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Smackdown is better than RAW

No I don't agree with you

You posted stuff from a couple years ago , thats not RIGHT NOW and right now imo RAW is so much better than Smackdown its not even funny

I usually don't watch Smackdown because I'm usually doing other things on Friday nights and its not live and as such I just read it on Tuesdays when its posted

Tonight I caught half of Smackdown and it was just ok

I will say though that TNA > RAW

but RAW > Smackdown :D

Ironically Smackdown in a company where the term "wrestling" doesn't exist, had more wrestling that "Impact Wrestling" where "wrestling matters" this past week. :D

But yes SD is better than Raw. It's interesting to see how SD has the far better story lines, especially these past few years. Jeff Hard/CM Punk is an example, and now Orton/Christian is one.

We went from (kayfabe wise) cheering Christian's emotional win to seeing him be obsessed with the title after losing it, to the point of him being corrupted if you will. It was a nice logical progression week after week with the pay off.

Same thing with CM Punk/Hardy to a degree with it's nice build up to Punk's turn and the ending of that feud.

I haven't seen any type of that from Raw.
Over the years you always get people saying Smackdown is better. I admit I don't watch it very much, but the times I do catch it I do find it to be way more entertaining especially wrestling wise.
SmackDown is absolutely greater than RAW. Here the storylines are a lot more fleshed out and more interesting. I feel that SD has the more interesting characters like Cody Rhodes, Christian with his new heel persona, and the up and coming Jinder Mahal (though I admit Raw has gotten just a little bit better now that R-Truth has nutted up and they stole Alberto Del Rio from the blue show). From top to bottom SD provides a more entertaining experience. I'll usually only watch RAW for a couple or three segments (usually those with ADR), but SmackDown I will stay glued to the screen for the whole show.

Oh and to the OP, props for showing that clip of Jeff Hardy's pyro accident. I still definitely remember that.
It really depends what you're looking for in each episode. We know that Raw is more promo-oriented with more of the bigger names that put on decent matches. Smackdown! is more wrestling-oriented where some of the less-bigger names are, but put on pretty good matches.

For me, sometimes i enjoy Raw more than Smackdown, and sometimes i enjoy Smackdown more than Raw. Overall, both shows are pretty good. Better than TNA ofcourse.
In 2010, Smackdown sucked

In 2009 Smackdown was the best show of the year out of any other brand

Smackdown may have great wrestlers like Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Christian, and Justin Gabriel, but they are not being utilized enough. Maybe not Christian but everyone else isn't being used to their fullest potential. I have to say Raw is more enjoyable because the stars in the show are worth watching, CM Punk is awesome, Alberto Del Rio is a great heel, The Miz and John Cena are ok. I think Smackdown should be the better show, but I really do find Raw to be more appealing, and entertaining.
I agree that Smackdown currently is the more compelling brand. Maybe that's because I'm kinda a Christian mark. I also like what Cody Rhodes is doing. So for the time being SD is more fun for me, yes. We'll see how long this will last. These high phases for SD never last, unfortunately.
This isn't new news to many people. I ran a pole last year asking if people liked Smackdown or Raw better and Smackdown won. I am a huge fan of Smackdown and its gets my view nearly everyweek.
It really all depends on what you like in your wrestling show. If you like wrestling to be the main focus of the show then SD is definitely the show for you. You get guys the likes of Orton, Christian, Sheamus, Bryan, Sin Cara, Rhodes etc. who go out there and have great matches on a weekly basis. SD matches generally get more ring time as well which is a good thing.

If on the other hand you like Sports Entertainment with some wrestling on the side then Raw is the show for you. Generally you get more promo time on Raw and less match time. You also get more "segments" ie. Show getting run over, Cole getting knighted etc.

There is really no right or wrong answer as to which show is better as they are really incomparable for the most part, SD is more wrestling oriented and Raw is sports entertainment. Generally I tend to like SD more than Raw but it can vary on a weekly basis at times.
Right now SmackDown is the better show, and not just because they are the wrestling show.
They are a perfect mix of wrestling and storytelling, yesterday we have 4 backstage promos, and all of them looked pretty good written.

Randy Orton is one of the main reasons for the rising of SmackDown, and I've read some posters saying that he sucks cutting promos, well you are all out of your mind, i've never seen a bad promo from Randy Orton considering who he is in his kayfabe character!!
Well if for you a face has to be a guy that is always smiling and dancing and making jokes out of Michael Cole, then you are even more stupid.
He is currently the best champion in the WWE, the one that keep us interested and he is having 4 and 5 starts matches every week, and there is no deny that Randy Orton is the best guy that sells any story in a WWE Ring...

I also miss Edge, but Randy Orton is doing a great job running SmackDown, and it's working very well, he is the best World Champion in 3 years!!

RAW is also good, but they decreased of interest when The Miz lost his WWE Champion (could it be? could The Miz really be The Must See WWE Champion of all time?)
They have only a good story and that is the main event story, out of that I cant even remember what was the first match of last Monday...
They are mis-using guys like CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Alberto Del Rio, etc.
For everyone complaining about smackdown being shown on Fridays.. Do what i do..

I DVR it and watch on monday during raw.. I make Smackdown my Monday night prime time show..

I then watch raw sometime later during the week.

I absolutely hate smackdown being on fridays and have no clue why the hell they moved it to fridays.
So.. what are the feuds going on on Smackdown now? Ezekiel Jacksin Vs Wade Barrett? Jinder Mahal vs Jobbers? randomly pairing up Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase after they had a heated match the week before and feuding them with Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan?

Ok I'll admit that Cody and Ted can put on great matches with Sin Cara and "The Internet Darling" but besides from that and Christian vs Orton vs Sheamus I just don't have a reason to watch the show, I mean before the draft I was the same with RAW and I used to watch Smackdown more, but now it looks like the tables have turned.

I mean no offense to people like Bryan and Christian, but I'd watch Swagger, Kingston, Truth, Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Punk, and even Ryder over guys like Khali, Mahal, Mark Henry, DiBiase, and even Orton.

It's just that ever since the draft, RAW have had better storylines, better quality matches, and better wrestlers or sports entertainers if the WWE prefer.

sorry, but RAW all the way, let's just hope the Christian heel turn makes Smackdown more watchable, and I was hoping for him to go back to his heel captain charisma gimmick, but now it's complete different, looks like he's ignoring his so called "peeps" I hope it makes for some good TV anyways.
I feel Smackdown is the better show right now, but can definitely use some work. For one, Cody Rhodes is bland without his Dashing gimmick. Seriously, paper bags? All he does is say "I'm ugly, you're uglier, blah blah blah." And Big Zeke needs to grab the belt off of Barrett for a while becuz Barrett has done practically nothing with the belt. Everything so far is Corre related and since they've been dissolved, Wade has nothing to do. Big Zeke can bring some seriousness to the belt and with a little work of his in-ring ability, he's for sure going to be a mid-card main-eventer. The Christian/Orton feud is definitely the most interesting thing on Smackdown right now and I would love to see how this plays out. Judging from WWE's treatment of Christian, Orton will retain at Capitol Punishment. But that's just it, what will he do next? Something tells me of a Sheamus/Christian feud but I'm not too sure.
Wrestling wise, smackdown is far better than raw (except your random weekly cm punk vs somebody), just watch the awesome main event between randy and sheamus, 21 minutes ppv quality match. It was one of the best matches i've seen in this year, and the further storyline of heel christian is fluidly moving foward. Christian heel is so much fun and i really hope he gets the belt next ppv.
Plus my fav wrestler daniel bryan is on smackdown, whats not to like??
I can't agree. Smackdown has nothing interesting going on now except for the Randy Orton-Christian-Sheamus storyline and Sin Cara's presence. These two are the only reasons I even watch the show. Too much mid-card action to keep me interested. Raw might be a little crowded but that also means that it never runs out of main event quality material. Even though Randy Orton is my favorite superstar, I wish he had stayed on Raw. It feels kinda deserted with him being one of the few main eventers on the 'b' show.
So the general consensus is that Randy Orton is the reason for not watching Smackdown?

Wow, what a bunch of idiots you all are, who have posted that. One person doesn't make the show, one person, even if he's Champion doesn't make a two hour show. He's Champion because Randy Orton sells. He's Champion because Randy Orton is a fan favorite and people want to see Randy Orton. I never realized so many people disliked Randy due to his gimmick?

So when Randy was on RAW, why the fuck did you watch RAW then? If Orton is supposedly so bad to ruin one two hour broadcast surely someone can explain to me how he ruined another two hour broadcast, even though he's in by far the best feud WWE have had in a long time with Christian.

Smackdown is based more around the wrestling aspect than the promos and comedy sketches, and that's what makes it better. Because of the fact that it has more wrestling. Smackdown has had its fair share of moments, as has RAW, obviously but when it comes down to it, back when WWE were "rebranded" people bitched because they ditched wrestling from the name, and yet some don't think Smackdown is good enough because... It's wrestling?

I agree with OP. Good thread, and great perspective.
So.. what are the feuds going on on Smackdown now? Ezekiel Jacksin Vs Wade Barrett? Jinder Mahal vs Jobbers? randomly pairing up Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase after they had a heated match the week before and feuding them with Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan?

Ezekiel Jackson vs Wade Barrett is at least new and fresh, way better than Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston that already had 100 matches, and that it's more than proved that Ziggler is better than him (The score must be 99-1 for Ziggler)
Jinder Mahal is a new guy that has impressed me a lot, he is in a mid-card storyline way better than CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio that I've already seen last year, (another recent feud c'mon).
And that has nothing to do besides fighting Mysterio or random fights.
Nevertheless SmackDown is misusing Kane and Mark Henry, that could have a match, instead of putting old matches...
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase re-join is something that nobody thought that could happen, but it's happening and so far they all have make me interested in all of their matches.

Ok I'll admit that Cody and Ted can put on great matches with Sin Cara and "The Internet Darling" but besides from that and Christian vs Orton vs Sheamus I just don't have a reason to watch the show, I mean before the draft I was the same with RAW and I used to watch Smackdown more, but now it looks like the tables have turned.

Only the SmackDown main event, is by far better than the RAW main event and the face turn of Riley!

I mean no offense to people like Bryan and Christian, but I'd watch Swagger, Kingston, Truth, Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Punk, and even Ryder over guys like Khali, Mahal, Mark Henry, DiBiase, and even Orton.

I'm not saying that SmackDown has the better superstars, SmackDown is using all of them properly, Raw is only making shitt out of it.
Khali/Mahal is a story
RHodes/ DiBiase is a story
Orton is way better than every superstar you mentioned from Raw.
You're just an ass that don't even see SD! and comes here just to give is stupid opinion on how you love Ziggler and Ryder, I don't see any other reason for you prefering to see Kingston over Orton, you have to be ******ed.

It's just that ever since the draft, RAW have had better storylines, better quality matches, and better wrestlers or sports entertainers if the WWE prefer.

Ya right, because Jack Swagger vs Booker T is a storyline.
And Kofi Kinsgton vs Ryder is a storyline.
CM Punk vs Rey was already made, and very well made (on SD!)
John Cena vs R-Truth (Truth is a very good heel, but c'mon can you really understand him? (I'm not English, as you probably noted, but I understand every promo of other Superstars, yes JoMo included)
The only thing RAW has better is not having spoilers and people actually feel surprised about SCSA and The Rock returns.

sorry, but RAW all the way, let's just hope the Christian heel turn makes Smackdown more watchable, and I was hoping for him to go back to his heel captain charisma gimmick, but now it's complete different, looks like he's ignoring his so called "peeps" I hope it makes for some good TV anyways.

Christian reaching the main-event is the best thing that we can take from 2011, and before the ladder match, I wasn't even a fan of Christian
I think that you loved Cole vs King, in your mind even that must be better than Orton vs Christian :s.
In my opinion, they are on par. I enjoy watching the both. But the pros and cons of each show...

Raw pros
R-truth (he's utterly hilarious)
Stone cold becoming general manager (sorry I'm an attitude era sucker)
Miz vs alex Riley (I see good things in this)

Raw cons
John cena

Smackdown pros
Sin cara (love him)
Alicia fox (I want to do things to her, unspeakable things)
Jinder mahal and khali (digging the onscreen chemistry between the lovable pair)

Smackdown cons
Randy orton being a face
Teddy long
(Truth is a very good heel, but c'mon can you really understand him? (I'm not English, as you probably noted, but I understand every promo of other Superstars, yes JoMo included)

I can fully understand everything Truth says, I don't see what the problem is. I hear that all the time about black characters, what's the matter? Somebody said this about Booker T a few weeks ago, now I hear it with R-Truth.
Only the SmackDown main event, is by far better than the RAW main event and the face turn of Riley!

I'm not saying that SmackDown has the better superstars, SmackDown is using all of them properly, Raw is only making shitt out of it.
Khali/Mahal is a story
RHodes/ DiBiase is a story
Orton is way better than every superstar you mentioned from Raw.
You're just an ass that don't even see SD! and comes here just to give is stupid opinion on how you love Ziggler and Ryder, I don't see any other reason for you prefering to see Kingston over Orton, you have to be ******ed.

Whoa, ok first of all what the hell is with all the name calling around here? I get called harsh stuff like "ass" or "idiot" or "******" like every week here and why? for posting my opinion? it's a wrestling forum for goodness sakes you're supposed to discuss stuff and give you're honest opinions ok? what did I ever do to you except post some good stuff in some of your threads :shrug:,

Anyways I do think Orton has a boring gimmick and personality but he's good in the ring, though I prefer to watch Punk over him, I never said I prefer to watch Kingston over him, I said "guys like" and added Punk as in the guy I think is more watchable than Orton, and I'm not ******ed I'm just posting my opinon, I'm sure you post your opinions, well how would you like it if you posted how you thought Orton was a good wrestler than a guy just called you a ****** for it? :wtf:

And I do watch the interesting stuff how do you explain me knowing the feuds huh?

People have opinions dammit, and they're free to share them with everyone just like you just told us you're opinion on how Orton is better than Punk, I respect that, it's a freaking opinion! so be professional ok?

And I do watch the interesting stuff how do you explain me knowing the feuds huh?
Whoa, ok first of all what the hell is with all the name calling around here? I get called harsh stuff like "ass" or "idiot" or "******" like every week here and why? for posting my opinion? it's a wrestling forum for goodness sakes you're supposed to discuss stuff and give you're honest opinions ok? what did I ever do to you except post some good stuff in some of your threads :shrug:,

But you are being idiot, so why can't I say that? :S
Nevertheless, I'm sorry, I was pissed of with the posters that have said that Orton is bad, I really was.

Anyways I do think Orton has a boring gimmick and personality but he's good in the ring, though I prefer to watch Punk over him, I never said I prefer to watch Kingston over him, I said "guys like" and added Punk as in the guy I think is more watchable than Orton, and I'm not ******ed I'm just posting my opinon, I'm sure you post your opinions, well how would you like it if you posted how you thought Orton was a good wrestler than a guy just called you a ****** for it? :wtf:

I don't agree with the boring gimmick, he is unique, he is the personification of a vicious wrestler and we see a lot of wannabes.
I agree with the Punk thing, but this new SmackDown Randy Orton had shown me pretty sweet moments and pretty sweet matches.
And currently Randy Orton is more watchable that CM Punk, because CM Punk isn't doing nothing relevant.
Rey Mysterio again, are you serious?

And I do watch the interesting stuff how do you explain me knowing the feuds huh?

But you don't watch the show, you only see the matches so you can't feel the same for people that stays sat watching at the screen and living the storytelling.

People have opinions dammit, and they're free to share them with everyone just like you just told us you're opinion on how Orton is better than Punk, I respect that, it's a freaking opinion! so be professional ok?

I never said that Orton is better than Punk, he can be more believable has a champion because he has history and he has the look, in the ring Punk/Orton have different styles.
And like I've said Orton currently is involved in a better storyline, way way better...

And I do watch the interesting stuff how do you explain me knowing the feuds huh?

Twice?? You see? ******ed xD
Yes, most people do give the arguement that RAW is the better brand because it has bigger superstars (Miz, Alex Riley, Cena)

But what people don't recognize is that SmackDown! flows better! RAW focuses more on storylines and drama, but SmackDown! gives us more wrestling than drama and backstage segments. People don't realize that SD has some names that could be big names in the future of WWE, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara etc; (I'm just puttin that out there before anyone disagrees and says RAW is better.) But I will agree that RAW has the better Diva Division (Melina, Maryse, Kharma, Beth)

When Edge left, I stopped watching SD, but I decided to give it a try since Orton was drafted. Yes, he's boring, yes, he's kinda robotic, but what people don't realize is that Orton has the looks (he's practically replaced Cena as the new WWE Heart-throb), and since his face turn, he's gotten over with the crowd and do you ppl realize how many "I <3 Orton" signs and Orton T-Shirts are out in the crowd!? So as for Orton there, I think he's there for 2 reasons: for the feud with Christian and to be the face of SD in the way Cena is the face of RAW.
(I know, kinda got off topic a bit :) )

But since Edge left, SD lost alot of it's heat and power, but I think its regaining it with Captain Charisma Christian. So the reason why I do "kinda" agree that SD is better than RAW is...
...Christian vs. Orton feud
So thats my whole reason for posting this up, the last paragraph explains why I think SD is better

Thanks for readin :)
As of right now Smackdown is way better then Raw. Only thing Raw has going for them is John Cena and CM Punk. Other then that there matches are boring and predictable as hell. Where as smackdown has many good feuds, they don't cut promo's every fucking 15 minutes and there about there wrestling unilke raw. Not to mention there matches are not bad at all. Tag team matches, mid card matches, all are 3 star matches or more. Smackdown is clearly the better show and its a shame that they don't get better ratings because there deserve it.
Are you having a laugh here???/

SmackDown doesn't even come close to RAW, RAW is really entertaining at the moment. It has the best stars and storylines....end of!
I love SD, grew up watching it before RAW and I really cant agree with you. I cant say that SD is as boring as others mention but just because you posted a bunch of videos about amazing moments on SD doesnt mean that its the better show. RAW has its fair share of amazing moments and over the years it seems like RAW has started to outnumber SD in that area. RAW is the better show when it comes to entertainment. Their storylines are fluent, their superstars have more notoriety, and the overall value of the product is better. SD doesnt have as big storylines as RAW does, it doesnt have enough interesting superstars, and the same people have always ended up as champions. SD has better wrestling in my opinion. Still I think its all about taste. Someone who values the wrestling aspect more probably wouldnt mind watching SD. I cant speak for them but what I can say is that I never miss an episode of RAW, something I cant say for SD.

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