Should TNA be known as "The House That AJ Styles Built"?


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After missing tna for a bit then hearing about aj styles under ric flairs wing i was watching some of the promos and in one of them aj mensioms that he has been in tna for eight long years and that no matter the amound of greatness he achieved that tna has never been known as the house that aj styles built (its somethink along the lines of that but here is the video link

but i think that aj is one of the main reasons why tna is where it is today , he is by far there best "home grown talent" and he was there since the very very beginning at the first show now he is the only TNA Grand Slam Champion.

so when he does retire do you think that tna will be a tna legend like for example in the wwe hulk hogan was there to make wwe what it is and with for example the ufc randy Couture was the one who made it what it is , so is aj styles really the one who "built the tna house" ?
I'm not entirely sure what the exact purpose of your thread is, but if you are asking if AJ Styles will be a legend in the annals of TNA's history years from now, I don't think anyone can really argue the idea he wouldn't be. As you already noted, he's the companies first (and only) Grand Slam Champion, but he's also the single most successful "home grown" talent they've ever had blossom, so I have no doubts he'll achieve legendary status by the time he retires – this of course presuming he doesn't leave at any point soon.

As for whether or not TNA should actually utilize the line "The House that AJ Styles Built", I'll wait to look back on his history with the company when he actually retires to answer that. Technically speaking, Jeff Jarrett has as much right to proclaim himself the architect of TNA as AJ does, so as of this moment I'm not ready to proclaim AJ the rightful deed owner just yet.
AJ could not do any more for them. He is the perfect employee in that he has Flair by his side, it is presented as Flair making him the new nature boy. Nobody buys that, it was Flairs last attempt to stay relevant. He put up with the gimmick where AJ was a idiot redneck and fell in love with Karen Angle.

It is clear that he is at his best when he is given serious stuff and is a top face, but they dont do that a lot for him.

I think it is, but like in the story of the 3 little pigs, his house is being built out of twigs, a step up from straw, when they first started but they arent quite giving him the bricks to build the house with. It is, but it could be so much more if they give him the right stories to tell.

I think though a very honourable mention must go to Kurt Angle and even Christopher Daniels.
As "Home Grown" as AJ is, he was with WCW briefly, and almost signed with WWF if he had accepted the required move to perform for HWA. I do have to accept the fact that he was one of the starting guys in TNA, like Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett made TNA because he couldn't make it in WWE, but that's for another thread and another day.
I think when AJ retires they will make refrences to him being "The Greatest TNA Star of All Time" like how the E pushes Stone Cold Steve Austin. AJ was in the first ever TNA match and is only 1 of 5 or 6 guys to still be in the company today, he's the first ever grand slam champion, and the only reason why he was the jobber he was back in 08 was because they had him being Kurt Angle/Karen Angle's jackass. He had 1 good thing and that was with Tomko, they are mis-using him right now in TNA, instead of having a champion refrence to smoking weed and pushing guys to the top that cant hang in the E or are "burnt out" like Jeff Hardy,Mr.Anderson,Kurt Angle, all of whom I am big fans of, but they should NOT be in the main events and having AJ feud right now with a nobody in Jay Lethal, right now it should have been AJ Styles vs Sting in a BFG 09 rematch at Slammiversary, not RVD vs Sting, im sorry but ever since Hogan and Bischoff came to TNA,its been terrible. Apologies for that rant, but anyway, YES TNA should be known as "The House That AJ Styles Built"
It won't say much for TNA if what A.J. has accomplished right now is enough for the company to be called the 'house that A.J. Styles built' 5 or 10 years from now. (If that's the case, they probably won't even be around 5 or 10 years from now.)

Is he their most successful homegrown talent? Yes, but, unfortunately, that's not saying much. The fact is, A.J. is a talented in-ring performer with a solid history with the company and it's fan base, but that's it.

He's not the Ric Flair of TNA or the Hulk Hogan of TNA or anything like that, and given his shortcomings (and TNA's), he's not likely to become anything like it either.
When I think of TNA, the first wrestler I think of is AJ Styles. Sadly, he has not fully blossomed into the mega star we hoped to be due to various reasons, he has been with TNA since day one. AJ Styles was the sole reason I began to watch TNA and he has always been a highlight in any TV or PPV match he has been in.
As "Home Grown" as AJ is, he was with WCW briefly, and almost signed with WWF if he had accepted the required move to perform for HWA. I do have to accept the fact that he was one of the starting guys in TNA, like Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett made TNA because he couldn't make it in WWE, but that's for another thread and another day.

AJ wasn't officially signed with WCW, he had a few pay per appearance matches but never an officially signed wrestler. And from what I have read, he turned down WWE because WWE didn't see him as a main event star. Well as you can see by his hard work nowadays, he can be and is a main eventer. In fact, if you ask someone to name a wrestler in TNA besides Hogan or Flair then you'd probably get AJ Styles.

AJ, in my eyes, is already THE legend of TNA. I mean the guy has so much talent at such a young age in the business that right now even the name Phenomenal just doesn't do him any justice. AJ, as he said, is the workhorse of TNA and that is actually a fact to this day. For him to have wanted to leave so many times, yet only to stay, just shows how much AJ cares about TNA.

I still say that AJ will become one of wrestling's most historical names, and it's no longer a matter of when he'll do it. Instead, in my opinion, it's a matter of HOW he will become a historical name.
Enough can't be said about AJ Styles impact on TNA and wrestling in general. The guy is massively underrated, as he has been putting on 5 star matches since TNA's beginnings. I remember I used to order the weekly TNA PPV's just to see Styles wrestle against guys like Kaval and Jerry Lynn. There's little doubt about his amazing wrestling ability, however he never really became the big "star" like a John Cena, but that's why Ric Flair was brought into TNA.

I think come Styles' retirement, he will be known as a "founding father" performer wise, for TNA. From 2002 to today, Styles has put everything on the line for the company, and I really hope he becomes the big star he deserves to be, because he most definitely is hella better than a guy like Cena.

But without a doubt, yes. When there is a TNA HOF, this man will be one of the firsts in it.
AJ wasn't officially signed with WCW, he had a few pay per appearance matches but never an officially signed wrestler. And from what I have read, he turned down WWE because WWE didn't see him as a main event star. Well as you can see by his hard work nowadays, he can be and is a main eventer. In fact, if you ask someone to name a wrestler in TNA besides Hogan or Flair then you'd probably get AJ Styles.

AJ, in my eyes, is already THE legend of TNA. I mean the guy has so much talent at such a young age in the business that right now even the name Phenomenal just doesn't do him any justice. AJ, as he said, is the workhorse of TNA and that is actually a fact to this day. For him to have wanted to leave so many times, yet only to stay, just shows how much AJ cares about TNA.
I still say that AJ will become one of wrestling's most historical names, and it's no longer a matter of when he'll do it. Instead, in my opinion, it's a matter of HOW he will become a historical name.

I am a big fan of AJ. When has he ever wanted to leave?

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