

WZCW's James Howard
It's now out in the UK - I went to see it first showing Friday and I can safely say it is amazing.

Anyone else managed to see it yet (I know it's not out for a few weeks in the US but there are some Brits on here who may have seen it already)

I went to see Skyfall last Saturday and I can safely say that it is awesome, and I'm not even a fan of James Bond films. Usually Daniel Craig puts me off them, but he portrays Bond a little different this time and I think it helped out a lot.

Everything about the movie seems to click from the cast to the director, this movie has everything you need in a good/great Bond film. The pre credit scene involving Istanbul (I think) got me right into the action and had me paying attention for the rest of the film. The film doesn't have as much glitz and glamour as its predecessors, but it doesn't hurt the film one bit. It takes Bond down to his lowest point and allows him to start again; which seems to make Bond a lot more human than ever before, and features a finale featuring some of Bond's family history and a very fun shoot out in Scotland.

Though the action makes the film very fun, it's the cast's acting which makes it better than your average action film; with Judi Dench and Javier Bardem putting on some wonderful performances. Judi Dench's "M" is used a lot more in this film and is probably the main Bond girl in the film and it works wonderfully; I always thought casting Judi Dench as M was a stroke of genius, but it finally took a wonderful director for her to be used properly. Javier Bardem plays one of the creepiest villains of recent memory which seems to the norm with him; though he's no Anton Chigurh in it. He is able to create a "cybergeek" and make him genuinely terrifying, with one of his first scenes with Bond being both playful and weird yet oddly captivating. Ralph Fiennes also puts on a solid performance as a member of the team.

It's not a perfect by any means with some parts being a little boring, me not liking Naomie Harris and the finale being a let down compared to earlier parts of the film, though that may just be me.

Final Rating: ****

A really good film which features some great acting and some nice surprises, and a film that takes risks which are well worth it. A great choice for the 50th anniversary of Bond.
I've never really been a Bond fan, IMO the last good Bond movie was Goldeneye, but I saw Skyfall last week and was very impressed.
I saw Skyfall and I believe it is one of the best James Bond films in the series. I think Adele's "Skyfall" song is one of the best Bond themes ever! This film really brought a human element to the story which is a great thing to do. We could actually connect with the world of James Bond which was not something we could do with most other Bond films. The cinematography in Skyfall was amazing! Javier Bardem plays an awesome Bond villain that I think will go down as one of the best Bond villains in the series. I love that Skyfall perfectly blended the new dark and gritty Bond world with the classic Sean Connery Bond world. I believe Skyfall really did a great job of shifting the tone and I think it will work very well. Skyfall was made for both classic Bond fans and for those of Craig's Casino Royal. One thing I really noticed about Skyfall that could be either be a positive or a negative depending on your taste is that it borrowed heavily from The Dark Knight film and also had much in common with The Dark Knight Rises. I could write a whole paper on all the similarities.

Overall Skyfall had it's problems but I really liked it! If anyone on here has not seen it I suggest you check it out!

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