Smackdown 2002: Ruthless Aggression!

FlexAmerican Dynamite


Smackdown 2002: Ruthless Aggression!

Well this is my first BT and I’ve opted to do SD! 2002 right after Summerslam where Brock Lesnar defeats the Rock and becomes exclusive to SD! I’m going to keep the original roster from then but actually change the outcome of one of the matches at SummerSlam: Chris Benoit retains the IC title against RVD bringing it over to SD! I’m not going to be doing RAW 2002 because I really disliked the direction it went in after Triple H was awarded the belt about a week after Lesnar went and I really don’t want to even try rebooking it.

Official SD! Roster
Brock Lesnar
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
Eddie Guerrero
Chris Benoit
Billy Kidman
John Cena
Billy Gunn
Chuck Palumbo
Matt Hardy
Chavo Guerrero
D-Von Dudley
Mark Henry
Hardcore Holly
Jamie Noble

Stephanie Mcmahon

SD! Champions
WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar
Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit
Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman​

Smackdown 2002: Ruthless Agression!


The show opens up to Stephanie McMahon already in the ring, fans going wild.

Welcome to Smackdown ladies and gentlemen! Before I do anything I’d like to call out my three champions to this very ring. Starting with the Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman!


The crowd cheers as Kidman walks to ring high fiving fans and rolls under the bottom rope and high five’s Stephanie.

Next I’d like to welcome the man that single handedly brought Eric Bischoff’s Intercontinental title to Smackdown and beat RVD at Summerslam, Chris Benoit!


The crowd gives a somewhat mixed reaction as Chris Benoit walks smugly down the ramp holding up the IC title, he walks up the steps and shake’s Stephanie’s hand.

Now, welcome the man who beat The Rock at Summerslam, the man who has destroyed all in his path so far, and has just become exclusive to Smackdown! The next big thing Brock Lesnar!


Brock walks with Paul Heyman down the ramp with grins on their faces as the fans boo. They both enter the ring as Brock gives both Kidman and Benoit intimidating glares and refuses to shake Stephanie’s hand.

Tazz: Did you hear that Cole? Brock Lesnar the Undisputed WWE Champion has just become exclusive to the Smackdown brand!

Cole: I sure did partner, what kind of wild ride does the General Manager Stephanie McMahon have in store tonight, coming off the heels of Summerslam?

Gentlemen I’ve called you all here to the ring tonight because you all are the best champions, because your Smackdown champions and Smackdown is the best show. So I’ve decided that right here tonight all three of you will defend your titles tonight against opponents of your choosing.

The crowd roars with approval at the announcement of three title matches.

Paul Heyman then grabs the microphone from Stephanie.

Brock Lesnar signed with Smackdown because this show has the best competition, not that any of that competition can even handle the next big thing, but its way more talented than RAW. On Raw this past Monday night Brock even showed how dominant he was by screwing the Undertaker out of a match with Triple H. The simple fact of the matter is Brock can beat any person in the back so he’s going to let you decide who he defends the belt against. It can be any per…


Suddenly Edge appears on stage as the fans cheer at the interruption of Heyman.

Well Paul, if Brock thinks he can beat anybody on the roster, let me give him a personal welcome to show by challenging him for the Undisputed title!

Well Paul you did say I can decide who Brock faces and if it’s okay with the fans Brock Lesnar is going to defend the belt tonight against Edge!

The crowd cheers as Brock stares at Edge from the ring as Edge grins and slowly heads backstage, Brock and Heyman follow suit as Benoit and Stephanie also begins to leave the ring not soon after.

Cole: Well huge Undisputed Title match here tonight folks!
Tazz: Yeah Edge vs Brock should be off the hook!

Billy Kidman gets a microphone and begins to speak.

Well I already know who my opponent will be, I plan on the defending my belt right now against a man who’s been on my nerves for a while now. Get the hell out here Tajiri!


Tajiri then walks to ring surprised yet happy that he’s getting a shot at the Cruiserweight belt.

Cole: No fear in Cruiserweight champion Billy Kidman as he challenges the Japanese Buzzsaw to a title match here tonight.

The bell rings as Kidman and Tajiri lock up in the middle of the ring, Kidman forces Tajiri into a corner as the ref gives a five count of Kidman to back off. He does at the count of four but then gives Tajiri a shot in the face. He then begins to stomp Tajiri in the corner. He backs up to the opposite corner of the ring and then charges Tajiri. Tajiri gets up on the top rope as Kidman’s shoulder goes into the pole, Tajiri then locks in the tarantula as the ref tries to break the illegal hold. Tajiri lets go and begins to give a vicious flurry of kicks to the mid-section of Kidman. He goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Tajiri then locks in a headlock on Kidman. Kidman begins to struggle and give some elbow shots to the gut of Tajiri, he soon breaks out of the hold and bounces off the ropes into a flying shoulder bump. He then hits a bodyslam on Tajiri and goes for the pin. 1…2…kick out. He then goes to the top rope signaling for the shooting star press. The fans get on their feet as they await the amazing aerial move. Kidman jumps and flips in the air but Tajiri moves at the last second leaving Kidman to fall belly first to the mat. He then hits a Buzzsaw Kick to head of Kidman, 1…2….3! And your new Cruiserweight champion, Tajiri! Tajiri leaves the ring clutching the belt with a sinister look on his face.

Tazz: Tajiri pulled out an upset here folks; he’s the new Cruiserweight Champion!

Cole: I bet Kidman’s regretting picking Tajiri as his opponent now.
Chris Benoit is seen backstage walking as Stephanie comes up to talk to him.

Once again Chris I just wanted to thank you for bringing the intercontinental championship to Smackdown, any idea on who your opponent will be tonight?

Eddie Guerrero then interrupts them

Hey vato, Chris my buddy, any chance you want to give your old friend Eddie a shot at your championship homes?

Actually Eddie…

Kurt Angle then interrupts the conversation.

Stephanie, you gave Edge an Undisputed title match tonight and not me?

That’s almost ridiculous as Benoit being Intercontinental champion!

Oh really Kurt? Well how about you meet me in the ring tonight and we’ll see who deserves to be the champion!

Benoit then walks off.

Sure thing Chris, I’m going to make you tap out!

Kurt then walks off.

Stephanie leaves as well leaving Eddie with a shocked and angry look on his face at being left out of the title match.

The following contest is set for one fall!


Rikishi comes out to roar of cheers as he enters to ring and dances.


Jamie Noble comes out to boos as he and his girlfriend Nidia walks down the ramp and he then enters the ring.

Noble then tries to cheap shot Rikishi but he blocks and then begins to beat Noble into a corner, Rikishi irish whips Noble into the other corner and looks to go for a running splash but Noble moves out the way. He then goes for the roll up 1…2…kick out. Noble then begins stomp Rikishi and puts him in a chokehold on the ropes until the ref breaks it up. Noble then waits for Rikishi to get up and begins to charge him; Rikishi reverses it into a belly to belly suplex and Noble rolls out the ring as Nidia checks on him. Rikishi isn’t far behind as he grabs Noble and throws him into the ring as Noble distracts to ref Nidia tries to slap Rikishi but he catches her hand, and then proceeds to kiss her. Noble sees this and drop kicks Rikishi sending him into the barricade. He then proceeds to stomp him on the ground as the ref counts. Noble then shoves Rikishi back in the ring and tell Nadia never to kiss another man again. As he gets back in the ring Rikishi gives a kick to the head and he falls into the corner. Rikishi then signals for the stinkface and gets all of it on Noble. Noble then squirms around the ring and Rikishi hits him with a Samoan Drop 1…2…3! And your winner is Rikishi! Rikishi then puts on his sunglasses and begins to do his signature dancing in the ring as the crowd cheers on.

The following Contest is set for one fall!


Matt Hardy comes out to crowd of boos as he poses on the ropes and then proceeds into the ring as he waits for his opponent.


John Cena then comes out to slight cheering as he poses at the top of the ramp and walks down staring at Hardy.

Cole: This kid has been impressive as he debuted a couple of weeks ago to a fantastic match against Kurt Angle
Tazz: Damn straight, this kid has some talent, Matt Hardy better not take him easy tonight.

Hardy attacks Cena when he’s not looking and begins to stomp on the ground. Cena attempts to fight back but can’t seem to overpower Hardy as he gets put into a chokehold between the ropes. Hardy is instructed to let go by the ref and then slaps Cena in the face. Cena becomes enraged and tackles Hardy to the ground hits him with a flurry of shots to the face. He then hits Hardy with a suplex and goes for the pin 1….2….kick out. Cena then Irish whips Hardy into corner and hits a splash into a roll up 1…2…kick out once again. Hardy then rolls out the ring looking for a breather but Cena follows him out. Cena runs at Hardy but Hardy trips him in the steel steps. Cena clutches his arm in pain. Hardy notices this and picks Cena up and drops him on the steps again this time directly on the arm. Hardy then goes back in the ring and tells the ref to count. 1….2……3……4…..Cena makes it back in the ring still clutching the arm. Hardy then puts Cena in an arm bar. The ref asks him if he wants to tap but Cena refuses. Cena crawls to ropes forcing Hardy to break the hold. Hardy finally let’s go and then stomps Cena on the injured arm. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Cena slips out hits a dropkick to Hardy, Hardy gets right back up and into a body slam by Cena. Cena is unable to capitalize because of his injured arm. Hardy gets back up and once again goes for the Twist of Fate and once again Cena slips out and hits a power bomb on Hardy and this time goes for the pin 1….2…kick out. Hardy then rolls under the bottom rope and lies on the apron. Cena goes to pick him up but Hardy grabs Cena’s arm and pulls it down wrenching it on the ropes, Cena and then moves back to the middle of the ring clutching it in pain. Hardy gets back into the ring and hits the Twist of Fate 1…..2….3! And here is your winner Matt Hardy! The crowd boos and Hardy stands over a fallen Cena.
Cole: Hard fought match for Cena but Hardy picks up the win here.
Brock Lesnar is backstage as Mark Lloyd is about to interview him.

Lloyd: Well Brock what are your thoughts on defending the belt against Edge tonight?

Heyman interrupts.

Brock Lesnar is going to decimate Edge tonight just like he decimated the Rock and just like he decimated the Undertaker. That is all.

Brock and Paul then walk off.

This contest is set for one fall and is for the Intercontinental Championship!


Kurt walks out to thunderous amount of You Suck! Chants going along with his entrance theme.

Cole: Angle is coming off a hot streak defeating the amazing Rey Mysterio at Summerslam
Tazz: So is his opponent Chris Benoit who defeated another very agile competitor in Rob Van Dam


Chris Benoit comes out to another mixed reaction as he shows off his IC title.

Both men lock up immediately as the bell rings and begin trading holds on the ground. Benoit goes for the Crossface early but Angle hits multiple elbows to the face and slips out and hits a German suplex to Benoit. He goes for another but Benoit rolls both him and Angle forward and transitions into a sharpshooter. Angle screams in pain and looks for a way to the ropes and eventually makes it there. Benoit let’s go and immediately begins to stomp the back of Angle. The ref pulls Benoit off and Benoit shoves him away and while the ref is getting back up Angle hits a low blow on Benoit. Angle goes for the roll up 1…2…kick out. Angle then stomps the mid-section of Benoit and throws him out the ring. He follows him out and then slams Benoit’s back into the steel steps. He rolls Benoit back into the ring and puts a clutch on Benoit’s back. Benoit is writhing in pain as he soon begins to try to squirm out of it but Angle has it locked in tight. Benoit then moves into a position where Angle’s shoulders are down which forces Angle to break the hold to get out of the pin. Angle then attempts to lock in the hold again but Benoit trips Angle puts him into an STF. Angle quickly slips out puts the Ankle Lock. Benoit is once again writhing in pain looking for a way out. The ref asks him if he wants to give up but a valiant Benoit refuses and rolls out of it and puts Angle in a pinning predicament 1…2…kick out. Angle then jumps up and charges Benoit, but he sidesteps Angle and gives him a German Suplex, still clutching Angle Benoit picks himself and Angle up and hits another German Suplex, and then hits another. Angle down on the ground Benoit signals for the flying head butt. Benoit gets up to the top rope and Angle seemingly lying in wait gets up and run’s up the top rope looking for an Angle slam from the rope but Benoit smacks him down and hits the flying head butt. He goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Benoit looks to ref in agony seemingly looking as if there is no way Angle kicked out. Benoit then then pick Angle up but Angle immediately hits an Angle slam and goes for the pin 1….2…..kick out! Angle then attempts to hit another Angle slam but Benoit maneuvers out of it and locks in the crippler crossface. Angle is in the middle of the ring nowhere to go and Benoit applying more pressure every second. Angle then rolls over putting Benoit into a pinning predicament 1….2….kickout! Benoit rolls out putting Angle once again in the cross face. Angle this time closer to the ropes eventually gets is foot under forcing the ref to break the hold. Benoit does and attempts to pull Angle back into the middle of the ring but Angle kicks him off. Benoit grabs Angle again but Angle manages to hit another Angle slam. 1….2….kick out! This time Angle looks pissed. He pulls down the straps of his wrestling gear and yells “you’re gonna tap you son of a bitch” and locks in the Ankle Lock on Benoit. Benoit is screaming in pain with nowhere to go as Angle applies even more pressure. Benoit then rolls out of it making Angle fall through the ropes to the outside. While Benoit is clutching his injured ankle and back Eddie Guerrero sneaks down the ramp and nails Kurt Angle right in front of the ref. The ref immediately calls for the bell. Your winner by DQ Kurt Angle, but still your Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit! The fans boo at the interrupted finish of the match.

Eddie enters the ring to help up Benoit but he shoves him away and yells at Eddie for interrupting the match. Benoit then grabs the IC belt and walks up the ramp leaving Eddie in the ring. Angle then sneaks in and gives Eddie and Angle slam and puts him in the Ankle Lock. Eddie taps and yells “Help Chris” in pain. Benoit stops at the top of the ramp to look back at Eddie being attacked but turns his head and keeps walking.

Tazz: Looks like Chris Benoit didn’t want to help Eddie after he cost him the match
Cole: Regardless of the outcome Benoit is still champion

This match is set for one fall….


Rey Mysterio comes out to a massive amount of cheers as he high five’s children in the crowd and slides under the bottom rope into the ring.

Cole: Rey had a fantastic performance at Summerlsam again Kurt Angle but came up just short, tonight he’s got a chance to redeem himself in a match against this man.


Hardcore Holly walks immediately to the ring ready for a fight.

Tazz: It’s not going to be easy Hardcore Holly is a brawler; Rey is going to have to watch out.

Holly attempts to corner Rey right off the bat but Rey maneuvers his way out and hit some body shots on Holly. Holly then knees him in the gut and throws Rey between the ropes to the outside but Rey somehow lands on his feet to the amazement of the crowd. Holly then rolls under the bottom rope and chases Rey around the ring until Rey rolls back into the ring with Holly close behind, Rey hits a springboard cross body on Holly and goes for the pin 1….2….kick out! Holly powers Rey off him, infuriated that Rey almost pinned him he delivers a stiff clothesline. Holly then stomps Rey on the ground and picks him into a bear hug. Rey is in excruciating pain, the ref asks if he wants to give up but Rey says no as he begins to deliver elbows to the head of Holly eventually wearing him down. Rey then bounces off the ropes to deliver a low dropkick to knee of Holly; he then bounces off the ropes again to deliver the same dropkick to Holly’s face. He then bounces off the ropes to deliver a running leg drop to an already dazed Holly and goes for the pin 1….2….kick out! Holly powers out and begins to pull himself up by the ropes in the corner. Rey begins to run at Holly and attempts a Hurricanrana but Holly reserves it into a power bomb. He then drops and elbow and goes for the pin 1….2….kick out. Rey is barely able to kick out using all is weight to move Holly. Holly then sets up for the Alabama Slama but Rey wiggles out into the roll up 1…2…kick out! Holly kicks out and is now angry that Rey is out maneuvering him. He chases Rey around the ring until Rey catches him with a title a whirl head scissors sending Holly into the second rope! Rey bounces off the ropes and hits a 619 to Holly. Holly gets up and Rey spring off the top rope for a West Coast Pop! 1….2….3! And here is your winner Rey Mysterio. The crowd chants 619 as Rey celebrates his victory.

Cole: What an upset!
Tazz: Yeah Mysterio was just able to out maneuver Holly there.
Cole: Well folks, coming up next is the huge Undisputed Title match between Brock Lesnar and Edge.
Eddie Guerrero is scene limping backstage clutching his back, he soon runs into Edge.

Not looking so hot are you there Eddie?

Screw you Edge.

Man you look worse than when I beat you at SummerSlam, well I know what will make you feel better, stay here and watch me beat Brock Lesnar for the Undisputed Title.

Edge then smacks Eddie on his injured back and walks off as Eddie glares at him.

This match is set for one fall and is for the Undisputed Championship!


Edge runs out going side to side on the entrance ramps while the fans go nuts. He then walks down the ramp with confidence and runs under the bottom rope into the ring playing to the crowd.

Tazz: Edge has a huge task at hand tonight at he attempts to take on the man who has run wild on WWE so far this year.
Cole: Yes he is the next big thing, the Undisputed Champion: Brock Lesnar.


Brock walks out with Paul Heyman championship around his waist not taking his eyes off Edge as he slowly walks down the ramp and enters the ring.
The bell rings as Edge attempts to scout out Brock as Brock looks to overpower Edge. They lock up, Brock throws Edge back into a corner with force and flexes as the crowd boos and Edge slowly gets to feet. Edge then locks up Brock again, this time kneeing him in the gut and shoves him down, this time Edge flexes as the crowd begins to cheer. Before Brock can even get up Edge dropkicks the champion and goes for a pin 1…kick out. Brock immediately powers out and attempts a clothesline but Edge ducks bounces off the ropes and goes for a cross body but Brock catches him. He then puts him in the fireman’s carry looking for an F-5. Edge slips out and hits the Edge O matic and hooks the leg 1….2…kick out! Brock powers out once again as Edge is relentless and begins pounding on the champ, Brock pushes him away trying to get some breathing room shocked that Edge is really bringing it to him. Edge charges Brock but runs into a hard clothesline. Brock then picks him up, puts him in a corner and begins to smash his elbow into Edge’s mid-section knocking the air out of him. He then hits a body slam and goes for the pin 1….2…kick out! Edge barely moves his shoulders as it seems he’s having trouble breathing now. Brock picks him up and puts him in the torture rack. Edge writhing pain begins to pound on Brock’s head. Trying to get him to let up but Brock is having none of it, he brings Edge down with a neck breaker and once again goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Brock becoming slightly irritated now begins to stomp on Edge. Heyman begins to yell finish him at Brock so he once again tries for an F-5. But Edge reverses it in mid-air into a DDT. Edge begins to stir as Brock is still lying on the mat confused at what just transpired. Edge pulls himself up clutching his stomach. He goes into a corner signaling for the spear, he waits for Brock to get up and begins to charge at looking to hit it. At the last second Brock reverses the spear into a belly to belly suplex and Edge goes flying. Brock gets up and tries to stomp Edge but he catches Brock’s leg, trips him and put him into the Edgeucator a modified sharpshooter. Brock is pain attempting to power out but Edge is locking it in pretty tight. Brock is able to power out but he’s still on the ground clutching his legs. Edge knowing he has to do whatever it takes to win put him in the hold again, but while the ref is preoccupied with Brock Edge is clutching the ropes so Brock can’t power out. Brock is writhing and he considers tapping but trying to hold on. The crowd knows this could be it. Knowing Brock’s title is in jeopardy Heyman gets up on the apron the distract the ref. The ref is distracted while Brock begins tapping out but the ref can’t see it. Edge notices this and let’s go of the hold and grabs Heyman and throws him into the ring. He signals for the spear to Heyman as the crowd roars their approval. Edge charges but Brock knocks Heyman out of the way delivers a stiff kick to the head of Edge. Brock goes for a power bomb but Edge reverses it into a hurricanrana. He then hits an impeller on Brock and goes for the pin 1….2…kick out! Edge can’t believe and neither can the crowd. Edge once again signals for the spear knowing this may his last chance to put down Brock. But Eddie Guerrero runs up on the apron and Edge hits the spear on him knocking him off, he turns around walks into an F-5 from Brock, 1….2….3! And your winner and still Undisputed Champion Brock Lesnar! The crowd boos as they know Guerrero cost Edge the match and helped Lesnar win. Heyman brings in the belt and Brock clutches it knowing he barely escaped with it tonight.

Edge then begins to stir ad Guerrero begins an assault on him, Edge then begins to fight back and hits repeated shots on Guerrero. Edge is fired up as he knows Guerrero cost him the title but Brock attacks Edge from behind and him and Guerrero begin a two on one assault of Edge. But suddenly the arena goes dark….


Undertaker appears at the beginning of the stage, the crowd goes wild, he rides down ramp and around the ring on his motorcycle and then enters the ring. Brock immediately leaves the ring with Heyman wanting no part of Big Evil. But Eddie attempts to fight and gets a choke slam for his troubles. Undertaker then hits him with a Last Ride. Taker then locks eyes with Lesnar who’s half way up the ramp with Heyman.

Stephanie appears at the top of the stage.

Brock Lesnar, I’d like to welcome you to the newest competitor to become exclusively from RAW to Smackdown, and the man you will defend the Undisputed Title against at Unforgiven, the Undertaker!

The crowd lights up with excitement as Lesnar and Heyman are shocked by the revelation!

The show ends with Taker standing over a fallen Eddie Guerrero locking eyes with Lesnar from afar.
Jam's Review
First of all, welcome to the Book This! Section. I've seen your work over at WZCW and I think that you can you a decent job here in your thread. So let's get right to the review.

This year was the time that I started to watch wrestling and I enjoyed Smackdown more than Raw during this time period. With all the better wrestlers on this brand, I can see why you wanted to book just Smackdown. That being said, it seems that you have adopted the WZCW style of writing promos where you just have different colors for people speaking instead of the BT way of doing it like this....
Paul Heyman: Blah blah blah.
I think that it's a pretty unique way to go about your business but I guess I don't mind it as long as you're producing some quality stuff. So the format here doesn't really bother me as much as other threads.

Stephanie rounds up her champions and tells them that they're all putting their belts on the line. I'm interested in how you'll book the CW Division as it isn't around anymore. Hopefully you do it some justice since it's a pretty good division all in all. Pretty surprised to see Edge make his presence known this early. Looks like he'll be in for a push. As for the CW Title changing hands, I'm not a fan of it. It's not that Tajiri isn't good but I think that Kidman could've had a much more lengthy title reign. Also, you seem to have adapted the WZCW style of having commercial breaks, lol.

I'm not really liking your use of YouTube videos in your show. I think the opening video is fine though. You're having matches way too quickly and with the backstage interactions being so brief. You need to spread your show a lot better imo. I'm also interested as to how you'll be building up Cena, make him a jobber or a star?

The IC Title picture is interesting with Benoit, Eddie, and Kurt. All 3 men can really go in the ring and I'd love to see them all compete in a match. Not too sure about using deceased superstars though, but still, an interesting IC Title picture you have going on there.

Hmm, not too sure about the ending. You have Eddie interfering in two matches? That's so Eddie but I don't think you should've booked it this way. And with Edge losing and 'Taker making an appearance while getting the title shot, you have Edge doing nothing. I think that you wanted him to get a rub off Brock but I don't think you achieved that.

Overall, pretty decent first episode. The first episodes are always the hardest ones to get over with but you did alright. Just fix your format a little more. Less YT videos, the better imo. Hope to see more work from you. Will definitely review the next show, cheers!
Arcade's Review

Welcome to the BT section, and your first show is not bad. 2002 was a great year for Smackdown, and it led to the rise of Brock Lesnar, so I'd like to see where you go with him.

So first, we have the three champions of Smackdown come out, which is a nice idea. Everything is good so far up until Edge challenges Brock Lesnar for the title. I don't really think at this period of time, Edge is a legit contender to go up against Brock Lesnar, but it's your choice.

Tajiri is the new Cruiserweight CHampion, which is not a bad idea. I expect a Kidman vs Tajiri feud to occur.

The IC title picture looks really strong, with Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit. I don't have problems with people using deceased wrestlers, especially when they are a key part to this time period. The promo between the three I mentioned, wasn't bad, but it can be improved. Like mentioned above, I'm not sure why Eddie interferes in two matches.

Looks like there will be a feud between Lesnar and Taker which I am excited for the most in your upcoming shows.

Overall, this is not a bad first episode, and the matches are well written too. Maybe you should try to put the matches in spoliers or quotes. Promos also need improvement as well, but hopefully you'll stick around in this section to make more shows.
GrandSword Review

Smackdown 2002, a strong time in the WWE's history, and they have in terms of in ring talent a very strong roster. I like it when some one doesn't follow everyone else's format. Soemthing a little different is always good. The only thing I'll mention is break up your matches a little. A wall of text is not inviting to read and people will just skip to the result.

Whenever someone books Stephanie in this time, I just remember her oiled up legs in those short skirts... wait a minute where was I .. oh yeah .. a New Champion to open the show. Sounds like a WWE Crursierwight division to me haha...

Ok on to GS style feedback...

1. Matches were good. And the right amount of tiem given to tv matches.

2. I laughed when old Matt Hardy defeated Cena... not sure if that is a foreshadowing of things to come where in your reality Cena wont be pushed.. interesting..

3. Even though Eddie didn't have a match he was all over Smackdown's main two matches. I thought maybe it was a little too much in the main event, but the Undertaker need someone to beat up at the end, and the interference kept Edge strong.. so he had his purpose.

4. I guess the one thing I took out of your show, is that you didn't have a standout. Was it Edge? Was it Taker? Was it Brock? Was it Eddie? I think this is a good thing, you haven't as yet established who the "face of Smackdown" will be so we can all keep reading to find out.

Good solid show mate, keep it up!

Bearded Review

-Have a little free time here before work so I'll put you at the top of my list before I move to GS's Victory Road PPV. First of, welcome to the section Dynamite, I dig the roster and set up you got so this should be good.

-Format is solid. I like you using the WZCW style of writing promos, it is different and I only believe Doc has used that style before around here as everyone sticks mainly with the style JAM mentioned. No complaints though, I dig it. I prefer centered things, but really that's just me. I know plenty of people are anti entrance themes, so maybe using the title of the song there instead. No real complaints though on the format or anything.

-Matches were well written, I enjoyed them. Plus you had plenty of action. Some backstage segments (or even something saying commercial break) could have been used to add some flow from match to match. Promos were solid as well.

-First shows are hard to grade as you are just getting the jist of what is going on. I expect we see some more feuds built up as we have Edge/Eddie, Taker/Lesnar, and Benoit/Angle. I expect to see some more from them as well as some midcard feuds forming in the coming episodes.

-Well done on the first show. I always say the first show is the hardest and you got it out of the way and can start moving on to better things. This was around the time I stopped watching wrestling as I couldn't stand Lesnar, so I took a break. So you have me in the fresh here. Best of luck.

Smackdown 2002: Ruthless Agression!

The show opens up to fans in the arena excited and cheering and chanting Smackdown! Soon the lights out go and the music hits.


The crowd erupts as the Undertaker rides down the ramp and around the ring on his motorcycle.

Cole: The Undertaker jumped from RAW to Smackdown last week and it seems he’s gunning for Brock Lesnar’s Undisputed Title come Unforgiven.

Tazz: Well the next big thing might have something to say about that.

Undertaker enters the ring and proceeds grab a mic and begins to speak.

Last week I joined the Smackdown roster because I didn’t like the way things were being handled on RAW. People interfering in matches that they had no business with, people like Brock Lesnar.

The crowd boos at the sound of Lesnar’s name.

Brock Lesnar cost me a match last time I was on RAW and like the coward he is he ran over here to Smackdown thinking Big Evil wasn’t coming to whip his ass! Well I called up Stephanie; told her I wanted to be here, on the superior brand. And the terms of my deal said I got an automatic title shot come Unforgiven. But you see I want the title at Unforgiven, tonight I want Brock Lesnar’s ass!

The crowd cheers as Taker continues talking.

So what’s it going to be Brock, am I going to have to come back looking for you, or for once in your life you going to grow a set and face me like a man?


Eddie Guerrero appears at the top of ramp as the fans boo.

Undertaker huh? So you think you can jump to my show Smackdown vato and disrespect Latino heat like you did last week?

Step in this ring boy and I’ll disrespect you some more!

Eddie soon becomes enraged, he then sprints down the ramp and into the ring as him and Taker begin throwing fists. Taker gets the better of the fight throwing Eddie into a corner and begins throwing multiple right hands. Soon Lesnar sprints to the ring ready to attack but Taker turns around just in time and begins throwing shots as Lesnar. Eddie then jumps on Taker’s back to distract him as Brock takes him down. Brock and Eddie begin stomping Taker.
Edge runs down the ramp, steel chair in hand as Brock and Eddie quickly exit the ring and back up the ramp.

Tazz: Edge returning the favor from last week as it seems.

Cole: Yeah a wild way to start off Smackdown tonight.

Commercial Break.

We see Chris Benoit walking backstage as Eddie Guerrero confronts him.

Hey homes! What the hell? Last week when Kurt Angle was attacking me you didn’t have my back, when Taker was giving me the last ride you didn’t have my back, just now you didn’t even have my back!

Were friends Eddie, but you cause yourself your own trouble and Chris Benoit Intercontinental Champion does not clean up other people’s mess. Plus you interfered in my title match last week.

Come on man if I didn’t save you Angle would have made you tap out.

Excuse me! I never tap out!

Stephanie McMahon then enters the conversation.

Hold up there gentlemen. Eddie, since you cost not only Kurt Angle but also Edge title matches last week. I’ve decided right here tonight you are going to team with Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar to take on Kurt Angle, Edge, and the Undertaker.

Stephanie then walks off as Benoit gives Eddie an unflattering look not happy about the announcement.
This contest is set for one fall! And is a tag team match!


Jamie Noble walks to boos as he enters the ring as he awaits his partner.


Tajiri comes out Cruiserweight championship around his waist giving disapproving looks to the crowd. He enters the ring and begins talking strategy with Noble.

Cole: Tajiri walked away with the Cruiserweight title last week after Billy Kidman challenged him.

Tazz: Yeah Kidman is going to be looking for some revenge tonight and possibly earn himself a rematch.


Billy Kidman walks with determination to ring not taking his eyes off Tajiri.


Rey Mysterio comes out to thunderous cheers as he walks to ring and talks strategy with his partner.

Kidman and Noble start off the match. They lock up as Noble knees Kidman in the gut and gives him a DDT. He goes immediately for the cover 1…2…kick out! Kidman regroups and gives Noble a hip toss before tagging in Mysterio. Rey bounces off the top rope and hits a seated Sinton on Noble and hooks the leg 1…2…kickout! Rey begins to stomp Noble as he clutches ropes forcing the ref to back Rey up for a second. As Rey tries to continue the attack Noble gives him a poke to the eye and brings him back to his corner tagging in Tajiri and they begin double stomping Rey until the ref forces Noble to get out on the apron. Tajiri then delivers some lethal kicks to the head of Rey and puts him in a headlock. The crowd now starts to get behind Rey as he struggles to fight out of it. He then hits some shots to gut of Tajiri and then runs and delivers a springboard side kick to Tajiri. Tajiri begins crawling over looking to tag in Noble but Rey dropkicks Noble’s leg and his head bounces off the apron and he falls to floor. Rey then rolls up Tajiri 1…2…kick out! Tajiri then body slams Rey and looks to regroup. Noble comes back into the ring begins to stomp Rey until Kidman gives him a clothesline to the outside. Tajiri then delivers a stiff kick to head of Kidman and he goes down the outside. Rey then delivers a hurricanarana to Tajiri sending him between the ropes to floor. Rey then runs to the other side of the ring, bounces off the ropes and hits a corkscrew flip on all three men. The crowd claps at the athleticism. Rey then brings Tajiri back in the ring and goes for the pin 1….2….Noble breaks up the pin. He then throws Rey’s shoulder into the turnbuckle. Tajiri then tags him in, Noble looks to go for a suplex but Rey reverse it into a neckbreaker. Rey then crawls to his corner but Kidman isn’t there, Kidman realizes this and sprints over to his corner and makes the tag just as Noble pulls Rey back. Kidman delivers a flying clothesline and then smacks Tajiri right off the apron. Kidman goes for the cover 1….2….kickout! Kidman then hangs Noble up on the second rope and tags Rey in. He hits the 619! Kidman then gets up on the top rope and delivers a shooting star press! Rey hits a spring board leg drop and hooks the leg 1….2….3! And here are your winners, Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman! The crowd cheers as Rey and Kidman celebrate in the ring as Tajiri walks up the ramp with his belt glaring back at the ring.

Cole: Kidman may have just earned himself a rematch.

Tazz: Rey might have as well, Tajiri better watch out; there are plenty of challengers for his belt.


Stephanie is seen in her office watching a replay of Eric Bischoff awarding her ex-husband Triple H the world heavyweight championship. Kurt Angle then bursts into the office.

What is this I hear about me having to team with Edge and the Undertaker tonight?

You do and it’s the main event tonight.

Why should I? I’m better than both those guys; I should be Intercontinental Champion if it wasn’t for Guerrero’s interference. I think I should be awarded the title tonight.

What do you think this is Kurt? RAW? We don’t give people titles, we make them earn it. I promise you the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship will be decided next week but for tonight you are in a huge six man tag match so I suggest you get ready.

Kurt then leaves the office very unhappy.

Commercial Break

This Contest is set for one fall!

Hurricane is already in the ring posing on the ropes like a superhero.


Mark Henry walks down the ramp, angry; he walks around the ring and grabs a microphone.

In case you didn’t know, I’m the World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry. The fact that I have a match against this joke tonight makes me believe Stephanie McMahon doesn’t take me seriously. Starting tonight I'm going to make her take me seriously, and unfortunately for you Hurricane, you’re going to be the first inductee into the Hall of Pain!

Henry then enters the ring and Hurricane attacks him early trying to get the advantage. Henry throws him off, Hurricane then gets back up and charges Henry and runs into a clothesline. Henry then picks him up and Irish whip’s him into a corner, charges and squashes him. The ref checks on Hurricane to see if he still wants to continue, Henry pulls him back and viciously stomps Hurricane. The ref tells Henry to let up and Henry gets in his face. Hurricane gives Henry a low dropkick and begins pounding on his back, knowing this is hardly affecting Henry Hurricane gets on the top rope and goes for a cross body but Henry catches him and hits a World’s Strongest Slam! He goes for the cover 1…2….Henry pulls Hurricane up by the hair indicating to the ref he’s not done yet. He picks Hurricane up and hits him with another World’s Strongest Slam! Henry then bounces off the ropes hits a World’s Strongest Splash and goes for the cover 1…2…3! And here is your winner Mark Henry! The crowd boos as Henry stands over a broken Hurricane.

Commercial Break

This contest is set for one fall!


Hardcore Holly walks down to the ring as the crowd boos; he grabs a microphone and begins to speak.

Excuse me If I’m a little pissed off tonight, seeing as last week I lost to Rey Mysterio and tonight I’m facing a rookie who can barely lace his boots up. And the fact that I’m wrestling in this smelly town tonight makes me even more pissed off.

The crowd boos even louder now.

In fact….


The crowd cheers as John Cena interrupts microphone in hand.

You know for weeks now I’ve impressed the audience and the boys in the back but I just can’t seem to win, and for the last couple of week you just can’t seem to win. The difference between us is that while I’m always ready to show the world my “ruthless aggression” while you could damn sure use an attitude adjustment!

Cena then sprints down the ramp and ducks under a lariat from Holly and delivers a few shots to the face. Holly then knees him the gut and proceeds to stomp in the corner. He gives Cena a Irish whip and Cena bounces off the corner into a clothesline, and then into another clothesline. Holly gets back up and walks into a scoop slam from Cena as he goes for the pin 1….2…kick out! Cena then continues to hammer Holly with shots on the ground but Holly is eventually able to roll out the ring and onto the floor. Cena follows him out and charges at him but Holly gives a drop toe hold Cena trips into the steel steps. Holly picks him up gives him a body slam onto the steel steps and gets back in the ring and tells the ref to count Cena out.
Cena is clutching his back on the outside but begins to stir.
Cena finally makes it to his feet and gets back in the ring. Holly delivers an elbow drop to his back goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Holly then gives Cena a back drop and goes for the pin again 1…2…kick out! Holly getting angrier and angrier begins to repeatedly stomp Cena until the ref tells him to back off. Cena then pulls himself up by the ropes and Holly then charges him, Cena then gives him a boot to the gut and gets up on the top rope. Cena delivers a flying leg drop to the back of Holly’s neck goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Cena smiles and waits for Holly to get up, he waves his hand in front of his face saying “you can’t see me” and delivers an Attitude Adjustment to Holly the cover him 1….2….3! And here is your winner, John Cena! The crowd cheers as Cena leaves the ring clutching his back.

Tazz: Wow! What a win for Cena

Cole: Yeah the up and comer really bringing it here tonight.

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are scene going into Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit’s locker room.

Listen up fellas; I want to make sure there are no miscommunications that would lead to my client Brock Lesnar losing tonight’s main event. I promise that if you help the next big thing hurt the Undertaker tonight you two will be the next contender’s for the Undisputed Championship after Brock destroys Big Evil at Unforgiven.

Don’t worry Paul, tonight I plan on making not only Taker, but Edge and Angle tap tonight.

Lesnar, Paul, Benoit and Eddie all share sinister looks as the scene fades.

Commercial Break

This Contest is set for one fall!


Matt Hardy walks down the ramp as the crowd boos, he taunts people in the audience and then enters the ring.

Cole: Hardy had a successful win last week can he continue his momentum here tonight?


Rikishi struts down the ring dancing and high fiving fans in the crowd and then enters the ring

Tazz: Rikishi was also successful last week, this should be a competitive contest for sure.

Rikishi and Hardy lock up, Rikishi powers Hardy into a corner but Hardy yells for the ref to back Rikishi up. As he is distracted by the ref Hardy blast Rikishi in the face, he then stomps Rikishi, deliver an elbow drop to his chest and goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Hardy then puts Rikishi between the ropes and begins to choke him until the ref breaks it up. Hardy then waits for Rikishi to get up and charges him, but at the last second Rikishi gives him a belly to belly suplex and Hardy goes over the top rope. Rikishi leaves the ring to get Hardy and drops his chest onto the barricade outside. He rolls Hardy back into the ring and goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Rikishi then picks Hardy up and bounces off the ropes looking for a clothesline but Hardy catches him and hits the Side Effect, he goes for the pin 1…2….kick out! Hardy can’t believe it, he picks up Rikishi and puts him the corner and stomps him. He backs a little and begins to charge at Rikishi but he moves out the way. Hardy smashes into the turnbuckle, he turns around only for Rikishi to squash him in the corner. Hardy falls down in the corner as Rikishi signals for the stink face. Hardy sees it coming and rolls under the bottom rope to outside. Rikishi pulls him back up on the apron by his hair and goes for a suplex but Hardy lands on his feet and goes for the roll up and clutches the ropes, the ref can’t see and he count 1…2…3! And here is your winner, Matt Hardy. The crowd boos as Hardy quickly exits the ring knowing he barely escaped with the win.

Cole: What blatant cheating by Hardy

Tazz: You wouldn’t know anything about this Cole but to succeed in that ring you have to do whatever it takes, good for Hardy.

Undertaker is seen walking into Edge’s locker room.

Hey I just wanted to thank you for the save earlier tonight.

Yeah no problem Taker, I wanted to get my hands on Guerrero from last week.

Yeah well tonight we have a hell of a task upon us. Angle has already made it clear he doesn’t care about this match and is more concerned with the Intercontinental championship. But Lesnar, Benoit, and Guerrero are no pushovers. Tonight we have to watch each other’s backs. Kurt might be on our side in theory but he’s just as bad as our opponents. Our first goal tonight is surviving, but doesn’t mean I don’t plan on winning.

Damn straight I want to win, don’t worry about Kurt, after I shaved his head he knows better than to mess with me.

Edge and Undertaker finish up getting ready and begin heading to the ring.

Commercial Break

This contest is set for one fall is a Six Man Tag match!


Benoit and Guerrero make their way out together as the fans boo, they enter the ring as Eddie taunts the crowd and Chris shows off his championship.

Cole: These two buddies weren’t exactly on the same page last week or earlier tonight for that matter but everything seems to be fine now as we head into this huge tag team main event.


Lesnar walks out with Heyman as the fans boo even louder Brock enters the ring and begins talking strategy with Eddie and Chris.


Angle walks out to “you suck” chants looking very unpleased that he is in this match up, he locks eyes with Benoit as he stays on the outside knowing better than to enter the ring alone.

Tazz: Angle still very upset with being screwed out of title match last week.

Cole: Stephanie McMahon has confirmed that next week the number on contender for Benoit’s championship will be decided.


Edge runs to each side of the stage playing the crowd as they thunderous Edge chants begin.

Cole: Another man who was screwed out of his title shot last week who was so close to walking out as Undisputed Champion, he looks for revenge tonight.

Edge walks down to the ring standing a good distance away from Angle and not taking his eyes off Guerrero.


Undertaker rides his motorcycle down the ramp and around the ring as the crowd erupts. Taker and Edge then enter the ring as Kurt slowly walks up the steps.

Edge and Benoit start things off as the bell rings. Benoit and Edge lock up in the middle of the ring neither one gaining the advantage. Edge then gives Benoit a hip toss and begins to pound him into his team’s corner. Angle then tags himself in looking to get a piece of Benoit to Edge’s dismay. Angle brings Benoit into another corner and begins to stomp him his legs. Angle then Irish whips Benoit off the ropes looking to go for a back drop. When Benoit bounces of the ropes Eddie tags himself in without Angle knowing, Angle back drops Benoit as Eddie sneaks in the ring and takes him down. Eddie gives Angle a suplex and puts him into a headlock. Angle eventually powers out and gives Eddie a German suplex. Angle tags in Taker and Eddie tags in Brock wanting no part of Big Evil. Taker and Brock stare at each other in the middle of the ring as the crowd stands up in anticipation. Brock then tags in Benoit and exits the ring as the fans boo. Benoit and Taker then begin trading shots in the middle of the ring until Taker gets the advantage and delivers a stiff clothesline. He goes for the pin 1….2…Guerrero breaks up the pin. Taker then picks Benoit up and goes for a choke slam but Benoit reverses it into the cross face. Taker gives some furious and fast elbows and quickly gets out of it but some damage has been done. Benoit drags Taker back to his team’s corner and tags in Eddie. Eddie does a springboard elbow drop on the back of Taker and goes for the pin 1….2….kick out! Eddie then delivers vicious elbows to the head of Taker and puts him in a dragon sleeper as Brock looks on from the apron in enjoyment. Taker then powers out but is still unable to get to his side of the ring as Guerrero tags in Benoit. Benoit picks Taker up and hits him with three back to back German suplex and goes for the pin 1….2….Edge breaks up the pin. Benoit goes up to the top rope and tries to hit a flying head but. Taker moves out the way just in time as both men are down in the middle of the ring. Edge is begging Taker to get to this side of the ring as Angle could careless on the apron. Guerrero is also awaiting the tag from Benoit as Brock calmly observes the situation. Taker and Benoit both tag Edge and Eddie at the same time. Edge ducks under a clothesline from Guerrero and knocks both Benoit and Brock off the apron. Eddie then goes for a German suplex on Edge but he lands on his feet and hits an Edge hits Guerrero with an Edge O Matic and hooks the leg 1…2….kick out. Edge waits for Guerrero to get up and hits a impeller on him goes the pin again 1….2….Brock breaks up the pin this time and hits a power bomb on Edge. He exits the ring just in time as Taker attempts to confront him. Benoit then throws Taker out of the ring and waits for Eddie to make the tag. Benoit gets back in the ring and viciously attacks Edge. Edge begins to fight back though, he pushes Benoit away and attempts a spear but Benoit dodges it locks in the cross face. Angle jumps in the ring and breaks up the hold as a way to stick it to Benoit. Chris then gets in the face of Angle who’s now back on the apron. Benoit eventually turns around to Edge delivering a stiff clothesline. He then tag in Taker who delivers a clothesline to Benoit, he then knocks Eddie off the apron but and pulls Brock inside the ring. The crowd erupts as Taker delivers shot after shot to Brock eventually knocking him over the top rope. Brock then backs up the ramp abandoning his team as Heyman follows belt in hand. Taker sees Benoit getting back and charges him but Benoit moves out the way and Taker accidentally nails Angle knocking him off the apron. Benoit runs at Taker but he sees it coming. Taker hits a choke slam on Benoit and goes for the pin 1….2….Angle breaks up the pin and gives an Angle Slam to Taker his one teammate. Edge then gives Angle a clothesline knocking both of them over the top rope. Benoit then crawls over for the pin 1…2…kick out! Benoit looks exhausted as he awaits for Taker to get up looking for a German suplex. Taker elbows his way out of it as Eddie runs in the ring with the IC belt looking to hit Taker but Taker moves out the way and Eddie nails Benoit. Eddie stunned at what he did doesn’t even see the spear coming from Edge. Taker then picks up Benoit staring at Brock who’s still at the top of the ramp with Heyman and hits a Last Ride 1…2…3! And here are your winners the Undertaker, Edge, and Kurt Angle!

Cole: Looks like Guerrero and Benoit had a bit of a miscommunication there eh Tazz?

Tazz: Definitely, but the Undertaker sending a strong message to the champ Lesnar.

The show ends with Taker and Edge celebrating in the ring as Kurt looks on from the outside, Eddie and Chris aching in pain argue on the other side of the ring, and Brock still standing at the top of the entrance not taking his eyes of Taker.

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