Show of the Week

This thread is devoted to awarding the Show of the Week. It can be anything, WWE, TNA, ROH, etc. It also doesn't have to be a show like Raw or Impact, again, anything goes.

For the week of 11/28 - 12/4 the Show of the Week, in my opinion, is: WWE Monday Night Raw.

Not only did we crown a new King of the Ring this week, but we also got to see The Miz in his first title defense, a TLC match against Jerry "The King" Lawler. Nothing gets near Raw for last week just because it was a great show. 3 hrs of good matches and excitement, I certainly won't complain.

What do you guys think; what was the Show of the Week?
Yeah, I'm going with RAW as well. Smackdown put on a great showing with the Swagger/Kingstoin match, and that alone made the show an epic showing. RAW on the other hand was amzing this week. King of the Ring really drew me in this week. Miz being champion wasn't the only draw in for me, we had tons of action packed matches that were included.

Bryan vs. Del Rio was a great match. It was probably Daniel Bryan's weakest showing thus far but it still was a solid match. The ending was a bit predictable after Bryan took the suicide dive through the ropes and hit the railing. After a few traded kicks and attacks on the shoulder, Del Rio slapped in the the Armbar and Bryan tapped which was a bit suprising. A very solid back and forth match for the time they were given.

Cody Rhodes vs. Morrison was another great. It was fast paced and I believe it was possibly the first time we've seen Cody wrestle someone who could keep up with his pace. Very back and forth as well. Morison winning with the running knee to Rhode's face was a plus. Hopefully we'll see a new finisher with Morrison.

Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus was match of the night in my opinion. I really was calling for Kofi which is hard to do when he's facing Sheamus. It would've been a huge upset and I wouldn't have minded it either. Kofi hitting the trouble in paradise I thought it was over. Sheamus landed near the ropes. Sheamus kicks Kofi's head off after Kofi goes up high. A very great match that flew by real quick.

Alberto Del Rio vs Morrison was also a very great match. The ending pissed me off a bit but I was in no way suprised. The match was somewhat of a dream match. It featured two young future sure World Champions. Morrison winning wasn't a suprise at all because of Sheamus being in the finals. Which means we get more Sheamus vs. Morrison which is awesome.

Sheamus vs. Morrison seemed less entertaining than their previous matches. I really thought Morrison was pulling away with the victory. He sold his arm injury real nice too. Shemaus wins with the powerbomb I think. Another great match to cap off the tounament.

The TLC match is getting some controversy which is always good. The ending sucked but the match did its job at putting over Miz as an "anything can happen" champion and put over Cole as a heel.

Didn't mean to go all reviewy on this post but this weeks RAW was show of the week hands down. It was all about the youth and pushing young talent which is always a good thing. Great RAW!
It is time to determine the show of the week for the week of 12/5 - 12/11.

The candidates:

- TNA Final Resolution: A decent show. Nice tag action to start off, Beer Money with a win. Nice to see the divas going all out on the PPV, as well. SHARK BOY APPEARANCE! That made it totally worthwhile. Van Dam and Rhino put on a nice hardcore match, great to see Van Dam win. Highlight of the night was the TV title match. Doug Williams with an upset over AJ Styles to win it. This match was totally off the hook, such a fun match.

- Monday Night Raw: Some solid wrestling, and a pretty entertaining show. A wide variety of matches were seen. Commentary was excellent, CM Punk shone through. A very surprising title change happened as Santino and Kozlov became the new WWE Tag Team Champions defeating Nexus, The Usos, and Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu. The highlight of the night was most likely the excellent mic work put on by all the stars. The last promo was definitely the best, as Cena along with Nexus gave Wade Barrett an ultimatum. It should make for an interesting Raw tomorrow night.

- TNA Impact: I actually quite enjoyed the show this week. Abyss and Williams put on a nice match with AJ interfering. Beer Money advanced their angle with The Guns, and Team 3D got some nice heat between the two of them. The highlight of the night, as surprising as it is, was the main event Knockouts match between Tara and Mickie James. Some really great action from these two, they deserve the TV time they got.

- Friday Night Smackdown: Decent show. Good to see Edge continue to torture Bearer. Swagger vs Kaval was a nice match, Swagger is looking good. Kingston vs Ziggler was nice, happy to see Swagger get into the hunt. That main event.... Bearer is dead. Kind of sums it up nicely. I was glad to see the Tag Champs on Smackdown, so that'd be my highlight of the night.

The winner:

TNA Final Resolution. Coming from a WWE mark such as myself, this should be a surprise. This show was very fun to watch, I actually enjoyed it. The thing that put this show over the edge was the Williams - Styles match. It was one of the best matches I have seen in recent weeks, and I was glued to the screen. I was also very impressed with the Rhino - Van Dam match. Great show for TNA, if this is an indicator of where they're headed, I'm very happy. Monday Night Raw was a close second, it could have won had Orton and Riley actually gone a bit longer and been a real match.
I agree with Crock, I thought Final Resolution was the Best Show of the Week, A good opening Tag Match , good hardcore match between Rvd and Rhino and the two Great Matches between AJ/ Willams and Gen Me/MCMG make it the Show of the Week for me. I thought both Raw and Impact were both pretty good this week and tie for second best show of the week.
Yeah, I agree with you both. TNA's Final Resolution beats any other wrestling show this week. RAW was ok. It was nothing amazing. But it was a good show with an occasional good match. TNA iMPACT beats RAW this week in my opinion. The Knockouts cage match really did it for me. It showed just how different the WWE diva's division and TNA knockouts divison really are.

As far as Final Resolution goes, it delivered in terms of good matches. AJ Styles vs. Douglas Williams was probably overlooked this week as an amzaing match. The rolling german on the outside was sold very well by AJ Styles. The knockouts match was very physical and it was something we don't usually see out of any knockout or diva for that matter. The opening match made the PPV worth the buy. A Beer Money match is always fun no matter who they're facing. The Full Metal Meyham served its purpose in ending the Gen me/MCMG was my pick for match of the week. The main event was somewhat a stinker but an overall pretty well booked PPV. Final Resolution is show of the week.
It is time to determine the show of the week for the week of 12/12 - 12/18.

The candidates:

- Monday Night Raw: This wasn't a bad show, it was the Slammy edition after all. Some decent wrestling, nice matches. E and C Sighting! Holy shit! I enjoyed the DBD and Kofi vs DiBiase and Ziggler match, some nice action from these guys. Good to see the young guys getting highlighted, some nice hot tags, nice spots. Exciting match. Rey Mysterio vs The Miz was a nice match as well. Good to see Miz picking up the classic heel win, I enjoyed this for what it was worth. HBK accepted an award, nice to see him as well. Edge vs Jack Swagger was also a fairly good match. I liked Edge making the comeback to win the match, Swagger also looked nice. My highlight of the night had to be Cena exploding on Otunga with a chair with Wade Barrett watching. It was a nice moment to build up their Chairs match. Overall, good show.

- TNA Impact: Another pretty good show by TNA, by their standards. The Anderson - Morgan promo wasn't bad, entertaining enough. I liked seeing Lethal win the belt again, he really represents the X-Division best, and he deserves the belt. Good to see Generation Me in a match, even though they did lose. The Knockouts Tag Title tourney is getting better, a decent match. Ray vs Red wasn't bad either, still not used to seeing Team 3D in singles action. Van Dam - Terry was ok, rather predictable. Nice seeing Van Dam win here. Double J Double M Single A segment: KILL ME NOW. The highlight of the night had to be the Hardy/Kaz vs Anderson/Morgan tag match. Kaz got a chance in this match, the heels picked up a decent win. Overall, this show was pretty good. It had its moments.

- Friday Night Smackdown: Not my favorite Smackdown, actually... I didn't like it much. Rhodes picked up a solid win over Masters, totally squashed any momentum Masters had. Kaval/Kingston vs Swagger/Ziggler was enjoyable, Kaval's ankle wasn't in tip top shape, I guess. Some more Miz vs Mysterio, really just there to set up the main event. Main event was nothing but a set up for Kane to clean house, Fatal Fourway for the World Heavyweight Championship now, Kane vs Del Rio vs Mysterio vs Edge. My highlight of the night was the tag match between Santino/Kozlov vs Chavo/Reks. Wasn't that great really, but nice to see the tag titles on both shows.

The winner:

Monday Night Raw. This was a pretty solid show, the Slammy show is always enjoyable though. It provided for some good action, and I thought it was the best of the week. Impact wasn't bad either, but Raw had the edge (no pun intended) this week. Smackdown wasn't in the running, for me, personally, I didn't like it at all. Raw didn't disappoint, and it was good to see all the appearances by different guys for the Slammy show. Arquette got his ass handed to him, that pretty much clinched it for me.
I'm going to pick last night's iPPV from ROH Final Battle. This was a Great PPV and it might be the show of the Year for me. Really good opening match between the ANE & Cole/O'Rielly. Decent Match from Colt Cabana & Perkins. Really Good women's Tag Match from Kong & Haze vs Del Ray & Serena. Eddie Edwards vs Dutt was another decent match. Homicide vs Daniels was good but a Little disappointing because I was expecting from these two. Excellent Tag Match between Kings of Wrestling and The Briscoe Brothers. Strong vs Richards was a Great match for the ROH World Title. Strong picks up the win at around 31 minutes. The Main Event Steen vs Generico was a Great Match, Very Brutal and Great Storytelling and a Perfect way to end an Excellent feud from Steen & Generico. Great iPPV from ROH, there was not one match to me that you can say was a Bad or Boring match.

Show of the Week: ROH Final Battle 2010
Been a while guys, but the thread is back! It is time to determine the show of the week for the week of 1/2 - 1/8.

The candidates:

- Monday Night Raw: I really enjoyed this show, damn good way to kick off the year. We basically got 2 PPV caliber matches on this card. Very enjoyable to watch, good to see some young guys really get to run wild. I loved JoMo vs Miz and I hope JoMo makes his way into that title match, because he really deserves it. (Yes, I'm a JoMo mark, and I would love him as champ.) The triple threat cage match was also very good, the ending was the best part for me, seeing CM Punk really solidify himself as the leader of Nexus and giving Barrett a nice reason to go to Smackdown. Overall a stellar show.

- TNA Impact: I was not a fan of this weeks show. Too much for me to deal with. Jarrett got the win over RVD?! Yes, I get it Hardy interfered... but Jesus Christ... REALLY?!?! Then we get the possible Anderson heel turn. What? Why? That makes no sense... he's probably your best face at this point. No, TNA... please don't implode. I thought it was pretty average, although I did enjoy MCMG vs Styles/Kaz. Meh, not a good show this week.

- Friday Night Smackdown: Woah, another great show put out by the WWE this week. Some more PPV caliber matches with the Last Man Standing match, which I thought was very good and a few others. The highlight of the night had to be Kofi Kingston winning the IC Belt, setting Ziggler up to become number one contender. Sure, we all want Kofi to main event, but this is good too, and Ziggler is getting some more recognition. The Del Rio/Mysterio match was enjoyable as well. Great show.

The winner:

Friday Night Smackdown. The "B-Team" picks up the win this week, with one hell of a show. I enjoyed it thoroughly and cannot wait for next weeks show, and that has really been what Smackdown was built up as... the show where the good wrestling always is. The show was PPV caliber, a great way to kick off the new year.
Oh shit Crock, forgot about this thread. I'll get it next week for sure. Smackdown kicked both RAW's and iMPACT's ass this week. They couldn't even compare to the amazing show Smackdown had.

While RAW had some good matches, I feel it could've done better. The Triple Threat cage match between Randy Orton, Sheamus and Wade Barrett was a kick ass match. I've been saying this all week-- they proved a cage match needn't to be violent to be considered a good match. Like you said Crock, Punk finally got a chance to trully solidify his leadership with Nexus by costing Wade Barrett the match. Randy Orton winning sucked a bit but the match was still pretty damn good. RAW kicked off with Miz vs. Morrison in a falls count anywhere match. It was trully a phenomenal match. Morrison took Miz to the limit and Miz took Morrison to the limit. Great spots during the match as well--Morrison cross body off the WWE symbol, Morrison giving a high knee to Riley and Morrison missing the starship pain going through the table. They have great chemistry together. And I look forward to more Morrison/Miz in the future...whenever that may be.

On TNA, nothing impressed me which is very suprising. They usually do a good job of giving us a great match or two each show, and they didn't this week. The Kaz/Styles vs. MCMGs went by way to quick. Great short match though. It definitely made it seem as if Styles will be kicked out of Fourtune soon. Not a bad show, just needed more action.

Smackdown was so full of amazing matches. What a way to kick off the first episode of Smacdown. First match of the night, just like RAW, was the Heavyweight Championship Last Man Standing match. I gave this match, match of the week in the Match of the Week thread. This match utilized the full arena which is something we don't usually see these days. No spear but a Conchairto to the knee (which I didn't care for) to end the match. Kofi/Dolph match was good as always. Dolph losing sucked dick though. Fatal Four-Way we saw three young guys that are definate proof that the WWE are pushing young guys. Great match. Finally Wade comes to Smackdown. Dolph WINS made this match that much better. Last match, Del Rio vs. Mysterio once again. Wasn't as good as the others. The first two falls were complete bullshit seeing as how they occured in like the first 5 minutes or so. I didn't care for the ending either, the countout victory to end a great 3 month feud? Ehhh...still a good showing from Rey and Alberto.

Show of the Week-Smackdown
I agree with you Crock. Of course it's fucking Smackdown. Action packed with one match that allowed me to take a piss (divas). Smackdown was about putting young guys over in each match besides the first which saw two vets using everything in the arena to their advantage. Nothing short of phenomenal show this week for Smackdown. Awesome way to kick of the year for the WWE.:thumbsup:
Back with this week, pretty damn solid week for each show. Now I did not see TNA's PPV which really sucks. I'm sure if I would've watched, the show would've been a definite candidate for Show of the Week.

RAW kicked off with a beat down of the Tag Champs as the Nexus comes down to the ring. Initiations for Nexus tonight giving them a cult/gang like feel which I have no problem with. First initiation is for McGillicutty. Nexus beats the shit out of him with Punk hitting the GTS to cap it off. They carry him in a creepy manor to the back. Next up is Husky. They rape his back with straps. Punk doesn't know how to count. Next is Otunga. He slaps Big Show then accepts an ass kicking. Punk is next. He's on the titantron. Threatens to jump off. The crowd is behind it. He has a harness. Cuts a promo and Cena is on via satellite. Says ass.

Morrison vs. Sheamus was a great match. A match I gave "match of the week". Sheamus is always doing a fine job at putting over Morrison. Morrison beats him with the knee after a pretty much domination for a better part of the match with a few defensive moves from Morrison. King/Orton vs. Miz/Riley, swing and a miss for me.

RAW was a great show. Nexus getting more attention this week which is awesome. Punk finally solidifying his spot as leader of Nexus. The Initiations were pretty cool too. What made this show fucking awesome was Shawn Michaels returning. I fucking marked for this. HBK deserves that induction. That video package brought a tear to my eye. A true inspiration. Great show.

TNA was fresh off their Genesis PPV which I'm sure kick a little ass. The show started with Anderson and the TNA Championship. He bitches because he couldn't make it in WWE. Chews his gum and says asshole a lot. Bischoff comes out and says Febuary 3rd, Jeff will get his rematch.

MCMGs vs. Beer Money again. It seems as if they are going to brreak up the best Tag team in TNA. Shelly kicks Sabin into the DWI with Beer Money for the win. They need some more tag teams fast if they wanna keep saying they have a great division. These two teams CANNOT carry the divison by themsleves.

The Main event was ok. Hardyz reforming to take on Anderson and RVD. not a great match. But it was sure interesting to see Matt in TNA. Just couldn't get into TNA this week.

On Smackdown the show started off with Rey Mysterio R-Truth, Cody Rhodes, and Alberto Del Rio in a somewhat entertaining promo from the four. They are obviously hyping the Royal Rumble match very good this year. Del Rio claims he'll win the Rumble,Truth, then Cody, then Rey comes out and calls Cody a reactoin from the crowd. Words are exchanged a fight breaks out in typical fashion, and we get a tag match from the four. Pretty solid match, wasn't anything that I need tio rewind and watch but still did its job I guess. Its gonna be tought to top last week's phenomenal show. JTG Straight Outta Compton Brooklyn was funny. "Ya killin me son".

Big Show vs Wade Barrett. Berrett with new No. That doesn't suit him right now. I guess I got use to We are One. Whatever. Wade and Big Show flirt back and forth, Wade actually getting offense. Nothing worth mentioning. Out of no where Gabriel and Slater come out and attack Show. Holy Shit!!! MOTHERFUCKING EZEKIEL JACKSON!!!! Fucking beast. Everyone attacks Show as Ezekiel fucking knocks the shit out of Show in a very impactful Clotheline. Fuck me! "DVR that shit" Striker says as Zeke slams Show. 450! Sorry, I just marked a bit seeing Zeke actually getting used. Anyway, this little beat down closes out with Barrett's shitty music playing. DAMN! Sorry but this should've closed off the show.

Kofi and Swagger cut a promo. I gues this means no match for my boy Swagger. His mic skills are horrendous here. Jeeze. Oh never mind. Swagger vs. Kofi. AWESOME! Wait, botch I would assume finishes the match.

The Cutting Edge was cool. The crowd sucks though. Edge makes fun of Vickie and Dolph attacks him. Gets thrown out. Edge gets the crazy eyes and sets up the spear for Vickie. Dolph pulls him out and Zig Zag like maneuver on the stairs. Great way to end the show with Dolph standing tall over the World Champion.

Guess show of the week would go to RAW. Again, didn't order Genesis so I can't say anything about it. Due to the Nexus angle, Sheamus/Morrison and Shawn Michaels, RAW gets it this week.

Show of the Week - RAW
This week belongs to RAW. Nothing out did that shit this week.

Daniel Bryan vs. John Morrison was a phenomenal match. The only flaw was not enough time. I felt the match had everything you could want in that little time it was given. We saw reversals like crazy in this match. Both were very well evenly matched on RAW. John Morrison getting the win over Bryan was fine with me. It keeps his momentum going. Daniel Bryan losing didn't make him look bad as it was a great match up. They shake hands and Sheamus comes out to prolong his feud with Morrison. They need some kind of big match to end it once and for all.

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler was another plus in RAW's line up. A very nice match from both Ziggler and Orton. Orton was able to put his ego aside as they were pretty much evenly matched. Dolph was looking good in this match working on Orton's leg. Cena did a great job of making Ziggler look good a few weeks ago, maybe Orton could do the same. Seeing the sleeper into the RKO was cool. There was no shame in Dolph losing, he put up a hell of a fight. I can't wait for Edge/Ziggler for the Heavyweight Championship at Rumble. I actually think he's ready.

Punk/Cena stole the show. I gave them the prestigous honor of "match of the week". Every match on RAW was very evenly matched, including this one. Cena goes without dominating for once which suprised me. Seeing Punk dish out so many painful moves I haven't seen from him since his WWE arrival. He apparently has some new version of the Anaconda Vise. The ending worked very well for me. Batista JR. getting Cena DQ'd was genius. I geuss we have a new member of New Nexus. He'll most likely play the Ezekiel Jackson role of the group. Hopefully we'l start to see more of this Nexus/Corre thing pretty soon.

But yeah, RAW kicked some serious ass this week. I was very impressed with the matches and the lead up to the Royal Rumble. I was deffinitely feeling RAW this week.

Show of the Week- RAW
WWE RAW wasn't as entertaining as it shoudve been. Edge opens the show to cut a promo. He talks about the GM and taunts destroying the Computer again. The GM gives Edge a mini rumble- whoever can throw Edge iover the top gets number 40 in the Rumble. Jack Swagger/Drew McIntyre/Tysoin Kidd try but all fail. Not a bad opening segment but it felt too much like ummm...Smackdown. Punk comes out and cuts a good ass promo then Corre. We get a standoff between the two groups. GM makes a match later on, Punk vs Barrett with Cena as the ref.

World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs WWE Champion The Miz. A very solid match. A match I believe should've been the main event. The match definitely showed what Miz can do and how he can adjust his style to compete against guys like John Morrison or guys like Edge. Very solid match. The main event was funny but dumb. I don't see the point of this match then to turn around and reverse the desicion to allow members of both groups in the Rumble. RAW was obviously more about the Rumble then actually putting on a show. Well at least they're promoting a PPV right. I just wish they would've put more action on the show.

TNA iMPACT! was amazing this week. For some reason, I was really into their show this week. The opening was a HUGE SUCCESS this week. Kurt Angle opening up with a good ass promo, only to be interupted by Ric Flair and crue was gold. They exchanged words and Ric Flair goes on a rant which was hilarious. Kurt Angle spits at Ric and he loses it. I love Ric Flair. Fourtune vs. Kurt Angle and Crimson later on for the Main Event.

We get three triple threats oiver the next three weeks. The winners will face each other in another triple threat at the next PPV. Max Buck vs. Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin in Triple Threat delivered! A very phenomenal match. A lot of fast paced action that was hard to keep up with which is what I want in an X-Division match. Its great to see it back. Max Buck wins after his brother interfers.

Main Event was too kick ass. Immortal vs Crimson and Kurt Angle. Crimson looked really good throughout the match as well as Kurt Angle. A very solid match which we got a good suprise at the end. The lights go out, sirens go off. And here comes Scott Steiner to the rescue with a lead pipe in hand. I marked out seeing this. So I definitely like impact this week. Very solid show with a great mix of wrestling and promo's. Keep up the good work.

WWE Smackdown opened with a loud "EXCUSE ME"!!!! A perfect way to start out the show :). Randy taunts Vickie and she has to excuse him for what he's going to do to Dolph Ziggler and The Miz. Good promo work from Vickie and Orton, Dolph Ziggler comes out and eats an RKO.

Next match with Kaitlyn, Kelly Kelly, Layla was so fucking hot! Even for the time it was given.

Kane and Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio was a nice match. A lot of momentum is being built for all four men. This match was really fun with Kofi Kinston and Rey Mysterio had a lot of great spots. Kofi always does the most amazing cross body's and is always awesome to watch.

Dashing Cody Rhodes' promo about being "un-dashing" was fuckin' awesome. Promo of the week.:thumbsup:

The main event too was awesome. Was a typical main evnt but I got into it. Both Rated RKO and Dolph Ziggler and Miz make great teams. We were truly looking at the future in this main event. A solid show that was definitely worth the watch. Great lead up from WWE this week, as we're heading into the Royal Rumble this SUNDAY. Can't wait.

Show of the Week- TNA iMPACT!

TNA really kept me interested throughout the week. With the perfect combination of action and phenomenal promos, I really got into it. Nice show from TNA this week.
There is no choice other than RAW for Show of the Week. RAW kicked off phenomenally with a great Cena promo only to be interrupted by the great CM Punk. The match was very good as well. During the match we saw pretty much an even contest with CM Punk getting the upperhand a lot. The ending worked great for me too. Punk using a wrench to hit Cena into the very well executed GTS was a brilliant finish. This makes CM Punk 4-0 to Cena I believe. A great way to start off the show.

Now every match on Monday Night RAW was worth watching. Even the Lumberjill match wasn't too bad. During the Tag Team match we saw R-Truth team with Morrison to take on New Nexus members David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty in a tag match. A match in which we saw a totally different John Morrison. A very agressive side from Morrison and I loved it. Morrison yells "watch this Punk" or something of that nature, and wins the match for his team.

The Miz is up next and talks about Jerry Lawler and his WWE Championship match with him at the Elimination Chamber. After the promo, out came Daniel Bryan to renew a year old rivalry. This match stole the show. We saw Daniel Bryan on the offense for a good amount of time which was awesome. I don't know if its his oponents or if its the Miz himslef but he's for damn sure improving. A match that I gave Match of the Week. Miz winning by seizing the moment and delivering a Skull Crushin Finale to Daniel Bryan.

Randy Orton vs Sheamus was so so. Nothing special. Next up...The Rock delivering a PG-TV14 promo that I could've watched and watched over and fact I did. A great way to end the show with the return of the great one. RAW had a perfect comination of entertianemnt, comedy, and wrestling to make it an A+ Show.

Hamler's Show of the Week- RAW
Wrestlemania 27 wins it this week folks. While the wrestling shows were really good (especially RAW), nothing can compare to the show Wrestlemania put on. While there has been so much hate on Wrestlemania this week, no one can doubt Wrestlemania had it's fair share of great moments. Alberto Del Rio's destiny was put on hold during a great opener when he lost his match against Edge. There's no doubt this match shouldn't have been first, but all in all, it was a great way to kick off the show.

Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio put on one of the best matches of the night. Rey Mysterio handpicked Cody to feud with going into Wrestlemania and I believe it was the perfect choice. Cody winning showed how much faith Mysterio has in the kid by letting him go over in the match. He truly is the future.

Randy Orton vs. CM was another great bout. However, I belive the wrong man won here. Randy is already hugely over. He doesn't need a big win. Punk does. Punk hasn't tasted main event spot light since his last World Championship reign which was...ehh...ok. He needed a big win to get over but Randy couldn't put his ego aside to let the right man go over. Maybe the feud will end differently but I say Punk needs this more than Orton. Great match with a nice ending.

Triple H and Undertaker match was just magic. A lot of people were proven wrong here. The build up to a match means shit, people. They put on a great match and if it wasn't for the constant laying around, this match would've been perfect. A match which I gave match of the week.

The main event was somewhat...there. Cena didn't seem all the way there as he appeared unenthusiatic. the crowd simply pissed me off in this match to where I walked out the room several times. This "We hate Cena" shit is getting fucking old. Therefore, I hated this match. The finish was stupid and the crowd was stupid. The Miz going over here was the right choice but damn the piece of shit crowd ruined it for me. Sorry.

Hamler's Show of the Week- Wrestlemania XXVII
Nice sharing.
I think the best show of the week the competition of John cena and Under takker. Both are my favorite wrestlers but when i was watched the i was no idea that who will won.
First off, I'm really sorry I haven't updated this in months. I was busy for a while and then forgot to update it. That won't happen anymore though, I'll be doing this every week from now on. I'm doing it for last week tonight.

Show of the Week for 8/14 to 8/21:

The Candidates:

- SummerSlam: This is the second biggest show of the year, boy did it not disappoint. Great matches, great promos, great finishes, and some great twists. Miz/Truth/Del Rio vs Kofi/JoMo/Mysterio was a fun opener. Gave these guys who wouldn't have done anything otherwise something to do. Good way to kick it off. Good segment with Johnny Ace, Stephanie, and Punk. Setting the tone here. Also loved the Truth/Jimmy Hart segment from later on. So entertaining. Sheamus and Henry put on a solid match with a finish I'd never seen before. Crazy. Bryan and Barrett also advanced their feud or whatever the plan is there. It got a lot more fun from here on. Christian and Edge had an awesome lead-in to the World Title match. Orton and Christian didn't disappoint. Fun match and it provided us another epic finish. RKO on the stairs, Orton always finds a way to change it up. Here's my favorite part of the night; Cena and Punk did amazing. They have great chemistry and put on some solid matches, they lived up to the hype. Controversial finish as Punk beats Cena on a mistake by Triple H, he had to do something, didn't he? During the celebration and BAM! THERE'S KEVIN NASH! He destroys Punk, leaving Triple H bewildered. Alberto Del Rio hits the ring, cashes-in, NEW CHAMP! One of my favorite PPVs in a long time. It's going to be hard to top it.

- Monday Night Raw: Another solid show. Decent matches, but some great storylines. Truth and Morrison put on a fun match. I love watching JoMo when he's in this environment. That finish... Wow. Miz made me crave Subway after one of many great promos. Punk and Nash did great, solid back and forth, Nash set Punk up all the way and he took it outta the park. Got ourselves a new tag team too, Bourne and Kofi looking great. Here's my favorite part of the night: Del Rio vs Mysterio and what came after. Great match in San Diego, crowd was all over it. Even when he's hurt, hard to beat Mysterio in the ring, quality performer. Del Rio getting great heat afterward with the injury angle, hopefully we see Mysterio soon. Cena comes out and cuts a passionate promo, I love to see this Cena! Good show.

- Impact: Flair/Hogan/Sting galore. I'm sensing a Bound for Glory main event. Good matches on the card, Devon vs Steiner wasn't good, but the rest were. Loving the X Division, great gauntlet. Austin Aries and Kid Kash are looking good in the ring, gonna be great to see what's to come. Mickie and ODB making an appearance for the ladies. They put on nice matches together, Mickie's an awesome performer. RVD vs AJ was good to advance the angle between RVD and Lynn. Crimson and Angle at Bound For Glory's possible. Hmm... New Tag Champs, still think Beer Money are the best thing in TNA. Nice show.

- Smackdown: Fun enough show here. Good opening, poor Ted DiBisse. Rhodes and Jackson up next, decent TV match. Rhodes obviously retaining. WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT, BRO! Zack Ryder appearance, it is Zackdown after all... 2nd favorite match of the night here; Kidd vs Gabriel tore the roof off. These guys are great, Kidd has been impressing me as of late. He has the potential to be an excellent midcarder. He has the in-ring ability and the pedigree to back it up. Del Rio vs Bryan was fun too. Pretty long match with Bryan really coming out of it great. I really bought into it and loved their passion, loads better than Kidd vs Gabriel, favorite match of the night (clearly). Battle Royal was fairly standard, good for Mark Henry though. Getting another chance in the main event, it'll be interesting to see where this goes. Another nice show.

Verdict: The clear winner here is SummerSlam. The show had it all. Exciting matches, solid story telling, and tons of excitement. Definitely one of my favorite PPVs in a while.

That's all for this week. Agree or disagree? Let me know, post your thoughts.
Lol, forgot this was here.

You pretty much covered it. Usually, anytime there's a pay-per-view, there is a huge chance it's going to be the best show of the week. Summerslam was a fucking great PPV - probably the best Summerslam in quite a while. Every match featured solid action including the diva's bout which was arguably Kelly Kelly's best match (if that means anything) ever. The two main events were both great. Randy Orton vs. Christian battled in a match different from their previous matches. What a great way to blow off a fanfuckingtastic feud these two have shared over the last couple of months. John Cena vs. CM Punk, while not as great as their previous encounter, definitely delivered. Great action from both. The ending came as a suprise as I jizzed when Nash Jackknifed the shit out of CM Punk. Del Rio cash in was cool too but the PPV would've delivered regardless. So yeah, Summerslam kicked some serious ass.
Show of the Week for 9/4 to 9/10:

The Candidates:

- Monday Night Raw: Sub-par show. This was EXTREMELY boring for the most part. Punk, Nash, and Triple H kicked the show off with a promo... the same promo they'd been kicking around for weeks now. The only thing that interested me here was Triple H "firing" Kevin Nash. All three guys disappointed and set the tone for the show, this was not a good opener. The rest of the night was filled with average stuff that seemed to be mostly filler. There wasn't a single match that really caught my eye, except for Ryder/Lawler vs McGillicutty/Otunga and that was only interesting because Ryder FINALLY won on Raw. Not a single thing I really enjoyed. I feel like they're trying too hard with HHH/Nash/Punk and not shedding any light on anything else. What about ADR/Cena? Hopefully they can up their game tonight, because this is NOT a contender this week.

- Impact Wrestling: Back in Huntsville for this one, I like that. ANYTHING is better than the "Impact Zone." Plus points for that. Jeff Hardy coming back was... there. Nothing good, not too bad either. There were some decent, but fairly basic matches, nothing that'll separate it from Raw there. The thing that caught my eye though was how mediocre of a job they did in building towards No Surrender, after all... this WAS the go-home show, I expected more. They informed us of some of the matches and then decided to add some of the most important matches... JUST THREE DAYS BEFORE THE PAY PER VIEW! It definitely wasn't a great show, but it was good for what it needed to accomplish. I've been fairly critical of it, but it was entertaining enough. It didn't feel like such a labor to get through, like Raw did. This ranks above Raw for me this week.

- Friday Night Smackdown: I thought this was a pretty decent show. Some okay wrestling, the Orton/Rhodes match was probably the best I'd seen on all three of these shows. Other than that, Sheamus/Barrett was decent, same goes for Cara/Kidd, if only because I enjoyed the Cara/Bryan bit. This show wasn't overly special either. I mean, it was still somewhat boring. All the shows this week had that common trait. My favorite part of this show had to be the Henry/Orton bit at the end though. I'm a sucker for ol' Mizark and I love how he's been built as such a monster as of late. He pounded away at Orton and the whole deal with the chair was pretty awesome. I'm genuinely intrigued to see if he can take the belt off of Orton. He's been doing an excellent job in his current role and it would really mix up the title scene. That being said, I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to have him get the belt... Not only am I unsure of his drawing ability (probably minimal), but I think the belt needs a longer reign out of Orton here. Him and Christian have been tossing that thing around for the better part of the last 6 months and it's time to cut that out and have someone hang on to it.

The Verdict:

Smackdown is the winner here. The so-called "B-Show" brought its "A-Game" here. In a week of mediocrity, this was the only shining beacon of hope, not really all that great though.

Pretty down week for shows here, hopefully this week turns out better.
Show of the Week for 9/11 to 9/17:

The Candidates:

- No Surrender: Jesus, this PPV sucked. Brian Kendrick vs Austin Aries was the match of the night, but even that was fairly average. The matches were just like anything you'd see on Impact, nothing special here. I didn't think that TNA could get any stupider, but I was wrong. They had Storm lose to Bully Ray by spitting beer in his face, then Winter spits in Mickie's face to finish the very next match. They used nearly the same finish in two back-to-back matches. I don't even know anymore. I was happy to see Robert Roode win the Bound for Glory Series, but I wouldn't have cared if Storm had won either. The main event was average too, but here's my favorite part... IT ENDED WHEN HOGAN SPRAYED SOMETHING IN STING'S EYES! THAT'S THE THIRD TIME THEY USED THAT FINISH IN THE SAME SHOW! REALLY!? Horrid.

- Monday Night Raw: ANOTHER boring Raw. They did a bad job building ADR/Cena, Punk/HHH put me to sleep at the end, and none of the matches stood out. I changed the channel multiple times, this was a really bad show. Cena/Hart vs Rodriguez/Del Rio made me question why Bret Hart is anywhere near the ring. Yeah, I get it, it was in Canada, but the man has no business in there. It's sad to see a legend like Hart barely walking around the ring then putting on a weak Sharpshooter for the finish. Let him talk if you really want the hometown pop, but don't put him in the ring. Please. The best match was probably Rhodes/Orton, but it was nothing special. Rhodes won after a Henry distraction and a mask shot to the head. Nothing memorable. The promo between Triple H and CM Punk was unbelievably horrible. I don't know why they keep forcing the same thing down our throat with this, but it isn't working. Punk and Triple H have no chemistry together at all. Really bad show.

- Impact Wrestling: Bad stuff here too. This show is all Sting and Flair... I'm not really even going to mention any of the other matches, just a quick run through of what was watchable, i.e. Kazarian/Roode. Everything else, especially Joe/Morgan, was bad. Sting and Flair though, that was on a whole other level of bad. Apparently, the match was even worse than what we saw on TV. All I know is that I barely watched it. The match was horrible, Flair got injured, and I honestly gave up on TNA for good. I'll watch, but I don't expect any good. When you have a show dominated by Flair, Sting, and Hogan, all of whom are 50+... You're failing. Miserably. This isn't WCW, hell, I didn't want to watch them back then and I still don't. Take a fucking clue.

- Friday Night Smackdown: This was better than Raw, easily. It built towards Night of Champions, which has to be looked at as a good thing. I cared about most of the Smackdown matches, especially Henry/Orton, whereas I only cared about Punk/HHH and that was only because I wanted to see the inevitable clusterfuck at the PPV and I was surprised, but I'll save that for next week. I loved seeing Edge, he'll always be one of my favorites, not to mention Trish was there to! This is how to correctly use your "legends," not how they used Bret Hart. That was deplorable. Barrett/Christian vs Gabriel/Sheamus was okay, nothing great, but it did a solid job of making me want to see Sheamus destroy Christian. Cara/Bryan was decent because I liked the finish and I'm intrigued by the Cara vs Cara feud and I want to see how Bryan is going to get out of that. Oh and I'm loving Zack Ryder's role on Smackdown. Love it. I thought the ending was awesome. Henry looked great and I really cared bout the match at Night of Champions. Overall, decent stuff here.

The Verdict:

Smackdown takes it again. This was the only show of the week I found myself enjoying. Yeah, it wasn't great, but it did the job. All of the other shows just made me question why I was watching. Smackdown had average matches, but some good segments, and the ending was excellent. My favorite thing of the week was the finish of Smackdown, it made you REALLY think about who was going to win between Henry and Orton. Couldn't ask for more.
Show of the Week for 10/30 to 11/5:

The Candidates:

- Monday Night Raw: This was a fun show, as should have been expected from a show hosted by the Muppets. The opener with The Rock was a mark out moment for me, not because it was a great promo, but because it's nice to see Rock around. There were no really good matches, with Ryder and Ziggler being the match of the night for me (Ryder got the clean win, SWEET), but they didn't need to be great. There were plenty of storylines advanced and it was entertaining enough. The thing about a show like this one, where the Muppets had a ton of air time, is that if you can pepper than in with some decent stuff from the wrestlers, then you have a decent show. That's what we got.

- Impact Wrestling: Strange show here. You had some decent matches (Sorensen vs Aries) and one great match (Roode vs Storm) but I felt underwhelmed by it all. I'm not a big fan of how they ran the Storm/Roode angle. I feel like they could have stretched this out for another few months, easily. This could have been one of their big matches to build a PPV around a few months down the line, but they gave Roode the title after one week of a Storm reign. I don't get it. They could have easily teased the heel turn for a few weeks, first some minor squabbles in a tag match, then have the jealousy get bigger and bigger, etc. It could have been the centerpiece of TNA's product for months to come, instead, we got the payoff without the build. I'm not going to tab this as a bad choice just yet, but honestly, they could have given Roode the belt at Bound For Glory and had him drop the belt to Storm down the line. They'll probably continue on with this, as Roode is the new top heel (good choice there), but I feel it could have been done differently. Pretty good show here, though.

- Friday Night Smackdown: First off, I loved the opener between Rhodes and Orton. Rhodes looked awesome, even though he lost here. The way I see it, Orton is THE guy on Smackdown and Rhodes took him to his limit, not much better than that. This looks like the end of the feud, with Randy bagging Cody and taking the mask and all. I'm curious to see what lies ahead for the two of them. Barrett and Sheamus put on a pretty decent match there, loved that Christian came in and got Barrett the win. Makes Barrett look better, but Sheamus loses nothing. Good way to advance the Christian/Sheamus angle and keep building Barrett into something good. Not gonna lie, I'm becoming a Barrett fan. Also -- I liked seeing Bryan in there with Henry. Slowly building to a title win. Good show here.

The Verdict:

It's a TIE this week. I couldn't choose between Impact and Smackdown. Both were good. Impact had the huge title change and overall change in direction for TNA, but Smackdown had a couple of great matches. Take the title match away from TNA and it's all Smackdown, but that was huge.
Show of the Week for 11/6 to 11/12:

The Candidates:

- Monday Night Raw: This show, for the most part, was filler. There were only two matches that went past being squashes on this show -- Ziggler vs Morrison (holy surprise win for Morrison) and Cena/Ryder vs Awesome Truth. Both of those matches were decent, but not that great. This show was more focused on pushing angles like Punk/Del Rio and Johnny Ace/HHH/Nash forward. That being said, while it was a filler show, it wasn't terrible. The segments were fairly solid and I loved seeing Nash trash talk The Game. One thing I hated though was Brodus Clay's debut being postponed. I understand that they have time restraints and whatnot, but why build something up for so many weeks and then postpone it. Hell, they should have MADE time for Brodus Clay on Raw, it wouldn't take him more than 2 minutes to squash some random jobber, it's not as if we didn't get that on the show anyway.

- Impact Wrestling: God, they're making less and less sense every week. Nobody cares about Karen Jarrett, Garrett Bischoff, Ronnie from Jersey Shore, and so on. Why are they being prominently featured on your programming? If I turn on my TV to watch TNA, it's because I want some good wrestling and some good storytelling, not this shit. Now, it may seem like I hated it, but it wasn't ALL bad. They had a show that was packed full, they certainly get points for that. What's more, they built towards their PPV and I can't fault them there. But I'll continue on faulting them for one more thing: Roode and Storm's storyline. They've literally burned through months and months of it... IN JUST A FEW WEEKS. Why couldn't they go slow burn on this? I mean, just a little bit? Whatever. I liked seeing AJ Styles injected back into the main event picture, hopefully keeping him away from Christopher Daniels. Seriously, though, it seems that they pair up Styles and Daniels just because they're too lazy to do anything else.

- Friday Night Smackdown: This show was much better than anything else on TV this week(take a hint). There were some solid matches with Sheamus and Christian, Hunico/Epico and the Usos, and Barrett and Orton, and there was some GREAT build-up/storytelling. Henry and Bryan had a short squash, but it's clear that Bryan is going to be getting better and better on his road to Henry and I love it. I love how they're handling the whole situation with Daniel Bryan as Mr. Money in the Bank, it looks like it'll conclude at 'Mania, but I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled off a cash in at the PPV or something. Along with that, I'm really enjoying Barrett's push here. He's getting better and he's fitting in with the top guys, what more can he do? I'm hoping his team can pull off the win at Survivor Series for two reasons:

1. Orton doesn't need it.

2. It would make Barrett look AWESOME.

I can totally see Barrett contending for the World Title sometime in the coming year, if not possibly winning it. I wasn't a big fan of his, but he always had potential, and truth be told... he's growing on me.

The Verdict: Duh, Smackdown takes the cake. It was the only show that wasn't either filler or shit. It had good wrestling, good storytelling, and was damn entertaining. Good week here for Smackdown.
Show of the Week for 11/13 to 11/19:

The Candidates:

- Turning Point: Average stuff here. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. There were some gems -- Aries/Kash/Sorensen and Roode/Styles, but everything else was the epitome of mediocrity. Then, there were things like Hardy/Jarrett and Robbie E/Eric Young which flat out made me scratch my head. I was glad to see Hardy go over, but the whole set-up of the match was too much for me. With Eric Young and Robbie E, the ending was fine, Robbie E certainly deserves it, but I think Eric Young (who I once liked) is flat-out HORRIBLE at this point. I was disappointed by Rob Van Dam/Christopher Daniels, as well. I thought the two of them would put up an excellent match, but they didn't really. The screwdriver was a nice touch, but the whole thing made no sense. Whatever. Overall, this was okay, but I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.

It's a bit of a theme for me and TNA. I try to watch it and enjoy it, but it's REALLY hit and miss with me. I don't agree with most of their angles and the way they go about their product, but at the same time, I do enjoy the wrestling aspect of it. Most of the time, at least. I come off as critical of the product; it's really not that at all. I like to break down the product, on both ends (TNA and WWE, hell, Independents too), it just seems that TNA hasn't been hitting the spot for me as of late.

- Monday Night Raw: I enjoyed most of the show, decent week for Raw. I'll start with the Cole/Ross segment. People criticize the WWE for making JR look like an ass and bullying him and whatnot, but never once does it look like he's not enjoying himself when he's in front of the fans. He doesn't need to be in the WWE, but he is. Simply put -- he likes what he does. Don't feel bad for him, I'm sure he doesn't feel bad for himself when he's looking at that six figure check.

Holy tangent, Batman! Anyway, I loved the Mick Foley appearance, along with what was one of the best segments I'd seen in ages. This Is Your Life: John Cena. Seriously, I loved every minute of it. People criticized it for not being funny -- uhh... people, THAT WAS THE POINT! John Cena Sr., random baseball coach, and Bull Buchanan, tell me how that doesn't just come together for absolute gold. Add in Cena and Foley, perfect formula for success. The Rock coming out for the Rock Bottom was the cherry on top for this segment. I marked out while laughing my ass off for a solid five minutes. Great stuff.

Not much good wrestling on here, if any, but that wasn't the purpose of it. It was the perfect lead-in to Survivor Series, totally getting me excited for what was to come on Sunday. I had not been excited for a Survivor Series in ages, but this one changed that. Rock and Cena built this up to the moon.

- Impact Wrestling: Wrestling-wise, this show blew. Like, the worst wrestling I'd seen on TNA programming in a long time. That being said, it was a good at telling stories and advancing angles. I was glad to see the Tag Titles head over to Crimson and Matt Morgan, solid idea. On top of that, the whole World Heavyweight Championship situation is intriguing. You have the champion in Roode and the challengers in Styles, Storm, and Angle (I guess). Angle isn't new to this, but he is certainly going to perform at a level higher than most can on a consistent basis. Not going to lie though -- the only thing on my mind right now, when thinking about Impact, is the fact that Garrett Bischoff was wrestling. Jesus Christ.

- Friday Night Smackdown: Again, another show with mediocre wrestling, but great storytelling and building. This was the go-home show for Survivor Series, so it had to do a damn good job -- and it did. I didn't think it would top Raw, but it did. It went over each match, each big angle, and provided for great entertainment. Show made me believe he was going to hurt Henry, he made me genuinely excited for their title match, which wasn't an easy thing to do. A big man vs big man match isn't something I can take easy, but regardless of what the PPV was going to be like, I was going to watch it just to see the result of the World Heavyweight Championship match. They did exactly what they were supposed to do: they sold the show to me. Wrestling 101. Great stuff.

The Verdict:

To continue the trend, Smackdown wins again (4 solo wins and 1 tie in the last 5 of these I've done). It's consistently becoming the better show in terms of wrestling, to be honest. Raw is always entertaining and it's more of an "event," but Smackdown stays true to what the fan wants to see. Excellent job.

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