So, I was reading KB's reviews


crafts entire Worlds out of Words
I was finally getting around to reading KB's reviews for Wrestlemania. I was on WM 9, and I watched the quite conveniently included match of Razor Ramon vs. Backlund. However, this isn't about the match per se.

Savage, for some reason I can't remember at the moment, was on commentary. When Heenan (I believe) questions how Doink the Clown can be speaking with people on the awesome Wrestlemania 9 hotline when Doink is under the ring, Savage says:

"I know what my first question to Doink would beee."

Question: "What would it be?"

Answer: "Not gonna tell ya, it's obbvious."


This was along with gems such as

"If you're beat up, the best place is the first aid room because they can attend to you quickly."

Randy Savage was fucking crazy. :lmao:
FINALLY someone watches the match. I figure if nothing else you can have something to debate if you've never seen/don't remember the show.
I'm on WM 10 right now, with Vince McMahon on commentary. I thought JR sounded weird on commentary from 15+ years ago. McMahon sounds REALLY young. Or at least really different.

EDIT: Holy shit...he's a face commentator. At least, I'm guessing he is because Lawler is sucking Yokozuna's dick and McMahon is having a heart attack when Lex Luger comes out in his cool new face gimmick.
I didn't figure he was a heel for his entire career or anything, but I didn't expect him to be the face to Lawler's heel. Honestly though, Vince isn't doing a bad job at all. Pretty good, really.
You're not familiar with Jesse and Gorilla are you?

Listen to them call a show and then listen to VInce. You'll be begging for Gorilla. Vince's most annoying thing: "1, 2, and 3 he got him! No almost a count of three."
I caught a bit of Jesse and Gorilla in the earlier WM matches you gave us. They were really good. And you can tell with McMahon/Lawler, McMahon isn't quite in his own character yet. It's sorta weird. But Lawler is sooooo over the top with his heel gimmick, McMahon can almost recover.

Lawler just called Backlund a master because he rolled into the ropes. :lmao:
Lawler used to be pure evil. There's really no one to compare him to today. Vince used to be this ridiculous face who tried so hard to defend faces. Check out the 92 Rumble for Gorilla and Heenan. They're better than the match, which is a classic in its own right.
Jeez Razor you haven't been watching wrestling very long eh?

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