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Smackdown: Good or Bad?


Staff member
But for some reason, I just could not watch the full thing. I mean honestly, everything now is far too predictable. Every time I hear Jim Ross talk about how it could be Jeff Hardy's last attempt at the title, I always give a slight sigh because this is the same old shit as we are used to seeing over and over and over again. Maybe it is just me. Maybe I am being too picky about what I want to see but in all honesty, who isn't? People are unhappy with the product and fans will never be truly happy with what is on offer but surely the point of the draft, the main one that is, was to make things a little more varied, to give us something that we perhaps hadn't seen before. Now, I realise that we had never seen Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk before the draft but now it is turning into Randy Orton vs. Triple H, Smackdown style.

I don't know but it just seems to me that Smackdown has completely shot itself in the foot. After the draft, I was so excited about what they were going to do with the show. I watched it every week and enjoyed it immensely. Now, however, I can barely make it through one full show. Don't get me wrong, I still like wrestling and the WWE, I watch Raw every Monday like tradition. However, Smackdown had so much potential and now it has nothing. It is too predictable and they are using the same tired story lines over and over again. Kane vs Khali? Who cares! Honestly, what a horrible match that will be when it eventually comes to fruition. Having not watched it in a few weeks, I really thought that I would watch it and enjoy it but I can't. In my opinion, The Undertaker really needs to come back and soon. I know people have been saying this for weeks and even months but it needs to happen soon. It will breath a little bit of life back into a dying show and will probably make it a bit less predictable. I dunno but hopefully something changes that will make me watch it again.

What I want to know is why i continue to watch Raw, which uses the same tools and angles as Smackdown but I don't watch Smackdown? Is it because of the bigger names on Raw? Probably. Is it because the people on Raw are better workers arguably? Certainly. But why is Smackdown suddenly suffering after all the potential it showed recently?
Fucking hell.

Punk vs. Hardy goes on two months, has a character whose major turn may be in the works, and something is seemingly happening with that feud every week... and suddenly it's Orton vs. Triple H?! That feud has been on and off, in every match possible (multiple times for some), for FIVE YEARS. Let that sink in. Pretty please.

Also, SmackDown actully builds up its midcarders and gives watchable, quality TV. Jeff vs. Jericho was awesome this week and the Punk promo was gold. What more would you like?

Taker's stale act won't help anything either. He'll come back, fight a tall guy, and fail to win the title. You know, the usual. And that's only two segments a week tops.
Seriously there is no pleasing people is there?, Like ive said perviously if you want to watch an alternative watch ring of honor, Or WWE Lighte a.k.a TNA, simple as, The WWE has three brands, three different brands to divert your attention, so if your not happy then just stop watching wrestling altogether!.

The fact is Smackdown has never been better, Punk Vs Jeff is escalating into a huge deal, both guys going hard at one another and Punk hitting one of the best highs his career has to offer and its all because the WWE has given both men a huge opportunity to put on a show of there careers and you know what?, they've done just that, so lets see how it goes and give the story a chance to develop because I am getting fed up with all the whining and complaining about the overall product, if your not happy there is plenty of wrestling to go around....
This Smackdown section of Wrestlezone forums seems to be full of everyone talking about the problems with Smackdown and how it was an exciting prospect after this years draft. The general feeling is that it is not lived up to expectations.

The next point is the fact that Jeff Hardy, Edge and The Undertaker will all be out of action, Hardy for time off. Edge has his Achilles injury which will keep him out 6-7 months I think it was. The Undertaker has been gone since Wrestlemania, I fully expect him to be back for Summerslam, especially now with Edge out, and the general feeling that Hardy won't renew much past Summerslam.

The final point I am constantly noticing, is the pushing of younger stars to fill Hardy, Edge and 'Taker spots on the roster.

With all that in mind my question is what can be done about this? What are you're solutions to Smackdowns 'problems?' I have a few ideas myself..

1. Let Jeff Hardy take his time off, don't keep hounding him to renew and offering more money. The fact is the guy is spent, he has lingering injures I'm sure, he wants to put more time to his other life passions. The fact is, he is arguably WWE's biggest draw right now, along with Cena. Hardy will only be bitter if he has to chose between passions and money. A fresh return from Jeff Hardy a year or six months down the line is better than him going for good right? Leave things on GOOD terms.

2. Get John Morrison in a solid program with someone; my picks would be from: Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy or Kane. I think that Morrison putting up against these veterans would elevate his game, even with Matt, Morrison dwindles when it comes to experience, and we all know that Matt is good at putting people over. They could have a match at Summerslam which I believe would be a bigger draw than the current match building between Khali and Kane.

3. Drop the Intercontinental title to Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is HOT right now. Arguably hotter than Morrison, give Maria a heel turn, make her his valet. I can see a comparison with Edge and Lita with this couple. We saw the beginnings of this on Smackdown this week, with Maria causing the distraction in Ziggler's match with Finlay. Don't have the return match between Ziggler and Mysterio at Summerslam though, have it as a Main event a few weeks after Night of Champions. Then Morrison challenges for Summerslam.

4. Prime Matt Hardy to take his brothers spot. I know I said earlier about putting Morrison against Matt, but I think that a face/face feud between these two, respectful competition between them both. Matt says how his recent flurry of injuries have helped him realise turning his back on his fans was a bad idea, and that the proverbial black cloud that followed Jeff has reared it's head since has followed him. Matt says how he hopes Jeff's time off helps him re-group so he can come back stronger. Matt's face turn sets up the possibility of a heel return for Jeff, which I believe could be great.

5. Make Jericho's tag team partner; Jack Swagger. Like Lance Cade, Swagger can be taken under Jericho's wing and take a tremendous push with Jericho's aid. Then imagine when Swagger finally turns or Jericho think's Swagger is too big for his boots. The feud between those two, perhaps before Wrestlemania, or even should Edge not return in time for Wrestlemania, another great option for a 'Mania match between Swagger and Jericho. While Undertaker goes up against CM Punk. Chris Jericho and Jack Swagger defend against Legacy and Cryme Tyme at Summerslam.

6. Get the Diva's wrestling. RAW is about the bikini's supposedly at the moment. I think that Smackdown's writers may have picked up on this already what with the Eve vs. Natalya match this week. I know it was an upset to see perhaps WWE's greatest female wrestler job to the Diva Search winner. But in all honesty, Eve did look pretty good in the ring. That dropkick wasn't like a Maria drop kick, kicking her opponent in the stomach, she got Nat right in the kisser, then that Moonsault although slightly botched looked great and honestly surprised me. I mean McCool is a good wrestler too, Melina has all her bends and curves to get over with, her Canadian destroyer finisher. Maria can wrestle when she's forced too, Layla has a pinfall victory over Melina when she was Champion. Mix it up a bit, take a page from RAW, put a COUPLE of Diva tag matches in, Michelle and Natalya vs. Eve and Melina. Could be interesting, have a bit of a personality clash between Natalya and Michelle, ego's collide.

7. The Undertaker will and I will also have him return, and be instantly the top face on Smackdown again, depending on what happens with Hardy. But on my Smackdown, I would actually let Jeff go as soon as he wrestled on Sunday and lost to Punk. Not because I don't like him, but because I want him to stay on good terms. Let him go when he wants too, he might want to stay until Summerslam. 'Taker perhaps even chime in at the end of the Hardy/Punk match with a simple GONG and lights out. Have Punk defend last time against Hardy probably at Summerslam, Extreme Rules Hardy's last chance. Hardy goes after that. On 'Taker's return put him in a programme with the Hart Dynasty. Perhaps a 2 on 1 match at Summerslam? Have Smith get a win over 'Taker on one episode of Smackdown, through underhanded tactics. Undertaker wins at Summerslam against them, proceeds to feud with Jericho and Swagger afterwards.

My Smackdown matches for Summerslam.

World Title, Extreme Rules. Last Chance.
CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

Two on One Handicap Match
The Undertaker vs. The Hart Dynasty.

Unified Tag Titles Triple Threat.
Chris Jericho & Jack Swagger vs. Legacy vs. Cryme Tyme.

Intercontinental Championship.
John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler

Thats my way of sorting out Smackdown for a few months, does anyone else have any ideas? What do you think of mine?
Now, I realise that we had never seen Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk before the draft but now it is turning into Randy Orton vs. Triple H, Smackdown style.

Hardy vs Punk is by no means stale. Hell, Punk is still in his face to heel transition. Even though I don't like Jeff, this feud has been very good and both performers have been carrying it well. To compare it to Orton vs Triple H is the most dried up, stale, match up in the WWE today. Personally I want to see more long-term feuds, and this was exactly what I had been hoping for.
In my opinion, Smackdown is great. I love most of what's going on with it. It seems that week after week there are some good matches, young guys are getting built up, getting title shots, getting title runs, interesting angles going on, etc. I'm quite happy with the direction Smackdown is heading.

Punk vs. Hardy is far from stale. They haven't even scratched the surface with the potential this has. Two young guys, both in their prime, at the top of their game, different outlooks on life, different styles, both improving on the mic, etc. Punk's promo was solid gold last night. Now Orton vs. Triple H, now that's what I call stale. These two have been going at it off and on for roughly 5 years now. Triple H has a strangle hold on the title scene that he just won't release, their matches are dull because I've watched them wrestled a hundred times over the past 5 years, Orton's promos are bland and repetitive, Triple H is dull as a face. It just goes on and on. Raw might draw bigger ratings, but Smackdown is the better show.
I couldn't watch it either.No match seemed like I would care about them.Finlay against Ziggler.I don't care.Mike Knox vs. Khali.Absolutely not.Man-voice Natalya vs. Ass-Chin Eve.Nope.I got it on TV 40 minutes late,and had a fantasy football draft to attend to.I watched Punk and Hardy's segment where Punk was being a douche,saying everyone has taken drugs except him,even with fuckin' 4-year-olds in the audience,but that isn't the point.I watched Jericho talking to the never will be Great Khali,and that was it.I didn't care.I don't care.Raw was awful,I don't give a shit about ECW,superstars sucked until the main event,which wasn't even good but I liked seeing Morrison crack Kane with a chair,and I didn't watch Smackdown.I read the match listing before the show,it didn't look good even with the Jericho and Hardy match,because we all knew who would win.The Rainbow haired warrior.He would beat Y2J.And that matched passed anyway,so I didn't give a flying breakfast burrito from McDonald's about it.
Seriously I think The IWC is so fucking spoiled that nothing is to please anyone. Not every PPV will be WM17 not every Match will be 5 snowflakes. I enjoy being a FAN and NOT a critic myself. To each it's own but imo Smackdown is close to flawless atm. Especially with the emergence of the REAL CM Punk.
Smackdown! has been great lately! I don't see where this is coming from at all.

-Punk vs. Hardy has been great, especially with how Punk's heel turn is developing

-Morrison is being groomed well for the main event, though he may be given a title match too soon

-Ziggler is getting pushed into an Intercontinental Title feud with Mysterio that looks to be excellent

-Jericho is in the middle of his best run in WWE, and is giving prosperity back to the Tag Titles

-Taker will be back soon to add even more to the main event

Smackdown! is great right, the best it's been in years (at least that's how I see it).
Nice set up for SS sorta I agree with givin Morrison a solid program and I think they are if I'm not mistaking I kept hearin refrences to Morrison saying he wanted the winner of Punk vs. Hardy and either of those matches would be outstanding so I think that's what they'll do I hope so at least. As far as "saving" the show I think it's fine I like SmackDown! but if you wanted to give it an extra pulse (if that's what you could call it) Bring back the Cruiserweight title move the IC title to ECW and put the majority of Cruiserweights on SD! like move Evan Bourne from Raw to SD! at least until the next draft I think handing him that belt would give him some credibility and more of a push the matches he and Rey could have would be entertaining to say the least move Chavo back over there for the same reason more people would tune in to SD! I think if that belt was back then come the draft make it so whoever the champion was at that time had the same type of brand to brand movement as the UTT champs do so that way you could push Bourne back on Raw that's really the only thing I could think of....actually bringing that belt back to any brand would be a huge boost for the WWE as a whole
I'm not sure what forum you've been reading, but from everything I've read Smackdown! has been quite well received by most. I personally love the direction that Smackdown! is headed in. It is in the best position of all the shows if anything happens to its top draws. Ziggler and Morrison have been shooting up the ladder in great matches and decent feuds. Mysterio and Jericho have had great matches over the IC belt. Punk is coming into his own as a heel and has had a great feud with Hardy. As far as I'm concerned, nothing is wrong with Smackdown! and when Taker and Edge return it will only get better.

On a side note, its my opinion that the absence of Taker and Edge has really allowed the growth of Punk, Hardy, Morrison and Ziggler. If Hardy does leave for any period of time, I hope they continue to build the mid-card up. As I stated before, Smackdown! is doing fine and nothing is wrong.

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