Should the Boys in the Back Go After Cena?


Best for (the Music) Business
For anybody who missed Over the Limit, Big Johnny defeated Cena, with the help of the Big Show, to retain his job as GM. My question is simply this; should everyone in the locker room be at Cena's throat?

Last night, Cena could've put Johnny away easily. However, he wanted to be comical and play around. He wasted too much time, allowing the Big Show to strike and cost him the match. Storyline wise, if I'm a WWE superstar, more specifically someone who hates Laurinaitis or somebody who has been affected by him negatively, I'm mad not only at the Big Show, but at John Cena. If Big Johnny makes anyone else suffer, a great deal of fault is on Cena for joking around and allowing that to happen.

Yes? No?
I like it, but the storyline was that Cena was going to beat up and humiliate Johnny before putting him away. That was always his intent. Maybe he should have changed his strategy due to the stipulation, but kayfabe-wise, if he pinned him straight away, then if he attacked him after the match then Cena could maybe be in trouble for assault or something like that perhaps. Cena had to do his damage bell to bell... the only ting he didn't count on (whicvh all of the IWC predicted) was Big Show intervening.

I don't think anyone would go after Cena, only Big Show ... hopefully it's CM Punk that goes after Show and not Cena because we've seen Show/Cena too many times in the past.
It would make a lot of sense to have somebody angry at him and accuse him of dropping the ball. Like Teddy Long could act passive aggresively scowling at him when he has to do stuff like ring intros for Antonio Cesaro or whatever other degrading things Big Johnny and Eve got him doing.
That actually would make alot of sense, and would be more entertaining than the straight Big Show-Cena feud we're going at
I thought the same throughout the match, surely someone would step up before show and make sure it was a done deal... Even in spite of the stip... It was a massive mistake to use Show in that way and so damned obvious, I was actually mad that it happened after watching a comedy match main event. Surely someone like Brock would have worked better, sure its one more of his dates but he goes in takes out both Cena and JL and puts Cena on top for the pin cos JL failed him... Couldn't Vince himself have done it? What is he "doing" since they took his company... you'd think he'd be all for getting rid of Johnny. They could even have used a "plant" as a way to get a new guy debuted, when JL went into the crown someone like Rollins or Ambrose could have gotten involved and made a big impact... As they aren't officially debuted yet then they would have gotten away with it... Edge? anyone would have worked better than what we got...

Show looked genuinely pissed off at the whole thing, like he doesn't want to be involved in that crapturd of an angle, he was clearly happy putting the hats on kids and being a babyface...

As for the match, JL did a great job of looking like Bob Backlund's son for most of the match, but the whole thing just smelled of "where the hell can we take this?" The two guys who should be most pissed are Bryan and Punk cos their match was great and deserved to end the night...
Who is to say that on Raw tonight, HHH comes out as COO and fires JL for having the Big Show come attack Cena?

As for the topic in hand, I don't see the boys going after Cena for not getting the job done, seeing he was attacked by Show. If anything, I see those who have issues with Big Johnny joining forces with Cena to go against the guys that Johnny has on his side (kinda like what Teddy Long had done, but with a better build to it)
When I saw this thread title I came in here to flame the TS for being a jackass but once I read it it does make some sense in kayfabe and storyline. Most people backstage dislike Johnny and Cena played around and just toyed with instead of winning quick and getting him fired. All in all I think it could be a decent angle.

Rather misleading title though
I wouldn't mind a couple of backstage skits maybe but I wouldn't want it to be a major angle... more because I don't think anybody needs anymore sympathy for John Cena. Maybe a couple of backstage bits people are like yo what happened on back then or call him an idiot but no big deal.
it would be a good storyline to turn him heel buy i highly dought he will ever be a heel cause of all the community work he does and that he is the main reason all the little kids come to the shows and they're already struggling with income so they wont risk losing any fans just to please the internet fans that dislike him
I'm just satisfied Big Show turned heel during this whole angle. Someone that large and imposing should rarely be a babyface, he's more valuable when he's able to put over someone of smaller physical stature.

They should have started his heel turn back at WrestleMania with an embarrassing loss to Rhodes and kept him off TV until Over the Limit for that run-in. The promo with him begging just came off as hackneyed and cheesy.

As to the OT, yes, that would have been an interesting take with all the boys getting hot with Cena but I don't think any of those writers are bright enough to think of something so simple and effective to run by Vince or whoever is okaying TV angles now. They did have to keep the focus on Big Show for that heel promo tonight though so both of those promos might have clashed poorly for now.

I like your idea though for a later vignette or promo, say, the last Raw before No Way Out to show that Cena would have no back-up or support while dealing with Big Show as long as Show is built up as a monster leading up to it with squash matches against other talent; like finding his mean streak made him that much more dangerous.

Hindsight's 20/20 of course and I'm no booker so... yeah, it's their show.
I like it, but the storyline was that Cena was going to beat up and humiliate Johnny before putting him away. That was always his intent.

I don't think anyone would go after Cena, only Big Show ... hopefully it's CM Punk that goes after Show and not Cena because we've seen Show/Cena too many times in the past.
first off, the storyline of Cena wanting to humiliate Johnny wasnt a smart move by WWE as Johnny's insulting and punishment of Cena wasnt anything compared to what he has done to CM Punk as Punk was the guy who was put in this match or this match or was threatened to be screwed only to have him play fair because he was being watched.

As for Punk going after Show, wouldnt want that to happen either, i rather see Show go after someone else, but agree, not Cena, however, we are getting Cena vs. Show for ANOTHER time, hey let's make it a submission match because Cena cant make Show submi...oh wait, they did that didnt they?? As for Punk, it seems like WWE is wisely having another Bryan vs. Punk match which of course is fine with me.
You know, I was kinda thinking the same thing but for a different reason. Did anyone else find it odd that Cena just walked away from that brawl that ended Raw? Ya, he was going after Big Show, but none of his buddies that came out to save his ass knew that. Kayfabe, if I was one of the wrestlers I would've been like, "WTF? I come out here to help you and you decide that now's the time to hit the showers? Well, screw you then pal."
This is actually a very very interesting idea. U can have a few guys like Punk and Sheamus agree with the need to humiliate JL. But others like Teddy who have no choice but to listen to what JL does be pissed at cena because unlike cena he doesnt have the power to take out JL or have a golden opportunity like that as well.

Then u could have someone like randy orton or some other face antihero personality say something like u should have put him away when u had the chance.

Divide the locker room into more than just faces and heels.
I'm not really seeing any reason for the boys in the locker room to go after Cena. Cena's someone that's basically championed them for seemingly forever.

The idea of Cena toying around with Big Johnny instead of just simply beating him was the only way to play the match out. Whenever a wrestler has a match with an authority figure, you have to have the authority figure getting beaten half to death and generally being toyed with. Why? Because the authority figure is an asshole that the fans dislike and want to see get beaten up. Any such match in any other company would've been booked almost exactly the same way. I can understand if people weren't all that excited about it, we've seen it so many times and the outcome was so predictable that Ray Charles, who's both blind & dead, could've seen it coming.

The storyline would play out with all the faces watching the match backstage and getting a thrill out of seeing Big Johnny getting beaten up. The problem with the concept was is that it just wasn't exciting enough to warrant being put on a ppv. If the boys would be upset at anyone, it'd be Big Show. After all, Big Show did "sell out" and helped keep the man that they all hate stay in charge.
So Cena clowns around with Laurinaitis and people are angry it didnt make sense from a logical standpoint. Yet if Cena put him away in 30 seconds like he could have done there would be outrage the match was so short...:lmao:

I enjoyed the match, from an entertainment standpoint it was amusing and made sense. Its a scrpted Wrestling match, enjoy it for what it is!

But no, the locker room shouldnt go after Cena at all. It would be taking the stroyline far too seriously if they did. Maybe they should go after Big Show for costing Cena the match.
It would certainly be cool if the whole roster united against one man but I cant see it ever happening. Problem with this is when and how does it end. Instantly, the only way i could imagine is someone like HHH or the Rock defending cena.

Raw hinted that it will be a divide of the roster which i feel is a better option. One side will be team Johnny and the other side will be against Johnny (i imagine Cena will be the leader of this side) and i feel this could be really entertaining. If done correctly it will create chaos which will be intriguing for the viewers.
Half of them might, kayfabe wise...but the other half would back Cena up. I agree with MCMG, this is going to lead to a divided roster.

I am fairly sure that this is just the precursor to the "REVOLUTION" that is coming. You will have the heels supporting JL, the establishment, and the faces will play the role of the rebel, opposed to JL. The Revolution could very well be a reversed nWo kind of thing, where the rebellious faction is composed of faces rather than typical heels. Think back to how Nexus got Triple H removed from his position. Heels removing a face authority figure by creating an unsafe work environment. Okay, so flip that idea. Have faces do the exact same thing, following the same logic.

Either way, it will be open warfare between the two sides. Should be fun.
I suppose that ship has sailed since every good guy in the locker room rushed to Cena & Sheamus's defense on Raw, but they could still use this for a scene or two, maybe a one-show storyline where some wrestler wants a match against Cena as revenge for Johnny still being around.

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