Shouldn't The Shield and Bryan Rub In their Victories in the Heels' Faces?


Getting Noticed By Management
I've wanted a promo with the Shield rubbing in their victory over Evolution, or Bryan mocking Stephanie, or even mocking HHH, Randy Orton or even Batista when he beat them all at Wrestlemania!
Yes the faces rise above this type of "behavior" but still after months or weeks of taking abuse and finally proving The Authority Wrong shouldn't there be more of a comeuppance for the Heels?

Like for example HHH lost to Bryan at Mania, the night after he thanked the fans and when Triple H came out he just did the yes chant with the belts.... Good image but how about rubbing in the fact that no one gave him a chance in hell in winning and he still did, JBL called it one of the greatest upsets in history and that HHH must be so embarrassed..... So why didn't we get a promo of Bryan mocking HHH that he isn't that good anymore or telling Stephanie that he was A+ since he made HHH his bitch?

I agree with you to a certain extent. The faces do need a little heelish behaviour to pretty much update them to modern days. These days, faces are heels and heels are faces! Case and point, Barrett and Sheamus. On paper, Sheamus is a face, but the crowd doesn't want to have any of it, meanwhile, Barrett officially is heel, but this just means it gives him the freedom to have fun doing what he does. In the end all people respond to is how much fun the guys have in the ring, it's these reasons why Barrett, who can call the crowd fat dweeps and still get over. Why? It's because of that famous s*** eating grin he has when he does it.

But back to the original topic, I agree, to keep faces cheered, they need more of the heel freedoms to have some form of misbehaviour that people WANT to relate to. And whilst Bryan could benefit more from these misbehaviours, I don't think bragging about stuff is Shield's style, they're more of a subtle "tell it as it is" kind of deal. Similar to Jake the Snake in a way.
Seriously? Bryan got within inches of Triple H, held up the belts that Hunter said he wasn't good enough to win, and proceeded to lead the crowd into a massive YES chant. A chant that Triple H absolutely LOATHES. How could he top that? Would you rather him grate Triple H's nose with the WWE title's face-plate while laughing maniacally?

As for The Shield, they didn't get a chance to celebrate as Raw immediately started with Triple H getting one over on them by causing Ambrose to lose his title. That kind of put a damper on whatever "we told you so-ing" they were planning to do. Evolution wouldn't allow them to gloat and let the fans have their moment, which is what good assholes do.
Seriously? Bryan got within inches of Triple H, held up the belts that Hunter said he wasn't good enough to win, and proceeded to lead the crowd into a massive YES chant. A chant that Triple H absolutely LOATHES. How could he top that? Would you rather him grate Triple H's nose with the WWE title's face-plate while laughing maniacally?

Honestly, I wouldn't have minded that. But I agree that faces seem to be rather...I dunno...humble about their accomplishments.(Unless you're Cena) Last Summer during the whole Bryan/Orton thing I wanted Bryan to rub in the fact that he had Randy beat plenty of times. And honestly, after all he went through, he's earned every right to rub it in a bit more than he has.

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