Extreme Rules Card:
First Blood Match: Christian vs Edge
United States Championship: Shad(c) vs MVP
Extreme Rules Match: Desmond Wolfe vs Dolph Ziggler
Last Man Standing Match: John Cena vs Randy Orton
WCW and WWE Championship Steel Cage Match: Jack Swagger vs AJ Styles(c)
Grisham and Striker welcome us to Extreme Rules. They put over the use of violence and bringing back the good old days of ECW. Grisham says that based on this past Fridays Smackdown two more matches have been added to the card. We will see Alicia Fox defend her Divas championship against Gail Kim. We will also see a 4-way tag team match for the WWE Tag Team championships. It will be the Nation of Domination(c) defending their titles against Generation Next, Beer Money and Legacy.
United States Championship
Shad(c) vs MVP
Good opener. MVP took control early. He had Shad set up for the PlayMaker but Shad countered. Shad hit Thugnificent but MVP was able to put a foot on the rope. Shad had MVP set up again when MVP hit Shad with a low blow. MVP then used the ropes for leverage and rolled Shad up for the 1-2-3.
Winner and NEW United States Champion- MVP.
After the Match Shad is furious. He nails the referee with a big boot.
Josh Matthews is in the back with Fortune
Flair grabs the mic from him and tells him to get out. Flair says that Fortune is the class of the wrestling business. He says tonight they will go undefeated. Flair says he taught AJ everything he knows. Flair says he is THE MAN when it comes to cage matches, and there is no way AJ is going to lose tonight. Styles says he proved he was better than Swagger when he beat him at Survivor Series. He says that 450 off the cage was nothing, dont be surprised if he does it again tonight. Desmond Wolfe says that he will end Dolph Zigglers career tonight. Roode says that he and Storm didnt need their dads to get them in the business. He says they have taken everything they have ever achieved. Roode says Beer Money is the future of the WWE, and that future is real, real bright.
First Blood Match
Christian vs Edge
Very good match. The action went back and forth. Christian went for a springboard but Edge pulled the referee in front of him. Ref is down. Edge placed a chair in between the ropes in the corner, he set Christian up and went to spear him through it, but Christian moved at the last second and Edge went head first into the chair. Edge is bleeding, but there is no referee to see it. Christian is celebrating. Edge pulls Christian off the top rope and nails him with the chair. Now Christian is bleeding too. Edge slide out of the ring and onto the floor. The referee comes to and sees the blood on Christian and calls for the bell. Edge covered his face and ran to the back.
Winner- Edge
Josh Matthews is now backstage with the 4 Horsemen
Josh asks Swagger is he has heard the comments made earlier by Fortune. Swagger says he has heard them. He says he has heard them all along. He has heard them his entire life. Swagger says he has always been better than everybody. Tonight he will prove he is better than AJ Styles. Rhodes and Dibiase talk about their fathers. They say they didnt NEED them, but they used them. They say their fathers are in the past, their Legacy begins tonight. Josh asks Dolph Ziggler what he is thinking heading into his match with Desmond Wolfe tonight. Ziggler says that he has had to deal with Wolfe for a month now. Ziggler says he is looking forward to finally facing Wolfe one on one. No more sneak attacks, this time its for real. Josh asks Dolph about the injuries he sustained at the hands of Wolfe on Smackdown. Dolph downplays the injuries and says hes hurt, but hes still going to kick Desmond Wolfes ass tonight. Josh Matthews says he wont have to wait any longer, that match is next.
Extreme Rules Match
Desmond Wolfe vs Dolph Ziggler
Amazing match. Tons of near falls. Wolfe uses a chair to work over the injured ribs of Ziggler. Ziggler fights back and uses the chair to bust Wolfe open. Ziggler applies the sleeper but Wolfe is able to throw himself through the ropes to break the hold. Wolfe lures Ziggler outside the ring. Ziggler runs at Wolfe but Wolfe sidesteps sending Ziggler head first into the ring post. Ziggler is bleeding and looks to be out. Wolfe taunts the crowd and he rolls Ziggler back into the ring. Wolfe sets up the chair in the ring and sits Ziggler on it. Wolfe nails a huge running clothesline. He goes for the pin but somehow Ziggler kicks out. Wolfe stands Ziggler up in the corner and goes for the running boot, but Ziggler drops down and Wolfe misses. Ziggler rolls up Wolfe for the 3.
Winner- Dolph Ziggler
After the match Wolfe attacks Ziggler. He goes right for the ribs and nails Ziggler in the back with a chair. Wolfe sets up the chair in front of the turnbuckle. He puts Ziggler on the top rope and goes for the Tower of London. Wolfe hits it planting Zigglers throat across the chair. Medics and referees run to the ring to stop the attack a little to late. The damage is done. Ziggler is taken out on a stretcher.
We see John Cena talking on the phone backstage. He tells the person on the phone that they better be here soon. He says they will finish Randy Orton tonight.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
N.O.D(c) vs Gen. Next vs Beer Money vs Legacy
Lots of blind tags and double teams. Match breaks down and all 4 teams are fighting inside the ring. Legacy and Beer Money go to the outside. Dibiase throws Storm into the crowd as Rhodes whips Roode into the steps.Nice double team move on Jackson by Bourne and Hardy, and then one of Henry. Hardy hits the twist of fate on Henry and then Bourne nails Air Bourne. Legacy is in to break up the pin and tosses Bourne out of the ring. Hardy gets hit with Dream Street and tossed out of the ring by Dibiase. Rhodes goes for the cover on Henry but the ref says Henry is not the legal man. Rhodes and Dibiase argue with the referee with Beer Money sneaks back in the ring. They take out Legacy and throw Dibiase out of the ring. They hit the DWI on Rhodes and get the pin.
Winners and NEW WWE Tag Tram Champions- Beer Money
Beer Money celebrates on the ramp as Dibiase checks on Rhodes in the ring.
Grisham and Stiker tell us that up next will be the Last Man Standing match between John Cena and Randy Orton. They show the videos of Cena walking out on Orton during their matches and the downfall of the MegaPowers.
Last Man Standing match
John Cena vs Randy Orton
Match of the night. Cena and Orton fight throughout the building. Lots of 6 and 7 counts. Cena and Orton make their way back to the ring. Orton hits Cena with a chair and stars to take apart the announce table. Orton hits an RKO on Cena through the table. Cena gets up at 8. But Cena doesnt go back in the ring. Instead Cena starts to walk up the ramp. Orton is close behind. Cena makes it through the curtain before Orton catches him. Orton and Cena brawl through the backstage area and end up in the parking lot. Cena regains control and tosses Orton onto the hood of a car. Cena hits the F-U off the car onto the concrete. Orton gets up at 9. Cena is livid. Cena says thats it and motions for something. A black town car pulls up and Cena picks Orton up. Cena leans Orton against some boxes and the car drives full speed at Orton. Cena moves out of the way and the car nails Orton. Oh My God!! Cena tells Orton hed love to see him answer the count now and gets in the passenger seat and they drive away.
Grisham and Striker are appalled at what Cena has just done. Grisham says he might have ended Randy Ortons career for good. Striker wants to know who was the man behind the wheel. Next up is the Divas match.
WWE Divas Championship Match
Alicia Fox(c) vs Gail Kim
Gail Kim avoids the scissors kick and hits Eat Defeat for the pin.
Winner and NEW Divas champion- Gail Kim
We see the video package for Styles vs Swagger. Its time for the main event.
Steel Cage Match for the WWE and WCW Heavyweight Championships
AJ Styles(c) vs Jack Swagger
Flair comes out with Styles. Swagger come out but stops at the ramp. Swagger says all of this time people have said he could never be the next Ric Flair. He says he doesnt want to be like Ric Flair. He says he went to someone before he brought back the Horsemen. He says he went to the heart and soul of the Horsemen. Swagger bring out Arn Anderson to be in his corner tonight. Flair is beside himself.
Instant classic of a match. Styles goes for a few quick attempts to escape but Swagger cuts off every one. Swagger throws Styles into every side of the cage. They crowd is going crazy. Swagger has the upper hand for the first 10minutes of the match. Swagger works over AJ until AJ is able to hit a low blow. AJ catches his breath and begins to work over Swagger. AJ constantly taunts Anderson while grinding Swaggers face against the cage. Swagger is cut. AJ goes for a cocky pin but Swagger kicks out at 1. Styles seem puzzled. AJ calls to Flair, Flair passes Styles the brass knuckles, Anderson yells for Swagger to duck but he cant avoid AJs right hand. Swagger goes down. AJ is taking a little too much time taunting the crowd. He goes for the cover but again Swagger is out at 2. AJ goes to the top rope and hits the springboard elbow. Flair is calling for the pin but Styles has other ideas. He tells Flair he is going to the top. Flair doesnt seem happy about this. Styles gets to the top of the cage and Anderson is screaming for Swagger to move. Styles goes for the 450 off the cage but this time Swagger is able to move out of the way. Both men are down. Flair knocks out the referee and unlocks the cage. Flair enters the cage and is dragging AJ out. Flair is almost out when he backs into Anderson. Anderson catches Flair with the spinebuster. Double A ducks a punch from Styles and gives him a back body drop. Styles falls right into Swagger who catches him with the Swagger Bomb. Swagger doesnt go for the pin. Instead, he puts Styles in the ankle lock. Styles tries to fight it but can only hang on for so long. Styles taps.
Winner and NEW WWE and WCW Heavyweight Champion- Jack Swagger
Swagger and Anderson hug in the ring. Rhodes and Dibiase come out to join them in celebration as Extreme Rules goes off the air.