Should the NXT championship be defended at wrestlemania?

Should the NXT title be defended at wrestlemania?

  • Absolutely! Every title should be on the line!

  • Yes, if only to show the future of the wwe

  • No, don't waste time at mania with NXT, they will get their shot

  • No, I don't care about NXT at all

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Sheamus' Suntan

A hound of justice
With NXT arrival airing last night, WWE has finally decided to showcase the future to everyone instead of just those who had access to it on sky sports. This gives more pressure for the youngsters, and not so youngsters, in the training centre to perform; but should they be given the ultimate chance, a one on one title match at wrestlemania?

Wrestlemania to me is a night where every title should be defended. While people wouldn't know the story behind why these matches are happening, one singular match for 6-7 mins at the big dance would give the guys at the training centre a huge incentive, while also giving NXT further coverage.

I have no doubt, those that watch raw after wrestlemania will tune in for one more hour to see NXT if the match was good enough. Could this be a viable way to bring two new guys up, into a feud straight away?

One one hand, the pressure would be great for the young stars, but on the other, it would raise awareness of NXT on a large scale.

So how about it?

Should the NXT championship be defended at wrestlemania, and why?
This is a very dumb idea and yet again another pointless thread for the non-educated hardcore fans to ramble about. NXT is the developmental territory of the WWE, which means NXT isn't a WWE main brand. Yesterday you had the first live big event for NXT and it was an helluva show and it was their "WrestleMania". There's a reason why those wrestlers need to go to developmental before coming out the curtains of SmackDown or Raw and that is mostly to do with finding their personality, mastering their craft to understand how a broader audience works and so on and on.

Adrian Neville is a good worker, but he lacks a lot of personality and while he was great at first he was now put in positions where people saw his flaws. He looked bad when he was face to face to Bo Dallas and he's a bad promo guy and isn't certainly ready for Raw, let alone WrestleMania. Those guys are being built a step at a time to be able to go out there and deliver and make money. Nobody wants to put Zayn in the main roster just for the sake of it - he's a very talented guy, he needs time to go out there and do his thing.

WrestleMania Axxess could feature some matches from guys of NXT and that is it. NXT Championship or whatever are part of the developmental and it should be treated as that. You don't see College Football being played in the same venues and in the same day as The SuperBowl do you? Why? Because there is a logical reason for that.
On the pre-show, maybe. But Wrestlemania is the very biggest wrestling event of the year. Fact is, people don't particularly want to see a couple of nobodies fight over a title they've never heard of. That's the opposite of what Wrestlemania is about.

And that's not me disrespecting NXT, that's just how casual fans would see it. I'd love to see an NXT title match be on the pre-show, but would the average fan? Certainly not.

Then again, if social media is anything to go by, the NXT Arrival show was a moderate success, technical difficulties aside, so maybe WWE could take advantage of that.
I think they should have a 6 man ladder match for the NXT title on the pre show to get the crowd warmed up and ready for the PPV. I think it should be Neville v Dallas v Breeze v Zayn v Kruger v Graves if they are all healthy at Mania. I think they are having a 4 hour main show with a 1 hour pre show so I think to avoid pointless filler they do this and maybe the NXT tag and Womens title matches aswell on the pre show. 1 hour NXT only preshow followed by 4 hours of main roster but I don't think WWE will do this as they don't want their main roster talent being showed up by NXT guys as I would rather watch the 3 NXT titles be defended than watch the expected matches for Mania.
Absolutely not. NXT and the Raw/Smackdown roster need to remain seperate entities. The NXT wrestlers will get their chance when they are promoted to the main roster. The only time that the NXT Championship should ever be on the line is in a pre-show setting at possibly Night of Champions. Even then I would rather it not even be mentioned. The main roster needs to receive 100% of the attention at Wrestlemania as far as the in-ring action is concerned. Now, if they want to hype the debut of the NXT Champion if he is getting promoted soon, then show a video package or have him do a promo backstage or something. He shouldn't get a Wrestlemania match until he's on the main roster, and neither should whoever the challenger for the NXT Championship is.
NXT should generally be kept separate to the main-roster. It is there for younger names to become educated. They can perfect gimmicks and become better in the ring/on the mic so when they get their chance their ready.

Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year. There is a massive roster with part-names returning. There is no space for an NXT match and it would be completely unnecessary. If they are good enough they will eventually get their chance. Look at Bray, Big E, Rollins and Reigns. The NXT wrestlers will get their moment, eventually.
NXT should generally be kept separate to the main-roster. It is there for younger names to become educated. They can perfect gimmicks and become better in the ring/on the mic so when they get their chance their ready.

Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year. There is a massive roster with part-names returning. There is no space for an NXT match and it would be completely unnecessary. If they are good enough they will eventually get their chance. Look at Bray, Big E, Rollins and Reigns. The NXT wrestlers will get their moment, eventually.

I agree. That's the best way to do it. I'd hate for the crowd not to respond well to the NXT wrestlers since the general audience wouldn't know them.
NXT is the development station for the Main WWE Roster. No need to have an NXT match at Wrestlemania where some guys from the Main Roster won't even be getting a chance to wrestle...
I don't know that the NXT Championship should be defended at WrestleMania, but I honestly wouldn't mind seeing a non-title match between Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn. With the launch of the WWE Network, Triple H stating in a recent interview that he see's "the future" in these two and that they're probably the two most talked about babyfaces in NXT; it just seems like a good opportunity to present them on a big stage. Since people here in the states are only now really able to really become familiar with NXT, the wrestlers and following what's going on; I don't think now's the time for an NXT Championship match. I like the idea of very, very, very rarely having some sort of crossover with the main roster in some ways, but it's too soon for a title match.

I remember reading a WON report a week or two back in which, allegedly, a match with something to do with NXT is being considered. This could also be seen as something of a test for these two, to see how they're really able to do in front of a mega crowd. If given maybe 10 minutes or so, I've little doubt they'd make a positive impression on fans.

I get that it's WrestleMania and I generally agree that the main & NXT rosters should be, for the most part, separate. However, it's WrestleMania and WrestleMania's a special circumstance if there ever was one. I know that it might mean that some guys on the main roster don't get a spot on the show but, frankly, as someone who'll be paying to watch the show, I'd rather all the matches on the card had a purpose beyond just sticking some of the main card talent on the card so they can draw a bigger payday. I mean....well...c''s not exactly gonna be a Greek tragedy if Brodus Clay, Kofi Kingston, The Miz, Damien Sandow, The Great Khali or Fandango don't wind up on the card. Brodus has been MIA for a while, Kofi Kingston is back in the role as a high profile mid-card jobber, The Miz has been on that path for a while now, Damien Sandow's been on that patch as well & we haven't seen him for a while either, same for Khali and the honeymoon's over for Fandango.

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