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Sin Cara's First Title!

The Beast

Sin Cara has been in the WWE for only a couple of weeks now and has already made more of an impact than a selection of superstars in the past year has made.Sin Cara is likely to have a title reign before WWE Bragging Rights 2011. What title should be his first? Intercontintal,Unites States, WHC,WWE or could he team up with another superstar and win the WWE World Tag Team Championships. If so who would that other superstar be? I think he will somehow be put in a matchup with a member of Corre, beat them and then get a title oppertunity against Wade Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship and win it.
I actually don't want to see him hold a title any time soon. He should carry on the way he's going. Get in to some decent feuds before challenging for some gold.

I'd love to see the cruiserweight title reinstated. Alas that wont happen, so best bet is US championship. Cara and Kofi could get some good matches out of that.
The best fitted title for Sin Cara (right now) has got to be the US Championship. I want to see a feud start with Alex Riley or Ted DiBiase, those 2 guys need a push. The Corre is bound to be officially broken up anytime soon.
I agree with ItsMyYard i dont want to see Sin Cara hold gold any time soon.

Wearing the US/IC title seems to lead to a slow or lack of push (Barrett/Kofi/Sheamus) the list goes on.

I think Cara should continue what he is doing, take out the bullies and get a strong following before they stick him in a title match so that he gets a big pop when he does win gold
I hope he doesn't get a title for a while. He needs to establish his character to the fans, talk a little bit even with the help of a translator. The only title I see fit with him right now is the Cruiserweight title, but that's long gone.
Sin Cara is one of those superstars that doesn't need gold this early in their career. He just doesn't. He is doing a good job right now giving the audience a show with his aerial expertise. I'd rather see Cara work an angle with another superstar that lasts longer than a week than take on the Intercontinental Champion at the time.

Give him something to do other than face "heel of the week".
He should not get a title until he develops on his mic sklls, ring skills can only take you so far in WWE, you have to talk the part too. All champions usually have time to give promos or talk to their upcoming opponent and he cant defend himself verbally just by pointing at the guy the entire time.
Have to agree with most of the posts here, he should definitely work his way up without a title run to build up hype when he does actually win some gold. Would love it if/when he gets over big time it would be at a major PPV like SummerSlam or Rumble. An IC run would suit him in my opinion.

However, I think it would be brilliant if he actually developed his character with a non talking role. Not all wrestlers have had to talk to get over. Look at Kane and Taker early on their careers, they hardly said a word. No Khali style interpreter gimmicks, no Del Rio ring announcers, this guy could legitimately thrill us with just his in ring talent. When he does finally get on the mic or win gold, that would be a pop worth hearing.
I don't see why he should be given a title so early in his WWE career. Wrestlers seem to be given titles far too quickly these days and for a belt as prestigious as the US Title should be, you should have to earn the strap.

I know Sin Cara is a megastar to Mexican fans and the IWC, but the vast majority of WWE fans will not know of his exploits as Mistico, and will just see this nobody come in and win a title straight away. There are far more deserving title holders than Sin Cara right now.

I agree with some of the other posters in that if he needs to be given a title, then reinstate the Cruiserweight belt, Bourne Chavo, Sin Cara and others could so something with that belt and make it mean something again.
I really couldn't see Sin Cara getting a title this early on. Like others have said, he needs some decent feuds. He also either needs a voice of his own or a manager to speak for him.

That being said, if he did get a title run this early on, I'd say it would have to be the tag-team championships. The WWE would need to pair him with someone who's able to speak well and cut a good promo so that nobody would notice that Cara doesn't say anything. If he were to take a singles title (not a good idea at this point) I'd say the Intercontinental Title makes the most sense. Even then, he'd need at least somebody in his corner who can speak for him.
I personally would like to see Sin Cara to continue what he is doing. Build fueds with people then eventually give him a title shot. As someone said earlier i too dont see why wrestlers are given titles too early in their WWE career. They should earn their shot at the title by building themselves up.
Its hilarious to me how most people are so high on this guy, when he hasnt proven anything yet. He did prove he could botch his ring entrance and he has some flashy moves but so does John Morrison. Ever since Miz won the strap all I heard about was that we needed champions who were charismatic and could dish it out on the mic. So why is Sin Cara getting a pass ?

All I heard about was how Jomo and Christian are not main event material, yet this guy who hasnt even had a legit fued or match is going to be world champion sooner or later. Why because the WWE hype machine told you to believe that, like they had you thinking Miz was the best thing to ever step foot in a wwe ring. Are you incapable of thinking for yourselves. Use your own logic, do the math. What about Sin Cara actually equals big-time success in the WWE.

If it was flashy moves Jomo would been champ multiple times. The guy wears a mask, limiting much his promo ability. Lets see who else wore a mask and was mediocre on the mic ? How bout Rey ? How many times has Rey been champ ? Rather how long were those embarrassing reigns ?

After being brought on the A-Show, in less than 2 months or so, he is now on the b-show doing what ? I have seen plenty of wrestlers like him ( cruiser-weights/luchadors ) come in wwe and get chewed out, and I dont see much a difference here. Look how poorly WWE treated Ultimo Dragon and others. Only Rey has survived the push back to these guys.

If you want my honest opinion, I truly dont see how Sin Cara has anything more than a 2 year career in wwe, before both sides decide to go separate ways. If he actually lasts that long i see him eventually relagated to probably a little higher than Chris Masters status, more or less an act, not a credible top-tier star. Vince has never shown any cofidence in guys like him, so where are all these ridiculous expectations coming from ?
Idk know why everyone is saying he's to small, Like vince has a hard on for really jacked dudes...and who cares if he can't talk or cut a promo there have been champs who couldn't that had less wrestling ability than sin ex: the ultimate warrior. I think people just see what they want to the champs have been about 50/50 as far as being jacked and only a few of them have been really over the top jacked. and most recently vince has been getting away form that ex: edge,eddie,mysterio,jeff hardy. I'm all for the cruiser weight belt coming back...though it wont, sin cara will go as far as fans let him if they buy his merch he'll get a push and prob a mid card belt. Idk if it will be soon but with the hype about him it may be.
It's already been said. It's far too early in the man's WWE career to be giving him any title belts at any point in the forseeable future. He needs to have some good feuds, pull more good and unbotched matches (I think this particularly can be done since he's on Smackdown and tapings can be edited), and build momentum before competing for any titles. Newcomers have been competing for world titles lately (Sheamus, McIntyre, Del Rio, etc) that I feel the value of the titles has slightly declined.

But if he were to get a title run soon, I also want to say the tag team titles. I would've loved to have seen him win the titles with Mysterio and perhaps have Mysterio be something of an on-screen mentor to Cara before breaking up the team at some point and having them feud. It could happen I think since the tag titles seem to be able to be on any brand.
Its hilarious to me how most people are so high on this guy, when he hasnt proven anything yet. He did prove he could botch his ring entrance and he has some flashy moves but so does John Morrison. Ever since Miz won the strap all I heard about was that we needed champions who were charismatic and could dish it out on the mic. So why is Sin Cara getting a pass ?

All I heard about was how Jomo and Christian are not main event material, yet this guy who hasnt even had a legit fued or match is going to be world champion sooner or later. Why because the WWE hype machine told you to believe that, like they had you thinking Miz was the best thing to ever step foot in a wwe ring. Are you incapable of thinking for yourselves. Use your own logic, do the math. What about Sin Cara actually equals big-time success in the WWE.

I couldn't agree more. It seems like the the audience would buy in to anything Michael Cole and the commentary team would say. I don't enjoy his match at all. I'd like to see him face Rey Mysterio, but that wouldn't happen, they are on different brands. I'd like him face Randy Orton, and Sheamus, but that wouldn't happen either because he would look stupid wrestling them. WWE knew that, that's why they set him up in matches against the smaller, more athletic wrestlers.

What frustrate me is the special treatment given to Sin Cara. I wonder if anyone noticed this, but the lights were dimmed in his matches against Jack Swagger and Tyson Kid. Those matches were extreme short, and Tyson Kid had to throw himself off the top rope so that Sin Cara can pretend to execute his finishing maneuver. Finishing moves are supposed to be what you inflict on your opponents; not what your opponents inflict on themselves so that you'd look good. He has much to learn from Rey Mysterio.

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