Sin Cara - On SmackDown


Championship Contender
Thats right, the international sensation, Sin Cara is on Friday Night SmackDown.


So what does that mean to Sin Cara? His two matches, only proved that he is the best high flyer of the WWE and that he can surprise us with his moves.
He already has a win over a former World Champion, Jack Swagger and he even attacked Sheamus!
We know that he cant speak English, so no promos for now!
Vince McMahon has great expectations for Sin Cara, maybe become face of the company.

Note: Did anybody notice that in his match with Swagger the lights were Blue and Red? Can they us it in every of his match or it was only a problem?

What do you think he can accomplish on SmackDown?
How would you book it for now?
Do you want to see Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara?

What do you think he can accomplish on SmackDown?
How would you book it for now?
Do you want to see Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara?


I think given some time Sin Cara can become the face of Smackdown. Cara will become the top merchandise seller on Smackdown and we know how much Vince likes guys who make him money. He'll probably start off with a midcard championship like the U.S or the IC championship and feud with the likes of Sheamus, then move on to the main event.

How would I book him, well I'd place him in a feud with Sheamus over the U.S. title and have him win it somewhere down the line. Cara could have some great matches with some of the midcard talent on Smackdown, like Daniel Bryan, Ted Dibiase, Sheamus and many others so if and when he wins the midcard title his reign should be entertaining.

Would I like to see Cara vs Mysterio, Fuck yes. Anyone in their right mind would want to see that match/feud as they are so much alike when it comes to size and wrestling style.
What do you think he can accomplish on SmackDown?

A lot more than he could on RAW. There's no denying it, Sin Cara can botch the hell out of any match he's in and that would've probably held him back on RAW. On Smackdown, it's taped. His botches magically disappear and that may have been the only issue holding him back. Now he can probably get a proper push he deserves. I can see some cool feuds for the United States or Interconinental Championships, I don't really know the roster right now and I'm too lazy to look, but Sin Cara can make anyone look good and there are quite a few guys i'd love to see him work with. Guys like Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio.

How would you book it for now?

Just have a couple of matches between two guys, let one guy get heated because he can't beat Sin Cara and there you go. You can't really expect a solid feud out of Sin Cara especially with no mic ability but there are always ways to get around problems like that. For example; Kane couldn't talk up on his arrival, now look at what he's accomplished. Sin Cara could do the same. Just keep a mic away from him.

Do you want to see Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara?

Hell yeah I do. Who doesn't? They've somewhat already made us aware this feud could happen. As soon a Sin Cara moves to Smackdown, Rey moves to RAW. I belive the WWE doesn't want these two crossing paths just yet so once they do, it'll be magic. Rey could finally play a heel role if done properly. Even if he doesn't, the feud and the matches to go along would be considered classics.
Pointless move, just debut him on Smackdown or don't move Rey Mysterio and keep him on Raw. The most you can expect from him is a mid card title, the longer it takes for him to get one the better. For the whole year I'd have him in random, but entertaining feuds. Not for titles, but him to slowly amass a range of high quality wrestling bouts.

A Rey Mysterio feud will happen, but shouldn't for quite some time. Probably when Rey finally moves on, or if he doesn't then it could be the perfect feud for Rey to turn heel. Its a WrestleMania match, however next year will just be too soon.
Vince McMahon has great expectations for Sin Cara, maybe become face of the company.
Where would you get an outrageous idea like that? 2 seconds earlier you point out that Sin Cara can't speak English and then you say he might be the next Cena? If Sin Cara is destined for greatness he still has a very long way to go. And learning not only to speak the language but also to cut great promos in English will be essential for that. Otherwise there is a certain line over which he will never be able to step.

Did anybody notice that in his match with Swagger the lights were Blue and Red? Can they us it in every of his match or it was only a problem
I think it was part of the Smackdown/Raw Draft theme. Cara was from SD (Blue), Swagger from Rar (RED), so they wanted the atmosphere to reflect that.

What do you think he can accomplish on SmackDown?
More than he could on Raw, that's for sure. As has been pointed out numerous times, he will probably benefit greatly from the post-match editing that a taped environment makes possible. Plus there is more wrestling on Smackdown, so that should be just right for him. I do see him become a successful midcarder for the time being.

How would you book it for now?
Lots of matches. From small names to midcard names, give him lots of matches and lots of wins.
Keep the mystique of him never speaking. (Since he barely speaks English anyway that should be a no brainer.)
Eventually (not too soon, mind you) I would want to see him compete for a midcard title. Sheamus would be great, if he is still champion then. But I expect Sheamus will need to drop that belt soon because on SD he will no doubt aim for higher goals than US or IC.

Once he is there, he must show some rapid improvements language wise, or this is the final stop I'm afraid.

Do you want to see Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara?
Yes. Yes, I do. In due time. Next year's Wrestlemania at the very earliest. Or the Summerslam thereafter. Sin Cara needs to be established before such a match or it won't have the impact it could have.
Hotshotting it might give him a little momentum if he wins, but it would just seem like the good-will push everyone gets in the very beginning.
1.Sin Cara could well become the face of SD,he has the talent and excitment but just needs to stop his botched spots even tho some things he does are difficult.
2.How would i book him? well first have him fued with sheamus or wade barret for the u.s or ic title,he then goes onto win the title only to lose it at fatal 4 way.On SD he loses his rematch clause but then qualifies for the money in the bank match.Have him win the SD Money in the bank match and then cash in on one of the heels on SD to become world champ later in the year or even early next year.The reason why i say later this year or early next year is because he cant speak english yet,and if ur a world champion u have to a promo so give him time to learn english then he will hold the gold.
3.Hell Yeh! i would love a rey vs sin cara match,but rey cant keep up with him anymore because of his knee so it wont be best match ever but i will expect fireworks!rey has still got some stricks left in the bag.but they can't make it mask vs mask because that will be disrespectful so just 1 on 1 and let them to show eachother respect!
I think better than seeing Sin Cara v Mysterio would be Sin Cara and Mysterio team up and bring some respectability back to the tag team belts.

Im personally hoping Sin Cara goes on to do great things and doesnt start to fade away like alot of the other new talent that was heavily promoted upon their debut. Every week he seems to be getting better and better, and seems to have stopped botching his moves (I know some of those werent his fault) and has stopped botching his entrance. However I do foresee one problem that could cause him to fade into obscurity.

It simply comes down to his style. He is so fast and so agile, that not all the other talent can hang with him in the ring. Unfortunately, Sin Cara is one of those guys that needs the other guy to know what he´s doing, otherwise its Sin Cara that ends up looking bad. You saw this with his match with Primo, and read this happened in a house show with Shameus. Again, unfortunately, this problem exists in more top carders than with the mid carders. Am I the only one that sees this? Am I over analyzing the situation?
I am hoping that he will feud with wade barrett for the IC title sometime in the near future, it would help get wade back on track with the corre dissolving. I want sin cara and wade barrett to feud one on one though, i want the corre to completely break up before they start feuding.

Then sin cara can hold the title for a lengthy amount of time, get more experience, learn to speak English fluently, and maybe work on a new gimmick(he cant be going on just pointing to his opponent and saying nothing, he needs character), then drop it to a new rising superstar and move on to the main event.

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