Singing the WWE's praises


Dark Match Winner
On websites such as Wrestlezone, most of the comments towards the WWE are negative and people to me just don't seem to enjoy the product. Or at least they sound like they don't. I cannot remember a time where I have enjoyed the WWE this much. By the way, I am 18 and didn't experience the attitude era. The WWE have a huge amount of star power in terms of part-time guys at the moment who are able to work occasionally. I like this because being able to see people like Brock Lesnar, The Rock, The Undertaker and now RVD work on a basis where they help put talent over to me is enjoyable. The talent finally being
recognised by the WWE is also great. They have created a Daniel Bryan character that I am so invested in. They have elevated CM Punk to a very high status. The Shield constantly put on strong matches and are a reason I tune in Monday nights. Dolph Ziggler seems to be getting a character shift I could really. dig. The Tag Team division is better than ever, Randy Orton continues to be one of my favourites as I am tuning to basically see if he is going to turn heel. Curtis Axel, Paul Heyman, Damien Sandow. All of these superstars are just making the shows fun for me and I hope for you guys as well. One of the best things about the WWE at the moment as well is the huge amount of young talent that they have, the development system I think has been improved dramatically, and I can look forward to new talent like The Wyatt Family, Big E Langston, Adrian Neville, Tyson Kidd and even Antonio Cesaro develop and become top superstars. I just can't remember a time when the roster was so deep and full of star power and future potential. Of course their are a few problems, but that is where you guys come in.

My question to you is, what do you enjoy the most when watching WWE? What could WWE do to improve? Cheers
I love the unexpected, who would have thought that Del Rio would have wont he title last night adn a double turn take place!

I am a bit like yourself, although i do remember the attitude era, i gave up during the 2000's and am now as big a fan as ever. I find myself becoming more and more drawn into the characters more than anything, especially Daniel Bryan.

I am really excited moving towards the summer to see what feuds are created, and what changes happen in certain wrestlers.

Exciting times ahead!
-I like how they are giving midcarders passable storylines (Kaitlyn's secret admirer, Daniel Bryan's "weakest link" story, etc.)
-I like how the Tag Team division has been revitalized.
-I like the new RAW set and logo.
-I LOVE how every superstar has recognizable entrance themes (Jim Johnston is a legend!!!)
-I like that they stopped the whole "guest host" gimmick.
-I like a lot of things!!!! :)
I stopped reading after "By the way, I am 18", because you didn't just not experience the "attitude era", but you didn't experience the last wrestling boom, period.
I don't know if I'm looking into things a bit too much but recently things have been taking a turn for the better. One minor thing I noticed which may be me looking into things a bit too much is that Vince Mcmahon has changed his hair style to how it used to be when he appeared every night in major storylines as the evill boss rather than his clean cut comb over he's had for the past few years when making small appearances.

Triple H has been turning up on raw regularly this year which has added a bit of incentive to monday nights.

Del Rio winning the WHC is a big surprise and I am intrigued as to where WWE are taking this.

Daniel Bryan has been the best wrestler on the roster for weeks now and with the end of Team Hell No looming on the horizon along with what must be the end of the Ryback/Cena rivalry, Bryan has to be inserted in the world title picture maybe along with Punk, Ziggler hell maybe even Barrett or Miz

RVD is making his return soon which is amazing in itself.

Tyson Kidd should be back soon so I am intrigued also as to what WWE will do with him, shifting Ziggler to the WWE championship rivalry and putting Kidd into the WHC picture as a face could be a good angle.

One of the biggest things though is we actually heard John Cena, the biggest face in the history of the WWE, say "ass" during a promo on raw...amazing ;)
I saw a roster with far more talented future stars back in my days than the one we have today. The Smackdown roster of 2002.
All the old people trying to put down those that didn't experience wrestling's biggest boom period is kind of sad.

Wrestling talent today is not horrible compared to 11 years ago. Safety standards and the audience's taste have simply changed.
All the old people trying to put down those that didn't experience wrestling's biggest boom period is kind of sad.

Wrestling talent today is not horrible compared to 11 years ago. Safety standards and the audience's taste have simply changed.

Agreed. It's actually refreshing to see a young guy who isn't trying to pretend he was there and who legitimately enjoys the product today. The roster is rife with future potential right now, and it is fun to watch. Comparing it to 2002 is like comparing an NFL Draft's class of quarterbacks to the class of '83, of course. Let's not put down or run off younger fans who are enthusiastic about wrestling; we were 18 once as well.
I stopped reading after "By the way, I am 18", because you didn't just not experience the "attitude era", but you didn't experience the last wrestling boom, period.

So you're blowing his opinion off because if his age? I think he's a breath of fresh air myself. Quit living in 1998. That era (for better and for worse) isn't coming back. I could live without ever reexperiencing anything Russo related again myself.
I wasn't alive to see Hogan and Andre, damn I'm a bad wrestling fan, mom and dad should have created me earlier! That way I could have seen that damn Bodyslam and my life would be so much different!
You've seen WWE's "Did You Know?" snippets, right? And you've heard the way that announcers like to tout every good match as an "instant classic"? How about the way we're always reminded about what WWE topics are trending on Twitter?

We don't need to sing WWE's praises. They'll do that themselves.
Agreed. It's actually refreshing to see a young guy who isn't trying to pretend he was there and who legitimately enjoys the product today. The roster is rife with future potential right now, and it is fun to watch. Comparing it to 2002 is like comparing an NFL Draft's class of quarterbacks to the class of '83, of course. Let's not put down or run off younger fans who are enthusiastic about wrestling; we were 18 once as well.

12 years have past since the closing of WCW and the butthurt still hasn't eased for some of these WCW fans. They bet on the wrong horse and are still bitter about it. During these 12 years the ipod's life cycle began and ended. Think about it.

On a brighter note, I like what they are doing with Mark Henry, Big Show these few years. Ryback has been a breath of fresh air on PPVs. Bryan is a star in the making. This is a veteran roster now compared to 5 years ago and it shows.
I think we should be singing the praises of WWE these days, as they finally seem to be rolling along with the most recent episode of RAW and the last PPV being fantastic. Great storylines. Returning superstars. Excellent blending of kayfabe and reality. Plenty of youth. Face/heel turns. We're all pretty quick to criticize, what's wrong with finally giving a little credit where it's due.

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