Should We Have a Fact-Checking Pro-wrestling Website?

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Here is a project that as someone who works full time and goes to school part time I doubt I could undertake, but others could.

For me, it started with WrestleMania XXVIII, with the claim that Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan for the world title in a "record" 18 seconds. While technically true, it was a constantly repeated claim that was at best a half-truth. After all, there have been faster WrestleMania matches and faster world title matches.

It continued months ago when Cena and CM Punk kept claiming that the former has never beaten the latter. This was untrue even before they had their epic match on Raw to determine the number one contender to the Rock's title, as Cena has beaten Punk a year or so ago while Punk was still in the mid-card.

Finally, most recently, it has irked me that people all over are claiming that last week on Smackdown the Shield "Finally" lost in a six man tag match. Even if one understandably omits dark matches, the Shield had already lost a six man tag match on Raw in May.

All this being said, I propose a project:

Why not have a website or maybe webpage on Wrestle Zone devoted to fact-checking the claims of wrestlers and commentators?

Something along the lines of or A place where the IWC can find out about errors in the claims stated on WWE (and maybe also TNA and ROH) programming.

Anyone else think that's a good idea or am I an island of dissent in an ocean of consensus?
The concept is good I guess but the problem is lying, distorting the truth, and re-writing past events/trying to make us forget past storylines, is all part of kayfabe. Most of the time, the commentators aren't saying something "erroneous" per se, they're simply building up the current story and if that means lying or distorting a past storyline, that's what they'll do. Your idea would be cool, and I do think people would utilize it but I feel like it's kind of pointless for made up stories
Don't know if you knew this SMOD, but wrestling is fake and unimportant. I mean, go ahead and make such a website, wrestling fans will go there for sure. I'm just saying that nothing that happens in wrestling is legitimate or important enough to warrant the website's existence. Not a bad idea per se, just overly smarky for my liking. would be a more useful website for today's fans.
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