Single best and worst move of the night?


Championship Contender
On draft night we technically didn't have and trades. But we had guys drafted higher than thought and lower draft picks. So if you had to pick 1 great move out of the brand split, and 1 worst move of the brand split??here's mine

Best move.... I'm gonna say Corey Graves's up to Monday Night Raw announce team. Honestly he's the best announcer that WWE has. Color commentator and exciting to hear. Also can be controversial. Happy for him!!

Worst could be Cesaro and hi s low draft stock. But I'm going with my guy Heath Slater being thee only star not dreafted. to me Slater has an absolute workaholic in the ring. Just stuck with very bad gimmicks. Nexus was the Gold standard. Then he gets 3MB and social outlasts.
Best Move? - Putting John Cena on Smackdown. They needed a heavy star to make sure the "B" show got off to a good start when it went live.

Worst Move? - Breaking up the factions. Stroman on Raw but Wyatt/Rowan on Smackdown?, Styles on Smackdown while Anderson/Gallows on Raw? Didn't make any sense to do this. Styles/Club attacking Cena was a storyline that had months left in it. Also the New Day vs. The Wyatt Family was intriguing as well. And what did they do? They ended both.
Best Move:
Smackdown drafting the current and former WWE / World Heavyweight Champions and Raw drafting SuperStars who never held the WWE / World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt.

Worst Move:
Raw drafting the former WWE / World Heavyweight Champions and Smackdown drafting SuperStars who never held the WWE / World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt.

Raw needs bodies and Smackdown needs names. People who watch Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment will watch Raw, no matter who is on the show. People may or may not skip Smackdown, depending on who’s on the show. The Commissioners and General Managers should have switched places. I think Raw should have the WWE World Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, and Women’s Championship Title Belts, and Smackdown should have the Intercontinental, United States, and Tag Team Championship Title Belts. I believe this setup really levels the playing field.

Then again, when has the WWE ever let me have exactly what I want??
Best move: Charlotte at #3. I just think it was an awesome way to say " Hey look, some of these girls go better than the men. Charlotte is already cementing her legacy and we need her (and the title) to not only make the Women's division great on Raw but make Raw great also." Kind of shocked that both the Cruiserweights and Women's titles on Raw but we are still not sure how that the titles are going to play out yet. It doesn't matter though because at #3 it just screams wow. The WWE champion wasn't even picked first (obviously because Stephanie is having an affair with Rollins, but still) and only was obviously one pick ahead of Charlotte. I mean she got picked ahead of names like John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, AJ Styles and Randy Orton. Just wow and I love it.

Worst move: Strowman to Raw. After having a quick think I couldn't really think of many bad moves. I would change some things but that's more for my preference. I was thinking having Zayn and Owens on the same roster to start off with, but then again who cares. Then I was thinking Orton and Cena being in the same show, because how can they not eventually meet up again. But still I didn't mind their previous matches so it's not so bad. Cesaro on Raw I wouldn't of done but then again Raw needs to fill 3 hours so you need people that can juggle all around the card and Cesaro will put on plenty of good matches their (Balor/Cesaro pls). So that has left me with Strowman. The dude hasn't shown me anything that proves he can be by himself and deserve to have that push instead of being forced fed like that medicine you hated as a kid. I think they could've atleast done some backstage promos with him actually saying stuff or showing me that he can work more than a 5 minute match, which he will eventually have to do. All in all I think he is being pushed way to soon, on probably the worst show to do it on as well and could've definitely benefitted with some more time with the Wyatt family by expanding his role a bit. I know he is a henchman but still, have Jericho call him something and then go from there.

Anyways, I will probably think of a worse move by tomorrow by but so far I can justify almost everything in my head. Unless you count the total abomination of what WWE is trying to call a women's division on SD (live... Jesus just get rid of it already).
Best Move: John Cena and Randy Orton to SmackDown. SmackDown desperately needed big names to draw in casual fans, and even though they still don't have nearly enough of the top talent, they got the two biggest ones.

Worst Move: This has got to be a tie, between 1 - Having the Draft be openly biased towards RAW; and 2 - Taking low-level stars with prime TV draft picks, while big name talent sat around waiting.

1 - As Commissioner of SmackDown, it makes no storyline sense for Shane McMahon to find out, "RAW is going to get the first overall pick, and get three of every five Draft picks!", and just take it with a smile. Shane should have been seen fighting for SmackDown to get more. If RAW gets three out of every five picks, Shane should have fought for SmackDown to get the first overall pick, and to get their two picks as the first two of every round.

2 - With the randomized Drafts of 2007 - 2011, it makes sense to have a few low-level guys get drafted, it builds suspense and has you waiting for the big ones. Hell, look at 2007 - 10 draft picks made that night, and only three, MAYBE four, could be considered decent draft picks. But with this being an NFL inspired draft like in 2002, it doesn't make sense to have so many low-level stars taken early. There's no way the reigning United States and Intercontinental Champions should have fallen to the fourth round. Even third would have been a stretch. American Alpha, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson, and Enzo & Big Cass all get drafted on TV, but The Usos and The Dudley Boyz go in the Supplemental Draft? Absurd. Baron Corbin gets drafted before Dolph Ziggler and The Big Show? Ridiculous. Neville gets drafted before Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro, and Sheamus? Kane falls all the way to the Supplemental Draft? Laughable. Nia Jax gets picked over Paige? Seriously? And even with the NXT picks, where's the storyline logic in taking people like Mojo Rawley, Carmella, and Alexa Bliss over the likes of Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, or Bobby Roode? Illogical.

Miz, Rusev, Del Rio, Ziggler, Sheamus, Cesaro, The Usos, The Dudleys, Paige, and Kane all should have been drafted much earlier than they were, while Baron Corbin, American Alpha,, Enzo & Cass, Gallows & Anderson, and Neville all should gave been drafted later or gone in the Supplemental Draft.
Best Move: Putting the WWE title on Smackdown with Dean Ambrose. USA has to be unrelenting at telling WWE they need to get Smackdowns ratings up, they signed on with them, expecting the 2000 era Smackdown where it was must see TV. They got RAW Replay, putting hte top title, and top names on Smackdown is the way to push this.

Worst Move: Nia Jax being picked so high, and above so many actual stars. We get it, she's The Rock's cousin, push her before she's ready.

Notable: Alexa being called up, she's gonna be huge in few years, I'm glad she's going to have the spot to shine.
Mojo; Why does this guy still have a job? Nobody is going to pay money to see a grown man act like a 5 year old screaming.

Finn should of debuted at some point, not being drafted to RAW. There's no surprise here.
The best move was the commentary shake up, by far. Raw and SmackDown are going to have new voice combos and I'm looking forward to the new commentating.
Best Move : I don't know, maybe having Wyatt on Smackdown.. With the limited roster, he's gonna be featured a lot more prominently than just a throwaway segment. Maybe he'll have a go at the Title as well.

Worst Move: Having a Boring Draft. There was no excitement al all. I mean the whole thing was pure bland when compared to the first draft with Flair and Vince.
You couldn't care less had Rollins ended up on SD or whatever.
Best Move - Not breaking up New Day or Enzo and Cass. They're both just so entertaining and should stay together for a long time.

Worst Move - Drafting Charlotte at #3 overall. In no universe is she better than everyone not named Rollins or Ambrose. She just isn't. I don't care if she's a woman.
Worst Move - Drafting Charlotte at #3 overall. In no universe is she better than everyone not named Rollins or Ambrose. She just isn't. I don't care if she's a woman.

Without trying to put words in you, that is more your personal preference than being a bad move. Charlotte being 3 doesn't bring anyone else down. It doesn't hurt the rep of Cena, Orton, Lesnar, Reigns etc. The only thing the #3 pick does is make you feel that the WWE either really love Charlotte or the women's division, or both. It was a big move and I give props for doing it. So, the only thing picking Charlotte at #3 does is make it a big statement without taking the value away from other guys. It doesn't hurt anyone's position on the card, doesn't make anyone seem less important or make the men to look like jokes. It was simply just saying this is how good the division and Charlotte are, we need them. I possibly can't see how that is a bad move.
Without trying to put words in you, that is more your personal preference than being a bad move. Charlotte being 3 doesn't bring anyone else down. It doesn't hurt the rep of Cena, Orton, Lesnar, Reigns etc. The only thing the #3 pick does is make you feel that the WWE either really love Charlotte or the women's division, or both. It was a big move and I give props for doing it. So, the only thing picking Charlotte at #3 does is make it a big statement without taking the value away from other guys. It doesn't hurt anyone's position on the card, doesn't make anyone seem less important or make the men to look like jokes. It was simply just saying this is how good the division and Charlotte are, we need them. I possibly can't see how that is a bad move.

Raw is without a top face. (Reigns isn't over, and Balor just had his first match).

They could've went with Cena or Orton, but instead they wasted a pick on someone just because they're a woman.
Raw is without a top face. (Reigns isn't over, and Balor just had his first match).

They could've went with Cena or Orton, but instead they wasted a pick on someone just because they're a woman.

It was the 3 overall pick in the draft, so no matter who Smackdown took, it would've still left all but one of the following; Cena/Orton/Lesnar/. They are really the only main event baby faces at the moment. Smackdown couldn't take all 3 with one pick. The main guys anyways. They had Reigns/Balor/Zayn to pick from still.

So they wasted that pick on what will be one of the greatest ever women's wrestlers in history and a 300 day reigning champion, not a bad pick.

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