Night Of Champions 2015: United States Championship - Seth Rollins (c) VS John Cena

Is Cena Destined For Reign #5 At NOC?

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It's been confirmed; what we all pretty much guessed was coming has now been made official. Seth Rollins will pull double duty at NOC as John Cena invoked his rematch clause for the US title.

During Sting's opening promo with his compliments on Triple H, his insults to Rollins, Stephanie pretty much agreeing with Sting's statements and standing up for her man, the groundwork is being laid for Triple H vs. Rollins, quite possibly for WrestleMania. At any rate, I think there's a probability of Rollins dropping the title back to Cena, I just don't see Rollins walking out with both titles after NOC. Personally, I'd prefer that he decides to surrender the title after managing to retain it against Cena rather than playing hot potato with it.
It's been confirmed; what we all pretty much guessed was coming has now been made official. Seth Rollins will pull double duty at NOC as John Cena invoked his rematch clause for the US title.

During Sting's opening promo with his compliments on Triple H, his insults to Rollins, Stephanie pretty much agreeing with Sting's statements and standing up for her man, the groundwork is being laid for Triple H vs. Rollins, quite possibly for WrestleMania. At any rate, I think there's a probability of Rollins dropping the title back to Cena, I just don't see Rollins walking out with both titles after NOC. Personally, I'd prefer that he decides to surrender the title after managing to retain it against Cena rather than playing hot potato with it.

I don't expect Rollins vs. HHH to ever happen like how Ryback vs. HHH and Reigns vs. HHH was supposed to happen.

I think they're saving HHH for The Rock at WrestleMania. I just think the new tension will add to the storyline.
Both bring up good points. But I don't want to see Cena win the title back so quickly. If that's the case then Rollins only won for a cheap Jon Stewart spot.

I say Seth wins both matches at NOC and cotinues this, "I'm as good as Hunter but Im still the only US/WWE heavyweight champ." Maybe this leads to HHH/Rollins at either Survivor Series or Royal Rumble with Hunter going over.

Hunter brags the following Monday that no one can be better then HHH when Rock's music hits. Thus sets HHH/Rock at Wrestlemania.
I'm kind of hoping that Rollins drops the US title to Cena, and then drops the WHC to Sting. Then Sheamus will try to cash in next night on RAW. With Sting only working limited dates, he's not a good choice to hold any title.
My hope is that Rollins beats Cena clean to retain the United States Championship, then loses the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to Sting. Afterwards, Sheamus cashes in and beats Sting for the title. Rollins continues to defend the US title while Sheamus feuds with some different talent for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
My hope is that Rollins beats Cena clean to retain the United States Championship, then loses the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to Sting. Afterwards, Sheamus cashes in and beats Sting for the title. Rollins continues to defend the US title while Sheamus feuds with some different talent for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Interesting scenarios & I have mixed feelings about them all. On one hand, if Rollins loses the world title, it seems 'cheap' to have him continue to defend the US belt, although that could also possibly be seen as a good thing because we don't want to see Rollins relegated down to the middle of the pack.

I like the idea of Sting winning the world title and holding a celebration the same night......yet dropping the whole thing before the evening is over.... to Sheamus' MITB cash-in. It eliminates the problem of what in hell to do with Sting after he wins the belt. Whether his title reign is short or long, he will still go in the record books as having won the WWE world let's keep it a short reign. Like, maybe 2 minutes.

Of course, all this leaves us with Sheamus as world champion. As much as I like the guy, I don't think the fans are going to receive him well as #1.
The whole problem with Sting's number of dates is actually Sheamus being mr. Money in the Bank, because the crowd doesn't want him any near the main event scene.
WWE need either change Sheamus' gimmick again to something more Corporate look (this turning Rollins face and Sheamus took his place in Authority) or give MitB briefcase to some other superstar (Cesaro/Owens/Ziggler/Bray all will do).

Sting loosing to Rollins just an hour after the terminator Cena gives Seth a beating will cost Stinger alot of credibility and not an option in my view.
Sting winning the title, creating a 1 night buzz, winning over Rollins again on RAW in a rematch and seconds later loosing it to Mr. Money in the Bank is much better.
This is a bummer. I really don't want to see Rollins have to pull double duty. There are other matches they could add to the card in this place or give those matches more time.

I would prefer a triple threat with the first fall for the US Title and the second for the World Title. It cuts an extra Rollins match from the card. It gives Sting an extra guy to carry him. It protects Rollins in a better way (assuming the finish is for him to lose).

And most importantly it gives Sting and Cena a chance to fight each other. That is a much bigger draw for me. And if Sting is truthful about ending his career as he said last night, having Sting and Cena in a match together seems like a much bigger draw than just Sting and Rollins plus Cena and Rollins.
With Survivor Series in Atlanta it makes sense for Sting to hold the World Title at least till then, actually PAST then, losing shortly thereafter.

WWE seems to have no interest in a Sheamus Title Run and he's been mostly on the lower half of the card all year anyway, not exactly a great place to be if you're on the verge of a World Title Win unless you're a big time established legend (which he definitely is not).

Rollins should lose both titles at NOC - It validates the importance of what is otherwise a "throw away" PPV, plus it's the first real set back for The Authority all year - W-Mania was a 4 hour show dedicated solely to putting over The Authority as the best Heel faction and most powerful force in wrestling today and it worked, it's time they lose a few to even the score with the rest of the crowd before they get so boring no one cares (or as I Like To Call It "NWO Syndrome").

All the best heel factions stay relevant by losing power periodically, giving the fans what they want to see (bad guys losing), then re energize storylines by going back on the hunt instead of being the hunted all the time. The Authority is due for a fall, and if WWE has value in Sting, especially with the mega W-Mania in Dallas he needs a significant victory. He is also the only character on the show who hasn't been handled thoroughly by The Authority, including Cena, so he is the logical one to "knock them down a peg".

Plus, are there any match ups worth more money with casual fans than Sting-Taker & Sting-Lesnar, which would have added appeal if Sting was WHC ?

I say let Rollins lose both titles, he wrestles a great match vs Cena, loses, then attacks him post match and is injured in the ensuing brawl, making him slim pickings for Sting but let him still have a good match vs Sting, play up the injury angle to show his toughness, which has been questioned, but let him be competitive in a clean, decisive loss.

This sets up all sorts of storyline potential with A) heat between Rollins & The Authority for losing B) The Authority's Quest to take out Sting and regain the title C) Return Lesnar to the mix and have a legit full fledged fued with Rollins/Authority over who should get the title shot (this could fill some time while Sting ISNT wrestling since his limited dates and age likely mean he isn't taking a full time schedule) D) Start a major fued over The US Title with Cena headlining house shows (you wont get many house shows out of Lesnar or Sting) E) Allow Sting his "Homecoming" to Atlanta for S-Series (The home base of WCW) and let him be victorious, in a grueling match, setting him up to lose the title shortly thereafter - Sting disappears for awhile then returns for one last match at Mania
I say Cena wins his 5th WWE United States Championship becoming a 5-time WWE United States Champion with him winning the title back from Rollins because Rollins since he has to pull double duty carrying both titles I see him somehow losing this title but somehow retaining his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Sting by getting himself either counted out or DQ'd
Did WWE not remember their post Summer Slam PPV was Night Of Champions? If they did they probably wouldn't have main that title vs title match. It makes no sense for a heel to pull double duty. Should I be sympathetic towards Rollins if he loses to Sting after having a really competitive match against Cena? Because I would if he wasn't a bad guy.
Did WWE not remember their post Summer Slam PPV was Night Of Champions? If they did they probably wouldn't have main that title vs title match. It makes no sense for a heel to pull double duty. Should I be sympathetic towards Rollins if he loses to Sting after having a really competitive match against Cena? Because I would if he wasn't a bad guy.

Respectfully disagree. And BTW, Hi Jake!

I recall Rick Rude, while in WCW and part of the Dangerous Alliance. had a night in which he was challenging for the NWA Title AND defending the US title. (I think that's how it went.) Rude was DESPISED, so it was fun watching him get his commupence.

On the other hand, is Rollins wins his matches and retains those titles, he's spoken in the same breath as Chris Jericho for his wins over The Rock and Steve Austin.

I rather like the direction they've gone, here.
Does it only work if Rollins, seemingly going through the transition into a face, get's his comeuppance?

I can't actually recall the Rude situation for what it's worth.
Nah, I can only see Rollins winning this one.

Cena will come close, but I see Seth getting the victory in a very tough, hard-fought match. This will allow Rollins to claim he was tired and not at 100% if Sting defeats him in the main event and help him to save face rather than it simply being the "future" of the WWE losing to a 56 year old veteran.
I see John Cena winning his U.S. Title back in a tough fight. I kind of get the feeling Seth will get distracted by someone but I do not know who it will be, that person is not out there to help John just to make sure Seth loses.
John can also win Seth's rematch at HIAC fair and square.
It's probably going to be the best match of the night, but it's like their 10th match in a calendar year, so maybe they will not put that much of an effort like last month. Whomever wins, I couldn't care less. I hope it's John Cena because I kinda miss the Open Challenges as usually that gave away great matches with very underrated people. Also, it makes sense that Cena gets the title back as it would create a lot of doubt in Rollins head about being able to retain the WWE World Title.
Cena needs to win this match for sure, so he can go back to the Open Challenges on Raw, and then Rollins can pursue the US Title from Cena between now and Royal Rumble.

I'll get into more in the other thread, but Rollins absolutely has to drop both belts at NOC.

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