Sick of hearing this


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Ok so im probably going to get buried for this but i just cant take it anymore. I am so tired of seeing how wwe needs to put over young guys push young guys, im so sick of seeing that seriously.

I have said it before ill say it again, did anyone sit there and say push steve austin, or why is hogan still in the title picture he should be pushing young guys, in the attitude era noone was saying " hey austin is so selfish he wont put over young guys" or taka michinoku isnt getting a push, like come on people, we are fans its entertaining, we cant say were sick of the HHH's and Taker's and HBK's cuz we want someone to be pushed, when would we get to enjoy the main event guys? when were constantly begging for pushes, then once they get a push, we want someone else to get a push, let it happen!!! we never bitched about austin and his matches, we just sat back and enjoyed them, we were not always begging for a push and bitching.

I understand the scene isnt quite what it was 10 years ago, but do any of you enjoy wrestling or are you constantly looking for ways to " make it better" cuz if we were so good we would be working for the WWE. Do you ever go out some night or some day with no expectations and have the greatest time, then go out and plan on having an awesome time and it usually doesnt go as Awesome as you thought? this is kinda what this is.
I am gonna agree. It seems like everyone who goes "They need to push the younger guys." That is true, but give a reason why for crying out loud.

It is possible that a lot of the younger guys are simply not ready or good? And can anyone tell me who is of the younger guys has all the personality tools? AKA You care to boo or cheer, their promos don't make you want to change the channel, and has the charisma to make it on their own?

The only one I can think of it Wade.. But he is stuck carrying 6 pounds (if anyone saw the movie lol)
Because in 2-3 years time when HHH, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, Big Show retire - if you don't develop young stars you will end up with a massive talent vacuum on your hands.

Plus, without pushing young stars you end up with the same guys in the main event, which gets boring.

I'm all for the youth revolution, TNA should take note.
Because in 2-3 years time when HHH, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, Big Show retire - if you don't develop young stars you will end up with a massive talent vacuum on your hands.

Plus, without pushing young stars you end up with the same guys in the main event, which gets boring.

I'm all for the youth revolution, TNA should take note.

Totally agree with you bro they need to start getting ready for the future how old was austin ten years ago as you want to use the AE austin and how old is HHH now austin was 34 and hhh now is 41 7 year difference austin was still in decent age to fight thats why people aren't bitching when he was wrestling.HHH wont be there for ever so they would rather have started pushing young guys sooner than later
See, people bitch about this all the time. It's just that if you start pushing all these young talent for no reason it's going to lead to a clusterfuck. Sure, they have to prepare for a day when the Takers, HHH's, Cena's etc... wont be there, but they still have to rely on these guy to carry the show and elevate the younger talent. Which also does not mean they have to lose to them, or even face them in a match. Backstage mentoring can do a lot. So they still need these older guys because without them, the rookies would drag the company under.
I can see both sides to this. I love seeing the main eventers we have now. But on the same hand, its not too long down the road when we have a bunch of guys leaving. When Batista left a few months ago it left a huge hole in the main event. Granted we have seen the pushes of Sheamus and Swagger. As well as kinda-sorta-maybe-not really pushes of Bourne and Miz. But what will we see when HHH, Taker, Kane, Rey Rey, Jericho, Edge, and Show are gone?? On Raw you are left with Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Miz, then a bunch of mid carders not counting the Nexus as we dont really know what they will be, although I could see Barrett and Gabriel being MEs. Thats just my thoughts. Its a love/hate thing.
I get your point. But like JPK said, when all those guys retire, WWE's gonna need a bunch of fresh new guys.


To me, it feels like WWE is recruiting toooooo many young stars right now. Smackdown and RAW are crowded. There is no more room. We've already got FCW and NXT, and more coming up, (hand picked.) There isn't enough room for all these guys to compete.
I sort of agree and sort of don't. In my opinion WWE need to push young guys to fill the spot of the who will be going away soon. You know, the sure contenders like HHH, Show, Taker and those guys. Sheamus is a great example but booked horribly. I think Sheamus may very well be the next HHH but instead of chasing titles he needs to make himself feared like the Game regardless of Heel or Face status. He needs to have memorable feuds and then have a title. Right now, half the heat he gets is because he's green and he's the champion. Orton and Cena are not going anywhere so you can't put a young star over them because they're still the best. Instead we need legends like Jericho, HHH, guys like that need to be hunting for talents that either be thier predecessor or be ready to take their spot. The problem is that most MEs don't want to Job ('Cept Cena, who's booked a unjobbable). Jericho right now is a guy who is jobbing to the young guys. We need people like that. Kane got his WHC, he's holding it 'till hopefully survivor series? Great. Give it to Taker and go back to putting people over like he respectfully does and I admire him for that. We need MEs. The Miz right now is sort of like a Maybe, Maybe not person. He can reach ME status but he needs to take someone's spot to do so. As for the young guys I advocate Natural Selection. The one's who have talent stay the rest go to TNA =)
everyone has good points, the main point i see here is, just let it happen, it has happened before, it will happen now, thats just like when HBK wascarrying the wwe when the big guys went to wcw, then austin broke out. noone saw that coming. now u have cena orton kofi bourne miz morrison sheamus nexus buncha guys that are good and buncha guys thay have potential to be good, i dont see the worry, it was only hbk carrying it along with the help of taker back when everyone left, and after that turned out the golden age of wrestling. and i loved it when hbk was carrying it back then i didnt notice back then how things work but it won me over, so i dont think we have to much to worry about regarding the future star power, who was hbk wrastlin in 1996 on raw? savio vega? come on
I don't really get what the problem is. From what I can tell the WWE is doing a fine job of developing new talent. Maybe the ball isn't quite rolling downhill at the rate of speed some of us would like to see, but don't think for a second they aren't or haven't laid the groundwork for a lot of these guys to go up. It all just takes time and if I know anything about people in general it's that as a whole people are pretty impatient and often times want the perceived future to arrive 15 minutes ago. It's not a knock on anybody but I do believe often times we are too impatient to just stop, think, and observe what is right in front of our faces. As some have noted, a lot of the top guys that have been around for a while are going to be gone in just a few short years. That's still a few years though, that's plenty of time to build some new main event and mid-card talent.
To me, it feels like WWE is recruiting toooooo many young stars right now. Smackdown and RAW are crowded. There is no more room. We've already got FCW and NXT, and more coming up, (hand picked.) There isn't enough room for all these guys to compete.

I think NXT is simply throwing a lot of talent against a wall and seeing what sticks. Some are ready, some aren't. I guess they wanted to give some of them exposure. Some guys will go back to FCW, others like Barrett and Riley, are clearly ready for big time competition.
Although I agree with you in some aspects I still think younger talent should be pushed.

Like JPK said in 2-3 years most of the big stars (HHH, Taker, Mysterio, ect) will be ready to retire and if new stars aren't established, there will be a massive vacuum in the roster.

I for one don't have an issue with seeing the HHH's or Taker's of the world, but I also know that a point in time comes where you got to think towards the future. Most of their big players will be gone in 5 years and if no superstars are built by then whats the main event picture going to be Orton vs. Cena every month with CM Punk thrown in?

Right now I feel the WWE is doing a good job establishing new guys into the roster, they have 7 rookies main eventing summerslam in less than 2 weeks, thats awesome. I for one am not sick of HHH and Taker and others, but I also understand that it can't all be about them anymore, if it is where will the WWE be in 5 years. They should be main eventers, but they can't do more in the business that they've already done, they've done it all, so now its time for others to get those opportunities and its nice to see WWE doing that these days.
I love how in the very first post it says "they never told austin to do it!" but if i recall correctly he is the reason that Kane only had the WWF title for a whopping 24 hours back in 98 after that first blood match when taker came down and hit austin he refused to loose to kane and let him go over so they gave him the belt back on raw and continued the ausin/taker feud

this has been going on forever your always eventually going to have the older guys taking falls for the younger guys as others have said whatcha gonna do when all the big name guys that are getting near 40 and above retire? if those young guys arent pushed then your gonna end up with a product no one cares about because they are nobodies winning titles
Because in 2-3 years time when HHH, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, Big Show retire - if you don't develop young stars you will end up with a massive talent vacuum on your hands.

Plus, without pushing young stars you end up with the same guys in the main event, which gets boring.

I'm all for the youth revolution, TNA should take note.

Exactly. The WWE is doing a great job with the idea of trying to promote new stars. It's a new era in the E. And so many of us are tired of seeing Randy Orton vs. John Cena. John Cena vs. Triple H. Randy Orton vs. Triple H etc. At least like this we got a bunch of new guys in the mix. We got Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Miz (in the somewhat near future)--something new. I have said this before and i will say it again, "People get tired of seeing the same thing over and over and over again".

The WWE is just thinking of its future beacuse todays main eventers won't be here forever.

And yes, TNA should most definately take notes, they need to focus on the future instead of "bringing back the dead". Who in their right mind would want to see Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan in their 60's?!
The youth push is necessary as many have stated. If you dont' start elevating your younger stars sooner rather than later, then they're going to be old and broken by the time they make the Main Event scene. Put the youth in there now, let them start getting a taste and crowd the hell out of the main even picture. Go back to when EVERYONE wanted a shot at that title. Don't play hot-potato with it, but make some great feuds and matches for these guys so they can establish themselves. Let someone retire one of the old dogs, let another beat one down to get the recognition needed to be main event material.

I want youth, I want fresh faces, and if they would quit trying to cram so much junk in the shows, we could easily have enough tv time for all of them every week. Or, here's an idea. This week, you see Cena, Sheamus, Miz, Morrison (for example), next week you see Orton, Triple H, Edge and Jericho, the next week, mix it up a bit, and so on. I don't need to see the top guys EVERY week. Add a little realism to the matches, where these guys need to heal in between fights.
I'm sick of hearing it too, but for a different reason: the WWE does push the young guys. How on earth can anyone have watched WWE programming over the past two years and think they aren't pushing young talent?

CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Sheamus all became champions in the past two years. The Miz will be a world champion, although I don't think he'll successfully cash in his MitB. Kofi Kingston is way over and will be part of the main event scene when people are ready for him to be. Repeatedly the WWE has been giving the young guys the opportunity to take the ball and run with it.

And what kills me is that when a young guy gets a chance with a title, people howl and scream about it! Remember the tantrums people threw when Jack Swagger and Sheamus won their belts? About how they hadn't put the time in and didn't deserve the opportunity? (Intermediate Booking 201: A young heel champion works because people hate seeing a belt on someone they think is cocky and getting through his inexperience with luck or good providence. A young face champion does not work, because the audience has not put in the years of support waiting for him to get the title. There is no celebratory release, and the fans don't really care too much about him holding the title. See: CM Punk's first title reign.)

I'm not going to say "you have to push your young guys" like everyone else here, because that should be a real "no duh" to anyone who's ever realized that people either die or retire as they get older in professional wrestling. You can't just thrust them into the main event one day and say "carry the company for the next ten years", you have to give the guys a crack at it, see how they do, and slowly build them up.

With more titles in the WWE then there were ten years ago, becoming World Champion is no longer the end-game for a wrestler's push. It's a step along the way. The champion no longer has to carry the entire company on his back (although it is still the spot with the most exposure).
I agree with the OP but let's think about it for a second, ten years ago you had different titles to elevate certain wrestlers, and they actually meant something and also the mid-card meant something, you had the european title where William Regal was a perfect fit because he could say he's the best british champ since Davey Boy Smith, you had the hardcore title where guys like Rhino and Raven and Crash had something to do, because they certainly weren't on TV every week but you got to see them every other week, I think we should just enjoy the ME stars we got and maybe un-unify the tag titles tso the smackdown guys that are on the undercard have something to do and bring back the cruiserweight title because thats where guys like Evan Bourne and Chavo Guerrero belong.
The thing is that the WWE has to prepare for the future. HBK is gone and there's no guarantee that he's coming back. He just turned 45 recently and while he can still get it done in the ring, he's at an age where permanent retirement is something that should be seriously considered. The Undertaker is also 45 and has the same circumstances as HBK. Triple H turned 41 recently and old injuries are nagging at him, he's reportedly torn a biceps and the general wear and tear of the road is getting to him. Batista, also in his early 40s, is gone from the WWE. Chris Jericho is almost 40 himself and who knows what the future will hold for him in a couple of years. Building and making new talent is just common sense.

As for being sick of hearing about it, I don't really know why. The WWE has been in the process of pushing and building new talent now for roughly a year. Sheamus, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger and The Nexus are all young guys that have gotten very solid to downright huge pushes in the WWE over the course of a year and they all range from their mid 20s to their early 30s.
With Nexus coming in, Shameaus with the belt, The Miz with the case, Kofi and Dolph fueding for the IC belt, the hart dynasty, and a developing feud with John Morrison and Ted Dibiase JR, I think they are doing a pretty good job of getting younger guys in the spotlight. Like the OP said, it all takes time though.
They have been pushing young guys. They have pushed Sheamus, Bourne, The Miz and a lot more, it's never was about pushing young stars, it's more about pushing who they want and pushing there favourites. If there favourites don't get pushed then they are not satisfied so people use the "They need to push young stars" as an excuse. Well guess what, they have been pushing stars.
Ok so im probably going to get buried for this but i just cant take it anymore. I am so tired of seeing how wwe needs to put over young guys push young guys, im so sick of seeing that seriously.

I have said it before ill say it again, did anyone sit there and say push steve austin, or why is hogan still in the title picture he should be pushing young guys, in the attitude era noone was saying " hey austin is so selfish he wont put over young guys" or taka michinoku isnt getting a push, like come on people, we are fans its entertaining, we cant say were sick of the HHH's and Taker's and HBK's cuz we want someone to be pushed, when would we get to enjoy the main event guys? when were constantly begging for pushes, then once they get a push, we want someone else to get a push, let it happen!!! we never bitched about austin and his matches, we just sat back and enjoyed them, we were not always begging for a push and bitching.

I understand the scene isnt quite what it was 10 years ago, but do any of you enjoy wrestling or are you constantly looking for ways to " make it better" cuz if we were so good we would be working for the WWE. Do you ever go out some night or some day with no expectations and have the greatest time, then go out and plan on having an awesome time and it usually doesnt go as Awesome as you thought? this is kinda what this is.

Nobody complained about Austin in main event ? There was a reason for this. Number 1 Austin was so good as a wrestler and as a entertainer. He did not have one perticular moveset. He was versatile and could entertain anytime. Second they consistently pushed new guys to face Austin in main event. At one corner we had austin and other corner we had Bret Hart, HBK, Taker(97,98), The Rock, HHH, Kurt Angle, Kane (99,00) Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Scott Hall, Hardy Boys, Booker T (01,02). So wwe consistantly pushed new guys to stand on the opposite corner in the ring against Austin and that gave a fresh feel to the match every time. But now what did we had until last year ? (John Cena, HHH and Orton in main event at Raw???? ) Thats it. I agree wwe is trying really hard to push new guys from last 1 year and we got C M Punk, Swagger, Sheamus and will prbly get Miz with in next 6 months in main event which is fresh. I dont mind if wwe still have Orton on one side and they change his opponent from Sheamus to punk, Miz consistantly to give us a fresh feel. Young stars are need of every company and after every 2 year a wrestling company should push atleast 2-3 new stars in main event to raise the standard of their product and variety.
They have been pushing young guys. They have pushed Sheamus, Bourne, The Miz and a lot more, it's never was about pushing young stars, it's more about pushing who they want and pushing there favorites. If there favorites don't get pushed then they are not satisfied so people use the "They need to push young stars" as an excuse. Well guess what, they have been pushing stars.

actually i dont care who they push. i think they all have potential, BUT. they have pushed a few of them TOO early to the main event spot. look at some of the greats. Savage, Austin, Flair, Angle, HHH. all those guys started out with the mid card, and had great matches also, they were the main event matches on RAW and smackdown, and it was over things like the IC title, back when it had just as much meaning as the WWF title. for me it's how they make the new talent that gets to me, taking a guy like Sheamus and throwing him in the main event spot almost right away just doesnt do it for me, and probably why i dont really care for the guy as much. of course that doesnt apply to ALL of the new talent, but the mid card titles really dont mean much these days as previously said, and thats rather sad.
WWE is giving several young stars a pushes. Dibiase, Drew, Rhodes, Bourne, The Miz, and JoMo are all getting good pushes at the moment. Some people might not think the pushes are big enough for respective favorite superstar, but they're all getting some kind of a push regardless. Not to mention Sheamus and Barrett. Sheamus got one of the biggest pushes ever, from opening on ECW to WWE Champion and Main Eventer in a matter of a few months, that's unheard of. And Barrett will stay in the main event post-nexus and if he doesn't go to the main event, he'll be an upper mid-carder at the least and not for long.

My problem is that there seems to be too much new talent coming in. Hopefully they replace NXT after this season and come back next year. Because theses shows are bringing in too much talent at once. While some of the NXT 2 guys probably wont stay around, most of them will. And I understand the first season guys are around because of NEXUS, but after it gets broken up, I can guarantee you Barrett won't be the only one sticking around.

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