Rebooking Wrestlemanias

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
If you had the chance to rebook past WrestleManias in the sense of putting out a different card a better card than what they had then what would be your card? What would you have done differently than what WWE did match card wise? A card I would rebook would be:

WrestleMania IX (1993)

1- WWF Intercontinental Championship- Shawn Michaels (c) vs Crush

2- Strike Force vs The Headshrinkers (Tag Team Match)

3- The Unstoppable Force Meets The Immovable Object- Bam Bam Bigelow vs Yokozuna

4- Tatanka vs Jerry "The King" Lawler

5- WWF Tag Team Championship- Steiner Brothers (c) vs Money, Inc.

6- Narcissist Lex Luger w/Bobby The Brain Heenan vs Hulk Hogan

7- Razor Ramon vs Mr Perfect

8- The Undertaker vs Evil Doink The Clown

9- Main Event- WWF Championship- Bret "The Hitman" Hart (c) vs Macho Man Randy Savage (1993 Royal Rumble Match Winner)

* Savage would win the Royal Rumble Match and basically passes the torch to Bret in a classic match where both men shake hands and hug after the match
Somebody did a whole series on this leading up to last WreslteMania where there was a thread dedicated to rebooking each WrestleMania one by one. And yeah, Strike Force broke up 4 at WrestleMania V, for years earlier. Are you really thinking about putting them back together for whatever reason in 93?

On a different note though, I really like the Bret Hart Randy Savage idea. Would have been awesome to see!
Interesting you mentioned Strike Force because around that time I was actually thinking they should get back together too. I know a Randy Savage vs Bret Hart feud had been hinted at at house shows where they got into pushing fights before it was broken up and they eventually shook hands. You can find that on youtube. Would have been an awesome match for sure.
Found it.

1. The Nasty Boys def. The Headshrinkers w/ Afa

Knobs and Sags were in the twilight of their WWF run in 1993, and I'd have sent them off with a win here in the opener.

2. Tatanka def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow stands out as missing from this card and I don't think Tatanka deserved to be in a title match at the biggest event of the year. These 2 would've made for a decent feud and match with eachother.

3. WWF Tag Team Championship: The Steiner Brothers def. Money Inc. (c)

Rick and Scott won the tag team titles twice later in the year. Hogan and Beefcake couldn't be taken seriously as tag champions, so why even have them take that route? I'd have put the Steiners over as champs, though I probably would have had them trade wins back and forth with DiBiase and IRS just as they did in reality.

4. Doink def. Crush

I would have gotten rid of this match, except the roster was so weak at this point that it kind of has to stay. Plus it had the memborable moment of the 2 Doinks looking at eachother and mirroring eachother's movements.

5. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Razor Ramon

What a step backwards WM9 was for Scott Hall. He went from tag teaming with Flair in the main event of Survivor Series '92 and a WWF Title match against Bret Hart at the '93 Bob Backlund at WrestleMania? Give me a break. I'll put him against Taker in a huge improvement from what took place and make him Taker's 3rd victim in the streak.*

6. Intercontinental Championship: Shawn Michaels (c) w/ Luna Vachon def. Mr. Perfect

In my opinion, they missed a big "passing of the torch" moment here by not having Michaels and Hennig match up. Shawn was the next great IC Champ and Mr. Perfect was one of the great IC Champs of all-time. These 2 could have stolen the show.*

7. Hulk Hogan w/ Jimmy Hart def. Giant Gonzalez w/ Harvey Wippleman

Hogan was known for being outsized in some of his greatest Mania moments, and this would have been no different. Gonzalez stood 7'6, but somehow Hulkamania would have beaten all odds as usual. And this would have been all you had seen of Hogan. No title win at the end. It should go without saying.

8. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger def. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

For some reason, Vince didn't allow Randy to be a part of the card at this Mania. It's said that he wanted to move in the direction of the younger superstars and that's why he kept Savage at the announce table. But how can you say that when you crown Hogan champion yet again at this show? I'd have Savage put Luger over in his new role as one of the company's top heels.

9. WWF Championship: Bret "Hitman" Hart (c) def. Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette

I liked Yokozuna, but in my opinion it was ridiculous to give him the title only to job to Hogan in 10 seconds. I'd have Yokozuna win the title in a rematch at King of the Ring or SummerSlam. Bret retains in his first Mania main event. The crowd goes home happy. Or as happy as possible after this dreadful WrestleMania.
WrestleMania XXVII (2011)

1- WWE United States Championship- Daniel Bryan (c) vs William Regal

2- WWE Tag Team Championship (Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match)- Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater (c) vs Santino & Kozlov vs The Usos vs The Hart Dynasty w/Natalya

3- Divas Tag Team Match- Trish Stratus & Kelly Kelly vs Laycool

4- WWE Intercontinental Championship- Cody Rhodes (c) vs Rey Mysterio

5- The Undertaker vs Wade Barrett (19-0 or 18-1 Streak Match)

6- CM Punk vs Randy Orton (Grudge Match)

7- Triple H vs Sheamus (No Holds Barred Match)

8- Triple Threat Match (World Heavyweight Championship)- Edge (c) vs Christian (2011 Royal Rumble Match Winner) vs Alberto Del Rio

9- Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole (Grudge Match)

10- WWE Championship- The Miz (c) w/Alex Riley vs John Morrison

11- Main Event- John Cena vs The Rock (Once in a Lifetime)

* I would have Once in a Lifetime but a year earlier and Rock being the Special Guest Host he would have a match with Cena and the way it was built up they should have had a match at 27 rather than at 28

* I would have had Christian win the 40 man Royal Rumble Match by last eliminating Del Rio in the final 2 with Christian returning as a surprise entrant in the Rumble and winning it he chooses his best friend to face off against at Mania for the World Heavyweight Championship but Del Rio interjects himself into it making it a Triple Threat Match
WrestleMania VIII (1992)

1- Shawn Michaels w/Sensational Sherri vs Owen Hart (Grudge Match)

2- WWF Tag Team Championship- Money, Inc. (c) w/Jimmy Hart vs Sgt. Slaughter & Hacksaw Jim Duggan

3- Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs Sid Justice w/Harvey Wippleman (Grudge Match)

4- Tatanka vs The Mountie

5- WWF Intercontinental Championship- Roddy Piper (c) vs Bret "The Hitman" Hart

6- Natural Disasters vs The Beverly Brothers (Tag Team Grudge Match)

7- Jake The Snake Roberts vs Macho Man Randy Savage (Grudge Match)

8- Big Boss Man vs Rick "The Model" Martel (Grudge Match)

9- Main Event- WWF Championship- Ric Flair (c) w/Mr Perfect & Bobby The Brain Heenan vs Hulk Hogan
If I were rebooking one it would have to be Wrestlemania 2000, simply because that was one of the best years the WWF has ever produced but it also had one of the most lacklustre Wrestlemanias. That has meant that the year often gets overlooked when it comes to the quality it produced.

For my rebooking I've gone with eight matches instead of nine and I'd have:

WWF Championship match
The Rock vs Triple H

Intercontinental Championship match
Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle

European Championship match
Chris Jericho w/ Chyna vs Eddie Guerrero

Tag Team Championship TLC match
E&C vs The Dudleyz vs The Hardy Boyz

Hardcore Championship Battle Royale
Multi-man get everyone on the card match

Kane vs Big Show

The Mean Street Posse vs Too Cool & Rikishi

Test & Albert w/ Trish vs Head Cheese

So the big change is that Jericho is removed from the Triple Threat as I feel he's more needed in a single's match against Eddie. The night after on Raw Chyna turned on Jericho to help Eddie win the European Championship anyway so I'm just moving that up to Mania.

The fatal fourway world title match is made in to a single's match and I'd have the Rock come out on top, Triple H could win it the next night on Raw if that's what was felt was needed. I think the Rock needed the win here more than Triple H did, he had lost the previous year to Austin after all, and it's always good to end a Mania happy.

Mean Street Posse vs Tool Cool & Rikishi is just a better crowd please than what we were given and I put Kane with Big Show with an eye on building the Big Show up to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania eventually.

A few guys like DX, Saturn & Malenko and Godfather all get bumped to the Hardcore match whilst Kat vs Terri is dropped altogether. Mick Foley is left 'retired' as well.
it is very difficult to decide on one wrestlemania card.. but i am down to wm9 or wm8 or wm7 and i really hope someone later in this thread tackles the terrible 11.

I go right to 8 because everyone thinks they wanted to see flair vs hogan, but the truth is that match stunk up when i saw it at msg heck piper vs flair was wayy better months earlier at msg... i say only minor changes for 8 like give HBK a meaningful match with owen but i do understand how much of a reliable veteran tito santana was so that too made sense.. and no need to touch Piper/bret stole the show and flair/ savage came through with a classic..its all good.
and 7 same, only minor changes, it looked cool with logos everywhere, and savage/warrior was EPIC, and hogan/slaughter was bloody fun!

wrestlemania 9 should have been
same ending with yoko cheating to defeat bret, let hulk steal homebase then we find out at KOTR HULK HOGAN vs BRET HART for title with lots of Hype..

HBK d. Mr.Perfect

Lex Luger w/ Heenan d. Tatanka

Razor Ramon d. evil doink

Undertaker vs Gonazeles it sucked but it was inconic in images!! and cool idea w/ cloraphyll

Steiners vs Money INC tag titles ( no brainer, steiners retain, 2nd best team of 90s imo) ps obviously u've heard of GREAT CLASSIC steiner matches w/ many like Gordy & williams but a rare choice truly is my BEST TAG TEAM MATCH EVER STEINERS vs BRET & OWEN HART from 92 tv taping its on a 93 coliseum home video release w/ good JR commentary

Crush loses countout to LAWLER and his new monster ISAAC YANKEM ( kane was ready at this time)
WrestleMania XII (12) (1996)

Match Order (rebooked)

1- Razor Ramon vs The 1-2-3 Kid- Winner: Razor Ramon

2- Stone Cold Steve Austin w/Ted DiBiase vs Jake The Snake Roberts- Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

3- WWF Tag Team Championship- Owen Hart & British Bulldog (c) vs The Smoking Gunns- Winners: Still WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & British Bulldog

4- Vader w/James E. Cornette vs Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji- Winner: Vader

5- Ahmed Johnson vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley- Winner: Ahmed Johnson

6- Hollywood Backlot Brawl- Roddy Piper vs Goldust w/Marlena- Winner: Piper

7- Jerry The King Lawler vs The Ultimate Warrior- Winner: The Ultimate Warrior

8- (No Holds Barred)- Diesel vs Shawn Michaels- Winner: Shawn Michaels

9- (Main Event)- The Undertaker vs Bret "The Hitman" Hart (c)- Winner: New WWF Champion The Undertaker (Streak Goes to 5-0)
WrestleMania XXX (30) (2014)

Match Order (Rebooked)

1- Daniel Bryan vs Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon (Winner Moves On To WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match in the Main Event)- Winner: Daniel Bryan (*I would keep this match as is because it was perfect and everything was leading up to this match one way or another)

2- Fatal 4-Way Match (WWE Tag Team Championship)- The New Age Outlaws (c) vs Rybaxel vs Goldust & Cody Rhodes vs The Usos- Winners: New WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos

3- Jack Swagger w/Zeb Colter vs Antonio Cesaro (Grudge Match)- Winner: Antonio Cesaro

4- Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal- Winner: Dolph Ziggler by last eliminating Big Show

5- The Shield vs The Wyatt Family- Winners: The Wyatt Family

6- WWE Divas Championship- AJ Lee (c) vs Tamina Snuka- Winner: Still WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee

7- Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs Batista (The Beast vs The Animal)- Winner: Brock Lesnar

8- Undertaker vs John Cena (22-0 or 21-1)- Winner: The Undertaker (Streak lives, Streak Goes To 22-0)

9- WWE World Heavyweight Championship- Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton (c)- Winner: New WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan
In my fantasy booking world this would be my WrestleMania 2,

Hulk Hogan vs Tony Atlas w/Mr.T as his trainer- World Title Bout

Andre the Giant vs Roddy Piper w/Cowboy Bob Orton

Tito Santana(c) vs Randy Savage- IC title bout

Dream Team vs Bulldogs- Tag title bout

Ricky Steamboat vs Magnificent Muraco

Hart Foundation vs Killer Bees

King Kong Bundy vs Junkyard Dog

Funk brothers vs Bruno Sammartino/Pedro Morales

Jake the Snake vs Hillbilly Jim

Paul Orndorff wins Battle Royal consisting of wrestlers and football players
WrestleMania 21 (XXI) (2005)

Match Order

1- Rey Mysterio (Smackdown) vs Christian w/Tomko (RAW) (Inter-Promotional Match) - Winner: Rey Mysterio

2- Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari vs Hulk Hogan w/Eugene- Winner: Hulk Hogan w/Eugene

3- Money in the Bank Ladder Match (Inter-Promotional) (8 Men)- Edge vs Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho vs Kane vs Carlito vs Booker T vs Shelton Benjamin- Winner: Inaugural Mr. Money in the Bank Edge

4- The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle- Winner: The Undertaker (Takes the Streak to 13-0)

5- WWE Women's Championship- Trish Stratus (c) vs Lita w/Christy Hemme- Winner: New WWE Women's Champion Lita

6- Inter-Promotional Match- Shawn Michaels (RAW) vs Eddie Guerrero (Smackdown)- Winner: Shawn Michaels

7- WWE Championship- Batista (2005 Royal Rumble Match Co-Winner) vs JBL (c)- Winner: New WWE Champion Batista

8- Main Event (World Heavyweight Championship)- Triple H (c) w/Ric Flair vs John Cena (2005 Royal Rumble Match Co-Winner)- Winner: New World Heavyweight Champion John Cena
WrestleMania XXV (25) (2009)

Match Order

1- Money in the Bank Ladder Match- Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs Finlay vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs R-Truth vs CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin- Winner: Jeff Hardy wins Money in the Bank briefcase

2- WWE Women's Championship Miss WrestleMania Battle Royal- Beth Phoenix wins Battle Royal to become Miss WrestleMania and the new WWE Women's Champion last eliminating Michelle McCool

3- Legends Lumberjack Match- Chris Jericho vs Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat- Winner: Chris Jericho

4- WWE Intercontinental Championship- Christian vs JBL (c)- Winner: New WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian

5- WWE United States Championship- The Big Show vs MVP (c)- Winner: Still WWE United States Champion MVP

6- Shawn Michaels vs Rey Mysterio (Inter-Promotional)- Winner: Rey Mysterio

7- World Heavyweight Championship (WrestleMania 24 Rematch One Year Later)- The Undertaker vs Edge (c)- Winner: New World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker (Streak Lives, Taker goes to 17-0)

8- WWE Championship (WrestleMania 24 Triple Threat Rematch One Year Later)- Randy Orton (2009 Royal Rumble Match Winner) vs Triple H (c) vs John Cena- Winner: New WWE Champion Randy Orton
Wrestlemania 15:
Austin vs Rock WWF Title

Triple H vs X-Pac European title, DX is already broken up and these two have the blow off Match to the end of DX. The end of DX should have been huge and this is the biggest match besides the main event

Undertaker vs Papa Shango .....this is a stretch, I know...... It couldn't be any worse then bossman. repackage godfather as an attitude era papa Shango which was rumored. It could have a good mini feud for taker.

Big Show vs Mankind referee match, same ending, neither actually ref the match

IC title: Ken Shamrock vs Billy Gunn. They had a nice feud around this time and it should have ended with Billy taking the ic title

Hardcore title: Roadogg vs Al Snow

Sable vs Tori

Val Venis vs D-Lo Brown

Tag titles: Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart vs The Acolytes. Rare heel vs heel match to start mania
WrestleMania XXX (The card that should've been....)

Randy Orton (C) vs. CM Punk (Rumble Winner)
Taker vs. Lesnar (this match and outcome stays the same)
The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family
Daniel Bryan vs. HHH
Cena vs. Batista
Uso's vs. Rowan/Harper (Tag Titles)
Andre Battle Royal (Winner - Big Show)
AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella vs. Natalya (Diva's Title)
Barrett vs. Sheamus (I-C Title)
Also not sure what one it was but Hogan vs. Flair should've headlined a WrestleMania. The 2 biggest stars of their generation and never met at WrestleMania. But then again WWE dropped the ball by never having Cena vs. Punk at Mania either.
WrestleMania XXII (22) (2006)

Order of Matches

1- (World Tag Team Championship)- Big Show & Kane (c) vs Trevor Murdoch & Lance Cade- Winners: Still World Tag Team Champions Big Show & Kane

2- Money in the Bank Ladder Match- RVD vs Carlito vs Chris Masters vs Mark Henry vs Lashley vs Finlay vs Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin (8 men instead of 6)- Winner: RVD wins Money in the Bank * (Match stays the same but instead of 6 men in the match there would be 8)

3- (WWE Tag Team Championship)- Brian Kendrick & Paul London (c) vs MNM- Winners: Still WWE Tag Team Champions Londrick

4- Mick Foley vs JBL (Hardcore Match)- Winner: Mick Foley

5- WWE United States Championship- Chris Benoit (c) vs Randy Orton- Winner: New WWE United States Champion Randy Orton

6- WWE Cruiserweight Championship- Gregory Helms (c) vs Kid Kash- Winner: Still WWE Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms

7- Undertaker (SD) (babyface) vs Triple H (RAW) (heel) (Streak Match) (Interpromotional Match)- Winner: Taker beats Triple H to go 14-0

8- Mr. McMahon vs Shawn Michaels (No Holds Barred Match)- Winner: Shawn Michaels

9- World Heavyweight Championship- Kurt Angle (c) vs Rey Mysterio- Winner: New World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio

10- WWE Championship- John Cena (c) vs Edge w/Lita- Winner: Still WWE Champion John Cena
WrestleMania XX (20) (2004) (It All Begins Again)

Order Of Matches

1- WWE United States Championship- Big Show (c) vs John Cena- New WWE United States Champion John Cena (*I wouldn't change this match at all because it was actually pretty good and it set up Cena's run to the top pretty nicely)

2- Fatal 4-Way (World Tag Team Titles)- RVD & Booker T (c) vs Evolution (Batista & Flair) vs Dudley Boyz vs La Resistance- Winners: Still World Tag Team Champions RVD & Booker T

3- Cruiserweight Open- Chavo Guerrero (c) vs Rey Mysterio vs Ultimo Dragon vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble vs Billy Kidman- Winner: New WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio

4- Chris Jericho vs Kane- Winner: Chris Jericho

5- WWE Tag Team Titles- The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi (c)- Winners: New WWE Tag Team Champions The World's Greatest Tag Team (Benjamin & Haas)

6- Shawn Michaels vs The Rock- Winner: Shawn Michaels

7- WWE Women's Championship (Triple Threat Match)- Victoria (c) vs Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus- Winner: Still WWE Women's Champion Victoria

8- WWE Championship (Triple Threat Match)- Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar (c) vs Kurt Angle- Winner: New WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero (I would have Guerrero have his moment here at Mania instead of at No Way Out with Guerrero pinning Lesnar to become champion setting up a program with Angle)

9- The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs Goldberg- Winner: The Undertaker takes the Streak to 12-0 by beating Goldberg

10- Main Event- World Heavyweight Championship- Triple H (c) vs Chris Benoit (2004 Royal Rumble Match Winner)- Winner: New World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit

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