should the wwe create another dark character?


i got to thinking abou this an i hope wwe does it, characters like undertaker are very succesful, kevin thorne was,kinda succesful, mordacie was ok, and theres a few others from the past. but im talking about another character,he doesnt really need to be undertake darkside dar, he could just be gothic wth chains and raven type facepaint, a few years ago this guy:

hade vansen was sceduled to get a "fallen angel" type gimmick an feud with the undertaker as you can see from the video he says he 'found othere beleivers and followers" so the idea was basically supposed to be he was gonna make a stable to bring down taker. seemed like it coulda been an amazing angle. butn sadly creative nixed this idea only 2 weeks after this promo debuted.

then there this guy Physco cyrus he is in booker T's wrestling school or was can remeber when this video was from
but he has the look hes big,but not that clumsy big like eli cottonwood, and khali. he has potential with a dark gimmick just lose the jason mask lol

this bring me to the 3rd option an frankly my favorite of all 3. 2 words: jimmy jacobs. this guy defitly looks like he could pull of a goth gimmick i mean:

hell if he gets over then they could bring in the age of the fall, they already have tyler blac- i mean seth rollins. all theyd have to do is grab up a few more people but not necro butcher, seeing as he has a pot leaf on his neck, not very kid friendly lol, but i mean please give your input on any of these ideas and submit you own
i think kaval could, i dont mean goth but that bad attitude it could match him. i like jeff hardy type dark character, ppl like kevin thorn are boring in the ring.
It's no secret I'm a huge Punk mark, and I love what the WWE's done w/ his gimmick, pulling from his real life ways.
But I think that they really missed/looked past the opportunity of having Punk as a dark character,
I mean,
He has the looks:
Long-ish black hair, Tattoos and Piercing, and his weapon would be his word,
Imagine Punk's golden promos but with a much darker twist.
I think Punk would have made an excellent dark character,
And I believe that if the E wants a dark character w/o having to completely start from scratch, they should cash in on this character change when he makes his re-debut on RAW
WWE doesn't need a dark character. I said this about bringing in Sting in his current form and Ill say it here. It wouldn't fit with today's standards in WWE. Yes Undertaker is "dark" but its not as bad as it was in the attitude era.

To save from posting again in the TNA thread...they don't need one either. That gimmick is played out too many times. If Undertaker was as popular or started to fade out...WWE would've dropped that gimmick long ago.
I'd love to see a darker character. Of course, due to the PG rating, it'd have to walk a fine line and he carefully done. But, it could work in the roles favor, actually.

If more kids are watching, they go for it quicker. So, it makes sense.

Kane is getting older, The Undertaker is falling apart. After that, who do you seriously have?

Kaval could get it done, but it'd be boxed into the mid-card, due to his size. Then again, if done correctly, he could actually work himself into the main event in some capacity.
Yeah, I think that would be cool. They probably shouldn't try to create some new "mythical" dark character like Undertaker or Kane right now. But growing up, one of my favorite wrestlers was Raven, whose gimmick could definitely work in today's program. There's nothing that unbelievable about it, he was just a grungy, depressed guy with a bad attitude. Totally feasible.

Kaval's an interesting idea for this, but he's so small he might just come off as a whiny kid. Punk I think is a great idea... I think he's got some more things to do with his current gimmick, but in a year or two, sure, try that out. We haven't seen enough from Tyler Reks yet, but his new look is really creepy, so if he can back it up with some dark dialogue, he's a good candidate, too, I think.

So, yeah, a dark but somewhat realistic character would be fine. I don't think trying to create a vampire/undead/whatever character would really work, though.
I don't think it would work at this point in time.

Also, your examples were pretty shitty. In what way was Kevin Thorn sort of successful? He had a run of about 3 weeks, beating no one noteworthy.

Mordecai was OK!!?? In what way? That gimmick was trash!

For a dark gimmick to even sniff the ass of getting over, it could in no way resemble Undertaker, or those other failed gimmicks at all. It would have to be someone that is so appealing that he seems like he is an original. Plus he must have something about him that people really love or people really hate.

I think people are really on to gimmicks these days and people are really rebelling against characters that are developed to make them feel a specific way. Ever since the late 90's people started to boo the wrestlers designed to make them cheer and vice versa.

I think fans are seeing through a lot of these reallly "gimmicky" gimmicks. So in my simple opinion, I do not want the WWE to even try a dark character at this point.
For a dark gimmick to even sniff the ass of getting over...

I actually LOL'd at this. Funny as hell.

I would love the WWE to introduce a darker, evil character but with the company in the middle of PG era, there is very little scope for something like this to get over. It would have to be so child-friendly that the whole point of the evil, dark character would be watered down to point of it being worthless.

When the PG era ends- IF it does, then something like this could work, but not now. No matter how much I want it
I see absolutely no need for another dark character. Especially not in a PG based product, or a product that have practically alienated the majority of direct gimmicks. The only direct gimmicks that are sticking around are those who have been here for years before.

The Undertaker and Kane are still around, and that's more than enough to warrant WWE to not need more dark gimmicks. And sure when they're leaving there would be that hole. Yet it's hardly something that needs to be filled, because we're past the time period where we need gimmicks like this.

And sure your guy seems like the goth like character. Yet I don't see why we would need a guy like that in WWE, especially considering the very fact that I doubt it would be appealing to anybody of any kind in WWE's fanbase as well as creative.
There is a reason that 'dark' and 'larger than life' characters don't work in the WWE anymore, and that's because they're hard to relate to or take seriously. Sure, Undertaker and Kane work well, but mainly for nostalgic reasons. If 'Taker and debuted today with his gimmick, I can guarentee he wouldn't be anywhere near as succsessful.

I mean, just look at past dark wrestlers: The Brood (consisting of Gangrel, Edge and Christian) were portrayed as a clan of vampires and ran for about a year until Gangrel was released and Edge and Christian found succsess as more of a comedy duo instead. Mordecai was voted the Worst Gimmick of the year in 2004 by Wrestling Observer Newsltetter and Kevin Thorn never really got over before being released. And so on.

As for a gothic character such as Raven of Jeff Jardy, I guess there's no harm in trying...I personally wouldn't be very interested and I think many others would share my view, but it wouldn't be bad to see a jobber with a bit of personality (even if it was a personality everyone's seen before)
I don't think the gimmicky type of dark character is needed or missed anymore. It's hard enough even to take Kane seriously when he's cutting a promo with red lighting and ominous music, because in today's WWE, it sticks out like a sore thumb. But personality-wise, a think a darker, more intense character would be great. Maybe I'm thinking more along the lines of sick and twisted, not really "dark". Reading Mick Foley's "Have a Nice Day" book recently makes me miss characters like Cactus Jack who had a screw loose. Maybe something along the lines of when Orton was allowed to be more intense, but that has turned into a cheesy neutered version of what it used to be. Mike Knox also had a run where he was allowed to talk and come across as strange and sadistic. The only other thing that comes to mind is Eli Cottonwood from NXT, but he just came off as an awkward looking goofball.

But beyond personality, I don't really buy the darker image usually. Middle-aged guys who never got over the wallet chains and black fingernail polish stage of their life just look stupid.
I don't think that a brand new 'dark' character is needed. Mainly because they don't really work in the modern wrestling world of toned down characters and breaking kayfabe through interviews and Twitter.

However, one thing I would do is turn Tyler Reks' personality up to 11. Really go flat-out twisted (of course, as far as PG allows). He seems too human for me. Look at his PPV debut at Bragging Rights and the teamwork that entails in the match. He seemed to 'normal'. I'd make him more sadistic (filling the void Edge and Randy Orton left when they turned face) and psychotic. He doesn't have the voice of a monster heel, so he shouldn't talk. It's as simple as that.
They already tried to with Hade Vansen. It was going to be a huge feud with Undertaker, but it got cancelled shortly after the first video promo of Vansen aired. Too bad, I was looking forward to what that would have been like. I think that WWE could create another dark character and people would probably enjoy it.... There is one problem though. Undertaker is SO legendary that he set a standard for dark characters that will never be reached again. Every single dark character, no matter which federation does it, will be compared to the Undertaker. Fans might criticize the character as a ripoff. That's the only real problem I can think of. I would wait until Undertaker is gone, or possibly have him put over the new dark character because there is only room for one and the new guy risks flopping due to fans calling him a ripoff. I'm all for the idea otherwise.

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