Should Weed Be Legal

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Okay. Just starting some shit. Do you guys think pot should be legal? It isn't in the US, and I am not sure if it is in parts of the UK. I heard in Amsterdam you can shoot heroine in the streets. I, for one, think it should be legal and is far less harmful than booze. Especially now that they have found that it doesn't cause cancer, and the DHT in it actually PREVENTS cancer from growing. What in the fuck is the world waiting for?
Yeah. All drugs should be legal. If somebody makes the decision to take them that's there problem. If they were legal they would all be pure as well.
Whys that Luther?

Hell yes though, I agree entirely with Jake. All drugs should be legal---that right there would cut down deaths from drugs or from drug deals by probably 250%. If you tax and regulate something, it gets rid of drug dealers and all of the crime assosciated with it, makes billions of dollars for your government, and makes it so that it would be impossible to get shit that isn't what it really is and OD (like selling someone AJAX as coke). Of course there should also be limitations on who is allowed to use what drugs (because of health reasons and whatnot). All drugs should be legal except for perhaps crack & heroin, because those two right there would be enough for people to go crazy over.

In regards to weed though, 100% yes. Weed is one of the most harmless things you can put into your body---in fact aspirin is more dangerous to your health then cannabis is. And that's a scientific fact.
Anybody care to explain WHY they wouldn't? I mean it makes absolutely zero sense not to legalize it. All it does is cost billions of dollars, increase crime and put people away in jail who don't deserve it. You know that on average drug dealers/users get more time in jail then murderers and rapists? Thats a real statistic.
Anybody care to explain WHY they wouldn't? I mean it makes absolutely zero sense not to legalize it. All it does is cost billions of dollars, increase crime and put people away in jail who don't deserve it. You know that on average drug dealers/users get more time in jail then murderers and rapists? Thats a real statistic.

Agreed. Do you get nice drug dealers? Nope. Do you get nice doctors? Yup. Mute point.
you can't put a tax on weed, anyone can grow it, therefore it makes it hard for the government to tax it, so i think that is the main reason the government won't legalize it.
The main reason it won't ever be legalized in America is because of racism. Racism is what got HEMP (before the word 'marijuana was invented) outlawed originally.

Factor in all the money Alcohol and to a lesser extent tobacco industry 'donates' (aka bribes) to the government.What would people do if it were legal: Smoke some herb(100% natural) or drink (manmade concoction)? most would say smoke and that would ruin the alcohol industry ,tobacco a little cause most people smoke while drinking .People would be out of jobs at breweries,bars,liqueer stores..etc.. it would have a huge effect on the economy.
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