Since Wrestlemania 28, has there been a re-building process?


Dark Match Winner
Now, in my opinion, since Wrestlemania this year, WWE has been very strange. It seems as if Vince decided that the new motto was for a complete change. In my opinion, HHH has been telling Vince that they need to have a revamp. because we have seen a new Tag Team division rise up. We are seeing longer Title reigns. We are seeing longer lasting feuds. The only thing that they haven't done yet (which I'm sure they will start soon) is revamping the Divas division. More importance to mid card Titles (already started with the Intercontinental Title) I mean look at the amount of brand new talent and the sheer focus on the future; Dolph Ziggler is being primed as a main player finally. Sheamus is possibly the most dominant World Champion I have seen in a long time. Ryback is being groomed as the next big thing coming up and is being very carefully used. the Miz is being used well again, Damien Sandow is being used carefully and has a bright future, Antonio Cesaro is U.S Champion, The PTP (D-Young & Tittus O'Neil) are on of the strongest teams on the roster, as well as what is hopefully a World Title push for Wade Barret. Not only that but the character development as well has been fantastic as we are now getting to see a possible storyline with Jack Swagger, the change from Wrestlemania Daniel Bryan to the Daniel Bryan now is huge considering he is possibly the most over person in the WWE, Sin Cara has finally been given a reason to be relevant with his feud with Cody Rhodes and possible partnership with Rey Mysterio. The WWE in my opinion hasn't become more enjoyable, but I think its going to start to become more enjoyable because I can't help but think that they have just been building and building new talent and finally caring about the future of the business. What do you guys think?
Do you think that there has been a complete revamp?
Are you more excited for the future of the business?
If the reports are true, then Triple H is someone that's gaining more and more power within the company. The longer title reigns are said to be Triple H's doing as has more time & effort being put into the tag team division. Both the mid-card titles seem to have their up and down periods.

Triple H has been in charge of NXT for a while now and he continues to get very positive feedback from WWE officials, wrestlers and wrestling insiders for the changes that've been made. According to reports, Triple H allegedly is someone that likes a pretty wrestling heavy format with time put on matches and promos rather than skit segments. He's brought in and signed some strong talent for WWE since taking over WWE's developmental programs.

Triple H also has Big Johnny's former position as Vice President of Talent Relations so, again, it's an indicator that he's gaining more power and that the WWE brass not only trusts him but like his ideas.

I don't think we're seeing a rebuilding process so much as we're seeing or hearing examples of how Triple H plans to run things once Vince steps down. Triple H is hiring guys, and has been hiring guys, for his staff that have a lot of background in sports, which MIGHT indicate that Triple H ultimately wants to take WWE back to having a more "sports" type of feel to it, which could indicate something of a more "old school" format when it comes to programming. While WWE is a wrestling company, Vince thinks he can change the public perception of the company by labeling it as an entertainment company. Vince is someone that wants as much mainstream exposure as he can get and while Triple H is someone that can see the value of that, I don't think he worries about it to nearly the degree that Vince does.
The only thing that they haven't done yet (which I'm sure they will start soon) is revamping the Divas Division.

As much as things are looking that way with the Divas Division, never count out Triple H's desire for "less divas".

The PTP (D-Young & Tittus O'Neil) are one of the strongest teams on the roster

How are they one of the strongest teams on the WWE Roster when they've lost to the the Tag Champs not once, but twice in their attempt to capture the pennies? Sure, they've qualified to challenge Kofi and Truth (again), but where is this actually heading? As much as the Prime Time Players are my favorite tag team right now, their third shot at the titles would HAVE to be the make-or-break for them. If they lose again, I strongly believe that they'll never get another shot at those for a LONG time.

With those being said:

Do you think that there has been a complete revamp?

I don't think that there has been a "complete" revamp, but they're certainly heading in the right direction. The slowly-but-surely build-up of the possible Kane and Daniel Bryan Team-up is being done to perfection and the possible team of Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, while cliche pairing up the only two masked superstars, would actually be a breath of fresh air in the Tag Team Division.

Are you more excited for the future of the business?

With the exception of the Divas Division, in which I'm not expecting any revamping at least right now, I'm surprisingly excited for the future of the business, and that's not knocking off JR's cheesy kiss-ups to the WWE. Jack-Hammer already said it himself:

If the reports are true, then Triple H is someone that's gaining more and more power within the company. The longer title reigns are said to be Triple H's doing as has more time & effort being put into the tag team division. Both the mid-card titles seem to have their up and down periods.

Triple H has been in charge of NXT for a while now and he continues to get very positive feedback from WWE officials, wrestlers and wrestling insiders for the changes that've been made. According to reports, Triple H allegedly is someone that likes a pretty wrestling heavy format with time put on matches and promos rather than skit segments. He's brought in and signed some strong talent for WWE since taking over WWE's developmental programs.

Triple H also has Big Johnny's former position as Vice President of Talent Relations so, again, it's an indicator that he's gaining more power and that the WWE brass not only trusts him but like his ideas.

I don't think we're seeing a rebuilding process so much as we're seeing or hearing examples of how Triple H plans to run things once Vince steps down. Triple H is hiring guys, and has been hiring guys, for his staff that have a lot of background in sports, which MIGHT indicate that Triple H ultimately wants to take WWE back to having a more "sports" type of feel to it, which could indicate something of a more "old school" format when it comes to programming. While WWE is a wrestling company, Vince thinks he can change the public perception of the company by labeling it as an entertainment company. Vince is someone that wants as much mainstream exposure as he can get and while Triple H is someone that can see the value of that, I don't think he worries about it to nearly the degree that Vince does.
A lot of the rebuilding process came about because WWE finally realized John Laurinaitis didn't know what he was doing as VP of Talent Relations and reassigned many of his duties to Triple H.

I always liked tag team wrestling and if HHH can resurrect the division, power to him.

As for the Divas, it's well-known that HHH doesn't care much about them. However, his wife, Stephanie, is a big supporter of theirs, which may explain the signing of women like Sara Del Rey.
I like the idea of longer title reigns, but if they seriously want to improve the prestige of the World Titles, I think they need to scrap the World Heavyweight Championship altogether, and have just one top belt. I don't like the idea of having one title for the golden boys and another paper World Championship just to give people "test runs".
If they are rebuilding they need to unify the Intercontinental and United States titles. They also need to make the WWE and World titles into one major belt again. I'm sure this opinion has been stressed several times now, but WWE DOES NOT have the roster for TWO World titles. The only credible champions I think they have are John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus, and honestly, Mark Henry. I see Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler being pushed up there as well but I kind of doubt it if their are two World titles.

At any rate there have been changes in the WWE yes, the Tag Team division and almost watchable and I would hope that they would revamp the Diva's division a bit. They had Kharma, who would have been great for them to have, but now she's gone so they need to resort to plan B: give them longer matches and better storylines! Some of the Divas are actually talented and could really use the air time more.

Personally, I'm a huge Wade Barrett fan and I wouldl ove to see him have a WWE title run soon. With his injury I kind of doubt it, but I look at him as the perfect package. I would have him go on a huge winning streak, although their already doing that with Ryback. I would at least have him become really aggressive and really take it to his opponents. For some reason, I see Wade Barrett winning the Royal Rumble this year and although I would prefer to see him have a WWE title run, I think that he'll certainly challenge for the World title if that were to happen.

I don't know what WWE plans to do with Daniel Bryan after his feud with Kane. The guy is insanely over, I would put him right back into the World title picture at least. He gets a crowd reaction similar to Cena's; at times even better than Cena's. The guy is one of the best that WWE has. His storyline with Kane is somewhat humorous right now, and it's entertaining to let's just see where that goes.

I just hope they push Cody Rhodes, Christian, and put Miz in a good IC title feud soon. They have all the tools to make WWE exciting again. They need a revamp and so far its working out pretty good. I think it would be great if they always did what they're doing with the current Punk-Cena storyline. We should not only get into a WWE title storyline once a year, after all. They have guys who could carry a storyline well, why not give us more storylines with twist and turns like they do when Punk and Cena feud? It's a good way to make everybody feel relevant and to give us good TV all at the same time. Not to mention, the right storylines could make every title feel important again. I love wrestling, don't get me wrong, but a major part of professional wrestling in the storytelling, something I think WWE only puts into its biggest storyline at the time. That's my only real problem with them right now.
If they are rebuilding they need to unify the Intercontinental and United States titles. They also need to make the WWE and World titles into one major belt again. I'm sure this opinion has been stressed several times now, but WWE DOES NOT have the roster for TWO World titles. The only credible champions I think they have are John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus, and honestly, Mark Henry. I see Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler being pushed up there as well but I kind of doubt it if their are two World titles.

I want one World Title, but I think there needs to be more than one midcard title. The two belts are booked much differently nowadays anyway. And that's how I feel the belts should be.

Intercontinental Championship: For the guys in the upper echelon who can't fit into the World Title scene at the moment (Christian, Miz, Big Show, etc.) or about to break through into that upper tier (Cody Rhodes)

United States Championship: For the solid midcarders and low carders (Antonio Cesaro, Santino Marella, Zack Ryder, etc.). This would be for the guys who won't be touching the big belt or working any high profile feuds anytime soon.
I'll give my opinion on these 2 questions before highlighting some other topics posted in the OP...

Do you think that there has been a complete revamp?
Not necessarily. You're right about the title reigns being extended. Punk has held the WWE title for almost a year, Sheamus has held the WHC since april 1st. I don't think Triple H has enough say and power to take the controls from Vince. But even if he was, why would he do it now while vince is still in overall control of the company?

Are you more excited for the future of the business
I'd like to see some more variety. So in ways, yes and no. I wish the wrestlers would just stay on 1 program, we don't need to see Christian vs. The Miz twice a week or Ryback vs. Jinder Mahal 2 times a week etc.. I wish title matches were competed more often then just at PPV's or special episodes. I feel SmackDown is on the verge of a major collapse. Who does SmackDown really have? Does it matter? They'll all show up on Raw anyway. SD has: Sheamus, Orton, Ziggler and thats it i believe...

now to answer your main question.

A re-building process? I don't think so. You have to have almost nothing in your company in order to re-build. There is plenty of talent in the WWE, no doubt about that hands down. And theres plenty of upcoming talent in the FCW/NXT so we've got to be patient and wait for the call-up. I like the tag-team division returning. Many teams/stables made their names from the tag-team division in the past. Another issue i think the WWE needs to "re-build" on his they need some more title belts. Maybe not like the cruiserweight title but bring back or start some new titles. I know this probably will not happen, but 3-hours of Raw and we get to see Kane and Daniel Bryan #HugItOut? Come on. That is all.
Hate to admit it but wwe doesn't have anything planned for future. They are the type of "come what may we'll see how it goes" Only thing that they plan well ahead is Undertaker match at wrestlemania and recent John Cena match with Rock all other are subject to change as always. So there really isn't any planning for future as of now atleast i can't see it that i can tell
Do you think that there has been a complete revamp?

Not completely. Sure, they have changed, a lot! Longer title reigns, and I definitely think mid-card talents are getting just a little more exposure. For instance, the IC has seemed to be more noticed. I almost forgot we had one, now I know who has it and the last match it was defended in. The only thing I disagree with you is the tag team division. They haven't pumped it up at all. Over the weeks, we've seen PTP win #1 contender over and over again only to fail to Kofi and Truth. However, I LOVE the idea of Kane and Bryan as a tag team. I think putting them both in the tag division was a good idea. But they need to focus on them as defending champions as well as keep the constant bickering between each other. Other than that, PTP and Kofi/Truth are the only teams I even think of when thinking about the division. Only because their fueds have gone on long enough.

Are you more excited for the future of the business?

At this rate, yes and no. The PG era has to end. Not saying it has to go back to the attitude era, but at least allow some blood. I don't even think WWE is allowed to do that anymore due to health hazards. Or maybe it was to do with Linda. I'm not sure. Come on, they have to stop matches to clean up a little blood. It's stupid. Maybe they could have more hardcore type matches. Instead of just a few PPVs a year dedicated to hardcore matches such as EC, HiaC, Extreme Rules. Superstar wise, yes I'm ready for the future. They're building up some superstars wisely. Sandow is getting over as a heel on SD, Ryback now going for the IC (speculation maybe or truth) so that'll put him as a real superstar instead of beating random unknowns, Kane and Bryan have been put in the spotlight very well, Dolph needs some more wins, but he's great in the ring either way so he's a built superstar.

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