So if Rollins beat the legends at Night of Champions....

In reality, what will happen in your honest opinion

  • Rollins def. Cena loses to Sting

  • Rollins def. Sting loses to Cena

  • Rollins wins both matches

  • Rollins loses both matches

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That N Word

Actively evolving
So if Rollins beat Cena and Sting at Night of Champions and both clean would that lead to a face turn. WWE has been teasing a future feud between Rollins and Triple H. On Raw, Rollins has three of the all-time greats in Stephanie,Sting and Cena tell him he wasn't better than Triple H. So what happens if Rollins beats both Sting and Cena in one night (ala Jericho def. Rock and SCSA in one night.) Does Triple H turn on him? turning Rollins face and the bigger question, could it lead to Rollins becoming the next face of WWE?
So what happens if Rollins beats both Sting and Cena in one night..... Does Triple H turn on him?

If Rollins wins both his matches cleanly and Triple H turns on him, that would surely make Seth an instant hero, wouldn't it? Yes, going from bad guy to good guy in a night is an almost impossible task but if the fans see Rollins fight his butt off and earn the victories, only to have the Authority move against him after having put him in this position in the first place, the one-night face change could occur.

Problem is, there's been little to indicate Seth can accomplish much of anything by himself (kayfabe). He hasn't been without his posse for very long, and even though he's now going it alone, he doesn't win his high profile matches fairly.

Yes, a change to the side of good seems to be happening for Seth but having him beat Sting and Cena cleanly seems like too much of a metamorphisis for just one night's work.
I think Rollins will win his match with Cena, Cena already has stated how good of a competitor he is etc, then a backstage segment with HHH and Rollins causes HHH to somehow cost Rollins his match with Sting to protect his own legacy as being the best. This would give us interesting matches for Sting and Rollins vs HHH will happen or at least be in line for happening in the future.
I think Rollins will win his match with Cena, Cena already has stated how good of a competitor he is etc, then a backstage segment with HHH and Rollins causes HHH to somehow cost Rollins his match with Sting to protect his own legacy as being the best. This would give us interesting matches for Sting and Rollins vs HHH will happen or at least be in line for happening in the future.

To elaborate maybe HHH screws Seth so he can be the only one who has beaten Sting in a WWE ring, but Sting doesn't want to win the belt that way, so we get a no contest.

No. I am not Vince Russo
I don't think winning clean would make him a hero or turn him face. It would fuel his ego and give him something else to boast about. However, if he loses both matches but fights valiantly the fans might be sympathetic. There's no logical reason for Triple H to turn on Seth if he's winning. Seth has to disappoint Triple H. If Triple H turned on Seth after a victory it would be Seth's mouth that gets him in trouble. And that would make Triple H the face in this situation. So if the goal is to turn Seth face he needs to lose twice.
The storyline almost writes itself.

If Rollins wins both matches then on RAW he can go on a rant about how he beat Cena & Sting in one night, two legends with 20 odd World Title reigns between them.

He asks HHH & Stephanie to unveil his statue only for HHH to say there's one more legend he hasn't defeated and hits him with a pedigree.

Looking at the higher end of the roster, if Rollins does turn face then one or two are going to need to turn heel.
i agree with the poster above. i think the story writes itself here. have Seth Rollins beat BOTH Cena and Sting at NOC and in fact, have him win cleanly (to help start the slow face turn), then have Triple H say he hadn't beat one legend yet and have him turn on him and pedigree him. dont reveal who the face and heel are, but after the match, reveal it. what i would do is book Seth Rollins to beat Triple H (cleanly), then have Triple H want to shake his hand, Seth falls for it, gets pedigreed and out comes Sheamus to cash in. that's the best way to turn Seth, have him beat 3 legends in 2 months only to have him screwed out of his WWE Championship, that will get him sympathetic face cheers.
To be perfectly honest, I'm not at all sure. Any of these scenarios is possible when you break it all down.

Rollins could retain against Cena, most likely due to some sort of cheating, and I could see Cena using a few underhanded tactics of his own later in the night to ensure Sting has a pretty significant moment in history by becoming only the 2nd man in history to have been NWA, WCW and WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Some fans wanna see the nostalgic moment of Sting in all his geriatric glory winning his 13th World Championship.

Rollins going over Sting while losing to Cena is a means of Cena, obviously, getting the US title back and probably continue on with it for a while longer. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind seeing going after the IC title when all is said & done. WWE's painted themselves into a corner, though that's not at all against the norm, though, to be fair, some fans are going to bitch no matter what. If Rollins goes over Sting, here come the "WWE is destroying Sting's legacy" and "WWE is burying Sting" comments as Sting will be 0-2 in WWE. If Sting goes over Rollins, we'll have a senior citizen as WWE Champion and here will come the "Sting winning makes Rollins look bad" comments.

Rollins winning both matches could happen, though it's a helluva stretch and probably the least likely in my opinion. Rollins going over both John Cena and Sting in the same night would be a pretty significant deal for Rollins, no matter how he retains.

Rollins dropping both titles is a possibility because it seems that they're laying the ground work for Triple H vs. Rollins. Rollins losing both titles is a strong possibility, in my eyes anyhow, as it'll lead to all the more frustration & tension with The Authority. Seth will blame Stephanie for putting him in two matches, maybe even getting very heated, Triple H steps in to defend his woman's honor and the tension continues to build in the coming weeks and possibly months. I could see Rollins sort of reading into little comments that either Trips or Stephanie make, maybe getting a bit paranoid that they're going to toss him aside as they did with Randy Orton, etc. Rollins losing both titles is a logical path to take towards building a feud with Triple H, especially if they intend to stretch things out with it culminating in a bout between them at WrestleMania XXXII.
I would have to go with Rollins beating Cena again but Triple H coming in and costing Rollins the title, because honestly, I have no desire in seeing Sting lose two matches in a row. I mean if he went over Triple H at WM, I wouldn't have a problem with him losing this match. And Sting can just have a transitional reign, dropping the belt at Hell in a Cell via a Sheamus cash in.
Rollins winning both matches would not make him a hero....based on his arrogaunt character it would make far more sense if that just fed his ego and made him even more un bearable. Rollins is clearly patterned after the vintage Horsemen era Ric Flair or Evolution HHH model of a heel champion, talented, tough, but cowardly and a cheater. When he does turn face he will have shown enough skill that it is easily believable he can win clean against top competition. Simply giving him a clean win (or two) doesn't make him a face though, it makes no sense given his ego driven presentation to think his character would suddenly become a rule abiding "good guy", if anything it would make far more sense for such a win to make him even more of a selfish heel.

Furthermore, why would HHH turn on Seth if wins both matches, clean or dirty ? The Authority are rule breakers so if Seth cheats so what, plus HHH wants to hold Cena down and stop Sting's momentum before he gets going, which Rollins beating both would do.

Personally, I think it is way to soon for Seth to turn....there is a lot more storyline with him playing his heel persona, especially if he drops the World Title to Sting, which not only emboldens "The Vigiliante" making him much more a threat to HHH/Authority it pretty much washes away the aura of HHH's Mania win over "The Icon". Put Rollins & HHH in the position of chasing the title for awhile.

Meanwhile, we never got a full fledged Rollins-Lesnar feud - Lesnar lost the title thanks to a MIB cash in at Mania, The Authority suspended him to protect Rollins, eventually he was reinstated but his lone match one on one vs Lesnar was interrupted by Taker, a return and subsequent fued that immediately tied up Lesnar and distracted him away from the title chase. Lesnar should start pursuing the title, forced to go through Rollins to get it. This is a great way to continue making Rollins seem like a legit star, he wins at Mania, feuds with Cena, feuds with Sting, feuds with Lesnar, all established main stream stars with mass appeal, with an impressive title run wrapped around it and some great individual matches.

if they want to turn him face they can do it easily by having Lesnar beat him which would catapult him to #1 contender and upset the HHH/Authority, widening what ever rift exists between them.

Rollins should lose both matches at NOC - it's time for The Authority to go take a few set backs and let the good guys take the driver seat for a bit, it's a crowd pleasing change of pace, keeps storylines fresh, and keeps all the main players involved.
Rollins winning both matches could happen, though it's a helluva stretch and probably the least likely in my opinion. Rollins going over both John Cena and Sting in the same night would be a pretty significant deal for Rollins, no matter how he retains.


That's an understatement, even though Sting is near the end of his career. The only things I can see being comparable/slightly bigger was Chris Jericho beating both Steve Austin & The Rock in the same night to unify the WCW & WWE World Titles in 2002 and Ric Flair beating both Sting & Lex Luger in a Triangle Match to earn # Contender status and immediately afterwards (never even leaving the ring for a break) beating Randy Savage for the WCW Title (Starrcade 95).
I feel like I'm the only one (other than Flair fan) who sees NOC as a way for Rollins to become even more of an overbearing, egotistical heel. Fuck a face turn, there's so much left for Rollins to accomplish as a heel. For all the complaints of "too many turns" in these forums, I see a hell of a lot of people clamoring for a Dean Ambrose heel turn or a Roman Reigns heel turn or a Rollins face turn or a Brock heel turn, etc. Is it an unwritten rule that wrestlers have to turn once a year or something? Let Rollins run as the top heel for however long he can ride this momentum... it's not like he's fading or even close to becoming stale at this point.

I see Rollins winning both matches but there's a good chance he drops the WWE strap to Sting. Either way, both scenarios can be used to start developing the Seth/H feud, with Seth as the main heel. If he beats both Sting and Cena his ego would balloon. He'd be proclaiming himself the greatest of all time while an annoyed HHH looks on, finally leading to tensions escalating as Rollins continues to take potshots at The Game. If he loses to Sting, he could very well become jealous of HHH while ol' Hunter rubs some salt in the wounds like he does.

In either scenario, it makes much more sense for Rollins to be the heel in this program. People keep talking about HHH screwing Seth but I have yet to see a plausible scenario as to why in the hell HHH would turn on Seth. If Seth is doing what he's supposed to be doing as "The Chosen One" and kayfabe-wise he's "best for business", which is The Authority's WHOLE shtick, why would they get rid of him? Why would they trade him in for Sheamus? Also, in what way would this even make Seth a face? He's still hated, if H were to Pedigree him out of nowhere, I assume that would elicit a cheer. I don't know, I just don't see how nearly everybody can see something that I, for the life of me, can not. Perhaps I'm just wrong.
I think the same as last post. Rollins is too egotistical to make me believe he's turning face soon. If any I felt that on RAW we were seeing a face turn from Steph. Maybe Hunter too. I don't like the Authority as face but I'm tired of what they are. But if they want to turn Rollins face Sting must win the title without Sheamus cashing in that night. Cena must win the U.S. Strap. HHH must belittle Rollins for his failure, kick him out of the authority. Give Rollins time off (I'm sure www studios can put him in a film) while the storyline is the search for the new face of the authority. Then at hiac, or ss have Sheamus reveal himself as the new face of authority cashing in on Sting (after he has one successful defense)
Then Rollins can have HHH to feud and Sheamus can feud with Orton for the title or better yet Brock Lesnar. It pulls Sting out of title picture so we can see seeds planted for him at WM32
The storyline almost writes itself.

If Rollins wins both matches then on RAW he can go on a rant about how he beat Cena & Sting in one night, two legends with 20 odd World Title reigns between them.

He asks HHH & Stephanie to unveil his statue only for HHH to say there's one more legend he hasn't defeated and hits him with a pedigree.

Looking at the higher end of the roster, if Rollins does turn face then one or two are going to need to turn heel.

With all due respect I don't see how it writes itself because it doesn't really make sense. Why does Triple H hit him with a pedigree? And why would this turn Rollins face? The only logical reason for Triple H to turn on Seth is because Seth is an ungrateful egomaniac. The fans would pop if Triple H turned on Seth. Winning clean at NOC wouldn't make a difference. There are ways to turn Seth face but this way would make zero sense.
NOC is going to be interesting to say the least.. Rollins has been very boastful in his accomplishments,almost to the point in saying he is better than the game ever was..

Thats a huge no no in the billion dollar princess playbook. I can see Seth retaining against Cena with some underhanded tactics of course but lately seth is becoming sorta likeable in a way. Seth is the top heel right now he can either drop both titles retain one or retain both..

I personally see him retaining both,and even going on to be more of an ass than he already is and ordering that ridiculous statue of his.. Sting doesn't need the WWE title for what purpose would that solve? I definitely see a Trips seth program feud later down the road to figure out who the best is at WM32
So if Rollins beat Cena and Sting at Night of Champions and both clean would that lead to a face turn. WWE has been teasing a future feud between Rollins and Triple H. On Raw, Rollins has three of the all-time greats in Stephanie,Sting and Cena tell him he wasn't better than Triple H. So what happens if Rollins beats both Sting and Cena in one night (ala Jericho def. Rock and SCSA in one night.) Does Triple H turn on him? turning Rollins face and the bigger question, could it lead to Rollins becoming the next face of WWE?

I doubt it. I think Rollins retains both titles, however, Rollins vs. Cena probably will happen again at HIAC this time for the WWE WHC while Sting disappears until WM season.

I could see Cena costing Rollins the US title to Owens/Cesaro if he tries to mock Cena with the US Title Open Challenge. Cena causes him to lose the title so he can feel his pain.

Due to the lack of legit contenders for the WWE WHC, Cena is their best bet. Or they could have Rollins keep both titles, just won't defend the US title as much like how Sheamus' and Ambrose's reigns were. I can't see a Rollins face turn or HHH vs. Rollins anytime soon with WrestleMania season only a few months away.

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