So long, Netflix.


Championship Contender
Does anyone else subscribe to Netflix mainly for the wrestling? I have Instant Netflix for $9 a month on my Xbox 360. I noticed today was the first time they added anything new in at least a couple months. They dropped the CM Punk "Best in the World" DVD and added Triple H's "Thy Kingdom Come."

When the WWE Network launches, I have to believe that they'll stop adding new shows altogether, correct? I haven't read any news about this, but I've gotta assume it's possible that WWE pulls all of their programming off of Netlfix so that it becomes exclusively available on their network. Besides, for $1 more a month, you're telling me I'm going to have access to the entire archive of WWE, WCW, and ECW ppv's? Not to mention the current ppv's for no extra charge and replays of Raw and Smackdown. Netflix should be losing quite a bit of money to wrestling fans here.
I don't think the WWE stuff will come off Netflix immediately. They would have secured a longer deal with the company so the content should remain for a little while at least. In Canada they haven't added Thy Kingdom Come....I'm waiting because I've heard it's one of the better ones. Seriously you can't find anything else to watch on Netflix but WWE? haha C'mon there's quality stuff on there!
I haven't heard anything either, but I don't think they'll lose much business at all over it. I don't think they are any people subscribed just for WWE, since there's not much on there anyways. I haven't counted, but I think there's like 15 shows on Netflix, and half of those are "best ofs".
Sure, there's plenty of other stuff to watch on Netflix. Wrestling is the main reason I subscribe though. I'm watching "Thy Kingdom Come" right now, actually. It is pretty good. It's all interviews. I hate the ones that are all matches and no interviews. I want to hear insight from the wrestler that's featured on the dvd. I can look up their matches on YouTube anytime.
I dont think it will hurt Netflix. They still have a huge market of people who dont care for wrestling. I think where it will really hurt is the actual networks that carry Raw and Smackdown.

I have directv and really the only shows I watch are on AMC, History and USA. So take away Raw from USA, why would I pay $80.00 to have directv? I just go out and buy a Roku device and download the WWE Network and Netflix and I get basically everything I want to watch for $19.00 a month.

Who wins?

I subscribe to netflix to watch really shitty horror movies, because they have tons. I watched all the WWE docs at one point or another, but Netflix has much more to offer. I will definitely miss the Stone Cold and Ric Flair docs, because they are highly enjoyable when I'm drunk. Otherwise, I'm all set.
I too have Netflix for the wwe docs and for B horror movies. looks like ill be saving some cash in the not so distant future
I have Netflix for the blu-ray rentals and the Netflix Instant. I don't even watch the wrestling on Netflix Instant. I do watch House of Cards, OITB, Arrested Development, and The Avengers. I watch The Avengers almost 3-4 times a month.
Netflix isn't going to sweat over wrestling-only customers from pulling out. Those customers make such a small percentage of their entire customer base that they won't lose as much money as you think.

If you're personally saying "So long Netflix," okay. But if you're saying it because you think Netflix is going to a huge hit because of the Network, you're way off base.

The only true enemy of Netflix are sites that offer free streaming shows and movies that have been ripped from people uploading them. These are the same sites that the Network will have problems with as well. Not to mention sites that stream PPVs live.
Netflix isn't in trouble, cable is. Other than sports and sport entertainment, things you kind of need to watch live to get the full effect, there is no reason to have cable or any dish. Streaming tv and VOD is the future. Wwe is smart. Everything currently on regular tv is going to receive record bids and everything else WWE will get people to pay a subscription to.
Netflix isn't in trouble, cable is. Other than sports and sport entertainment, things you kind of need to watch live to get the full effect, there is no reason to have cable or any dish.

I complete agree that cable/dish is in trouble. Not only are streaming services a lot cheaper, but you get to pick what you want to watch at anytime. I know most cable companies offer On Demand for free, but it's usually just the last 4 episodes, not the whole series.

Since getting our house last year, we've only had netflix and internet. The only things I've missed are News / Politics programs and wrestling. Everything else is either on Netflix or available on websites like NBC.

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