Should we take anything out of the Miz/Austin segment last night?!?!


Dark Match Winner
Im a little surprised there already isnt a thread about this, so I will go ahead and be the first one to post it! First off, I know Austin has said numerous times that he wont wrestle ever again, unless it's an absolute perfect opportunity. That being said after re watching the segment with him, the Miz and A RY last night I am starting to think Austin may be considering another match or two. I think in his brief exchange with Riley, that he did really well for himself. I know he was their to promote Tough Enough but IMO why would he be that physically involved with Miz/Riley. Plus Miz brought up Austin tryin for one last run and IMO the look on Steve's face was of interest.

So my question to you IWZ, is there reason to think Austin may be up to wrestling again? Or am I just looking into this too much and it was only a ploy to promote TE?
I dont think Austin would come back to wrestle the Miz. Whats the purpose? To put Miz over? That wouldnt make any sense. Austin beating the Miz is nothing special either. I think your reading to much into it.
It was just to promote tough enough. I think the reason they chose the Miz was because he was on tough enough , and was a reality tv star. Cant really see anything past that.
I have been wondering what's next in store fo the Miz.
More of Cena?
Stone Cold?

Obviously I would enjoy Stone Cold, but I think it unlikely. My guess is that thing with Cena will continue and eventually lead to Miz dropping the title (possibly as soon as the next PPV).

My favorite scenario would be for Miz to hold on to the belt until Summerslam when he would drop it to Morrison.
Im a little surprised there already isnt a thread about this, so I will go ahead and be the first one to post it! First off, I know Austin has said numerous times that he wont wrestle ever again, unless it's an absolute perfect opportunity. That being said after re watching the segment with him, the Miz and A RY last night I am starting to think Austin may be considering another match or two. I think in his brief exchange with Riley, that he did really well for himself. I know he was their to promote Tough Enough but IMO why would he be that physically involved with Miz/Riley. Plus Miz brought up Austin tryin for one last run and IMO the look on Steve's face was of interest.

So my question to you IWZ, is there reason to think Austin may be up to wrestling again? Or am I just looking into this too much and it was only a ploy to promote TE?

I think that it was to promote Tough enough for the time being... The Miz taunted Austin into clearing the ring and fighting... When I heard Austin say "Clear the ring" I had thought he was going to fight Miz for the night... Until I saw Alex Riley step in, and Miz do nothing about it but stand there after the stunner which surprised me...

I dont think Austin would come back to wrestle the Miz. Whats the purpose? To put Miz over? That wouldnt make any sense. Austin beating the Miz is nothing special either. I think your reading to much into it

I do not think that Austin would use a return or a feud to face the miz... I think if he wrestled again, (IF) it would be against somebody who can really make a huge event of it... Like the Rock, or somebody in that nature...
After their twitter battle I was hoping to see an exchange between CM Punk and Stone Cold. That would be cool. Then again Punk has inserted himself into Angles and Ortons beef. A returning Angle and Punk feud would be awesome to.
I'll tell you what... Stone Cold looked very solid in the ring Monday night... as agile as I've seen him in about six or seven years. So if he DID come back, he should do it on a grand stage and against someone like Miz or Punk. Imagine the rub they'd get from Austin. Miz doesn't really need a rub... but it would send any reasonable star into the hemisphere.

And yes... you should take something from that segment. Austin showed he can 'still go'. and Miz's ego thinks he could actually beat Stone Cold Steve Austin. I'll be heavily shocked if we don't see this match at Wrestlemania. Austin has plenty of time to get into ring shape... start cutting promos and you have Miz carrying the WWE title for over a year and a half at that point. It would send Miz into legendary territory if he were able to beat Austin at Wrestlemania.. no matter how old he is.

No. It was a segment, on Raw, giving The Miz something to do for the night. I really don't see it being much more than that.

However, Lariat is right. Austin looked in tip-top condition, best I've seen him (physically, not ring-wise) since 2001. I've said it several times before, and I'm sticking to it -- if Austin is going to have one more match, it needs to be against Vince McMahon.

McMahon is easily Austin's biggest rival, and this taking place at WrestleMania would be the biggest war McMahon has had yet (bigger than Hart, HBK, Hogan, etc.). It's the biggest of all of Vinny Mac's matches due to the history between Austin and McMahon.

Imagine having Rock and Austin, on the same WrestleMania card, one last time. Wow. If it's against Miz, that wouldn't bother me. But Austin vs. McMahon, one more time, would be the best way to go.
Austin looked tip top? Dude was huffing and puffing after the thesz press, watch a little closer next time. Rehashing the past is how WCW died, and you want to see a 60 plus year old Vince McMahon vs an old Stone Cold? Do you not learn anything from history? Stone Cold putting over the Miz is the best for the business. Don't let nostalgia get the best of you. The best wrestling company in the world went under doing this.
I got the impression there may be a match between the two somewhere down the road. Have heard rumblings that Austin is considering one more match as he feels he is in good enough shape to do it. But it would be a one-off and Austin would put the Miz over as Miz would be someone the company would rely on to continue drawing money,where as Austin would be going back to hollywood.It's Steve Austin,not Hulk Hogan,he would have no problem putting the Miz over IMO.
Having another match would surely destroy Austins knee now and limit his film opportunities...

I really think the WWE should focus a bit more on its current talent than spending a lot of time giving old superstars promo slots, personally I think they should have had more involvement from the tough enough people in the segment
I think this segment did a couple of things:

1. Promote Tough Enough for the fans - they want to gain any type of steam possible for that show so what a way to do it than have him go at it with a former TE contestant.

2. Establish more clot for SCSA with the contestants. Showing them he doesn't only talk about it, but he can still go with the best of them.

I wouldn't read much into that segment with the Miz. As much as SCSA put on like he wanted another match, I doubt that anything will come of it, especially against the Miz. Nothing against him or anything, but he just got the rub from Cena. I think he needs a challenge someone from the active roster instead of going at it with HOF ones.
Austin looked tip top? Dude was huffing and puffing after the thesz press, watch a little closer next time.

I said physically, not ring-wise. Maybe you should read a little closer next time.

Rehashing the past is how WCW died

If you think having a one-off match between Steve Austin, who is still a huge draw, and Vince McMahon is anything like what WCW did for 6 or so years, you really have no idea what you're talking about.

and you want to see a 60 plus year old Vince McMahon vs an old Stone Cold? Do you not learn anything from history?

In a Street Fight? A Grudge Match? I absolutely want to see that. History hasn't shown us anything that should lead us to believe this wouldn't be about 437 kinds of awesome.

Stone Cold putting over the Miz is the best for the business.

So, you want an "old Steve Austin" to wrestle The Miz? If he was huffing and puffing, like you said he was, and he's "old," why would you want him in the ring with The Miz? You're not making any sense.

Don't let nostalgia get the best of you.

If nostalgia sells PPV's, why in the hell wouldn't they go with it? You think having The Rock come back isn't a nostalgia play? It is. Do you hate that idea as well?

The best wrestling company in the world went under doing this.

Again, you're comparing apples to...well, something far worse than an orange.
I think it was a way for the wwe to have miz on the show. he's the champ and he needed to be on there for that simple reason. he had a concusion the night before so they weren't gonna have him wrestle, and the rock and cena had their segment set up so they had to slide him in there somehow. i think it was a way for the miz to tell everyone he had a concussion and stuff to, because i sure as hell didnt know he had one, even tho now looking back, when he was laying there with his eys open wondering where he was, he looked like he had one.
Both Rock and Austin could run another 5 years in em.

HBK did it... Takers still doing it. Ric Flairs doing it.

Rock and Austin have never looked better IMO.. ok well Austin has when he was younger.. but I think they easily could give us another year, it would be great for the younger talent to work with Austin/Rock and get over on them too!
You said he looked good physically. I said he was huffing and puffing. Not being in cardio shape = not looking good physically. Unless you just meant he was aesthetically pleasing then sure. Although he was wearing a shirt and jean shorts so I'm not sure how much you can tell from that. He looked out of shape to me.

Yes, Rock is a nostalgia play, but there is a proper way to do that. That is, putting over the next generation. You don't have the past win and you don't put past vs past unless it's like McMahon vs Hart.

I compare wanting Vince vs Stone Cold to WCW because it wouldn't further anything. After the match then want. It's not foreward thinking. That's how WCW died. You can say "one match isn't the same as booking your whole year on nostalgia" all you want but the bottom line is booking for nostalgia and booking 2 old guys against each other does nobody any good. It's a temporary boost. It's like putting those ridiculous huge rims on a shitty car.

Why can't you think critically as in "what is it in and of itself?" Because you're a mark for the attitude era? If you book Austin vs McMahon, it's a one time thing. After it's over you have a pile of guys that need to get over. So why the hell not give someone a HUGE rub and make them look like a star by putting them against the Miz or CM Punk or another guy who could use it to get put in the same category as Orton and Cena?

O wait, that's right, because YOU like the attitude era and want to see a shitty brawling match that'd basically be bloody and chair shots.
You said he looked good physically. I said he was huffing and puffing. Not being in cardio shape = not looking good physically. Unless you just meant he was aesthetically pleasing then sure. Although he was wearing a shirt and jean shorts so I'm not sure how much you can tell from that. He looked out of shape to me.

Yes, Rock is a nostalgia play, but there is a proper way to do that. That is, putting over the next generation. You don't have the past win and you don't put past vs past unless it's like McMahon vs Hart.

I compare wanting Vince vs Stone Cold to WCW because it wouldn't further anything. After the match then want. It's not foreward thinking. That's how WCW died. You can say "one match isn't the same as booking your whole year on nostalgia" all you want but the bottom line is booking for nostalgia and booking 2 old guys against each other does nobody any good. It's a temporary boost. It's like putting those ridiculous huge rims on a shitty car.

Why can't you think critically as in "what is it in and of itself?" Because you're a mark for the attitude era? If you book Austin vs McMahon, it's a one time thing. After it's over you have a pile of guys that need to get over. So why the hell not give someone a HUGE rub and make them look like a star by putting them against the Miz or CM Punk or another guy who could use it to get put in the same category as Orton and Cena?

O wait, that's right, because YOU like the attitude era and want to see a shitty brawling match that'd basically be bloody and chair shots.

I totally agree. especially with them huffing and puffing. it seemed to me like the rock didnt really expect to get physical when he came back. he was sweating and breathing fast from little action, thats probably why they didnt have rock/cena this mania but next mania. he couldnt even kip up like he used to. thats a scene that plays over and over everytime i think about the rocks return. he would usually nail the ddt, kip up, and drop the people's elbow. this time, he ddt the miz, and nearly broke his leg kipping up.

I'm a huge fan of the attitude era, but i honestly wouldnt want to see any attitude era fueds reignited now. not even rock/austin, rock/hhh, austin/vince. none. it wouldnt make any sense, it wouldnt be good, and they arent in shape like they used to be. its nice to see them interact in promos but a match? no.

I think the biggest problem tho, would be in a situation with cena/rock, would rock want to allow cena to win? i mean yeah, cena fu'd rock on an episode of raw, but how much of a chance would it be for the rock to actually lose to cena? i just feel like, since they announced the rock/cena at wrestlemania, i can anticipate that rock is gonna win, after all this time off, and this big return, to have the rock lose would be unacceptable, especially in the rocks eyes.
I don't know if the Rock is sweating a lot or if he douses himself with water before he comes out. His shirt is always soaked. He looks ridiculous. What kind of a tool soaks themself in water? Either Team Bring It is team bring the water bottles or The Rock has a sweat gland problem.

I think Rock will job to Cena because I think he'll do the right thing. If he wins, you biggest face, a guy who has dedicated his life for the past 10 years to the company jobs to a guy who left for most of the last 10 years and hasn't been in the ring. Rock's punches look shitty, his cardio looks sub par, his promos aren't as good as before because they aren't coherant, they're just rambling metaphors and catchphrases.

If Rock loses and then afterwards Miz and some other heels attack, Rock and Cena clear the ring, it's perfectly fine. You CAN'T have Cena lose though, it'll kill this entire generation.

Like I said before, before you say "well the attitude era was so much better" stop and think whether or not Austin, Rock, and DX would have ever gotten over if they had to be PG. They wouldn't, half Austin and Rock's promos are vulgar, same with DX. Don't say "WWE should do away with PG" because they have to. After Benoit they have to. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, WWE has to juggle public image, business, and artistic expression. Keep that in mind and put things in context.
You said he looked good physically. I said he was huffing and puffing. Not being in cardio shape = not looking good physically. Unless you just meant he was aesthetically pleasing then sure. Although he was wearing a shirt and jean shorts so I'm not sure how much you can tell from that. He looked out of shape to me.

Yes, Rock is a nostalgia play, but there is a proper way to do that. That is, putting over the next generation. You don't have the past win and you don't put past vs past unless it's like McMahon vs Hart.

I compare wanting Vince vs Stone Cold to WCW because it wouldn't further anything. After the match then want. It's not foreward thinking. That's how WCW died. You can say "one match isn't the same as booking your whole year on nostalgia" all you want but the bottom line is booking for nostalgia and booking 2 old guys against each other does nobody any good. It's a temporary boost. It's like putting those ridiculous huge rims on a shitty car.

Why can't you think critically as in "what is it in and of itself?" Because you're a mark for the attitude era? If you book Austin vs McMahon, it's a one time thing. After it's over you have a pile of guys that need to get over. So why the hell not give someone a HUGE rub and make them look like a star by putting them against the Miz or CM Punk or another guy who could use it to get put in the same category as Orton and Cena?

O wait, that's right, because YOU like the attitude era and want to see a shitty brawling match that'd basically be bloody and chair shots.

So what if it's only a one time thing? The history is there and I don't care how old Vince McMahon is. He can deliver when it comes to Wrestlemania as his matches with Shane and Hogan have proven. If you're in favor of having Rock vs. Cena, then I can contradict your statement because Cena doesn't need the rub. Besides, guys like The Rock, Austin, HBK, and HHH didn't get over by beating legends of the past so I'm confident that guys can be put over by beating the best of the current era.
Wow you have no concept of critical thinking.

It's Cena vs The Rock because they represent generations. Cena winning isn't going to put him over anymore, but him losing would not only kill him but this entire GENERATION. That's the key, GENERATION. Cena is the best from this generation vs the previous generation's past. That's what it's about.

It's not a contradiction, you just have no concept of critical thinking.

You don't think Austin got over by beating and feuding with Hart and Michaels? You don't think that because Austin was over that everyone who he feuded with got more over?

The match of McMahon vs Austin WON'T deliver. You brought up Shane vs Vince, 10 years ago. vs hogan wasn't that good, it was a chairshot, a bladejob, and a highspot, and again, almost 10 years ago. McMahon vs Hart SUUUUUUCKED.

So again, stop being such a mark and think critically and think foreward. I'm going to recap so you can catch up.

Rock vs Cena won't get Cena more over, it'll establish him as the greatest of this generation and show that we've moved on from the Rock and that we have a new generation, which puts over everyone on the roster.

Austin vs McMahon would be an awful match and would just be a short term ratings boost. Austin vs another up and comer would put that guy over, and in turn, whoever that person feuds with next.

Austin got over by being awesome and proving himself by feuding with Hart and Michaels.

Passing of the torch type matches have happened all throughout history. Don't be a douche just because you want to see Vince vs Austin. Buy the best of Raw and some late 90s PPVs if you want that. I want to see the company evolve.
Wow you have no concept of critical thinking.

And you must be an expert. Haven't seen anything to make me believe that.

It's Cena vs The Rock because they represent generations. Cena winning isn't going to put him over anymore, but him losing would not only kill him but this entire GENERATION. That's the key, GENERATION. Cena is the best from this generation vs the previous generation's past. That's what it's about.

So Cena losing to a guy who hasn't wrestled a match in what will be eight years would kill him? So all the accomplishments Cena has achieved will just be irrelevant?

It's not a contradiction, you just have no concept of critical thinking.

Can't think of anything new to say?

You don't think Austin got over by beating and feuding with Hart and Michaels? You don't think that because Austin was over that everyone who he feuded with got more over?

Can't read, can you? I said guys like Austin and Rock didn't get over by beating legends of a different generation. Austin got over by beating HBK at Wrestlemania and The Rock got over in 2000 during his feud with HHH. Nowadays, you don't need to get over by beating someone from the past.

The match of McMahon vs Austin WON'T deliver. You brought up Shane vs Vince, 10 years ago. vs hogan wasn't that good, it was a chairshot, a bladejob, and a highspot, and again, almost 10 years ago. McMahon vs Hart SUUUUUUCKED.

People still wanted to see it.

So again, stop being such a mark and think critically and think foreward. I'm going to recap so you can catch up.

I'm betting that you don't know what a mark is so I'm going to sit back and laugh at your stupidity.

Rock vs Cena won't get Cena more over, it'll establish him as the greatest of this generation and show that we've moved on from the Rock and that we have a new generation, which puts over everyone on the roster.

Cena has put over plenty of guys like Miz, Ziggler, Swagger, RVD, etc. He's already been established as the greatest of this generation as he's been the top guy for six years. Nothing is going to change that.

Austin vs McMahon would be an awful match and would just be a short term ratings boost. Austin vs another up and comer would put that guy over, and in turn, whoever that person feuds with next.

So Lesnar got over because he was the Rock's next feud after getting put over by Hogan? Besides, I think Austin is going to win the match if they put him against an up and comer as you put it.

Austin got over by being awesome and proving himself by feuding with Hart and Michaels.

Anything else?

Passing of the torch type matches have happened all throughout history. Don't be a douche just because you want to see Vince vs Austin. Buy the best of Raw and some late 90s PPVs if you want that. I want to see the company evolve.

Yeah, because Austin is the only guy that would put somebody over. How about HHH or Undertaker? Wouldn't beating HHH and Undertaker mean just as much as beating Stone Cold?
Beating the Undertaker at Mania would, beating HHH, no. As much as he tries, he'll never be Rock or Austin.

Explain your reasons FOR Austin/McMahon. Beyond you wanting to seeing it and thinking it somewhow wouldn't be a steaming pile of shit, or you thinking the PG era is tex sux man.

You don't think I know what a mark is? I've talked to Harley Race, Terry Funk, Homicide, Ted Dibaise Jr, Lex Luger, the NOAH commentator, and a shitload of other wrestlers, both big and small about wrestling. I'd venture to say I've seen and studied way more wrestling than you.

Cena losing to a guy that hasn't wrestled in 8 years isn't what would kill him. It's that it'd be basically saying "this generation sucks". That's the point, that's what you don't seem to get. You probably think "this generation sucks" and that's fine, but tell me, I have gotten an answer anytime I've asked this. How entertaining would Rock, Austin, or DX be if they had to be PG? DX sucked pretty bad in 09 or whatever it was when they reunited.

Here's what I think. I think the attitude era is your favorite era of wrestling an when you hear "stone cold" you think 1999 stone cold, when you think Vince mcmahon, you think of 1999 mcmahon. Not an aging, somewhat overweight bald guy and a very old, very worn man. Stone cold vs Mcmahon would suck and serve 0 purpose. It wouldn't even be that good of a feud. It'd be like TNA. It'd look like a "best of" show. It'd suck. It's taking a step back.

You have no good argument for McMahon vs Austin other than you wanting to see it.
Beating the Undertaker at Mania would, beating HHH, no. As much as he tries, he'll never be Rock or Austin.

Still think beating HHH at Wrestlemania is a big deal. Seemed to help Benoit and Batista a lot.

Explain your reasons FOR Austin/McMahon. Beyond you wanting to seeing it and thinking it somewhow wouldn't be a steaming pile of shit, or you thinking the PG era is tex sux man.

Gee, I don't know. I guess it would have to do something with McMahon constantly trying and sometimes succeeding making Austin's life a living hell. How about that McMahon has closed his feuds with Hogan, Hart, and HBK to an extent at Wrestlemania but not yet Austin? How about realizing that a match that should have happened at WM 15 would be nostalgic even though they had interaction at WM 23. Not every match has to mean something.

You don't think I know what a mark is? I've talked to Harley Race, Terry Funk, Homicide, Ted Dibaise Jr, Lex Luger, the NOAH commentator, and a shitload of other wrestlers, both big and small about wrestling. I'd venture to say I've seen and studied way more wrestling than you.

And yet, you don't know why we want to see Austin vs. McMahon?

Cena losing to a guy that hasn't wrestled in 8 years isn't what would kill him. It's that it'd be basically saying "this generation sucks". That's the point, that's what you don't seem to get. You probably think "this generation sucks" and that's fine, but tell me, I have gotten an answer anytime I've asked this. How entertaining would Rock, Austin, or DX be if they had to be PG? DX sucked pretty bad in 09 or whatever it was when they reunited.

I believe if The Rock and Austin are as great as everyone thinks they are, they would still find a way to be entertaining.

As it pertains to the original question, I take nothing from the Austin/Miz segment. I wish they played up the fact that Miz competed on Tough Enough more but that's what the segment was really about.
I know why YOU want to see Austin vs McMahon, because you think that at 65 Vince should wrestle.

How about a compromise. How about Austin vs Miz with Vince in Miz's corner as the "corporate champion". Miz's favorite wrestler was the rock, he's taking some of his promo style from the Rock. I'd go with that. It's the best of both worlds. Miz gets put over, you still get your nostalgia. At the end, after Miz pulls out the win with help of Riley and Vince, Austin stuns everyone and drinks beer.

To me, getting stunned and having Austin pour beer on you if you're a heel puts you over. At least if it's after a match.

there, settled? You get what you want and I get what I want. Miz gets put over (or Orton or whoever) and you get a taste of your good ol days.
I know why YOU want to see Austin vs McMahon, because you think that at 65 Vince should wrestle.

How about a compromise. How about Austin vs Miz with Vince in Miz's corner as the "corporate champion". Miz's favorite wrestler was the rock, he's taking some of his promo style from the Rock. I'd go with that. It's the best of both worlds. Miz gets put over, you still get your nostalgia. At the end, after Miz pulls out the win with help of Riley and Vince, Austin stuns everyone and drinks beer.

To me, getting stunned and having Austin pour beer on you if you're a heel puts you over. At least if it's after a match.

there, settled? You get what you want and I get what I want. Miz gets put over (or Orton or whoever) and you get a taste of your good ol days.

this actually sounds like it would work. work really well actually. that would give Miz a lot of credibility as well because everyone says he hasnt beaten anyone. i think that people get confused. i dont think they want to see austin wrestle, they just want to see austin stunner people and drink beer. But knowing these people, even if Miz beat austin they'd still have a problem with it. it would then be "austin is old, if austin was in his prime yada, yada, bitch, moan, bitch, moan."

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