Snow Patrol covering Wonderwall


Just no.

My reaction may be because of the crowd failing it up, though. And the fact that no one should cover Wonderwall.
Bryan Danielson > Snow Patrol


Wonderwall...never want to hear that song again. Ever. I hope it's dead. Forever. There should be laws against playing it in public.
Doesn't have the voice for it.

...which is kinda funny considering Liam Gallagher has about the worst singing voice I've ever heard, but you're still right. I don't get it. Apparently Wonderwall just has to be sung badly.
I've always hated Wonderwall.. never understood the appeal. Can't believe that crowd can love it so much.
Me? Wonderwall? Not a chance. I really like some of Oasis' work (mainly their first album) but Wonderwall angers me to no end. I never want to hear it again. Atleast not for a century or so.
Me? Wonderwall? Not a chance. I really like some of Oasis' work (mainly their first album) but Wonderwall angers me to no end. I never want to hear it again. Atleast not for a century or so.

I thought you showed that song to Ech when he asked who Oasis were?
You totally did, X:

I've never even heard of Oasis so I voted for Tantric out out of default, though I don't know much about Tantric either. Oasis seems like a band that has enough support to get by Tantric nonetheless.

I'll do some research, and depending on who Oasis has next I might vote for them


Jesus Ech, have you been living under a black metal and Japanese women's wrestling rock for the last 15 years?!

Oasis were literally one of if not the biggest and most popular band on the planet Earth in the late 90s. Maybe it was a more British thing, but they still scored many hits in America that if you heard right now, I could almost guarantee that you'd recognize it from something.

Oasis - Wonderwall

Tell me you recognize that song? That was one of the most popular songs of the 90s.

I'm seriously in utter awe that you've never heard of Oasis.
I love Wonderwall and for what it's worth that was a really good cover. But as quite a few people have already said, it's just one of those songs that shouldn't be covered by anyone. Still good though.
Because it's their most popular song Sam and one of the most overplayed songs ever. That's why I showed it to Ech, because he'd probably recognize it. Didn't say I liked the song, did I?
Not really. I'm rather partial to Supersonic though. Good bar song.
Tuesday? You mean every night?

Sam...what's your favorite match? Tell me now god damnit. WWE match? ROH? TNA? Gimmick?
People's favourite matches are always underwhelming. I dunno, Angle/Michaels at WrestleMania 21. Boring but dependable choice.

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