to take the mantle from Rey Rey but that didn't go well for reasons not so much in their control. Del Rio may be a temporary solution. Regardless of being a face of heel, he is probably going to sell some extra tickets on the Mexican tour.

It certainly helps WWE's image to get Del Rio to come back and work for them after the mess that was made when he left.
He's a solid worker, and they have a pretty serious lack of star power on the roster. He's got a bigger name than almost the entire roster. I'm not a fan, at all, but I understand why they signed him.
The way I see it, Zeb Colter had a change of heart. He was a babyface the last time we saw him feuding with Rusev, and now he wants to bring together Mexicans and Americans, because Donald Trump is a fucking racist. Now, Jack Swagger on the other hand... What a jerk. What? Americans are that self-entitled that they can't mingle with the poor Mexican people? Shame on you!

Now seriously, the whole angle is just stupid. Can't Alberto just beat the living shit out of his opponents? That's really what's working for him at the moment. In 2 weeks, he wrestled 5 fucking matches, 6 if you count next SmackDown (have not seen the spoilers, so I'm not sure, but still...). Talk about overexposing a return. Now, he is not fresh anymore. Fuck you WWE. /rant
Not only that, but after bringing him in in such an impactful way only to put him into consecutive matches with R-Truth and Neville... Other than his Cena win, this has been a pretty shitty start to Del Rio's second run, and yeah I know it's only been three weeks y'all don't have to remind me, it's still been a weak start.

I said from the beginning they made a huge mistake by bringing him in as a heel. "We need a huge Latino star who can cater to the Latino market and we need him fast. I know! Let's re-sign Alberto Del Rio, put him with the previously racist Zeb Coulter, and align him with America! Never mind that his exit from WWE was the perfect scenario in which to bring him back as a Mexican (face) hero, this is the route to go." I'm thinking Del Rio's already getting nervous about his decision after he's been used the past few weeks. Once again, WWE has turned something potentially special into just another cog on the wheel like they do with everybody not named Brock Lesnar.

And it seems like his first feud will be with Swagger. Yeah, Del Rio must be so happy with his current direction.
He'll be heel a few weeks then Ricardo will come out introduce him. Boom face.
Барбоса;5325701 said:
Del Rio is as boring as sin.

This is true, can't argue with that.

...But then if you HAVE to play the diversity card, you got to have your ethnic hero be a face.

If only Rey were a bit younger and Sin Cara didn't bomb...
Hispanics? This company is an expert cooling off ANYONE that gets over organically. Damien Sandow, Sasha Banks, Cesaro, Dean Ambrose. Anyone.
I said from the beginning they made a huge mistake by bringing him in as a heel.

But he's a terrible babyface. His babyface run was the stuff of disaster the one time they tried it.
But he's a terrible babyface. His babyface run was the stuff of disaster the one time they tried it.
Dude, just let the guy be himself. Seriously. Watch his Lucha Underground and AAA promos. It's impossible not to cheer him on after hearing him cut promos.
But he's a terrible babyface. His babyface run was the stuff of disaster the one time they tried it.

Jeez I honestly thought that was his best work other than when he first came in. As a heel he's repetitive and boring. Let me correct myself, as a heel in WWE he's repetitive and boring. As Killjoy said, on the independent circuit he was awesome and super over and that's coming from someone who was bored to tears by his first run.

Maybe babyface was the wrong word to use. They should have brought him in as a tweener at least. That was basically what he was on the independent scene... well in AAA he was a face. Either way, I think face or tweener would have been much more advantageous to both WWE and Del Rio. Look at how his heel run has started.

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