Smackdown! Saved

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The One

Occasional Pre-Show
Smackdown!: Saved

Just before ECW was brought onto our screens Smackdown had already been losing popularity, a lot of it due to injury (Batista, Orton etc.) and then ECW came along and it was almost the final nail in the coffin. Not only did ECW take Kurt Angle away from them, ECW replaced Velocity, another blow for Smackdown. Then JBL decided he needed a break, but stayed with Smackdown and became a Commentator, then there was Benoit who also needed a break, Joey Mercury checking into drugs rehab and finally Mark Henry got injured at Saturday Nights Main Event. Smackdown's quality was looking thin, even though Batista and Kennedy had returned. Vince decided he needed to do something about it, at first he was going to do a a whole new roster draft, but in the end decided against it. He hired a brand new booker, me, an old friend of Vince. He agreed on 1 condition, he would get two picks off Raw. Vince agreed but since the new bookers picks were top class stars, Rey Mysterio would go to Raw. Its the first Smackdown! after Summerslam and there are big expectations.


John Cena def Edge to win the WWE Championship
Booker T def Batista with assistance of the ropes to retain the World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton def Hulk Hogan
The McMahons def DX
Lashley def Finlay, William Regal to win the United States Championship
The Undertaker def The Great Khali in a Buried Alive Match, Ken Kennedy clobbered Undertaker with a chair afterwards
The Highlanders def The Spirit Squad to win the World Tag Team Championship
Mick Foley def Ric Flair
Londrick def K.C. James & Idol Stevens

First Show Coming soon....
Ashley Massaro
Booker T World Heavyweight Champion
Brian Kendrick WWE Tag Team Champion
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chris Benoit
Elijah Burke
Gregory Helms Cruiserweight Champion
Hardcore Holly
Jamie Noble
Jeff Hardy
Jillian Hall
Joey Mercury
Kasey James
Ken Kennedy
Kid Kash
Lashley United States Champion
Little Bastard
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Michelle McCool
Montel Vontavious Porter
Paul Burchill
Paul London WWE Tag Team Champion
Scotty Too Hotty
Simon Dean
Super Crazy
The Boogeyman
The Miz
Theodore R. Long General Manager
The Undertaker
William Regal


5 days after Batista was screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship at Summerslam, he will get his chance of retribution this week as he squares off against Booker T in a rematch. The self proclaimed 'King' gained the victory after he used the ropes for leverage. Batista will be in no mood to play and will have revenge on his mind.

Ken Kennedy has an explaination to give after he assaulted The Undertaker after his hard worked victory over The Great Khali, Kennedy will no doubt have to be on the look out as the Dead Man has promised to appear on Smackdown

Also United States Champion Lashley defends his newly won US Championship as he faces off against the Monster Terkay. Terkay has yet to lose on Smackdown and with Elijah Burke in his corner, one has to wonder how Lashley can possibly escape this bout with the United States Championship in hand

Alll the action is happening this Friday night on UPN.

The opening pyros hit and Smackdown began

Kene Kennedys music hit to a chorus of boos. When the ‘Asshole’ chants finally stopped, he began to speak. He told the fans, that last Sunday he made a name for himself by attacking The Undertaker and Now he will be taking seriously around here, He then added with a smirk on his ace, that maybe in two years time when The Undertaker decides to show up for his job, he’ll take him on one-on-one. The crowds boos reach a deafining level as Kennedy laughs. He drops the mic and another drops from the ceiling. He does his usual intro and Tatankas music hits, and the match began

Ken Kennedy vs. Tatanka
Tatanka got in the early offence, and had Kennedy on the backfoot. Tatanka hit some nice suplexes, but got ****y and posed for the crowd, Kennedy kicked him in the gut and regained the advantage. Kennedy looked different this week he, looked determined. He hit Tatanka with left and rights and a DDT, Tatanka was dazed, he hit a big snap suplex and went to the top. He hit the Kenton Bomb and got the 3 count. Kennedy was celebrating afterwards when the lights went out and the gong hit. The Crowd erupted at this point and when the lights returned Kennedy was face to face with The Phenomn, Kennedy scattered headed up he ramp, with a frightened look on his face as The Undertaker stared him down.

Winner: Ken Kennedy

Backstage Teddy Long was on his phone to an unknown person, and the person said that new a signing from Raw was on his way to the building. Long couldn’t contain his excitement and even when Montel Vontavious Porter came in he totally ignored him and walked past him with a big grin on his face. MVP looked sikened by this and looked on in total shock at T-Lo

Non-Title Match
Gregory Helms vs. Funaki

Gregory Helms laughed as Funaki came to the ring, he slapped him around in the early stages of te match and continued laughing at him. Helms was shocked though when Funaki, pulled out a dropkick out of nowhere. Funaki continued the offence, with good kicks and a DDT, but Helms hit him with a big clothesline and roused up the crowed, he kept kicking him in the ribs as he was floored. The crowed was booing strongly. Helms decide he had had enough and hit the Shining Wizard and got the 3 count. After the bell rung, Helms grabbed a mic and said that the Cruiserwight division was a joke and wanted to know if there were any serious challengers. The lights dimmed all of a sudden and two letters flashed on the tron. Helms looked up in disbelief at the letters in Gold, the tron simply read ‘AJ’. The crowd popped and the lights returned. Helms slowly walked to the back

Winner: Gregory Helms

The fans were treated to an un-announced surprise when Finlay was in the ring and Chris Benoits music hit and made his return, the roof was nearly raised by the cheers.

Finlay vs. Chris Benoit
Finlay started strong with a big clothesline, and put a floored Benoit into a chinlock, Benoit struggled but eventually countered and got to his feet, and hit Finlay with some chops and Finlay responded with some chops of his own, Finlay hit a big DDT and went for the pin, but Benoit kicked out at 2, Finlay complained to the referee, then Little Bastard ran out from under the ring and hit Benoit on the leg with the Shillelagh, Benoit was writhing in pain, Finlay came over and tried to pick Benoit up, but was rolled into a Crippler Crossface, Finlay was screaming in pain and almost reached the ropes, but eventually tapped out! To the crowds delight

Winner: Chris Benoit

Backstage Josh Matthews caught up with Chris Benoit and asked him why he came back so early, Benoit said he felt better than ever and the reason he came back was for the World Heavyweight Championship and he would get it any means possible.

Backstage Elijah Burke is giving Terkay a pep talk, he tells him that tonight is his chance and he will take it and tonight the plan will be executed with precision. Terkay growls a YES!! Burke recoils in slight fright, and says come on big guy, Lashley vs. Terkay is announced as next!

United States Championship
Lashley © vs. Terkay

The two big men squared off, in the ring and they clashed with a test of strength , they were there seconds before they broke it. They stared each other down as the crowd was cheering Lashley on. But all of a sudden Burke hit the the ring with a chair and connected with Lashleys skull. The ref called for a DQ immediately, Burke continued his assault and hit the Elijah Experience on Lashley on the steel chair which busted him open, Burke picked up a injured Lashley and pushed him towards Terkay, who hit him with a big Chokeslam which shook the ring. Terkay and Burke stood over a fallen and bloody Lashley as they posed. Lashley was out cold

Winner: STILL United States Champion Lashley via DQ

Batista was in the back getting interviewed by Kristal before the Main Event. Kristal asked how it felt to be screwed out of the World Title. Batist responded by saying that he was disappointed with himself for not expecting that from the ‘King’ and that tonight he was going to reclaim what he never lost, the World Heavyweight Championship! With that he walked off.

Teddy Long is in the Parking lot when he gets another call, the caller was the new signing himself, and Long told the man he’s waiting for him in the parking lot, and Long looked happy and said in a surprised tone you’re here now! A limo pulled in and the camera cuts away as Long says Welcome Playa

World Heavyweight Championship
Booker T © vs. Batista

Booker T came out his old music, but still was announced as King Booker, Batista came out with an angry expression and went straight for Booker, but he slid straight out of the ring, Batista went in hot pursuit, only to walk into a spinning heel kick, Booker whipped him into the ropes an d hit him with another kick. Batista countered a clothesline, with spine buster. The crowed erupted, Batista waited for Booker to get up and hit a big clothesline, Bokker was dazed, but hit a big dropkick to the surprise of everyone in the crowd, Booker twisted Batistas arm and hit a hook kick, Book was feeling ****y did a Spin-A-Roonie. Batist was up and hit another spine buster, he shook the ropes, thumbs up, thumbs down, Batist Bomb was coming, but Batista turned into Randy Orton, who hit him with an RKO!! Booker got up and waited for Batista to get up on his knees and hit a Scissors Kick!! He went for the pin and got the 3, to Sharmells delight. Booker stumbled up the ramp with the World Title in hand. Randy Orton stood at the top of the ramp posing

Winner: STILL World Heavyweight Champion Booker T

Smackdown closed as Batista looked on holding his neck


Last week new Smackdown superstar Randy Orton, screwed Batista out of the World Heavyweight Championship. Nobody knows why he done this? Hopefully we'll find out this week why. This was the second time in a week Batista ot screwed out of the title, he'll be out for even more revenge this week, Orton better be on alert when he makes his in-ring debut against William Regal.

The no.1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship will be determined when Chris Benoit faces a mystery opponent. The opponent is expected to be the second new signing from Raw. Either way Booker T should be nervous.

Ken Kennedy insulted Undertaker last week, big mistake. Undertaker showed up and Kennedy fled. Will he flee this week, when he takes on the toughest man to wear a dress Vito, if the Undertaker shows up?

Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms wondered was there anyone who can beat. He got his answer in a mysterious circumstances, when the word 'AJ' flashed on the titan tron, who or what this is, is still a mystery. Helms defends his title this week against Scotty 2 Hotty

Also, Lashley was destroyed at the hands of Terkay and Elijah Burke, this week he gets his hans on Burke, with Terkay banned from ringside, can Burke beat Lashley? Will Lashley still be feeling the effects of last week

Don't miss all the action, this Friday on UPN.

The opening pyros hit and Smackdown began

Randy Orton hit the ring with a five guards and the crowd were booing him heavily, he told the crowd that he didn’t have a short memory. He said that the day after Wrestlemania 21 Batista injured his shoulder and while he was recovering he thought about one thing, revenge on Batista, even if it took him a year and a half. He then told them with a wide grin that the only thing more important to Batista than his health was the World Heavyweight Championship and he saw his opportunity, being drafted back to Smackdown! the night Batista got a rematch for the World title, it was destiny. He dared Batista to come and face him because he had five guards more than willing to arrest him if he laid a finger on him. Batistas music hit immediately to the fans delight and he made his way to the ring. Batista stared Orton down and lunged for him but the guards had him in handcuffs before he could cause damage and when they had him restrained Orton looked him in the eye and spat into his face. Batista struggled to break free but he was helpless Orton posed in front of him before the guards took him away.

Cruiserweight Championship
Gregory Helms © vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

Helms dominated the early stages, with some quick paced offence, and topped it all with a dropkick and posed ****ily towards the crowd. Scotty rose to more punishment with quick kicks to the legs and a spinning heel kick, Helms was dominating and he was enjoying himself, he was taunting Scotty and hit him with a suplex and waited for Scotty to rise and hit him with the shining wizard and got the 3. Helms got on the mic and again said that would anyone who thinks they can beat him come out, again the lights dimmed and the letters ‘AJ’ flashed on the screen, this time Helms smiled to himself and said that whoever ‘AJ’ was, is a coward, Helms posed with the title and headed to the back

Winner: STILL Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms

Matt Hardy came to the ring looking happier than ever and he told the fans excitedly that its his honour to introduce his newly reformed brother Jeff! Jeff Hardy came to the ring and the crowd erupted in cheers at the sight of him. Jeff said that he was glad to be back and that he felt in better shape than ever. He then said to Matt that they should have one more shot at the Tag Titles. Matt agreed and the crowd went nuts, but were cut short when WWE Tag Team Champions Londrick hit the ring and demolished the Hadry Boyz, with steel chairs, London went to the top rope and hit a Shooting Star press on Jeff. Londrick celebrated and held the Tag Team titles aloft. The reunion was ruined. The crowd was shocked at what they had just saw.

A video was shown of Terkay and Elijah Burke attacking Lashley last week

Non Title Match
Lashley vs. Elijah Burke

Lashley came out first looking really pissed with a big bandage, Burke came out second looking a lot smaller without the massive Terkay. As the bell rung Lashley sprinted towards Burke, Burke immediately slid out of the ring. Lashley ran after him around the ring, Burke went back into the ring, Lashley slid after and Burke gained he advantage by stomping Lashley. Burke whipped Lashley into the ropes and hit a low dropkick to knock Lashley down. Burke hit a string of rights and Lashley was dazed, but he soon regained his composure and hit a spine buster, Lashley was pumped, Burke was slumped against the turnbuckle Lashley went for a spear but Burke moved and Lashley hit the turnbuckle hard and Burke rolled Lashley up, but he kicked out right before the 3, Burke went nuts towards the referee but suddenly erkay came out from under the ring and hit Lashley with a hard right hook, which knocked the big man to the ground. The ref hadn’t seen it, Burke picked a knocked out Lashley up and hit The Elijah Experience for the 3. Burke alled under the ring and Terkay came out, much to the refs dismay and they celebrated together

Winner: Elijah Burke

Mr. Kennedy was standing by with Kristal backstage when he takes the mic and pushes her away, he said that last week The Undertaker had caught him at a bad moment and tonight if he did come to face him, he wouldn’t back down and that he didn’t fear The Undertaker. With that he threw down the mic and made his way to the ring.

Ken Kennedy vs. Vito
Vito knocked Kennedy down with a big clothesline to start with and roused up the crowd by lifting his dress. Kennedy got up and hit him with right hands and a big suplex to take the big man down. Kennedy kicked him in the head and picked him up and hit a suplex. Kennedy picked him up for another suplex but Vito countered with one of his own. Vito tried to lock Kennedy into the Armbar under his dress but Kennedy hit Vito with a thumb to the eye, the ref didn’t see it, Kennedy hit a Power slam followed by a Gutbuster and went to the top rope. He was all set to deliver the Kenton Bomb when a gong echoed around the arena. Kennedy looked around horrified, but Undertaker didn’t show up. Kennedy laughed to himself, but Vito had gotten up and snapmared Kennedy off the top rope, he then successfully locked Kennedy in the Armbar under his dress, Kennedy had no choice but to tap. Vito ran around waving his dress in celebration, while Kennedy clutched his arm and cursing the Undertaker

Winner: Vito

Backstage Theodore Long is in his office talking to a mystery man. The door is closed so his identity is not revealed. He welcomes hm to Smackdown and wishes him good luck in the main event. Teddy walks out with a big smile on his face

Randy Orton vs. William Regal
Orton came out with the curtain of gold fireworks, and looked really confident that Batista wasn’t in the building. Regal came out looking in no mood to play. The squared up and Orton hit an European Uppercut. He then put Regal in a headlock, and launched him towards the ropes, Regal countered with a clothesline. Regal put Orton into a headlock but Orton broke out and hit Regal with an athletic dropkick. Orton then stalked Regal preparing for an RKO, but he missed when Regal threw him off, Regal went for a suplex and hit Orton was in trouble. Regl kicked him in the gut and hit a power slam, Regal was on a roll but when he went for another supex Orton landed on his feet, Orton then hit his trademark neck breaker. Orton waited for Regal to rise again and hit the RKO, for the 3 count. Afterwards Orton asked Batista to come out and face him, Orton tapped on his left wrist impatiently as if there was a watch there. But he said that since Batista wasn’t in time, there he had to leave.

Winner: Randy Orton

Booker T came down first along with Sharmell and sat for commentary, he started mocking Chris Benoit and said that whoever came form Smackdown! Would not be better than him, for he had beaten Batista twice in two weeks .Teddy Long is in the ring, to announce the mystery oponent, he said it was his great pleasure to welcome Carlito to Smackdown! Booker T just started laughing do at this

No.1 contenders Match
Chris Benoit vs. Carlito

Carlito came down first and got the loudest pop of the night, followed by Benoit who got less of a pop but was cheered nonetheless . Benoit floored Carlito as the match started and attempted the Crippler Crossface but Carlito saw the danger and quickly grabbed the ropes. The action was back and forth for a few minutes, but Carlito took the advantage with a big dropkick. Benoit got up quickly and hit a quick German Suplex, followed by another and hit a release German Suplex that almost flipped Carlito over . Carlito was hurt, but got back to his feet quickly and began hitting left hands, each one connecting, Carlito then rolled Benoit into a small package but Benoit kicked out at 2. When Benoit got up Carlito went towards the ropes and hit a Springboard Back Elbow. Benoit was down Carlito tried to pick up Benoit, but was rolled into a Crossface, Carlito was screaming in pain and was struggling to escape. He raised his hand to tap but stretched and reached the ropes. Benoit picked him up and hit a snap suplex, he then pushed Carlito towards the ropes, Carlito stopped himself and Benoit hit a clothesline which took both competitors over the top rope. Booker T immediately left the announce table and when both men got up he hit a double clothesline. The ref had no choice but the end the match as a double DQ. Booker along with Sharmell, quickly fled up the ramp celebrating.

Winner: Draw, Double DQ

Smackdown ended as Benoit and Carlito looked on in a mix of confusion and anger
I think that your doing a really good job. Realy liking the start of the Fued between Undertaker and Mr. Kennedy.

Glsad to see Randy Orton back on Smackdown as well.... hopefully he will be pushing for a title soon.

Have a strong feeling I know who is after Gregory Helms...... but sometimes assumptions can be wrong... but im looking forward to reading more in the future... keep up the good work.
Great show man... Reading this stuff is making me want to start doing this again... As for a rating... I give both shows 9/10
Whats going to happen with the tag titles though? You've reunited the Hardy Boyz. I wanna see them in action.


Last week on Smackdown! Chris Benoit and debutant Carlito drew in the no.1 contenders for the World Heavyweight Championship match on the last episode of Smackdown, due to a Booker T interference. This week Teddy Long has promised to sort out the situation. Chris Benoit will get his chance for revenge this week as he takes on Booker T in a non Title match.

Batista was arrested last week as he tried to attack Randy Orton, but this week the animal is back when he takes on Finlay. Randy Orton will surely tried and taunt the Animal, but will he get away unscathed this time.

The Undertakers gong distracted Ken Kennedy last week which caused him to lose to Vito, Kennedy has promised to call out to Undertaker and face him this week and will not run away. Nobody knows if The Undertaker will actually show up

Lashley was again attacked by the monster Terkay during his match with Terkays right hand man Elijah Burke, this week ashley must take on Montel Vontavious Porter in his debut after he finally agreed a contract, Terkay will also be in action against Funaki. Can this monster be stopped?

The mysterious person 'AJ' has teased Gregory Helms for the past two weeks will he show up and interfere in Helms' Cruiserweight Title match against Jamie Noble match?

Also Jeff Hardys debut was ruined last week by WWE Tag Team Champions Londrick. Londrick demolished the Hardy Boyz last week with steel chairs. Will we get an explination this week? Will things get out of hand when Jeff Hardy faces Paul London.

Dont mis a single moment of this action, this Friday. Only on UPN.
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