Smackdown Sucks Without Christian...


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was disappointed when Randy said Christian wasn't going to show up but then was hoping he'd return at the end of the episode of something but to no avail. With Christian as champ he would usually be in the opening and closing segments and it was fresh to see him as champ. Without him Smackdown is missing a whole lot of charisma and personality because no one else on the show has anywhere near the amount of it as he does. Cody Rhodes is the only other interesting character but that gimmick won't last forever.

Randy Orton is just so excruciatingly bland on the mic and in interviews. He is a natural heel and seems weird as a face. Mark Henry is doing well with this push and this feud should be ok but it doesn't make me want to tune in every week to see. The mic work will be pretty bad between these two as Henry isn't great at all and Orton won't make it interesting alone.

Christian can carry a feud in the ring and in the mic and I am never bored when he is on screen. If he isnt't giving a prominent role on Smackdown after this I will struggle to keep watching. He better get back to the main event soon because it just isn't that interesting without him.
You sound like such a Christian mark. I've always thought Christian was good, but this Smackdown was pretty good even without him. The rhodes looking strong, smarktastic Kidd vs Gabriel match, the decent Divas tag with more character evolution from natalya, Daniel Bryan vs ADR in a GREAT match, the really fun battle royal, what more do you want? You sound like me when I was 7 and I thought I'd like to see a show with all babyfaces (I hated the heels).

Orton is good on the mic. The opening segment was pretty fuckin awesome honestly. It did so many things. Rhodes talks (and he's very good), then Ted goes to talk and Orton gets sick of his shit and BAM RKO, which made Orton look like a complete badass. The Rhodes just leaves Ted out to dry (as usual, character details). Just a great segment.

Orton is hugely over as a babyface, donno what you mean by "natural heel", if by that you mean "every smarks favorite character is the heel/anti-hero/badass heel who wins clean/guy who says ******* things but always wins clean and that's what I want" then yes, "natural heel". Every see one of our "turn someone" threads? it's 90% "turn X heel because he's more of a natural heel".

It's bogus. Orton is really good at the psycho-badass babyface. He doesn't say things fast because he doesn't have to do anything, people listen to him. He doesn't fluctuate his voice a lot because he doesn't need to to gain attention, people watch. It's why he fits his psycho-badass persona so well. Plus his monotone, one speed promo makes him seem more crazy as opposed to how he acts in the ring.

You have to look at it from a character perspective. What do you want him doing? Talking 100 words a minute like the Rock? That wouldn't fit.

Back to Christian. You guys are always talking about "sell the firing" "sell the injury" etc. Well that's what they were doing. So WTF? Christian isn't a big enough draw that he NEEDS to be back on SD, so WWE milked it. Plus what would Christian have to say? "I just got the shit kicked out of me, rematch"? No, he's at home, licking his wounds and I'm really interested to see his character development next week.
I was a bit bummed out at how he wasn't on SmackDown. I understand that maybe the WWE don't want to continue the Orton-Christian feud, but not having your top heel on the show is never good. I don't see why he couldn't have been in the Battle Royal or he couldn't of wrestled Daniel Bryan, a match which shockingly has never happened (right?). Also, a promo complaining about getting screwed over by Edge and by Teddy Long could work. I don't know, all I know is that a show without a top heel complaining (alberto del rio aside) is a bit boring.
I was disappointed when Randy said Christian wasn't going to show up but then was hoping he'd return at the end of the episode of something but to no avail. With Christian as champ he would usually be in the opening and closing segments and it was fresh to see him as champ. Without him Smackdown is missing a whole lot of charisma and personality because no one else on the show has anywhere near the amount of it as he does.

One night. ONE night without Christian, and you're complaining?

Oh, and Christian's "fresh?" Christian has been with WWE for thirteen years (on and off). That's not fresh.

Cody Rhodes is the only other interesting character but that gimmick won't last forever.

1. The crowd says you're wrong.
2. Vince McMahon says you're wrong.

Christian is over on Smackdown, no question... as a heel. He was over as a babyface, but not on Randy Orton's level. Orton is younger, more over, and more talented. Sorry, but that's the truth. Good thing Vince and company understand this. I love Christian, but if he were half as good as the IWC says he is, he would have won that title a long, long time ago.

I can't understand what Christian marks want? He was the #1 heel on Smackdown for months, which was the perfect spot for him.

Randy Orton is just so excruciatingly bland on the mic and in interviews. He is a natural heel and seems weird as a face.

If you're not a good mic worker, it doesn't matter if you're heel or face (ask the Hardy Boys and John Morrison). Orton is a damn fine mic worker, just doesn't get quality material like CM Punk and Cena.

Mark Henry is doing well with this push and this feud should be ok but it doesn't make me want to tune in every week to see. The mic work will be pretty bad between these two as Henry isn't great at all and Orton won't make it interesting alone.

This feud works. 99% of the crowd understands that.

Christian can carry a feud in the ring and in the mic and I am never bored when he is on screen. If he isnt't giving a prominent role on Smackdown after this I will struggle to keep watching. He better get back to the main event soon because it just isn't that interesting without him.

Spoken like a true mark.

My favorite guy isn't on top, so I'm done with it! It sucks!

In an odd way, I feel your pain. I've had to deal with personal favorites being pushed down the card. However, you have to see it from WWE's point of view - who has more value?

Heels can be moved around. There is no such thing as a "#1 Heel," at least not on a consistent basis. Heels are shuffled around, and fed to babyfaces. That's how wrestling works. Bottom line - if Christian were as over as Randy Orton, he'd be the #1 guy. Just over a year ago, the fans turned Randy Orton from the biggest heel in the company to its second biggest babyface. Just a few months ago, they had a choice between Orton and Christian. Obviously, they chose Orton.

If you want to stop watching, that's your business. But, please, don't tell us WWE is wrong in how they're booking these guys, because they're not. These guys are right where they should be.
I was fine with Christian being off Smackdown this week. With the way his character is going it would have been impossible for him to be on Smackdown without him confronting Randy Orton. They gave that feud 4 months and people would have started to get tired of it if it had gone on any longer.

Christian is the top heel on Smackdown at a time when the blue brand is short of main event talent. I fully believe before the end of the year he will be challenging for the title again weather Orton is the champion or not(although he most likely will be).
Christian needs to take some time off and come back as a face. When should he come back? Three weeks before TLC, of course. He challenges the champ, who will probably be Henry, to a TLC match. He wins the title and everyone loves him again.
I love Christian. I love Randy Orton. I love Sheamus, I love Mark Henry, I love Wade Barrett, I love Cody Rhodes, I love D. Brine and, well, I have funny feelings for Ezekiel Jackson, largely because of the music. That said, I don't think SmackDown has been a strong show for a long time.

This has been a problem since before Edge retired, too. It just feels flat. The Christian/Orton series of matches has been must-see television. The actual feud can probably be summed up in about five minutes. Unfortunately, the straightforward fussin' an' a-feudin' took place largely on television. The matches, which have been truly terrific and brilliant fun to watch, have been, with the exception of the first, on pay-per-view.

The Barrett/Bryan feud, which I presume is now over, was pretty missable on television, but get to pay-per-view and they pull out something surprisingly good.

The point I'm dancing around is this; when the wrestlers are given time to work on pay-per-view, they perform and, arguably, outdo the wrestlers on other brands and in other companies. It's the flat material they're given to work with on television that's the problem. So, basically, with or without Christian, I'm perfectly comfortable in missing everything SmackDown related until the monthly pay-per-view.

If you're not a good mic worker, it doesn't matter if you're heel or face (ask the Hardy Boys and John Morrison). Orton is a damn fine mic worker, just doesn't get quality material like CM Punk and Cena.

Just over a year ago, the fans turned Randy Orton from the biggest heel in the company to its second biggest babyface. Just a few months ago, they had a choice between Orton and Christian. Obviously, they chose Orton.

For years this company has revolved around Cena, Orton & Batista. Batista's gone; the Warrior of this generation. :p

Cena is engaging, if not entertaining (I'd say he's both).

Orton is a damn fine mic worker? Maybe. I was about to say hell no, but then I remembered his feud with The Rock, and I watched that thinking Randy Orton was going to be somebody based off his mic skills, but then ever since he's been boring as hell. I just don't buy it though, not totally at least.

Orton being over with the fans has always puzzled me. I just don't see it.

Granted I missed pretty much all of his time in the WWE, but I think of the 3 I would have liked Batista the most.

Oh, as far as Mark Henry is concerned, I think he needs something more. I've never seen him as more than a glorified jobber on the same level as Hacksaw Jim Duggen. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Hacksaw, but that Ho never had any great feuds that interested me. I just don't see how "The Mark" Henry could ever be different. Perhaps if he were to re-form and lead a new Nation of Domination, I could see him stepping into the spotlight on his own, as ironic as that sounds. Putting him into a leadership role on TV might do him a world of good.
Your point, dear Alittude, would be a lot stronger if the Smackdown for the 19th of August wasn't so stonkingly good. Yes, stonkingly.

Cody Rhodes vs. Ezekiel Jackson was surprisingly good. I know, Ezekiel Jackson put on a good match. Astonishing. Tyson Kidd vs. Justin Gabriel and AJ/Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya/Alicia Fox were good for what they were. And Daniel Bryan vs. Alberto del Rio was fantastic and the televised match of the week. They even had a battle royale (not well known for being great wrestling) and made it damn entertaining with an interesting story. The match pacing of the show was excellent and the story told was done to a tee.

The fact is, Christian wasn't necessary this Smackdown. It was important that they allow Orton and Christian to move on after their fantastic angle and also let Christian sell the beating Orton gave him. I didn't miss him for one show, and Smackdown certainly didn't.
Last night episode of Smackdown was very good. I dont really get the complaint.

Christian does have an important role on Smackdown. He is a jericho or miz type of heel. That type of character can be very entertaining. He is the only one that plays that type of heel on SD. They are selling his injuries from SS. Why is this a big deal? They are not taking him off smackdown permanently.

I think the wrestling matches on Smackdown are better than Raw. The issue with Smackdown the last couple of years has been the storylines. SD used to have awesome storylines. Now all the really compelling storylines will go to Raw.

And RKO has good mic skills. He might not be as good as Punk or Cena on the mic... but if you watch some of these clips, I find it hard to believe anybody can say he has no mic skills.
I like Christian as much as the next guy but how can you say it sucked without him? Orton is great as a top guy. Henry, though he sucks, did the best he could to put over the new feud, the battle royal was awesome, and we saw great matches this week. Christian is the best overall guy on the blue brand. That much is true. However the rest of the blue brand's roster proved that they can carry on a show without him because they put on great matches and promos to make the fans care. I enjoyed the show just fine without Christian. It's not like it was a Raw without Cena, that's a whole other issue although you made it sound like it might have been as big of a deal as that would be.
You sound like such a Christian mark. I've always thought Christian was good, but this Smackdown was pretty good even without him. The rhodes looking strong, smarktastic Kidd vs Gabriel match, the decent Divas tag with more character evolution from natalya, Daniel Bryan vs ADR in a GREAT match, the really fun battle royal, what more do you want? You sound like me when I was 7 and I thought I'd like to see a show with all babyfaces (I hated the heels).

Orton is good on the mic. The opening segment was pretty fuckin awesome honestly. It did so many things. Rhodes talks (and he's very good), then Ted goes to talk and Orton gets sick of his shit and BAM RKO, which made Orton look like a complete badass. The Rhodes just leaves Ted out to dry (as usual, character details). Just a great segment.

Orton is hugely over as a babyface, donno what you mean by "natural heel", if by that you mean "every smarks favorite character is the heel/anti-hero/badass heel who wins clean/guy who says ******* things but always wins clean and that's what I want" then yes, "natural heel". Every see one of our "turn someone" threads? it's 90% "turn X heel because he's more of a natural heel".

It's bogus. Orton is really good at the psycho-badass babyface. He doesn't say things fast because he doesn't have to do anything, people listen to him. He doesn't fluctuate his voice a lot because he doesn't need to to gain attention, people watch. It's why he fits his psycho-badass persona so well. Plus his monotone, one speed promo makes him seem more crazy as opposed to how he acts in the ring.

You have to look at it from a character perspective. What do you want him doing? Talking 100 words a minute like the Rock? That wouldn't fit.

Back to Christian. You guys are always talking about "sell the firing" "sell the injury" etc. Well that's what they were doing. So WTF? Christian isn't a big enough draw that he NEEDS to be back on SD, so WWE milked it. Plus what would Christian have to say? "I just got the shit kicked out of me, rematch"? No, he's at home, licking his wounds and I'm really interested to see his character development next week.

You sound like such a douche. You don't know what I mean by natural heel? Are you kidding me? Orton seems like a jackass in real life and plays a heel perfectly because it fits him. As a face look at his stupid facial expressions and monotone voice everytime he does an interview. It's the same tone every damn time. That is not being good on the mic if you never change it up and add no emotion and feeling into what you're saying. You could add much more to this character with variety don't be a fool and say oh but being repetitive and boring is good fo his character.

I'm not saying he shouldn't be a face because he gets huge pops but with him as the top draw of the show it's missing personality like i said in the op. Edge use to be the man to bring that to the table for Smackdown and with him gone Christian is that man now. Lol I'm a Christian mark am I well maybe so but it doesn't change the fact that he is easily the most charismatic wrestler on the show and without him it is missing something big time no matter how good the matches and whatever else is.
Smackdown was so great BECAUSE Christian wasn't there... I'm not even joking, the past few months have been boring as hell. I didn't like the whining Cry Baby Christian when he was being told "That's not a bad thing it's a good thing" by DDP and I damn sure don't like cry baby Christian now... it's all the same old shit with Christian and his matches are far less than boring. I've fallen asleep during more Christian matches than any other matches EVER... and I've sat through a lot of the old Attitude Era hardcore title matches.

I honestly hope they keep Christian off of Smackdown for a long while because right now, Henry needs time to get over as the strong monster heel. He's always been a true work horse for WWE and has only held the ECW title for his troubles. It's about time that he get some sort of recognition and get at least a title ride to HIAC. That's just my opinion, but then again, I happen to like the idea of Monster heels rather than a cry baby heel.

For that matter, Cocky Heels are awesome too... which of course, Christian can't pull off.
I sense an inconsistency in the storyline, but hopefully they'll pick up with it next week. Christian cant simply dissapear for a month then come back and do midcard matches, the memory of him being WHC will still be burned in your minds. You need to make him come back with some sort of darker gimmick and some sort of ace up his sleve to slowly work his way back up into the title spot.

As for the Orton/Henry storyline, why would the mic work be so horrible? Because Orton's voice is deep and he isnt screaming at the screen? To me hes great on the mic. He can get himself over without being over the top. As for Henry hes a guy whos actions will speak for themselves. This rivalry is going to be great nonetheless because WWE wouldnt traditionally give the title to someone like Henry but at the same time they wouldnt build a guy up just to get buried by Orton. There has to be more to it and thats whats going to keep people watching.
A lot of people on here want every character to talk fast, say ******* things, be witty, and have a ton of catchphrases. They also want them to do a lot of moves and win clean.

It's stupid. Orton is good on the mic because it rounds out his character. He talks deliberately and says things that his character would say. His slow, deliberate way of speaking looks kind of like he's holding back a rage. It fits his character.

These same people who think Orton sucks on the mic or is bland aren't looking into the character. It's not different than ******edly saying that Mark Henry or Zeke should "add a few moves to spice things up". It doesn't fucking fit their character or size. These things don't get someone more over and wouldn't make anyone except smarks happy.

Smackdown is a very good show. It's character driven. If Christian was as awesome as his fans think he is, he'd be so over that WWE would have no choice but to keep him on TV every week (like Cena and Punk). He's not that good though. He's very good, but not amazing.

As far as not understanding how Orton is as over as he is. First off, his character work is fucking awesome. He does every move with a mannerism. He says every word in a way that fits this character. He sells like a motherfucker. He tells stories in the ring. To top it all off, he's incredibly good looking, but not "pretty". He's basically a marketing wet dream. He's never out of character in promos or in the ring and everything always makes sense.

I sense an inconsistency in the storyline, but hopefully they'll pick up with it next week. Christian cant simply dissapear for a month then come back and do midcard matches, the memory of him being WHC will still be burned in your minds. You need to make him come back with some sort of darker gimmick and some sort of ace up his sleve to slowly work his way back up into the title spot.

As for the Orton/Henry storyline, why would the mic work be so horrible? Because Orton's voice is deep and he isnt screaming at the screen? To me hes great on the mic. He can get himself over without being over the top. As for Henry hes a guy whos actions will speak for themselves. This rivalry is going to be great nonetheless because WWE wouldnt traditionally give the title to someone like Henry but at the same time they wouldnt build a guy up just to get buried by Orton. There has to be more to it and thats whats going to keep people watching.
There's that fucking word again. It's not "buried" when you lose to the top guy. It's actually a compliment. Getting buried is a bad thing. For fuck's sake people please learn what "buried" is.

I don't think Christian will be pushed to the back, but him wanting no piece of Orton isn't at all outrageous. If you were running from a guy, not wanting a match with him once you cowardly won the title. Then he beat the living shit out of you, would you want any piece of him?
A lot of people on here want every character to talk fast, say ******* things, be witty, and have a ton of catchphrases. They also want them to do a lot of moves and win clean.

It's stupid. Orton is good on the mic because it rounds out his character. He talks deliberately and says things that his character would say. His slow, deliberate way of speaking looks kind of like he's holding back a rage. It fits his character.

These same people who think Orton sucks on the mic or is bland aren't looking into the character. It's not different than ******edly saying that Mark Henry or Zeke should "add a few moves to spice things up". It doesn't fucking fit their character or size. These things don't get someone more over and wouldn't make anyone except smarks happy.

Smackdown is a very good show. It's character driven. If Christian was as awesome as his fans think he is, he'd be so over that WWE would have no choice but to keep him on TV every week (like Cena and Punk). He's not that good though. He's very good, but not amazing.

As far as not understanding how Orton is as over as he is. First off, his character work is fucking awesome. He does every move with a mannerism. He says every word in a way that fits this character. He sells like a motherfucker. He tells stories in the ring. To top it all off, he's incredibly good looking, but not "pretty". He's basically a marketing wet dream. He's never out of character in promos or in the ring and everything always makes sense.

There's that fucking word again. It's not "buried" when you lose to the top guy. It's actually a compliment. Getting buried is a bad thing. For fuck's sake people please learn what "buried" is.

Oh shit, my feelings are hurt, you made it into your sig too! NOOO!!!

Henry's been building up a lot of steem and if he loses to Orton after all hes done thats going to bump him down. The whole point of his new gimmick is to get him to the championship spot, and if he loses to Orton its going to look like everything hes done has been in vain, therefore burrying him. Its saying that the guy who took out SHeamus, Kane, and Big Show doesnt deserve to beat Orton, and thats a bad thing for a guy who gets off on being an unstoppable force.
Henry's been building up a lot of steem and if he loses to Orton after all hes done thats going to bump him down.

That's the point. A guy like Henry is there to put over a guy like Orton, not the other way around. Henry destroys several mid-to-upper card babyfaces, and eventually Orton takes him down. Orton's the hero, etc. See how this works?

The whole point of his new gimmick is to get him to the championship spot

No, it's to make Mark look indestructible, so he can eventually put Orton over. Mark Henry isn't the future of Smackdown, Randy Orton is.

if he loses to Orton its going to look like everything hes done has been in vain, therefore burrying him.

No, it's going to make Orton look like the biggest badass on Smackdown. It's the smart move.

Its saying that the guy who took out SHeamus, Kane, and Big Show doesnt deserve to beat Orton, and thats a bad thing for a guy who gets off on being an unstoppable force.

What? What does deserve have to do with it? The storyline calls for the monster heel to run through several babyfaces before reaching the top guy. What happens when he gets to the top guy? He loses. If the heel (Henry) doesn't lose to the top face (Orton), who does he lose to? Does he keep winning until he retires? Sorry, but wrestling has never worked that way, and never will.
A lot of people on here want every character to talk fast, say ******* things, be witty, and have a ton of catchphrases. They also want them to do a lot of moves and win clean.

It's stupid. Orton is good on the mic because it rounds out his character. He talks deliberately and says things that his character would say. His slow, deliberate way of speaking looks kind of like he's holding back a rage. It fits his character.

These same people who think Orton sucks on the mic or is bland aren't looking into the character. It's not different than ******edly saying that Mark Henry or Zeke should "add a few moves to spice things up". It doesn't fucking fit their character or size. These things don't get someone more over and wouldn't make anyone except smarks happy.

Smackdown is a very good show. It's character driven. If Christian was as awesome as his fans think he is, he'd be so over that WWE would have no choice but to keep him on TV every week (like Cena and Punk). He's not that good though. He's very good, but not amazing.

As far as not understanding how Orton is as over as he is. First off, his character work is fucking awesome. He does every move with a mannerism. He says every word in a way that fits this character. He sells like a motherfucker. He tells stories in the ring. To top it all off, he's incredibly good looking, but not "pretty". He's basically a marketing wet dream. He's never out of character in promos or in the ring and everything always makes sense.

Who are you talking to here? I never said I don't understand why Orton is over and it's funny how you call people christian marks all the time when it seems like you're a complete Orton mark and have a raging hard on for him. Think you've had a couple too many wet dreams about him yourself. It's plain ******ed to say he should always speak exactly the same with no emotion and be bland as fuck every week because it fits his character. He could add so much more to this as being a phycho gives you a lot of range. Stop sucking on his balls and realise that he isn't great on the mic atm at all and is incredibly stale. It seems like you're just a mark for whoever the top guy is on each brand ie Cena and Orton.

If Christian was the top guy you'd be praising him a lot more too. Can you honestly tell me he's not the most charamatic wrestler on Smackdown? Or is your love for Randy Boreton too much for you to admit it.
That's the point. A guy like Henry is there to put over a guy like Orton, not the other way around. Henry destroys several mid-to-upper card babyfaces, and eventually Orton takes him down. Orton's the hero, etc. See how this works?
Orton doesnt need putting over. It would be great if they started building up credible enemies for him instead of supporting a guy who doesnt need it.

No, it's to make Mark look indestructible, so he can eventually put Orton over. Mark Henry isn't the future of Smackdown, Randy Orton is.
So he cant put Orton over and be a top star at the same time. Christian at least had a back and fourth with Orton, if Henry loses to Orton clean on his first try it just doesnt make any sense.

What? What does deserve have to do with it? The storyline calls for the monster heel to run through several babyfaces before reaching the top guy. What happens when he gets to the top guy? He loses. If the heel (Henry) doesn't lose to the top face (Orton), who does he lose to? Does he keep winning until he retires? Sorry, but wrestling has never worked that way, and never will.
I know he eventually loses but it takes more than one attempt to take someone like Henry down. If Orton just beat Henry it makes Henry look like a wuss.
It's plain ******ed to say he should always speak exactly the same with no emotion and be bland as fuck every week because it fits his character.

You're confusing no emotion with subtlety. He's subtle, or understated. That's how he has always been, and it works.

He could add so much more to this as being a phycho gives you a lot of range.

Not really. He's about as psycho as psycho can get, without looking foolish.

Stop sucking on his balls and realise that he isn't great on the mic atm at all and is incredibly stale.

According to who? You? The crowd goes insane for this guy, in every arena across the country. He's as over as over can get. If the majority of fans agreed with you, he'd be getting the Cena treatment. He's not.

Sorry, but you're wrong. We're not.

If Christian was the top guy you'd be praising him a lot more too.

And you'd probably hate him. You'd call him bland, or stale, or whatever the popular terms are today for guys who actually get over, and stay over. The IWC just can't stand that sort of thing.

Can you honestly tell me he's not the most charamatic wrestler on Smackdown?

Yes, I can. Randy Orton is the most charismatic superstar on Smackdown. Here's the dictionary definition of charisma:

: a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)

: a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor

Whoever gets the biggest reaction is the most charismatic. People around here have a really fucked up definition of charisma.

Or is your love for Randy Boreton too much for you to admit it.

Your hatred for guys once they hit the top is the real problem here, sorry to break the bad news.
Orton doesnt need putting over. It would be great if they started building up credible enemies for him instead of supporting a guy who doesnt need it.

1. Your top guy always needs to be put over. He gets that sort of treatment because he's worth it, same with Cena.

2. They did build a credible challenger - Mark Henry. He ran through several guys on his way to Orton. Once Orton kicks the shit out of him, Orton will look as strong as ever. Objective complete.

So he cant put Orton over and be a top star at the same time.

Just being in the ring with Orton makes Mark Henry more important than he has ever been. He should feel lucky, to be honest. If he weren't doing what he's doing right now, he would be on Superstars. Mark should take what he can get. I'm sure he's smart enough to understand that.

Christian at least had a back and fourth with Orton, if Henry loses to Orton clean on his first try it just doesnt make any sense.

Who said Henry will lose, clean, right away? I can see Mark losing by DQ, beating the hell out of Orton, breaking the rules and such.

However, if he doesn't, and Orton wins clean, I think you'll be the only pissed off fan. Again, people should be happy Mark is even being given the opportunity to tangle with the World Heavyweight champion. Win, lose or draw, Mark just had the best run of his entire career. Not sure what you really have to bitch about, even if Orton pins him clean at the next PPV.

I know he eventually loses but it takes more than one attempt to take someone like Henry down. If Orton just beat Henry it makes Henry look like a wuss.

So, destroying Kane, Big Show, Kozlov, Sheamus, and whoever else he has come into contact with means nothing? Because of one loss to Orton? In terms of kayfabe, Randy Orton is the best wrestler on Smackdown, maybe on the planet. That's how he's booked - he's the best. No fucking way in hell does Mark Henry look weak losing to Orton, no matter when it happens. It could happen next Friday, inside of three minutes, and Mark wouldn't look as weak as you're making it sound.

You hate Orton, and Cena, and the rest of the stale, boring top guys. We get it. However, you aren't making much sense.
Man, Nick's kicking all kinds of ass in this thread. Learn 'em something, son.

I have to say, I am a Christian fan but where exactly is the idea that he's so great on the mic coming from? He's decent, sometimes he shows flashes of brilliance, but overall, isn't he just pretty much standard heel? I've seen much better mic work from him earlier on in his WWE stint. Not saying that he's bad or anything, But he's certainly not better than Orton.

No idea why anyone would say Smackdown sucks without him. I barely noticed that he wasn't there this week. Now that his program with Orton is done, I really don't care what he does. I got to see one of my favorites rise to the top and now, I'll enjoy watching whatever he does now without worrying about where he's at on the card. He had his moment, time to move on.
1. Your top guy always needs to be put over. He gets that sort of treatment because he's worth it, same with Cena.

2. They did build a credible challenger - Mark Henry. He ran through several guys on his way to Orton. Once Orton kicks the shit out of him, Orton will look as strong as ever. Objective complete.
Orton simply cant be on top of SD until he retires. You need a heel to balance things out. Cena had his Miz, Orton can have his Henry. Honestly theres nobody else out there that could get the job done. Sheamus doesnt do shit with the title, they've exhausted the Christian scenario, and Wade's in limbo.

Just being in the ring with Orton makes Mark Henry more important than he has ever been. He should feel lucky, to be honest. If he weren't doing what he's doing right now, he would be on Superstars. Mark should take what he can get. I'm sure he's smart enough to understand that.
Ohh ha ha you bolded he's because apparently I couldnt figure out that the fat guy who hasnt held a title in years is going to be relevant by being in the ring with Orton. Thank you for pointing that out.

Sure, Henry becomes huge after facing Orton but then what? Hell Christian is a bigger star than him and they took him off TV and apparently discontinued the whole ordeal. You pointed out Superstars, and thats exactly what will happen to Henry if he loses. For the sake of preserving a superstar they spent months building up they could make this rivalry worth it.

Who said Henry will lose, clean, right away? I can see Mark losing by DQ, beating the hell out of Orton, breaking the rules and such.

However, if he doesn't, and Orton wins clean, I think you'll be the only pissed off fan. Again, people should be happy Mark is even being given the opportunity to tangle with the World Heavyweight champion. Win, lose or draw, Mark just had the best run of his entire career. Not sure what you really have to bitch about, even if Orton pins him clean at the next PPV.
I wouldnt be pissed because I'm a huge Orton mark. As far as Orton pinning him cleanly after the next PPV, thats just ******ed. If the guy who took out SHow, Kozlov, and Kane couldnt give Orton a run for his money while Christian, the smallest WHC since Rey beat Orton for the title numerous times none of it would make any sense.

So, destroying Kane, Big Show, Kozlov, Sheamus, and whoever else he has come into contact with means nothing? Because of one loss to Orton? In terms of kayfabe, Randy Orton is the best wrestler on Smackdown, maybe on the planet. That's how he's booked - he's the best. No fucking way in hell does Mark Henry look weak losing to Orton, no matter when it happens. It could happen next Friday, inside of three minutes, and Mark wouldn't look as weak as you're making it sound.
How can you even say something like that? We know what happens to guys on SD once they lose a WHC match. They linger around in limbo for a while, then get sent to superstars or something. WWE couldnt even risk something like that with a guy like Henry who they really had to do everything with him to get him over as a heel. Its not a risk WWE is likely to take, and I'm pretty sure Henry wont lose clean to Orton. It makes him look weak.

You hate Orton, and Cena, and the rest of the stale, boring top guys. We get it. However, you aren't making much sense.
I didnt know I hated Orton. All this time I thought he was my favorite star. I was going to get his DVD too. And there was that time when I had that awesome sig of his for like a month. I also didnt know I wasnt making much sense by saying that a guy wont look weak by losing a match.
ehh i disagree i watched the whole episode of this weeks smackdown and it wasnt a bad episode i mean yes a christian match (even if he didnt get in the battle royal) would have been good to see but everybody deserves atleast 1 week off sometimes! but i wonder whos next to fued with him..
Who are you talking to here? I never said I don't understand why Orton is over and it's funny how you call people christian marks all the time when it seems like you're a complete Orton mark and have a raging hard on for him. Think you've had a couple too many wet dreams about him yourself. It's plain ******ed to say he should always speak exactly the same with no emotion and be bland as fuck every week because it fits his character. He could add so much more to this as being a phycho gives you a lot of range. Stop sucking on his balls and realise that he isn't great on the mic atm at all and is incredibly stale. It seems like you're just a mark for whoever the top guy is on each brand ie Cena and Orton.

If Christian was the top guy you'd be praising him a lot more too. Can you honestly tell me he's not the most charamatic wrestler on Smackdown? Or is your love for Randy Boreton too much for you to admit it.
I'm not an Orton mark, I own none of his merch. I just understand why he's over and I understand business so I understand what the WWE is doing.

I'm not saying "push Orton because I like him" I'm saying "they will push Orton because he's over, he's over because of this". Big difference.

He does speak with emotion, he's just not emotional and doesn't get crazy.

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