Should the ECW title count as a legit world title?

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Aron Cane

Occasional Pre-Show
As a reader of PWI, I pretty much go with what the magazine suggest be given "world title"status. Currently, PWI does not grant the WWE-owned ECW, "world title" status. But the WWE insists that the ECW title is a "world title". I know at one time ECW was given this designation, but that was when ECW was in it's prime and ran by Paul Heyman. I, like many others believe that this version of ECW is a pale comparison to the original, and thus,does not warrant the same consideration. What do you guys think?
You should not consider WWECW as the old ECW. I personally hated ECW. The WWE has turned it into something watchable to me.

As far as the title goes.. Yes, it is a world title in my opinion. Why? It is the premier belt of ECW. It is the top achievement on the ECW brand. Ture, it is what the old IC title used to be, but that title is now trash.
Yes, this title counts as a world title because like Oasys said it's the premier belt of ECW. Now the should change the name of the belt to the New ECW World title because it is a disgrace to the original ECW. If the belt is called EXTREME Championship Wrestling then it should be defended under hardcore rules. I'm sorry for making this another WWE/ECW trash thread.
ECW is a seperate brand under the WWE banner, the same as Raw and Smackdown. If their top titles are given world status then shouldn't the ECW version be given it? Yes it should. Also isn't the fact that it is defended all the world (when WWE tours and what not) deemed as a valid reason why it should be given world status? Yes it is.

Final Thought: There is no doubt in my mind that it should be given world status but honestly I couldn't really give two shits if it was.
I agree with the above statement. The Raw: W.W.E. Championship & the Smackdown: World Heavyweight Championship are both considered top World Championships & each brands main title.

While I don't like the new E.C.W., nor do I think W.W.E. respects the E.C.W. Championship as much as either of the other two.. to feel the Championship isn't a legit World Title would be ignorant. A Championship's history is what makes it legit or not.

Just because T.N.A. started off by taking the old N.W.A. Championship, does that mean they disgraced it to being less than a World Title? No.. Just because W.W.E. doesn't look at the E.C.W. Championship as their primary title over the secondary SD! Championship, or the Main Event Raw Championship.. doesn't mean they won't promote it & push it as a legit Main Event Championship for that brand.. & it says a lot, that thats the only Championship on the brand.

So, in closing.. if you really look at Championships & legit status.. both Raw & Smackdown's Main Championships are shadowed by mid-carder Championships, but the E.C.W. Championship stands alone as being the dominate one of that brand.
its the main title of a brand, yes it counts, however a year ago it would have counted more having that there were better wrestlers, and bigger names on the brand....

if the woman belt can be know as a worlds title, then the ecw should too. not saying woman shouldent wrestle or the belt dosent count, but a 2 minute match were all the do is pull hair and roll around isnt wrestling. maybe back in the trish status, lita, when she still tried to wrestle torrie wilson days...
I do think that the ECW World Title should be given world title status. After all it is in the name. Like some people have said, it is the top achievement in the ECW brand, so jus like the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight championship for RAW and SmackDown!, its should be given world title status.
I enjoy seeing good athletic competion for the ECW world title as we have seen in the last six months. it is a nice breathe of fresh air from the mat6ches ecw used to have for the title back in the day. so yes, right now, i do see it as a "world" title.
Well this is how I'm going to answer this question does the OVW heavyweight title(or whatever they call it) get world title status, if it does then yeah the ECW title should get world title status seeing as how imo WWECW is basically the next step-up from OVW, as far WWE titles go I have always looked at the ECW title as a title that is in between the World heavyweight and WWE titles and the Us and IC tiles, in other words It's either the top midcard title or the bottom world title in WWE
Well this is how I'm going to answer this question does the OVW heavyweight title(or whatever they call it) get world title status, if it does then yeah the ECW title should get world title status seeing as how imo WWECW is basically the next step-up from OVW, as far WWE titles go I have always looked at the ECW title as a title that is in between the World heavyweight and WWE titles and the Us and IC tiles, in other words It's either the top midcard title or the bottom world title in WWE

Wow you said pretty much what i was gonna say. I was gonna say how Ecw is basically a very well budgeted 'developmental' show.Throw in the fact that ECW doesnt even have it own tours anymore (always touring with smackdown) so how could this 'brand''s title be considered world title status? Consider also most ecw champions and contenders were midcard rejects from other shows( Big Show,Hardcore Holly,Test,Lashley,Morrison hell even RVD was a midcarder for most of his WWE career however he did beat Cena for the wwe title to 'rename' it the ecw title.i really dont think i should have put him in this list).
In my opinion the ECW title is on par with the IC and US championships, in other words a secondary title for a secondary brand.
well At the moment the ecw belt does not have the title world title since I believe ecw hasn't been around the world? I mean with vince of course.
I Also agree that ecw pale in comparsion with heyman. To me its shouldn't even have the same name its so incredably different.
You should not consider WWECW as the old ECW. I personally hated ECW. The WWE has turned it into something watchable to me.

As far as the title goes.. Yes, it is a world title in my opinion. Why? It is the premier belt of ECW. It is the top achievement on the ECW brand. Ture, it is what the old IC title used to be, but that title is now trash.

Are you f*cking serious? You call that sh*t watchable? I cant even sit through half a match it's so horrible. The original ECW was actually entertaining WWE has ruinned ECW the new ECW is a joke. The original ECW reminds me of like cult film classics because it had an underground feel to it. No I do not think the ECW title should have legit title status or whatever because the brand is a joke.
Are you f*cking serious? You call that sh*t watchable? I cant even sit through half a match it's so horrible. The original ECW was actually entertaining WWE has ruinned ECW the new ECW is a joke. The original ECW reminds me of like cult film classics because it had an underground feel to it. No I do not think the ECW title should have legit title status or whatever because the brand is a joke.

I agree with you about how the new ECW isn't what it used to be, but to say that the matches are that bad is a little harsh. CM Punk & Elijah Burke are pure athletes who could (given the proper story lines & such) be the next top superstar. The ECW Championship should be given World Titles status as it is the top title for the brand. Yes it is mostly for the top mid-carders but it still counts since it is a top title of a brand.
I agree with you about how the new ECW isn't what it used to be, but to say that the matches are that bad is a little harsh. CM Punk & Elijah Burke are pure athletes who could (given the proper story lines & such) be the next top superstar. The ECW Championship should be given World Titles status as it is the top title for the brand. Yes it is mostly for the top mid-carders but it still counts since it is a top title of a brand.

Yeah I forgot to add with the exception of CM Punk and Burke I find ECW to be a joke, but they wont push these guys. It took a drug scandal to get WWE to let Punk have the title when he was clearly the most over with crowd for how long? Burke should be moved to Smackdown and built as a heel but they wont do it. I think Punk should've had the belt a while ago but instead they gave it to Lashley and then moved him to Raw which made the title even worth less.
I wouldn't say this title is a "world" championship because at first it might've been, but c'mon, CM Punk and John (Nitro) Morrison As ECW Champions?1?!?!?!?!?! Seriously, I would only think of these two as I-C Title holders, but not CM Punk. He's Nothing.

ps. Retrograderenegades is correct. ECW is NOTHING like it used to be.
I think the ecw championship should be the ECW World Title. It's also the main and only title in the ECW brand.
I think the ecw championship should be the ECW World Title. It's also the main and only title in the ECW brand.

It is the main and only title on ECW, but the ECW Championship isn't being treated as important as it was back at the original ECW.
I wouldn't say this title is a "world" championship because at first it might've been, but c'mon, CM Punk and John (Nitro) Morrison As ECW Champions?1?!?!?!?!?! Seriously, I would only think of these two as I-C Title holders, but not CM Punk. He's Nothing.

Um, Maybe because that's basically what the ECW Title is for. Just like the IC it's getting the star ready for the big time. Only this time it's with a World Title with the same guy having to carry the show. Punk and Morrison did/have done Excellent jobs.

It SHOULD be a World Title, It's a seperate brand, Therefore it needs it's own top title. It should be treated as one also, Which it hasn't. Instead they throw it at the top or in the middle of the card which is pointless if you expect the same guys to be doing the same for a bigger show in RAW/SD!

ps. Retrograderenegades is correct. ECW is NOTHING like it used to be

Yeah, Because it's better. We actually get a chance too see young talent to devolop into main eventers instead of beating each other with weapons and being god awful wrestling wise.
The ECW title IS a legit World Title. Just because it's newer and the title is given to newer wrestlers to prove they can make it as a main-eventer in the WWE doesn't mean it's not a "legit" world title. Or we can go on to say the TNA title has little or no meaning seeing it has no history/legacy what so ever seeing it was only around for some months.

This is the way I see it, if you win the WWE title, you earned to become the number one in the business. WCWorld Heavyweight title (yes, there's no convincing me that the World title isn't the WCW title, despite the WWE or people's claims) indicates you're number 2 in the business and the ECW title indicates you are #3 in the WWE which definitely is something to be in the top 3.

If the ECW title would be the primary championship on RAW or SD!, I'm sure for some it would come to an easier conclusion that it is a legit world title.
This is the way I see it, if you win the WWE title, you earned to become the number one in the business. WCWorld Heavyweight title (yes, there's no convincing me that the World title isn't the WCW title, despite the WWE or people's claims) indicates you're number 2 in the business and the ECW title indicates you are #3 in the WWE which definitely is something to be in the top 3.

Agreed with the first 2 parts disagree with the third. To be ecw champion is to be #3 in the company? That's way off. Johnny Nitro won the championship out of nowhere(after jobbing on Raw) and then got repackaged as champ to try to get over. He isnt /wasnt the #3 draw in the company.Not saying he won't ever be but he isn't here and now.CM Punk same case.The Big Show #3 in the company? etc...i could go with this Only one who might have ever been #3(matter of opinions) in the company and be ecw champion was RVD before ecw's direction shifted. To be ecw champion is to your the best of the 'newer' wrestlers on the roster and the ones who weren't good enough(ecw originals are the exception because its a no brainer) to be on raw or smackdown after already being on the main roster. This doesnt mean that an ecw champion couldnt go on to be a huge star/champion on Raw or Smackdown in the future and be in the top 5 of the company it just means they 're being polished up before being pushed in front of a bigger spotlight.
Just because it is the top belt on the brand does not mean it deserves the World Title label. It is a heavyweight title, and a brand championship, but not a world title. Most people are saying that it is ECW's best belt, so its the World Title, by that logic, any heavyweight title in the world is a "world" title. Is the title belt of every single wrestling federation a world title? No. It simply is not. The term "World Title" implies that the belt itself is respected worldwide, and that it is near the top of the industry. The ECW title is neither. I am one who never thought the original ECW world title was a world title, so this cheap knock off is definetely undeserving of that designation.
The Punk/Morrison title match( the match where Punk FINALLY won) was a semi-classic in m,y opinon.The ECW tilte was actually more credible than the WHC in 2006 until that little disaster we like to call "December 2 Disappoint".After the put the title on Lashley not RVD or Punk,it was clear the wanted the ECW title to be a mere developmental title.Morrison is a good athlete,but his gimmick is terrible.It goes over people's heads because very few people are Jim Morrison or Doors fans.He gets no reaction,but they hoped to force him over with the fans with a ridiculous long reign..If they put the title back on him in the next few weeks & bury Punk,I'm done with ECW.
No way, the ECW Championship should NOT be considered as a legit World Championship. The brand it's on (ECW) is just NOT ECW. I know, I know Vince McMahon is doing everything in his power to reinvent ECW in his own image and get away from the old days of hardcore matches, small arenas and rabid crowds. Sadly fans just need to accept that ECW will NEVER EVER be ECW again. If the brand was called something else and not named after ECW, something people remember and compare it to then maybe it could be passed off as a legit World title but no, it's just not happening. It's ECW and fans will always try and compare it to the past.

The belt is just a tester for up and coming talent to see if they can carry a brand. It's what they've been doing with Morrison and now CM Punk (although their doing it with him because they were forced to) and of course they pulled the same stunt with Lashley. At very first they just put belts on the bigger stars in the brand (RVD and Big Show) when they were getting started to give ECW more star power and ratings but yeah, now it's just a tester belt to see if a guy can make the leap to main event status. It's no bigger than the US or Intercontinental Championships.

Put it this way. If WWE wanted to consider the ECW World Championship as a top title then why would they be sending the ECW Championship match out as first on the card at Unforgiven? World Title's do not open shows.
The ECW champion is the top guy on ECW not no3 in all of WWE.

Thats like saying that the US champion is no2 on Smackdown clearly if he was no 2 on Smackdown then he should be no1 contender for the world heavyweight campionship. The US champ is the top mid card guy not no2!

ECW Championship as it is now called should be considered a world title because its an achievement to win the belt, its to be the best on ECW.

Its not the holder of the belt that makes the belt its the other way around its the belt that makes the holder. No matter who holds a World title it should be just as legit no matter who they beat to win the title, the champion should be the best of their brand no matter who it is.

If there not the best then they will get beat at there next title defense its as simple as that the best will win the world titles.

For this to happen tho WWE needs to change who it considers for a championship, for example Matt Striker can never be a world champion because he is clearly not the best in ECW and dosnt deserve to be called the best in ECW, he can never be champion because a champion needs to be deserving of being called the best in ECW

For example they have to win their way to being champ by beating the best in ECW now striker would never be able to do this.

Were as if Burke did this then okay hes champion because he worked his way to being it he deserved the title because he beat the best and tried his hardest (btw im not hyping Burke just using him as an example).

PS. ECW needs to change before it can have a world title in no way can a developmental show have a world title its like saying yeah hes only champ to see if he can carry a brand and draw fans but at the same time hes the best because he deserves to be and because he worked his way up to being a champion kinda contradicts itself dosnt it.
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