Shouldn't Vince be paying more attention to NXT?


Getting Noticed By Management
I thought about this today. With recent things like wrestlers reportedly being asked to "step it up" at TLC following the NXT R Evolution special, NXT chants finding their way into WWE live shows, and the Network numbers light a fire under his ass to pay a little more attention to NXT?

It seems that one of the major drawing points of the Network to watch NXT... no one buys the Network to see episodes of RAW that aired a month ago. Shouldn't they be actually PROMOTING it on WWE shows as "The hottest new action from up and coming superstars, only on the WWE network!".

It would also give things some continuity. Charlotte makes her TV debut and loses to Natalya in 2 minutes when in NXT Charlotte would have beat her in a drawn out battle. The characters would more tailored to not flopping in WWE as well. They usually come straight in with their NXT character Vince may love or hate.

I know Vince is probably too egotistical to watch Hunter's product, but what are your thoughts?
My argument is that Vince is in complete control of NXT. There isn't a single color on a curtain that Vince doesn't have control over in the WWE, there isn't any way that he doesn't have the ultimate call in NXT. But I think he prefers catering to both crowds, the mainstream Monday Night Raw crowds and the Indy cred marks with NXT.

And enough with Charlotte. She's in the minor leagues right now, and they are gearing Natty for another Diva's title run. A Squash is the only thing that makes creative sense.
I think it's a good thing Vince hasn't been paying more attention to NXT and just lets Hunter run it. If Vince were to micromanage NXT as well then there'd be no hope for WWE period. As far as things like Charlotte losing to Natalya, the more I think about it, while I wish the match had gone on longer, it makes sense that the new "rookie" loses to the veteran, no matter how good they are, because it's a way of "paying your dues". It doesn't matter her dad is Ric Flair, she still needs to put others over when she first comes up.
And enough with Charlotte. She's in the minor leagues right now, and they are gearing Natty for another Diva's title run. A Squash is the only thing that makes creative sense.

Why would they introduce their NXT champion and more importantly Ric Flair's daughter like that? Anybody else could have been squashed by Natty that night. At least have her work dark matches... and Didn't they have Paige just take AJ Lee's title the first night she wrestled on TV?
Why would they introduce their NXT champion and more importantly Ric Flair's daughter like that? Anybody else could have been squashed by Natty that night. At least have her work dark matches... and Didn't they have Paige just take AJ Lee's title the first night she wrestled on TV?

Because they needed Natty to have a relevant win. Second gen Diva fights Second gen Diva and squashes her. It's perfect if you want one in the title picture right now, and another to go back down to the minor leagues for a while longer to get better.
Natty wrestlers in NXT occasionally (or probably older pre tapings from not that long ago) and blamed it on their time getting cut short as most Divas matches are. Either way.
If all the various reports are true, then Triple H is in complete control of NXT. For instance, according to a report last week, NXT writer Ryan Ward came up with most of the creative plans for the latest live NXT special and Triple H gave the final approval. Now, if Vince wanted to, he could insist on having whatever decision Triple H makes be run through him first, but that doesn't seem to be happening or has ever happened since Trips has been in charge. Everything I've ever read suggests that NXT is an idea of what WWE's main roster product would be like with Triple H in charge. I don't know if that's all true, half truth, total exaggeration or what as there's no way for me or any of us to ultimately know without talking to the man himself.

The bread & butter of the WWE Network, as of right now, are the ppvs. Getting access to some 2,000+ hours of footage, with more being added on a regular basis, and being able to watch every WWE ppv for $10 a month is a great deal. However, I agree that NXT could be built up as a major reason to subscribe. It could be the foundation of WWE original programming.

I have a feeling, and that's all it is so I could be totally wrong, that Vince honestly sees the main roster as the superior overall product simply because he's the one who makes the final call. An argument could be made, and it's one that does have some weight to it, that NXT & the main roster operate on two different levels with the main roster being much higher. It's true that that Raw & SD! take place in different arenas all over the country in front of many thousands of fans each week. It's also true that Raw & SD! have 5 hours to fill and that it's much more difficult to do than to fill up a single hour each week. But, at the same time, an argument can also be made that additional time can be filled with better quality instead of pointless filler. If NXT went to 2 hours, which is something that I believe will happen at some point, I don't think there'll be too much difficulty in filling that extra time with quality. If NXT can do that, then so can the main roster.
Natty wrestlers in NXT occasionally (or probably older pre tapings from not that long ago) and blamed it on their time getting cut short as most Divas matches are. Either way.

But the Monday Night Raw crowd isn't all watching NXT. Natty needed a squash win, and Charlotte deserved a reward for her work in NXT. Reward for Charlotte means getting to put over a quite talented veteran.
I thought about this today. With recent things like wrestlers reportedly being asked to "step it up" at TLC following the NXT R Evolution special, NXT chants finding their way into WWE live shows, and the Network numbers light a fire under his ass to pay a little more attention to NXT?

First off, how much attention does Vince pay to NXT and more importantly, how do you know that?

It seems that one of the major drawing points of the Network to watch NXT... no one buys the Network to see episodes of RAW that aired a month ago. Shouldn't they be actually PROMOTING it on WWE shows as "The hottest new action from up and coming superstars, only on the WWE network!".

If NXT is truly a major drawing point of the Network and has done so without promotion, why not stick to not promoting it and let it continue to draw on it's own? Isn't it nice that WWE is doing something that they don't promote incessantly?

It would also give things some continuity. Charlotte makes her TV debut and loses to Natalya in 2 minutes when in NXT Charlotte would have beat her in a drawn out battle. The characters would more tailored to not flopping in WWE as well. They usually come straight in with their NXT character Vince may love or hate.

Charlotte is not ready for the big time and Nattie gets elevated a little. There is your story, there is no issue with continuity.

I know Vince is probably too egotistical to watch Hunter's product, but what are your thoughts?

So Vince is supposedly this workaholic who obsesses over every little detail in WWE and has no interests outside of professional wrestling but he won't watch NXT. OK. Tell us more things you think you know.
Maybe I AM COMPLETELY wrong...

Was it not just stated that as far as most people know, Triple H controls NXT and it's his beast. He as the final say in NXT, whereas Vince has final say in WWE. Triple H handles the talent roster, with Regal doing a lot of the scouting. Triple H does their press and employee conference calls. If I'm not mistaken, I thought it was common knowledge that Vince has said that he stayed informed but didn't watch the NXT programming much and that it was Triple H's show?

That seems to be the common opinion of the board anyway.
Right. And HHH married Stephanie McMahon when she was passed out in Vegas. And John Cena was an aspiring rapper. And Shane McMahon bought WCW. The WWE specializes in creating a worked environment. The point of Kayfabe is that you're not supposed to know what's going on.
NXT is not his baby. Once a wrestler is ready for the main show and can make Vince money then he cares, otherwise he leaves it in HHH's hands.
Maybe I AM COMPLETELY wrong...

Was it not just stated that as far as most people know, Triple H controls NXT and it's his beast. He as the final say in NXT, whereas Vince has final say in WWE. Triple H handles the talent roster, with Regal doing a lot of the scouting. Triple H does their press and employee conference calls. If I'm not mistaken, I thought it was common knowledge that Vince has said that he stayed informed but didn't watch the NXT programming much and that it was Triple H's show?

That seems to be the common opinion of the board anyway.

And the people on this forum know nothing. Even assuming you are correct, why do you want to change something that is being seen as successful by fans, media, and WWE? Do you want NXT to become Fandangoing? Isn't Vince's assumed lack of influence a perceived reason for NXT's success? Why change that direction?
And the people on this forum know nothing. Even assuming you are correct, why do you want to change something that is being seen as successful by fans, media, and WWE? Do you want NXT to become Fandangoing? Isn't Vince's assumed lack of influence a perceived reason for NXT's success? Why change that direction?

This is EXACTLY why I think he's in charge of it. It smacks of Vince trying to work the fans. "If we tell them that I'm not involved at all, then we can get that group of marks that won't watch WWE because I'm the boss still, and they say I'm out of touch. In the mean time, we can stay the course on Raw and Smackdown."
You can tell that NXT is not Vince's baby just by the product itself. Vince doesn't like Pro wrestling and that is exactly what NXT is. Just look at ECW. That is a perfect example of what Vince does with his shows.

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