Smackdown IS on the same level as Raw!


Occasional Pre-Show
A lot of people in the WWE Universe view Smackdown as "The C-show" or a "Raw-recap". In reality, Smackdown is equaled to Raw. It is the best show on Friday just like Raw is the best show on Monday.
We saw the MATCH OF THE YEAR in the Dolph Ziggler/Cesaro/Tyson Kidd triple threat elimination Intercontinental Championship match. That match took place on SMACKDOWN! The number one contender for the Divas Title, Nikki Bella, earned that right on SMACKDOWN! Daniel Bryan had a man-to-demon confrontation, one of the best promos of 2014, before their Extreme Rules match on SMACKDOWN! Gold & Stardust defended their tag team titles(cosmic key) against the Usos twice, one match being inside a steel cage, on SMACKDOWN!
One of the best feuds of 2014 is the Dean Ambrose/Bray Wyatt feud. Dean Ambrose was a guest on the Peep Show. Bray confronted him with one of his best promos and then peeked behind him only to leave the 'lunatic' dazed and confused with Wyatt laughter looming the room. Bray also let Dean get to him only to walk alway taunting him without looking back. We later see Wyatt ambush Dean backstage with a Sister Abigail onto the wall to close it off. Dean is then taught about labels and boxes. Those are the most prominent segments of this feud and they took place on SMACKDOWN!
The Shield are one of the best stables in WWE history and Smackdown had an ENTIRE EPISODE dedicated to them. That episode was fun to watch for any Shield fan like myself. Once the Shield split up, Roman Reigns was being built on SMACKDOWN with singles matches against the likes of Bad News Barrett, Miz, and Rusev.
I don't know about that. I like that Smackdown has longer matches than RAW but the lack of star power and lack of continuity with storylines sometimes can be alarming.

Smackdown does have some great matches that ought to be on RAW.
Not really:
It seems to me that all SmackDown is is a bunch of filler matches and RAW recaps with the occasional bright spot like the ones you mentioned, most recently the 5 star IC Title match. Yes, the SHIELD was built up on SmackDown, but once they took off they were more RAW based.

Besides that, it is a show of repeat matches with wrestlers no one seems to care about, or who have been repeated for weeks. Even if the wrestling is better, what difference will it make when there is no one to watch it? SmackDown has been the B show for so long, and the quality is so poor, that the times the bright spots shine through, people miss them.

This does give me hope that the E is trying to resurrect the blue brand, and the change to Thursday night might support that. I, for one, rarely watch Smackdown, because it is in such a terrible slot on a bad network, but maybe on a Thursday, the ratings will improve. WWE looks to be injecting the brand with a bit of life.

I don't think SmackDown is on the same level as RAW...yet...but perhaps soon it will, and signs are looking up, especially with that excellent Triple threat as a starting point.
Yes they did have a great match the other night, but that's not the normal on Smackdown. Most times it's is a repeat of matches that just happened on RAW, and it's been like this since they stopped the brand split.

I watch SD if I'm home from work, and don't mind it really. What does bother me though is we still get all the crap promo's that were shown on RAW, which we don't really need to see again. A short verbal recap is all that's needed.

But as for it being better than RAW, not a chance in hell.
Same level as RAW because of ONE episode (which itself was great because of ONE match)? No, no way. They were giving the foreign audience something to remember them for; next week onwards, it will go back to being the way it always is- RAW recaps, random or repeat matches featuring mid card talents, and finally a main event featuring Kane or Orton. Those 5-6 isolated incidents in 11 months are simply not enough to take them anywhere close to RAW's level.
If you argued that Smackdown is on the same level as Raw because Raw isn't that great of a show then you might have had something.

One good match doesn't equal the same level of Raw. When Raw and Smackdown were two different brands Smackdown, to me, was a better show. Smackdown is now just the second fiddle to Raw, and it is just a recap.
All Raw has is lousy promos from the stars, that most of us don't like anymore, but fan boys will say otherwise. I don't watch Smackdown at all anymore, try and watch all the Raw shows, but I don't doubt Smackdown is better, Raw is so bad and WWE as a whole has been so bad that watch Raw feels like too much. Maybe if the show was 1 or 2hrs, Smackdown might be must see tv for a Wrestling fan.

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