Should WWE Have PPV's on Weeknights and On Weekends?

ECW Sandman

Getting Noticed By Management
I don't know if this thread has been done yet, But I remember back in the 80's and early 90's when PPV's were on Weeknights or Weekends not just Sundays

Summer Slam Was on Either a Monday Or A Tuesday Night, Wrestle Mania was on Sunday afternoons, Survivor Series was always on Thanksgiving Night or Thanksgiving Eve and Royal Rumble was always on Saturday Nights.

So my question is Should The WWE have PPV'S on Weeknights again or just move them to Saturday Nights instead of always on a Sunday Night.

Your Thoughts.
Funny you should ask as I was thinking about starting a similar thread to this just now. I don't think ppv's should go back to weekdays but I was thinking Saturday might be better than Sunday. I think the reasoning for Sunday has always been people are busy doing other things on Saturday night. I'm not sure I agree with this reasoning. Sure people are doing things on Saturday night but a lot of the time I think people are looking for things to do because it's Saturday rather than already having things to do. Moving some ppv's to Saturday will give some of those people what they're looking for. When people go out to the bars or clubs they don't really care about being at those places. They feel they have to do something just because it's Saturday. Give those people a ppv and they will get together with a bunch of friends and order the show to fulfill their Saturday night entertainment. A lot of people have Sunday off work so they may be more likely to make an evening out of it than they would on Sunday. I think it may be worth a shot. Maybe move one or two shows to Saturday and see if there is a difference in the buy rate.
I did not know where to put this thread so that's why I put it Old School PPV'S but thanks for moving it for me I just did not know if it was old school a blend of both, But thank you for moving it to the right spot for me.
Many of the pay-per-views and supercards of the 1980's were done on Monday nights or Sunday afternoons, but pro wrestling TV shows weren't on prime time weekday TV back then. They were still relegated to Saturday morning and afternoon.

With Raw on Monday, Impact on Thursday and Smackdown on Friday, not to mention Superstars and NXT, I really don't think there's a need for a mid-week pay-per-view.
Survivor Series could benefit by going back to its original Wednesday/Thursday (Depending if they were running it on Thanksgiving Eve or Night on that particular year. Because it takes place on a Holiday. SummerSlam would be a stretch just because Monday Night RAW has been such a fixture for the past 20 years. The last SummerSlam to air on a Monday was in 1994, because of RAW, I just can't see that going back to the way it was. But Survivor Series would be a great consideration to put back on Thanksgiving Eve/Thanksgiving Night because of the holiday theme and tradition to it. I don't see how it could hurt in any way, shape or form.
i think another big reason to is that now with ppv and arenas being such big draws its harder. Back in the late 80's/early 90"s there wasnt alot of ppv competition. but now with the ufc, boxing, tna, and all the other live sports brodcast on ppv there isnt really alot of timeslots. Like Eastcoastfan said there is already 3 nights a week that u have major wrestlingon not to mention that smackdown is taped on tuesdays, so that basically leaves wensday, sat, and sunday.
Plus ithink another good reason for having it on sunday is because u have a live show the next night, If u have it on a wensday, the large group of people who didnt buy it for whatever reason now has 4 days to find out what happened, witch means that alot of people who are casual fans wont tune in to raw to see what happened. where as if it is on a sunday they may turn on the tv to see who won what and that may mean an extra 100,000-200,000 viewers for VKM
Funny you should ask as I was thinking about starting a similar thread to this just now. I don't think ppv's should go back to weekdays but I was thinking Saturday might be better than Sunday. I think the reasoning for Sunday has always been people are busy doing other things on Saturday night. I'm not sure I agree with this reasoning. Sure people are doing things on Saturday night but a lot of the time I think people are looking for things to do because it's Saturday rather than already having things to do. Moving some ppv's to Saturday will give some of those people what they're looking for. When people go out to the bars or clubs they don't really care about being at those places. They feel they have to do something just because it's Saturday. Give those people a ppv and they will get together with a bunch of friends and order the show to fulfill their Saturday night entertainment. A lot of people have Sunday off work so they may be more likely to make an evening out of it than they would on Sunday. I think it may be worth a shot. Maybe move one or two shows to Saturday and see if there is a difference in the buy rate.

Everyone's different.

Personally, none of my friends watch wrestling, so if the PPV was on a Saturday night, I would probably have to choose between hanging out with friends or watching the show.

Usually not much is going on Sundays, so it's easier to watch.

I'm guessing it will be awhile before WWE holds another PPV on a weekday. Taboo Tuesday was moved to Sunday after only a few years, so it must not have been as successful as they wanted.
I'm guessing it will be awhile before WWE holds another PPV on a weekday. Taboo Tuesday was moved to Sunday after only a few years, so it must not have been as successful as they wanted.

It wasn't lack of success necessarily, they just had to move it because ECW started airing on Tuesdays.

The big problem with Saturday nights is competition. Boxing and MMA are always on Saturday nights. WWE could try to schedule around them, but they wouldn't be able to schedule their PPVs as far in advance as they do now, plus there's no guarantee they'd have an open night every 4 weeks like they'd want. And no, WWE couldn't simply go head to head with them.

Moving Survivor Series back to Thanksgiving would be cool, but I'm sure if it would get them more buys they would've done it already. Really, you could say that about the entire topic - if it was a good idea, WWE probably would've done it already. They obviously feel that Sunday nights is the best spot for their PPVs, and there's no reason to think they'd be wrong.
Saturdays would work so much better for me personally, nothing beats getting drunk while watching wrestling at a bar, except maybe not having a hangover on Monday morning, the times I've had a slobberknocker were usually when I had monday off or had a late day on Monday, getting up before 8 after a wrestlemania party isn't so easy.

As far as the current demographic, I know teenagers would have an easier time doing Saturday nights than sunday if they have any type of bedtime (I know those seem old fashion since this generation in general sucks at raising kids).

Friday also works for all of these for good reasons, could be a good way to start a weekend off.

As far as "if it was a good idea" they haven't tried it in a long time, demographics and statistics are terrible liars, right now PPVs are only on Sundays because it's just a cute tag line to say "tune in this Sunday"
(I know those seem old fashion since this generation in general sucks at raising kids)

That's a tad harsh in all fairness . . .Plenty of good parents out there, and i'm on eof them :p

As for PPV's on a Sunday, as a UK viewer, it genuinely sucks . . . Most PPV's finish at 4am, and considering most people work Monday Mornings, 3hrs sleep after a night with the lads drinking & watching wrestling, never a good thing . . .

I'd love to see them try it on a Saturday, it'd certainly help outside the USA.

Granted, if a PPV is on Sky Sports, it gets recorded and watched the following day after work, but there's just something about watching it Live . . .

Can't see it being something they'll change IMO, but you never know . . .
Well, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is an American company based here in the United States. Doing a Pay-Per-View on any other day than Sunday seems like an awfully big risk. I don't know about your country, England. But here in the States, Sunday is a good day for big events, i.e., the Super Bowl, the Academy Awards, et cetera.

To do a Pay-Per-View in the U.K. would by no means help the United States, either, as even right now, Pay-Per-View buys here in the States are quite low, thanks to our little recession. What WWE used to do in England is have exclusive Pay-Per-Views, but they were scrapped for more international tours. I've always wondered how watching a WWE PPV so late at night would feel...
It might work in the summer, but really the whole purpose of PPV's is to create a spectacle similar to a Superbowl, or the last big hurrah before Raw.

Plus storylines could get sloppy with Monday being live, Smackdown being taped, a PPV on Wednesday/Thursday, and the Friday show having old info and championship standings.

I think a King of The Ring Tournament style of 4 "PPV" like events over two weeks, similar to the NBA Finals or World Series could work in the summer when kids don't have school and some are out of work.
I don't think that PPV's should be on days other than sunday. The setup that we have for weekly wrestling shows works pretty well. Mondays we have Raw, Tuesday was ECW and NXT although not anymore, Thursday is TNA Impact, Fridays have Smackdown, and then Sundays are for PPV events. If they did move back to weeknights then it could not be on tuesdays since that is when they tape for Smackdown. Mondays and fridays obviously would be out of the question. They can't do a PPV during a Raw taping (Monday) or when a Smackdown show is also airing (Friday) so that would be a huge mistake. Saturdays there would be competition, UFC shows. Not gonna happen.

That leaves Wednesday and Thursdays. Wednesday isn't that great of an idea. Now that the brand extension is basically gone, someone would have to work 3 nights in a row. Raw, Smackdown, and then a PPV. The argument could be made that this is already going on, but with the PPV's coming before Raw/Smackdown tapings then if someone gets injured they can be written out of a free tv spot rather than a PPV match. So Wednesday is out. Thursday is our only option left. It would do more damage to TNA than it would to WWE, as the fraction of TNA's fanbase that watch WWE too would rather see PPV events than Impact, I'd bet. Still.... why move to Thursdays when having PPV events on Sundays works out so well? People are off work (for the most part) or school so they can come gather at a friends' place for a PPV party. It makes more sense by the fans' schedules to keep it on Sundays. We had a different product back in the days of PPV's being on weeknights and it has become a tradition to provide them on Sundays.

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