Sid Returning?

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hbk&triple h

by Ryan Clark

Former WWE champion Sid Vicious, 46, is apparently in good shape in the hopes of another WWE run. A big update on this is coming later this week.

I never really liked him.It might be interesting to see him return and I would like to see what he would do upon his return but he never entertained me and I dont remember any good matches.

Your opinion?
He would only fill the role of a monster heel, which is not a role that WWE is struggling with right now. They already have Snitsky, Henry, Khali, and Umaga, and that's just on the active roster.
Sid returning to the WWE is unlikely and who would care anyway? I sure as hell wouldn't. I could speak for a lot of wrestling fans when I say that I would rather see Y2J return than Sid Vicious/Psycho Sid/Sid Justice or whatever the hell he is known as these days. WWE has already created a Psycho Sid-like character in Snitsky anyways so I don't see the point, unless he is going to have a Legends deal with WWE and make rare appearances/feuds like Roddy Piper and Mick Foley than I think this could possibly work.
He would only fill the role of a monster heel, which is not a role that WWE is struggling with right now. They already have Snitsky, Henry, Khali, and Umaga, and that's just on the active roster.

I actually think that the WWE could use some more big heels.We have Khali Orton and Edge.Umaga and Vince as well.We do need a bit more.
First of all Snitsky is a major nothing.

Ok, now on topic. I actually would love to see Sid return, but as a face since most of the big time baby faces are injured right now (HBK, HHH, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio etc.) Just look at the reactions he got before he left for ECW. He was a monster face. Although as a heel he could also work out, possibly going for the WWE title against Cena. I always like to see legends return and Sid I feel is a legend.
I'm with scull cracken I would much reather have Y2J back because we need faces, not heels. I think he should just not even come back cause like scull cracken said, he would be like a piper/folley/hogan type superstar and that would mean good ol' steph would have to fire a good superstar to make room/ enough money for Sid
If he's healthy enough to do a 150 to 200 night schedule for WWE, then i don't see the problem, if he's willing and able to do it, but do I want to see him in the main event? No. There are tons of much younger guys who would draw better for WWE and last much longer who could be ready to fill a main event spot.

Sid isn't a Goldberg or Steiner who might actually help WWE in terms of ratings and drawing power for a short period of time, nor is he someone who they can build a brand around. He's a welcome addition but it really doesn't benefit WWE to spend any considerable amount of money on him.
Sid? Please. He couldn't wrestle when he was younger. He sure as shit wont have suddenly picked it up since the final days of WCW. I remember last year when there were rumours of a Hogan/Sid match at Mania. You know it's bad when Hogan has to carry a match.
id love to see sid back and challenge 4 one of the top titles, i recon sid vs edge would be a great feud. then turn him heel against rey. other than obviously taker and kane (injured and mis used as they are) you cant seriously say that WWE has a better big man than sid? could you, any thoughts?
Im all for Sid coming back as well if he is in good form and still has the look. Although it is mentioned that WWF (I still call it that too this day... sorry guys) has a monster heel gimmick like SID, they dont. All the guys mentioned above are total shit in comparison and as much as they seem to be pushed, they will never hold the belt, they are only there to make the real champs look good. Not Sid, everything from the facials to the entrance made him awesome as a champ and his match with Taker at Wrestlemania 13 I though was one of the best big man matches of all time, would have been remembered better I think if Austin/Bret hadnt gone an hour earlier!!!

End Rant
I would love to see Sid come back to the WWE. But he would have to use the Pyshco Sid gimmick and who knows why add a little something to it as well and throw Dr. Harvey Whipplemen in the mix. hes still employed with the wwe. hes there backstage runner.
I think they could benefit for a short run. I think Sid is eligible for the hall of fame. He has had enough memorable matches and interviews that they could release a DVD. There are also some potential feuds against the like of Kane, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton.
A couple of you were right. I woul love to have sid back. You would have a heel that is just a heel and good at it. Look at HHH, really no gimmick just a presence. I think Sid would be the same but as a heel. Orton and Edge are the only two heels right now that are worth having main event matches set up. If i were wwe i would do it. He could go against Lashley...god knows we are sick of seeing McMahons and Umaga, and Snitsky will never be reckognized as a main eventer. Lokkat him, come on.
Now that i have thought about it. Look at what is going on, many have stated Vinces persona s Psychotic...this could lead to him bringing in somebody like him to take care of business, that man......."Psycho" Sid. With the news of Sid coming out now, it wouldn't be to hard to believe.
I think Sid come come in since Goldust backed out of the offer WWe gave him. He could possibly take the program Goldust was supposed to have. Y2J coming back would help a lot, but Side could really feel the monster heel void on Raw that Khali and Umaga has put forward. Khali has a total of 3 moves while Umaga has about 7. Sid really knows how to show emotion and cut promos. No more foreign languages and translators. I want the MASTER AND RULER OF THE WORLD.
Faucheaux, I think you hit it right on the head. The WWE is obviously looking for an already established star to play the role of a heel. Sid fits that mold right now. He's shit in the ring, but his promos are so bad they are good.

Sid fits that role perfectly of the guy to face Cena. The thing with Sid though, and I know a lot of people don't like him, he can cut a promo and probably make Cena look like a legit under dog. Sid is fucking crazy, and most of the IWC knows this. I actually think this is a good idea in my book.

Goldust loss is Sids gain. If Vince is going Psycho, then it's absolutely perfect to bring back Sycho Sid, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
I agree with Prax,he is not a Goldberg. Or someone who is only going to be there for a little while and in the mean time creating boring matches. The WWE could use Sid as a true force to take out Khali or even develop something for he and Snitsky (Skycrapers) in ECW. With people he has a history with Michaels, Triple H and the rumored Vader ,Sid could have a good run.
Wait, there is a rumour of Vader returning? When did this happen? Last time I saw him on WWE tv he slipped on the floor after exiting the ring. Never saw him again.
Psycho Sid is one of my favorite wrestlers all of time so naturally I'm excited to see him return if he does. As far as comparing him snitsky to him, Snitsky is trying to be everything Sid was but he sucks at being a Pyscho. Sid is the best Pyscho to step in the wrestling business period. Go take a look at his old promos and his entrances to the ring. That guy can seriously freak out all the little john cena fans if he comes back.
Psycho Sid is one of my favorite wrestlers all of time so naturally I'm excited to see him return if he does. As far as comparing him snitsky to him, Snitsky is trying to be everything Sid was but he sucks at being a Pyscho. Sid is the best Pyscho to step in the wrestling business period. Go take a look at his old promos and his entrances to the ring. That guy can seriously freak out all the little john cena fans if he comes back.

The whole Psycho gimmick didn't ever work for me. If somebody with hair like that came up to me I would probably just laugh. At least Snitzky is ugly. I personally think there just as bad as each other. The problem with Snitzky is he's 15 years too late. He would have been huge then.
I think a Sid return could be a good thing. He can help build up some of the younger talent. Plus I would like to see Sid face Benoit for the ECW title since their match years ago was pretty good. Benoit technically never beat Sid. This would be a good feud so Benoit could get a "monkey off his back"
At worst, Sid would help put some of the young wrestlers over. I'll always remember Sid for the pivotal role he played in the 92 Royal Rumble as "Sid Justice" and at Saturday Night Main Event and Wrestlemania of that year.

Someone mentioned how expensive Sid would be. I doubt it. He's been inactive for years and no one is tossing around Ted Turner-money these days.
sid i dont think will cost alot of money, i mean he hasnt worked in awhile, how could he ask for big bucks?

i think he should be on the ecw brand and have him and sandman fued, wwe needs to build a proper roster in ecw and i think sid could help it out.

i could possibly see him as a bodyguard type when he comes back, maybe for hbk even, i think hbk is way better as a heel, even though he probly wont do half the stuff he did b4.

but the one thing is that sid has to be a heel, sid has/had an awesome look to him b4, pretty intimidating, to make him face is a big waste to me.
Y2Jake said that Sid is a shitty wrestler. I agree 100%, but he is good on the mic, and has the whole psycho thing down pretty well. His mic skills might be enough to keep him interesting. It's funny how none of the big guys can really wrestle worth a shit, with the exception of a few like Kane. The question is, how could Sid be utilized, and would he behave. Hopefully, he's gotten over that "attack the guys in the locker room with a sharp object" shit. ;)
i think it would be a great idea to bring back sid vicious simply because he would actually dominate as a monster heel. mark henry isnt anything but king kong. he just runs into people and yells. Snitsky...not worth the typing. Khali, now Khali has actually been in the title chase which is a good thing. i would like to see Khali with a title soon. and to be honest...hes done a lot more than fuckin henry or snitsky have. and to see khali vs sid would be sweet. or heres on, sid vs kane? remember the I THINK SID VICIOUS IS KANE! thing. finally, the monsters face to face. that would be amazing. but somehow WWE and Vince will do something gay like stick him on RAW for absolutely no reason whatsoever. i could crap a better 2 hour and 10 minute show.
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