Slim Shady, Eminem or Marshall Mathers?


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As we all know (if you've ever listened to more than.. 3..4 of Eminem's songs) that Eminem contains quite a few personalities.
Slim Shady, the crazed maniac murderous type (certainly became murderous on the Relapse album)
Perfect choice of video to show what Slim Shady is all about.
But definitely not the only greats that Eminem has thrown out under the moniker of Slim Shady, a great way to recognize him would have to be through the different voice (the majority of Relapse proves my point)

Eminem who I would call the mix of Marshal and Slim Shady, able to throw out some semi serious lyrics in a serious voice and able to pull off some of his greatest lyrical works (if you ask me)
Another great example of Eminem, not under the Slim Shady moniker, but under the Eminem moniker, this song clearly showing his seriousness, another great choice if you wanna hear what Eminem is truly about is The way I am.

And onto the last "moniker" Marshal Bruce Mathers (the 3rd, for the matter of being completely correct) the type of personality who coughs up the more heartfelt songs.
When Eminem puts out music like this, it's most guaranteed to be something of his life that really shows how fucked up it really can turn out, not my favorite type, but he has thrown out some of my by far memorable rap songs through this moniker.

Personally the part of Eminem's style where he is "Eminem" is what I find to be the greater one, his lyrics are absolutely insane during those songs, and while Slim Shady is great, you take Eminem serious when you listen to his songs, as opposed to Slim Shady who can leave you slowly giggling through the song (at least I am giggling through songs like "My name is" "Without me" and "The real Slim Shady")
The song I linked for showing what Eminem is all about (Till I collapse) is by far my favorite song produced from Eminem, and that has a big part of my decision to which style I find superior.

Which one do you think is the better style of Eminem? and why?

Another thing you're more than welcome to debate is this, is there really any difference between Marshal Mathers and Eminem? or is it just the same person with a twist?
It's funny, I'm actually listening to eminem right now as I write this.

I really don't know. He is amazing under all three. I believe that every single person in the world has these three types of sides to them. Their normal face, and than rage and a heartfelt ,true side.I alternate so frequently between which of his three sides I listen to. Some days I feel like listening to straight rap and dig his Eminem side. Some days I'm feeling low and vibe so easily to his sincere side, the man, Marshall .

Than there are those other days.

Slim Shady is insane, both in a good way and the "unhealthy" way.Sometimes people just have to reach into that darker side and lash out. I'd say Slim Shady is my favourite because it is something unique to Em. No other rapper can tap into this kind of, hell I don't even know what to call it. As long as I don't meet Slim Shady in an alley one day, he has my vote as number 1.

Just as a post note I want to say that he has to be the best of all time. When this guy is on his game there is no one,I repeat, NO ONE who can touch him.
I'm a diehard Eminem fan. I've been listening to him since he started getting mainstream. The first song I heard with him in it was "Forgot About Dre." Slim Shady as everyone knows, is Eminem's serial killer-esque psychopathic side, when he's in that mindset he focuses more on the dark, creepy, cynical material then the hard hitting lyricism, nooo. That's his Eminem side. He will tear down any rapper you put in front of him with ease. The man is a monster when it comes to freestyling. Untouchable. Marshall is himself, his more meaningful songs. Mockingbird, Hailie's Song, Beautiful, all good examples. I have to say I like Eminem the best, I like when he drops a bar that just drops your jaw. The man is amazing. Slim Shady is great, but I love it when Eminem gets on point and just blows people out of the water.
I'm a diehard Eminem fan. I've been listening to him since he started getting mainstream. The first song I heard with him in it was "Forgot About Dre." Slim Shady as everyone knows, is Eminem's serial killer-esque psychopathic side, when he's in that mindset he focuses more on the dark, creepy, cynical material then the hard hitting lyricism, nooo. That's his Eminem side. He will tear down any rapper you put in front of him with ease. The man is a monster when it comes to freestyling. Untouchable. Marshall is himself, his more meaningful songs. Mockingbird, Hailie's Song, Beautiful, all good examples. I have to say I like Eminem the best, I like when he drops a bar that just drops your jaw. The man is amazing. Slim Shady is great, but I love it when Eminem gets on point and just blows people out of the water.

I couldn't have said it much better Freddy, my first exposure to Eminem although was actually Slim Shady introducing his "ugly" face.. "My name is".

Your sig describes the 3 different people so perfectly, and I wish I knew of it, I would've probably used it as a picture for the thread.

And I do completely agree, Eminem is a monster on the microphone, he absolutely killed Ja Rule, Canibus, Everlast and Insane Clown Posse in a big way, I think it's a shame his material against Everlast and Canibus wasn't released on an official CD because his Slim Shady like diss of Canibus (Can-I-Bitch) was absolutely murderous, and his diss of Ja Rule on the song "Bully" which I really wish was publized too.
I had this talk with you when you were making the thread that I disagree with the placement. I was never a huge fan of Eminem's Slim Shady like songs, such as Guilty Conscience, My Name is, and so forth, and I am not so much for his hip hop songs like Ass Like That. But I was always for his mellowed out more tortured tracks such as The Way I Am, When I'm Gone, and all of those type of tracks. I guess that style of this personalities is the version of him I like the best.
I have always enjoyed the Slim Shady persona the most. You guys say it's his alter ego that is homicidal, which it is so don't get me wrong, but it also his silly side. Kids still say silly correct? I digress. The point is I enjoy hearing him say some over the top rhymes that are funny and controversial. Not to mention he makes them flow just about as well as anything he says in his serious raps he is just having more fun with the words. Sure the messages are bad but the words tend to be funny and when I listen to Eminem I usually want to be amused. That takes nothing away from his other stuff either because I believe he is one of the best all around rappers in the game today and ever.
I prefer Eminem.Slim is good but when he gets that dark he losses a lot of his lyrical ability in exchange for the dark,creepy sound.Marshall is very good with the slower,more heartfelt song that show you that em is not always as crazy.Eminem is one of the greatest rappers of all time.once he start going in on a song he can destroy anyone.Till I Collapse is one of my favorite song to date and it only shows off how great Eminem really is when he just starts going.All sides of him are good but the fantastic lyrical ability of Eminem gives him my vote
I prefer the ''Eminem side'', if I had to choose.

The Marshall Mathers is a little too self loathing, and tries to get the fan themselves to almost feel bad for supporting him, as he is away from his family too often.

The slim shady parts, like most of the relapse/refill, slim shady lp stuff. Is amazing, and Eminem doing his most ''Detroit'' horrorcore type of music. And being as most of my favorite rappers come from the midwest (Em, Twiztid, Lupe) This is also a favorite.

But I choose Eminem, because lyrically he's at his BEST. Look at the songs where he uses this persona
Til I collapse
Underground. (My personal favorite Em song of his career due to wordplay)
Public enemy no 1
No apologies

It shows when you ''Know'' he sat down and wrote with the intent to show that he is the best, and wants to prove it.
I think its a mixture of Em and Marshall, but more Marshall in my opinion. I mean, I don't hate his slim shady side but most of the time I just find him annoying when he uses that persona, but when he's angry? Or when he's sad? The man is bar-none one of the best lyrical minds in music.

Maybe its because I listen more to alternative rock or what not that I connect with his more "emotional" side, but when he's putting his heart out there the man is probably one of my favorite artists. When he's being stupid/silly, he's not bad but I can't really tell him apart from the other rappers out there. His seriousness is what makes him unique, in my opinion.

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