So Bad It's Funny

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
Films can be good, or they can be bad. However some films are so bad that they're good. These films, designed to be a dramatic experience, turn into hilarious flicks that are enjoyable to all. These films are dubbed so bad they're funny and that's what this topic is all about. Simply put down a film that you think was hilarious for the wrong reasons and explain why. My pick is:

Street Fighter

Street Fighter is a film based around the video game of the same name, however, it differs greatly from it's video game counterpart. The characters back-stories, allegiances and in some cases even races were changed. It was always going to be an interesting film. What followed was an absolutely hilarious film. Already designed to be some-what tongue-in-cheek, Street Fighter features some of the silliest incidents in film. Whether it be the Belgian with a thick accent wearing American flag tattoos or Zangief's fake chest hair, this film was immensely enjoyable. The greatest thing about this film tough is Raul Julia's portrayal of M. Bison. Bison is a cold-hearted madman who runs Shadaloo in the videogames and most other media. In the film he is portrayed as absolutely nuts and is hammy portrayal by Julia, whose fame increased greatly due to the role. Whether it was because it was Tuesday or if it was stating 'Of Course', Bison was a classic case of a dramatic character taken to a point where it became totally and utterly comedic.

That was my pick, what's yours?

Definitely Carnosaur 2 for me. I love all three films but this one was the most fun to watch. It was a mix between Aliens and Jurassic Park, literally. The entire story is a mix of those two movies. A bunch of contractors/soldiers go into some nuclear plant to figure out what happened there. It even has a crappy scene where one of the raptors gets in the helicopter without the pilot knowing just like in Aliens but funny. Also, instead of the Ripley/little girl storyline it was a grown man/teenage boy thing. Very touching in that completely hilarious kind of way. The movie was silly and it was headed by one of my personal favorites, Rick Dean. If you are so lucky to actually find the second Carnosaur definitely check it out, because it is some of the most entertaining dialogue and over the top violence you will ever see.
This is the most famous example of an unintentionally hilarious film...
This film was the motivation for Airplane! and a sizeable amount of the dialogue was lifted directly by Abrahams and the Zuckers.
Demon Island/Pinata Survival Island. I have never laughed so hard at anything for being so horrible. Came across this "classic" on AMC one night with some friends and the experience was unforgettable. I suggest viewing it as we did, have a few drinks and randomly start watching somewhere about a quarter of the way in. Just terrible yet hilarious on practically every level.

At least the tag line makes it obvious this is no classic:

Teens trapped on an island are haunted by a demon hidden inside...a pinata.
Flash Gordon (the 1981 version). This is not a good movie. The acting is dreadful, the script was terrible, the special effects of the dime store variety...but I watch it on Netflix at least once every six months. For as bad as this piece of shit movie is, I absoutely love it. I grew up in the 80s watching this on VHS. I feel a strong sense of nostalgia when it comes to this movie...In fact, its easily one of my top 10 movies. I have no idea why I haven't simply bought it.

Maybe I am being too tough. Despite the acting, writing and special effects, the movie does feature one of the all time greatest soundtracks. Who doesn't know the Flash theme, as performed by Queen?

Flash! Ah ah, he'll save everyone of us!
Oh this is an easy pick for me....


M. Night Shyamalan really outdid himself with The Happening. This is by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my entire life, but I just can't help but laugh at this one.

Mark Wahlberg sounds and acts like a whiny little bitch in this movie, and the story is so ridiculous. Plants and trees release a toxin, which causes people to kill themselves? Are you serious? I just can't help but laugh my ass off every time I see Wahlberg and others run from a gust of wind. I know the toxin is there, but seeing people act as if they're terrified by a gust of wind is so funny. It's just one of those things you have to see to believe. Also, the way people kill themselves in this movie is even more hilarious. This movie should've been marketed as a comedy, because I can't see how anyone could take this film seriously. Zooey Deschanel was the only bright spot in this film.

I almost purchased this film on DVD, because The Happening ALWAYS manages to make me laugh very hard. Someone needs to put a stop to Shyamalan's madness.

While the Chris Farley/David Spade Black Sheep was a comedic classic for the jokes, this one was for a different reason. My friends and I saw a preview somewhere for this and decided to rent it right away. It exceeded expectations. It also included this line of dialogue: "Wait a minute.........whose driving the car?" Followed by a shot of a sheep driving a truck, "Bahhh." Classic.
Oh this is an easy pick for me....


M. Night Shyamalan really outdid himself with The Happening. This is by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my entire life, but I just can't help but laugh at this one.

Mark Wahlberg sounds and acts like a whiny little bitch in this movie, and the story is so ridiculous. Plants and trees release a toxin, which causes people to kill themselves? Are you serious? I just can't help but laugh my ass off every time I see Wahlberg and others run from a gust of wind. I know the toxin is there, but seeing people act as if they're terrified by a gust of wind is so funny. It's just one of those things you have to see to believe. Also, the way people kill themselves in this movie is even more hilarious. This movie should've been marketed as a comedy, because I can't see how anyone could take this film seriously. Zooey Deschanel was the only bright spot in this film.

I almost purchased this film on DVD, because The Happening ALWAYS manages to make me laugh very hard. Someone needs to put a stop to Shyamalan's madness.

I haven't seen any of his movies since Unbreakable (due to truly abysmal reviews) - but having heard this, I think I'll give it a go!

Another I haven't seen but I'm lead to believe is hilarious is Dreamcatcher - although I have read the book. Shit weasels apparently just don't translate to the big screen.

Here's two other 'serious' movies that are rib achingly good...
The sex scene in the pool:lmao:
The main villain is a truck with a Green Goblin face and someone gets killed by a vending machine - it really has no right being so unintentionally brilliant!
The original version of "Night of the Living Dead." You try so hard to be scared as you watch but find yourself laughing out loud at how stupid the whole thing is. Ironically, a lot depends on who's watching with you; I first saw the film in a theater over 20 years ago and the audience was laughing so hard at the crappy special effects, crumbling plot, and lousy acting that you couldn't concentrate on where the movie was trying to go.

Later versions of this film have been more successful in making the zombies look believable, but the 1968 version has become the height of "camp;" a terrible movie with a lasting legacy.

"They're coming to get you, Barbara."

Surprised nobody has mentioned this gem yet...


This movie is written, directed, and produced by a wacky French guy who can't speak good English. That man's name is Tommy Wiseau. Did I mention that he's also the lead actor in this movie? Anyway, Tommy plays a man named Johnny who is engaged to a woman named Lisa. Throughout the movie, you see Lisa cheating on Johnny with his bestfriend, Mark. This takes place just days before their wedding day. Needless to say, the acting in this movie is so terrible, it's hilarious. It truly is a life-changing movie, you will never look at independent films the same way again. This movie has produced a cult following after it's release, but since has gained even more popularity by being reviewed by The Nostalgia Critic. The Critic actually had to take his review down because Wiseau Films threatened to sue him. It created a whole big dispute, and a universe of new memes. The review is back up now, but The Room has an even bigger cult following because of it. To show you why this movie is so bad it's funny, I'll leave you with these clips.

^^^Those scenes are absolutely terrible. "Oh, hi Mark." And in the third scene I loved how his replies to the cashiers remarks were consistently one line behind hers. I love bad movies. That's what "Mystery Science Theater 3000" is built on. If you've never seen MST3K you should have a look. Guys sitting around making fun of really bad movies. Classic stuff.
This is the most famous example of an unintentionally hilarious film...
This film was the motivation for Airplane! and a sizeable amount of the dialogue was lifted directly by Abrahams and the Zuckers.

Rest In Piece Leslie Nielson - he plays every scene as straight as the original. If only the makers of the recent glut of **** Movies would watch films of this ilk and learn!

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