Slammiversary Predictions for WZPC

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Gutcheck Tournament Final (Winner earns a spot in 2013 BFG Series)
Jay Bradley vs. Sam Shaw
Winner and Confidence: Bradley 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Tag Team Championship Fatal Fourway Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Austin Aries and Bobby Roode (c) vs. Bad Influence (Kaz and Daniels) vs. James Storm and Gunner
Winner and Confidence: Storm and Gunner 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

X-Division Championship Ultimate X Match
Kenny King (c) vs. Chris Sabin vs. Suicide
Winner and Confidence: Chris Sabin 4
Method of Finish (5 points): retrieval

Six Man Tag Team Match
Samoa Joe, Magnus, and Jeff Hardy vs. Aces and Eights (Garrett Bischoff, Wes Brisco, and D.O.C.)
Winner and Confidence: Samoa Joe, Magnus, Jeff Hardy 8
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Last Knockout Standing
Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kil 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Television Championship Match
Devon (c) vs. Joseph Park
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park 1
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

Singles Match
Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Winner and Confidence: Styles 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Bully Ray (c) vs. Sting
Winner and Confidence: Bully Ray 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

If the "big" free agent signing debuts, who will it be? (10 Points)


What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer:Shortest Park vs Devon, Longest AJ vs Angle

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (5 Points)
Answer: Sabin vs King vs Suicide

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (5 Points)
Answer: Bully and Sting
Not quite sure how it's being graded the park/devon match. In theory it was the shortest match of the night... I'm not going to be perfect after this match though.
I will count Park/Abyss/Devon as one whole match, so those that picked Park will get points with Abyss winning.
Hey theo, I didnt see me on the list which is no big deal at all I just thought i'd mention it. If my tallying is correct I got a 61.

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