
Why is it that your beloved FireFox insists on telling me EVERY time it blocks a pop up add? Its like a child pandering for a cookie
Why is it that your beloved FireFox insists on telling me EVERY time it blocks a pop up add? Its like a child pandering for a cookie
You can change that option. I just recommend getting the AdBlock Plus add-on, and you shouldn't have that problem.
He's not very smart either. I remember that.

Atleast he's not as bad as that RKOLEGACY guy who seems to still be under the impression that wrestling is real.

Undertakers #1 Fan is pretty bad though. His argument for why the Undertaker is a better big man than Vader was laughable at best. Apparently The Undertaker is better than Vader, and I quote, "Because he can do drop kicks and jump off the top rope". Things that Vader does quite well mind you.
I've never in my life seen The Undertaker do a dropkick, I don't know where he pulled that one out from. Oh wait I do know, his ass.

That guy is one of the reasons why I don't like some 'Taker fans. I'm a fan of The Undertaker but I'm not a blind fan. I know he isn't the best big man, Vader is and I posted why.

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