Should Vince Sue?

Suxen Redael

Dark Match Winner
This is my first post , but I believe that I am in the right spot.

Now I just recently read that ESPN just spoiled WWE's upcoming Main Event World Title Match on Smackdown featuring Edge vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie as Special Guest Referee. Now WWE just wouldn't give ESPN exclusive footage from an unaired show. So thats a heavy case of copyright infringement. So this being, should Vince take advantage of the situation and sue ESPN or should he leave the whole thing alone. I understand that ESPN was trying to help promote this whole Green Bay win, but they should know better than to get unreleased footage.

?What do you think Vince should do?
Sue? Are you kidding? I'm sure Vince is doing a dance of joy that ESPN was promoting Smackdown. I'm sure ESPN was given full permission to show the footage. How do you think they got it in the first place. Vince shouldn't sue ESPN. He should thank them. He probably has.
He's not going to sue WZ for posting spoilers is he? it's the same thing. The fact that ESPN showed this could possibly enhance the rating because people may want to see Clay Matthews get in the ring. No suing necessary, I'm sure he was banking on this to happen, Vince is no dummy.

No he won't fucking sue. He got onto ESPN, that was basically a free advertisement for Vince. He's probably jumping for joy. ESPN has a ton of viewers, and maybe some of them, seeing Clay Matthews, would have tuned into Smackdown. Not a chance he'll sue. Hell, I'm pretty sure that he authorized for them to use the footage. How could they get a hold of it, unless the WWE gave it to them.
Really? How is it illegal to spoil this? There are many spoilers out there, for wrestling, movies, books, tv shows, etc.

The Brain is right, ESPN cannot show that footage without WWE's permission in the first place.

Clay Matthews had just become NFL World Champion, and was in Green Bay, it was a huge deal. ESPN actually talking about it is an honor for WWE.
Sue? Sue for what, legitimate publicity? The WWE has fought for years to have their superstars recognized as legitimate professional athletes. ESPN, the largest cable sports broadcasters in the US plugged their show. Vince probably jizzed in his pants. And it's not like it was the main event at Wrestlemania. It was Smackdown. When was the last time a title changed hands on Smackdown, without some kind of cliffhanger/controversy? I can't remember. Who cares if it gets spoiled?
When was the last time a title changed hands on Smackdown, without some kind of cliffhanger/controversy? I can't remember. Who cares if it gets spoiled?

I believe January 2006, when Kurt Angle won the WHC in a battle royal. But I do agree with your statement. It's just a Smackdown, it's not that big of a deal.

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